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FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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Yes, I am serious. The scale of the Asia-Pacific transfer was a fraction of what general transfers would represent; in the case of a general transfer, they'd potentially be moving millions of player accounts. Additionally, the test was not bug free and they are still working to correct damage done to character data during the transfer process.


how are they moving millions of accounts,when ther is only 1 million? and they arent moving everyone,just people on horrible servers.

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Man some people really lack reading comprehension skills. Early summer = mid-May to mid-June. June 22nd equals the summer solstice, or the day when the Sun is at the zenith in terms of equatorial alignment with the Earth...translation, middle of the summer.


So you can expect to see free server transfers anytime really in the next month and a half or so.


Thank you.


technically,june 21st is the first day of summer

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Wow didn't cost a few hundred million to make and certainly didn't have server transfers after 6 months.


Then again, how long was it after Rift released that they offered transferred again?


Because that game cost a few hundred million to make and was owned by a company who made a big loss last year.


Lol, I ain't got nothing to lose, looks like some already have.


It may have been about a year in, but WoW certainly did have transfers available while still in classic. I used them.

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Paid transfers..... great... I can't wait to pay $50 to move the two characters I've avoided playing from my old servers to me new ones.....



Way to penny pinch Bioware....


This is honestly the only way to do it. If they offered free transfers to any server we'd end up with 4 fatmans with 2 hour queues to get in and completely dead servers everywhere else. They need to offer free transfers to help stem the flow and spread the population out over like 20 servers. Paid server transfers for people who really really want to play on a specific server.

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Paid transfers..... great... I can't wait to pay $50 to move the two characters I've avoided playing from my old servers to me new ones.....



Way to penny pinch Bioware....


What, you couldn't wait for them to announce which transfers will be free and which will be paid, or thse cost of the transfers before you started whining?

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This is honestly the only way to do it. If they offered free transfers to any server we'd end up with 4 fatmans with 2 hour queues to get in and completely dead servers everywhere else. They need to offer free transfers to help stem the flow and spread the population out over like 20 servers. Paid server transfers for people who really really want to play on a specific server.




If the transfers were FREE, then you could always switch to a heavy server off Fatman were the Pop is high but the queue isn't as bad. As is, if you're on a "good enough" server, you'll either need to pay real money for shorter LFG queues or pay real money to transfer your characters.


It's ridiculous.

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What, you couldn't wait for them to announce which transfers will be free and which will be paid, or thse cost of the transfers before you started whining?


All servers suck with the exception of a few. I have characters on some "standard" servers and I could never find a group on any of them. Having 30-40 people on fleet and 5-15 on most planets isn't good enough. I rerolled on two servers that are normally heavy and saved the characters that were on the lower populated servers with hopes of transferring them later. Since there's no way they'll allow free transfers to an already heavily populated server, I might as well delete the toons I've been saving. I will not pay them real money for their poor decisions.

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If you think there is no possible way for bioware to migrate character information from one server to another then you are just not very well informed on how these things work.


At this rate GW2 really will be the nail in the coffin. These low pop servers will be totally empty once it releases.

I keep informed of general processes and Bioware's unique difficulties. The transfer process used in other games was insufficient, as it could not deal with Legacy information. Best case scenario the information was lost. Worst case, the character was corrupted. In order to address these issues a new process had to be developed. The Asia-Pacific transfers were the test of that process. In regard to GW2, it will go through it's own growing pains. All titles in the industry do. It won't even represent a significant threat to any existing title until it attains its own mature state six months to a year after its launch.

Just so some of you "bioware cant fix it unsub or wait" bsers understand the problem. Yesterday I was at fleet with my friend we were the only 2 people at fleet, this needed fixing a month ago not in 2 months time.
We understand the issue. Some of us play on dead servers ourselves. That doesn't change the situation. You cannot be offered what does not yet exist.
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All servers suck with the exception of a few. I have characters on some "standard" servers and I could never find a group on any of them. Having 30-40 people on fleet and 5-15 on most planets isn't good enough. I rerolled on two servers that are normally heavy and saved the characters that were on the lower populated servers with hopes of transferring them later. Since there's no way they'll allow free transfers to an already heavily populated server, I might as well delete the toons I've been saving. I will not pay them real money for their poor decisions.


You ever think about joining a guild? I mean if you insist on doing pick ups then ya you will be disappointed.

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how are they moving millions of accounts,when ther is only 1 million? and they arent moving everyone,just people on horrible servers.
1.7 million as of last count, but that's just active accounts. Though they may not have to move them, the developers need to have a system in place capable of transferring all accounts made in the game; it's reasonable for them to expect the availability of transfers will bring players back, but without knowing how many cancelled accounts will be reactivated they have to prepare for best-case scenario.
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All servers suck with the exception of a few. I have characters on some "standard" servers and I could never find a group on any of them. Having 30-40 people on fleet and 5-15 on most planets isn't good enough. I rerolled on two servers that are normally heavy and saved the characters that were on the lower populated servers with hopes of transferring them later. Since there's no way they'll allow free transfers to an already heavily populated server, I might as well delete the toons I've been saving. I will not pay them real money for their poor decisions.


Again, you don't know what transfers will cost money and which ones don't. While I doubt they'll let everyone transfer to a high-pop server for free, it wouldn't surprise me if they allowed it for people who already had characters on a server.


But I'm guessing. I have no idea what the final implementation is going to be, and neither do you.

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If the transfers were FREE, then you could always switch to a heavy server off Fatman were the Pop is high but the queue isn't as bad. As is, if you're on a "good enough" server, you'll either need to pay real money for shorter LFG queues or pay real money to transfer your characters.
Your statement is based entirely on assumption. There's nothing to indicate that this will happen.
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Why are there gamers out there that talk about how much this game cost to make? You're a gamer, not an investor ... why in the hell are you so worried about it?


Why are there gamers out there that talk about the investing company not making a profit this year? You're gamers, not stock market brokers or investors, so why in the hell are you worried about it?


When this game launched, these boards were filled with posts demanding servers be added due to server log-in queues. They added more servers. Now, the newness has worn off and servers are declining in population. This is normal activity in MMO's today. Why are so many people acting like this is some kind of global tragedy that's never happened before?


The Devs release a statement stating server transfers are coming soon, yet many are saying it's too little, too late. Too little, too late for what? If you're not happy with the game, why are you still playing it? If you're not happy with your server population, why don't you re-roll? Are you so attached to a pixel character that you have separation anxiety?



Gamers aren't gamers these days ... they're mostly over opinionated wind-bags with a keyboard. You should be ashamed of yourselves. It's a game ... play it to have fun or move on to the next entertainment venue.

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The main problem comes from the fact that they limit were you can transfer and they are going to make you pay for the choice. Seems to me that they are out to get more money.
Why is that an issue? It's standard for the industry, and for good reason. They need a method, for example, of preventing everyone from simply transferring to the Fatman. They need some control of population movement in order to properly redistribute players as evenly as possible across the servers they wish to focus on.
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just loged out from my server been talking in general. All people leaving no one stay at all. everyone going to try GW ppl just waiting when will be end of subscription.


I'm going to play GW2 also, and Tera, and Mists of Pandoria, and anything else that hits the gaming market. Why? Because I think it's foolish for a true "gamer" to limit themselves to just one title. I play them all! If they're fun, I continue playing. If I'm not having fun, I try something else.


I am enjoying SWTOR. It's a fun game. But to limit myself to one game doesn't make the game of my choice superior, it makes me narrow minded when it comes to gaming choices.

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