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PvP 50's Average Wins and Runtimes


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Average Win Rate: 45.90% (Sample of 22)

Average Run Time: 9.25 minutes (Sample of 13)


In this Thread, I'm looking for Lvl 50 player input on their average win rate. Additional helpful information would be your valor rank, current gear, and if you are primarily PuG or Premade queuing.


For example, I'd put mine at about 2 out of 3, and maybe on a decent day 3 out of 4. My highest valor was only Lvl 57, but I also have 3 lvl 50's, with the first to nearly Valor 56 and played pre-valor changes. All of my 50's pre-patch were in full champion, saving up BM bags, and have since switch to recruit gear + 2-3 pieces of BM. I am primarily a PuG'er, although I have a few friends that run with me as a premade, often over vent.


Also I would appreciate player opinions on the average run times of their warzones. Voidstar and Huttball both have a max of about 15 minutes, while Civil War and NC are much more dependent on the players capping.


I myself would put the average run time at 12 minutes.


I would ask that players be reasonable, and avoid making this another "My side loses all the time because of X." Also, for all interested, I'm looking for this data to improve upon a suggestion for an alternative end game progression system. The links below are related threads:


PVE Endgame Runtimes

A Suggestion for End-game Progression


(Small edit: Added my average run time and made a "poll" at the top)

Edited by Doomsdaycomes
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I would say I win about 60 percent of the time. It's definitely more than half but it's pretty even which I like.


Play a Jedi Guardian with full BM and two pieces of War Hero, Valor rank 71. Primarily solo queue, once and awhile I will join a couple friends.


I can't say for certain the average run times. Some games are really close and last the whole duration while others are facerolls. Average 10 minutes I would say.


Hope this helps and good luck!

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Average Win Rate: ~95%

Average Run Time: ~7-8 mins

Valor Rank: 87

Queue status: Premade 9/10

Current Gear WH weapon and 4x WH armor pieces rest BM / Alsfo got full BM tankset for Ball running or area defense.

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Average Win Rate: ~95%

Average Run Time: ~7-8 mins

Valor Rank: 87

Queue status: Premade 9/10

Current Gear WH weapon and 4x WH armor pieces rest BM / Alsfo got full BM tankset for Ball running or area defense.


Yah an Imperial.


My win rate? ohh around 30% or less and i am on Ajunta Pall and play Republic, often during primetime there is over 100 Republic players,The 50's bracket has atleast one of three premades from the Imperial side if not three daily/nightly the gear disparity is telling and only getting worse,i have no clue about the 49 and under bracket.

Edited by Sathid
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Average Win Rate: ~95%

Average Run Time: Huttball <5 mins if queued with tank, rest 7-9 mins

Valor Rank: 90

Queue status: Premade: 30% 2-3 ppl, 70% 4 ppl

Current Gear: WH weapon, 5x WH Armor, 2x WH Implants, WH Ear, WH Belt, 2100 ranked comms currently saved.

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Yah an Imperial.


My win rate? ohh around 30% or less and i am on Ajunta Pall and play Republic, often during primetime there is over 100 Republic players,The 50's bracket has atleast one of three premades from the Imperial side if not three daily/nightly the gear disparity is telling and only getting worse,i have no clue about the 49 and under bracket.


Pretty similar experience on Ajunta Pall as a Republic.


Average Win Rate: 35% (60-70% vs most Imperials, 0-5% vs Mouretsu Premades)

Average Run Time: ~8-12 mins

Valor Rank: 72

Queue status: PuG 95% of the time

Current Gear 2 WH pieces, the rest BM

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58 Warzones, level 50, 100% solo-queue

Full BM, some pieces of WH, valor 74, Darth Sion


32 Wins (55%)

26 Losses (45%)


Number of Warzones starting uneven (8 vs 7 or worse): 33 (56%)*

(*at peak times, this number is lower but during off hours, much higher)


Did not take the average play time, but I estimate it to be around 10-15 minutes per WZ.

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Updated up top and here.


Average Win Rate: 55.75% (Sample of 8)

Average Run Time: 10 minutes (Sample of 6)


Please continue adding your average wins and game times. Also please keep in mind this threads purpose it to acheive an average expected win rate among players, and not to complain about pvp issues ("Op" classes, imbalance, etc...) to avoid and unwanted blame throwing/name calling and general misdirection.


Thank you all who posted!

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Win rate before 50 = 80%

Win rate at 50 = 10%

Valor Rank = 30

Side = Empire

Gear = a few pvp items

queue = solo


The reasons for the different stats before and after 50 is a premade that is somehow able to queue with atleast 6 sometimes 8 players, they are rep. and dominate the server - all in full pvp gear ofc.

Edited by RachelAnne
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Bracket: 50


Class: Sorcerer

Spec: Heals

Gearing/Valor: Valor 64, full BM gear, 2pc Mystic, 3pc Master

Que: 95% solo ques

Win Ratio: Approx 65%(often higher if I only que when I know the decent imps on server are online, but for this thread purpose I'll count all time periods)

Runtimes: Most often 10 min or less

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Yah an Imperial.


My win rate? ohh around 30% or less and i am on Ajunta Pall and play Republic, often during primetime there is over 100 Republic players,The 50's bracket has atleast one of three premades from the Imperial side if not three daily/nightly the gear disparity is telling and only getting worse,i have no clue about the 49 and under bracket.


Hmm strange ... I am republic on AP, I would venture my win rate is almost double 30% ... for instance, yesterday it took me 3 matches to get the daily done, Saturday 5 matches, Friday 4 matches (and that is not an unusual stretch for me, GW2 beta or not) ... overall though, I'd guess it is probably closer to 50-50. 100% solo q machine here.


30%? No wonder folks are so rude at times. I would be an *** too if it took me 10 matches to get the daily done.


Ya know, if you find yourself constantly getting matched against Sleen or Mouretsu ... take a 5m break and get out of cycle with them. Pugs vs a less than clueless guild will get stomped in this game ... its not saying you are bad, your teammates are bad, or the imps are great ... organization is trump, they have it, you don't ... until BW levels the playing field and implements a fair q'ing system, change your luck.

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Hmm strange ... I am republic on AP, I would venture my win rate is almost double 30% ... for instance, yesterday it took me 3 matches to get the daily done, Saturday 5 matches, Friday 4 matches (and that is not an unusual stretch for me, GW2 beta or not) ... overall though, I'd guess it is probably closer to 50-50. 100% solo q machine here.


30%? No wonder folks are so rude at times. I would be an *** too if it took me 10 matches to get the daily done.


Ya know, if you find yourself constantly getting matched against Sleen or Mouretsu ... take a 5m break and get out of cycle with them. Pugs vs a less than clueless guild will get stomped in this game ... its not saying you are bad, your teammates are bad, or the imps are great ... organization is trump, they have it, you don't ... until BW levels the playing field and implements a fair q'ing system, change your luck.


^_^ while the last part isn't quite on topic, it is actually a great point. Often when in the queue, there will be 2 groups form each side going. When you match ends, it will re-queue against the same enemy, since the other two groups are already in a match. Wait a few minutes, then requeue. Not 100% effective, but it's better than 0%.


@HooiserDuke: Just to clarify, did you put your average win rate at 50% or 60%?

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Win rate before 50 = 80%

Win rate at 50 = 10%

Valor Rank = 30

Side = Empire

Gear = a few pvp items

queue = solo


Sounds a lot like me atm.


I play empire on The Fatman server. Been lvl 50 for three days, so I'm still rather squishy despite the recruit gear a few pieces of BM. Was pretty successful in the 10-49 zones however.


I've noticed imps on my server have MANY fresh 50s due to all the rerolls we constantly get. So it's not usual to be on a team where more than half of us have only 13-14k hp while the repubs are full of 17-20k hp players = us getting decimated.

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Win rate before 50 = 80%

Win rate at 50 = 10%

Valor Rank = 30

Side = Empire

Gear = a few pvp items

queue = solo


The reasons for the different stats before and after 50 is a premade that is somehow able to queue with atleast 6 sometimes 8 players, they are rep. and dominate the server - all in full pvp gear ofc.


This is so much like my own statistics


Win Pre-50 = 70%

Win after 50 = 5%

Faction = Empire

Valor = 30-40

Gear = Half Recruit, 3 Champion, 1 BM

Queue = Solo


WZ Runtime

Alderaan 10-15

Void Star 1 Full round of attacking, 30 seconds defending :\

Huttball 5 min

Denova 8 min

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Win Rate: Solo queue vs Premade: 10-20%

Win Rate: Solo queue vs PuG: 65-75%

Win Rate: Premade (guild, not PvP focused) vs Premade (pvp focused): 30-40%

Win Rate: Premade (guild, not PvP focused) vs PuG: 60-70%


Average Time:

Denova: 14 minutes

Civil War: 14 minutes

Huttball: 6-12 minutes (depends on group compositions)

Voidstar: 7-14 minutes (depends on group compositions)


I'm partially WH/BM geared, though not yet optimized.

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Hey guys, thank you everyone else who posted. My brain is kinda sleepy, so I'll be back to update in a few hours.


One request is to avoid the Pre-50 win rate, just to simply keep down clutter when I'm looking for numbers. Anything else like Pug Vs. Premade I'll average out before adding your average to the pool. thank you!

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I'td be more useful if you ask people's numbers of wins/medals/kills/MVP votes (since those are kept track of by the client) and try to draw something out of that because people are just going to lie/exaggearte their numbers.


I would ask for their wins, but for some reason the tracker doesn't show the number of losses for a better average. This thread is partially to determined what pvp'ers expect their win/loss rate to be.


:-( I wish I could get hard metrics, but unfortunately am limited to survey's and relying on honesty. Thank you all again.

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I would ask for their wins, but for some reason the tracker doesn't show the number of losses for a better average. This thread is partially to determined what pvp'ers expect their win/loss rate to be.


:-( I wish I could get hard metrics, but unfortunately am limited to survey's and relying on honesty. Thank you all again.


You can infer the win/loss ratio by the total kills and medals, since losses don't show up. The guy with a higher kill/medal to wins probably didn't win very often.

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I'td be more useful if you ask people's numbers of wins/medals/kills/MVP votes (since those are kept track of by the client) and try to draw something out of that because people are just going to lie/exaggearte their numbers.


dno how these Numbers would help with a w/l estimate, the other way does idd make it possible for ppl to lie/exaggerate, but then again I could just aswell have lost 400 games w/o any one beeing able to tell.

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dno how these Numbers would help with a w/l estimate, the other way does idd make it possible for ppl to lie/exaggerate, but then again I could just aswell have lost 400 games w/o any one beeing able to tell.


260 wins 4033 medals is 15.5 medals per win.


What you can do is simply take all these numbers and take the lowest avearage guy and assume he wins 100% and the highest average guy as if he wins 0%, and then extrapolate everyone else's records with that range. Since losses don't show up, the more losses you have the higher your medal per win is going to be, so lower is definitely better here.

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I use to keep track of my solo queues so I could compare to my premades. This data is pre1.2. I haven't been tracking stats since then, but I project the solo-queue win rate is slightly better now.


Mission	#     Lost	Won	 %

Voidstar	25	15	10	0.4
Alderaan	28	20	8	0.28
Hutball	12	9	3	0.25
Total	65	44	21	
	       0.67	 0.32
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