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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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Whats so magical about the month of May?


Heres One...

If your 1 minute microwave burrito doesnt cook in 30 seconds will you throw it a way?

This also applies to Corn Dogs.cooking times may vary depending on microwave wattage.


And heres another one, if you walked into a resturant ordered a burrito and they said it will be ready soem time this afteroon, when would you leave? immediately , 1 hour, 2 hours?

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No! I love the game and will coninue to support it with my money. we should be in good ahape once we loose the folks who are waiting on GW2 and D3.


Also looking forward to more starwars and less fantasy games.


Yeah losing subs is always a great way to improve a game :rolleyes:

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Yeah losing subs is always a great way to improve a game :rolleyes:


Spending significant resources on a tiny minority of vocal complainers is also not a great way to improve a game.

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And heres another one, if you walked into a resturant ordered a burrito and they said it will be ready soem time this afteroon, when would you leave? immediately , 1 hour, 2 hours?


Your expectation of a fast food restaurant is near-instant service.


If you have that expectation in an MMO...you are playing the wrong game. Your expectations may vary but you should never expect updates to be there the moment you demand them.


Your analogy fails.

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May as well save yourself the extra $15 of cash (times however many months) and go back to WoW now ... because its been confirmed there will be no Cross-Server LFG for 1.3.




If this is your problem however, this can be done with the regular in-server LFG tool. No idea why you bring up this point knowing this problem will be solved in 1.3 already. Now, if instant "I want a group nao!" function is what you are actually having a problem with then id understand ...


Not to derail the thread, but the singler server LFG tool they are working on will fail to deliver, and a X-server one will come shortly thereafter.


Frankly, I'm glad they are working on the single server one now, so they can see that it does not help anything, and they can begin work on the true LFG tool that we need.


It will come. I have patience.

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Your expectation of a fast food restaurant is near-instant service.


If you have that expectation in an MMO...you are playing the wrong game. Your expectations may vary but you should never expect updates to be there the moment you demand them.


Your analogy fails.


You do realize when all these dead server threads started right? or do you think the shrinking population and dead servers just came up last month? Ive been aware of it for a few months, so bioware should have been aware of it immediately which was probably several months ago.

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You do realize when all these dead server threads started right? or do you think the shrinking population and dead servers just came up last month? Ive been aware of it for a few months, so bioware should have been aware of it immediately which was probably several months ago.


Incidentally, they've known about it since the game started development; Daniel Erickson was recently quoted as saying (and I'm paraphrasing here) "All MMOs go through a drop of concurrent users." If this is true, and it was something the team was aware of, then how in the galaxy did the problem become so widespread? Why weren't the contingencies (transfers and mergers) ready for the "inevitable" user decline? Why did they--against their own better judgement--open so many servers?


For the record, I have yet to experience server population woes. My experience is fine, though I have noticed a decline of concurrent users over the last month or so--which I can only imagine is awful on servers with low populations.

Edited by Dezzi
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Not to derail the thread, but the singler server LFG tool they are working on will fail to deliver, and a X-server one will come shortly thereafter.


Frankly, I'm glad they are working on the single server one now, so they can see that it does not help anything, and they can begin work on the true LFG tool that we need.


It will come. I have patience.


Yeah i totaly agree, but it is still very disturbing that the devs of an mmo this big did not know this and even more disturbing that they still might not realize it now.

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Ofc GW2 will have balanced PvP...all 3 factions have the same(not mirrored) classes....really wish people would do some research on the game before posting, it makes you look uneducated
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Ofc GW2 will have balanced PvP...all 3 factions have the same(not mirrored) classes....really wish people would do some research on the game before posting, it makes you look uneducated


Just to be clear, GW2 doesn't feature factions at all. Players exist in a cooperative environment where hard-line factions are a thing of the past. The divisions are primarily cosmetic; players are separated only by their choice of race. Even then, players can choose to adventure in another race's homeland instead of their own.

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Just to be clear, GW2 doesn't feature factions at all. Players exist in a cooperative environment where hard-line factions are a thing of the past. The divisions are primarily cosmetic; players are separated only by their choice of race. Even then, players can choose to adventure in another race's homeland instead of their own.


RIGHT you are absolutely correct..I just used the term factions so people could relate to it being a 3 sided server war....ALSO to the. guy saying GW2 will ONLY have large battles...wrong again, WvWvW will have smallmans roaming. and picking off people and fighting other smallmans all day long.

On top of that. GW2 also features Structered PvP...which is like Warzones in SwtoR...where u can battle 1v1,2v2..5v5...8v8 10v10 etc....objective based arena basically


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First, GW2 Quest Line is far more advance and interaction then pick up quest here turn quest in there. BUT GW2 Actually has Massive PVP. If want PVE, Agreed Stay with SWTOR. They will have a lot more PVE content then GW2. But for myself who is a PVPer I need constant action besides 3 or 4 same old wz that are dull and bland. I Swear WvW was the most fun i had since high days of DAoC.


So, on top of being a bad game, it will have a cesspool community?


Where do I sign!!!! :rolleyes:

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NDA for GW2 was lifted according to the email I got before the weekend test.



no its not an open beta, you still have to apply to get into it and that's not a guarantee. the only way to have sure fire access to the beta is to pre-purchase (prepay in full) the game. hence it is still a closed beta as it is not open to all, IE the NDA is still in effect.
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Played GW2 today. Its really really bad. The voice acting is horrible the graphics sub par. It looks just like WoW. Also cash shop is extensive. So ya not worried about GW2. Its a huge disappointment even to me and I had no real high expectations.


I totally agree! Only a fool would give up SWTOR for generic shovelware like GW2.

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Incidentally, they've known about it since the game started development; Daniel Erickson was recently quoted as saying (and I'm paraphrasing here) "All MMOs go through a drop of concurrent users." If this is true, and it was something the team was aware of, then how in the galaxy did the problem become so widespread? Why weren't the contingencies (transfers and mergers) ready for the "inevitable" user decline? Why did they--against their own better judgement--open so many servers?


For the record, I have yet to experience server population woes. My experience is fine, though I have noticed a decline of concurrent users over the last month or so--which I can only imagine is awful on servers with low populations.


They were too busy yanking Rateds and adding useless legacy crap and emotes. Weren't you there for 1.2?

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NDA for GW2 was lifted according to the email I got before the weekend test.


It also says, "As this is no longer a 'closed' beta, you're not bound by a Non-Disclosure Agreement, so feel free to talk about your Guild Wars 2 experience with your friends, family, and total strangers" right on the launcher.

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While I agree with you that some of these threads verge on the ridiculous, what's stopping you from not reading them in the first place?


It's like a good car crash. Just too tempting to pass up (especially when you can see first hand the stupidity of some of the MMO playerbase at large).


You are right though, the Moderators should be allowed to close threads like this from the get-go. Not doing so just validates the creation of similar threads, ad infinitum.


And this coming from a guy who gets repremanded on the forums occassionally for not playing all nicey nice with the trolls/haters. I won't stop, though. And I won't begrudge the moderators for taking action. I just wish they'd take more.

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