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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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Wow you consider people disagreeing with you as some kind of attack?


Not at all.


"Thats what you guys cannot seem to grasp." after a strawman typically is, though. It's a competitive market for a reason, though. Because, you know, MMOs compete for the same player.

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I see most peoples points, on one side of the fence you have mmo vets that realize this game has been a 4 month beta and lacks endame and any form of competitive pvp or raiding. AND no grinding warzones is not competitive pvp kiddies. Then on the other side of the fence is the more new to mmo people and star wars fans, which I can deff see how they would love this game. I am a mmo vet so this game has really nothing left to offer me cuz i am simply not interested in running around like a kid trying to get some goofy companion. I would rather be in a 3v3 arena. So I think its fair to say there is a big fork in the road here. I think this is fairly obvious and prob half the population are vets waiting for the next real mmo. Comes down to what ever you enjoy. Hardcore players this way, pet collectors and starwars fans this way lmao
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I see most peoples points, on one side of the fence you have mmo vets that realize this game has been a 4 month beta and lacks endame and any form of competitive pvp or raiding. AND no grinding warzones is not competitive pvp kiddies. Then on the other side of the fence is the more new to mmo people and star wars fans, which I can deff see how they would love this game. I am a mmo vet so this game has really nothing left to offer me cuz i am simply not interested in running around like a kid trying to get some goofy companion. I would rather be in a 3v3 arena. So I think its fair to say there is a big fork in the road here. I think this is fairly obvious and prob half the population are vets waiting for the next real mmo. Comes down to what ever you enjoy. Hardcore players this way, pet collectors and starwars fans this way lmao


Oh, if only the world were so black and white. ;) I'm an MMO vet, over a decade now, and I'm still thoroughly enjoying TOR. Of course, I don't PuG, and every member of my guild are still playing, and I'm on a fairly well-populated server. I can see the frustration of players that PuG on a low-pop server. That's gotta suck.

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I see most peoples points, on one side of the fence you have mmo vets that realize this game has been a 4 month beta and lacks endame and any form of competitive pvp or raiding. AND no grinding warzones is not competitive pvp kiddies. Then on the other side of the fence is the more new to mmo people and star wars fans, which I can deff see how they would love this game. I am a mmo vet so this game has really nothing left to offer me cuz i am simply not interested in running around like a kid trying to get some goofy companion. I would rather be in a 3v3 arena. So I think its fair to say there is a big fork in the road here. I think this is fairly obvious and prob half the population are vets waiting for the next real mmo. Comes down to what ever you enjoy. Hardcore players this way, pet collectors and starwars fans this way lmao


What about gamers like me? I'm an MMO vet who also happens to be a huge SW fan!

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Let me point out all of the things that are wrong with your post.


1) Server populations are suffering beyond belief.


In another thread there was someone else claiming the same thing. The poster claimed that 80% of the servers were light and that too few servers had significant or stable (standard) populations. I informed him that during the week the servers are typically 30% light. He attempted to use off-hours as evidence that they were infact 80% or more. That same day (a Thursday) at peak hours I checked the server status and guess what. About 25% of the servers were light. This has been the trend since late January. Server populations are not suffering beyond belief. It's a vocal minority who happen to be on low population servers making these doomsday remarks and the people who aren't truly suffering the same problems but using it as some kind of ammo against this game. It's unfortunate and I feel bad for those people but their problems are found on 25% of the servers. Just so we're clear, those light servers may represent 25% of the server total but they do not represent 25% of the game's total population.


2) An overwhelming majority of players are dissatisfied and unhappy with the direction of the game.


Exaggerated remarks like this are so common on these forums that I would really like to see a psychological study group come check them out. Apparently you haven't been paying attention to your own thread. If you were, you would see that this thread alone has nowhere near an overwhelming majority of its posters that say they're unhappy with this game and/or leaving. You and your guildmates are and so that is enough for you to determine that most people are as well? My friends and I did not like the Guild Wars 2 beta. Does that mean that most people didn't as well? Until you can provide hard evidence of this claim you look like a fool for making it.


3) The "sever population is dropping" thread is the largest, longest running thread on the forums.


Your point being? Have you looked at that thread? You probably did and just like what you apparently do in this thread you probably only saw what you wanted to see. The people who are complaining about it. Nevermind the many, many people in that thread who argue against it. There were threads longer running than that about people wanting to switch their advanced classes. Does that mean that the idea of switching advanced classes is desired by this "overwhelming majority"? No. It simply means that it went on for a long time and many people contributed. In my experience around here negative threads normally have a handful of people complaining and a very large amount of others basically telling them the contrary. I saw it with advanced class switching. I saw it with space combat. I saw it with the rakghoul event. A thread can be reset 30 times but if it's basically the same people crying and a ton of people telling them to stop crying your idea that it somehow represents a majority is very, very wrong.


As well, OP. Why are you even still here? You apparently don't like this game or don't think that it will be saved. You've already made it very clear that you have a love affair with Guild Wars 2 which I have a feeling you'll complain about a couple months after its release. You've shown an apparent disregard for the people who feel contrary to you. Your only purpose with this thread now seems to be to convince people that this game is going nowhere and that another MMO is where it's at. Personally if I was a mod I would have locked this thread and banned your account for adamantly promoting another game and giving non-constructive criticisms of this one. You're entitled to your opinion but we are painfully aware of what you're opinion is because you've puked it up post after post. Now it just seems like you're trying to convert people and using this thread as some form of self-validation. In this thread there are a couple people who share your views and a whole lot who don't. You said you wanted to see what 1.3 brings but you've really made up your mind already. So I ask you... what is your purpose at this point?


Holy Batman /thread.


These threads are getting old indeed. The ultimatum threads where if the OP does not get what he wants then BioWare will suffer the wrath of unsubbing! As if their $15 a month is worth more than hundreds of thousands of other players. There is no one forcing these players to stay here, no gun pointed to their head, no lightsaber to their throats. Yet they linger the forums, bash the game intensively, ridicule others who have a fondness for the game, and just burden themselves by sticking to something they obviously loathe. Me personally when I do not like a product I just stop using it. Whatever happened to that?


The worst part is that these players assume changes could be done at a drop of a hat. I took programming, for two semesters my freshman year, sure it wasn't enough to fully grasp the skill, but from the basics, it's not hard to see that it is a time consuming process. Just making a character walk takes weeks of work. More patches will come I hope, but I know they won't be rolled at my convenience. A matter of patience.

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Holy Batman /thread.


These threads are getting old indeed. The ultimatum threads where if the OP does not get what he wants then BioWare will suffer the wrath of unsubbing! As if their $15 a month is worth more than hundreds of thousands of other players. There is no one forcing these players to stay here, no gun pointed to their head, no lightsaber to their throats. Yet they linger the forums, bash the game intensively, ridicule others who have a fondness for the game, and just burden themselves by sticking to something they obviously loathe. Me personally when I do not like a product I just stop using it. Whatever happened to that?


The worst part is that these players assume changes could be done at a drop of a hat. I took programming, for two semesters my freshman year, sure it wasn't enough to fully grasp the skill, but from the basics, it's not hard to see that it is a time consuming process. Just making a character walk takes weeks of work. More patches will come I hope, but I know they won't be rolled at my convenience. A matter of patience.


While I agree with you that some of these threads verge on the ridiculous, what's stopping you from not reading them in the first place?

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Holy Batman /thread.


These threads are getting old indeed. The ultimatum threads where if the OP does not get what he wants then BioWare will suffer the wrath of unsubbing! As if their $15 a month is worth more than hundreds of thousands of other players. There is no one forcing these players to stay here, no gun pointed to their head, no lightsaber to their throats. Yet they linger the forums, bash the game intensively, ridicule others who have a fondness for the game, and just burden themselves by sticking to something they obviously loathe. Me personally when I do not like a product I just stop using it. Whatever happened to that?


The worst part is that these players assume changes could be done at a drop of a hat. I took programming, for two semesters my freshman year, sure it wasn't enough to fully grasp the skill, but from the basics, it's not hard to see that it is a time consuming process. Just making a character walk takes weeks of work. More patches will come I hope, but I know they won't be rolled at my convenience. A matter of patience.


Getting old indeed. For the first month or two I could see it but I would have thought that after those people actually did leave that we would have seen the end of them. Apparently some people just can't let go.


I am by no means a blind fan to this game. I have voiced my displeasure a number of times with it. Mostly how poorly I felt the PvP aspect of the game was handled. Only 3 warzones at launch when your biggest competitor has 8 of them. A broken PvP zone when your biggest competitor has done two of them 'well' at the very least. Planet designs and mission area placements that almost seem to discourage open PvP. Unlike PvE, PvP is one of those areas of a game where you really need to make sure there is solid amount of it at launch or else your diehard PvPers will just go to a game that already has it in abundance. I was also not impressed to see certain UI features that are standard in most MMOs not available at launch. Was target-of-target really that difficult?


However, the game does provide for me a solid PvE experience. Plenty of dungeon content to bite into. Good stories and the fact that I have to play all 8 core classes to get the whole picture makes me want to keep plowing through. Raid content that is improving and about what I expected for starters. Cinematic dialogue that has honestly spoiled me for how I expect to interact with NPCs now. Amazing sound quality, music, and voiceovers. The visuals are not top-notch but they're solid for an MMO. What really keeps me coming back is to see what happens next. The game has hooked me in more ways than one. If they would just fix PvP I would sing this game's praises on every other MMO forum around.

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I gave this game a chance few weeks before 1.2, threw in another prepaid. Now I have with the 30 free days artound 50 more days to go.


After that it is the end. 300 man guild with 60 online during weekends in december and jaunary now its down to 6 online during operation's day AKA Tuesday evening, still have to pug the last 2 players.


PvP is mostly huttball, I havent completed the daily heroic FP for over a month, I have not had the chance to do any new heroic quests, nobody bothers with new heroic FP, nobody bothers with new heroic quests for mounts, since its impossible to gather a group for any of them.


Since I am using prepaids, I do not have to unsub. I will just abandon this game.

Edited by Adderdin
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No, Will I play less in May? Absolutely, Diablo 3 is coming out...I will be playing the hell out of it....then I will get bored and put it aside and work on my TOR characters some more. Ultimately I will still play both games, and maybe, if MoP fixes my issues with WoW, I'll pick it up again (instead of paying for it and only hopping on to help guildies every now and again).


If 1.3 isn't out till May I'm perfectly fine with it, I'd rather it be as bug free as possible and not released just to appease the instant gratification crowd.

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Most of my guild has stopped playing already and cancelled subs including myself. There is a combination of reasons why and most have already been mentioned here on the forums. I expected so much more out of this game and maybe that was my bad.


The question then becomes "Will we come back?" and the answer to that question is not for the 1.3 release because it really doesn't address the majority of issues we have with the game. Unless things change and this company begins to answer our questions or at least a good portion of them and understand what it takes to run this type of game, I just don't see the point of giving away my money for a set of services I feel are not consistently provided.

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If bioware would start listening to player feedback rather than outright ignore it all....then I'd be willing to consider maintaining my sub. Feedback is important to you is it? Well actions speak louder than words. It doesn't take much to realize when you are being ignored. If I see the game continue to go in the direction 1.2 went then I am afraid I won't want to continue playing.


PvP was simply better prior to patch 1.2. All we needed was some tweaks to some things and the addition of rated warzones...NOT the *********** machete slash changes across the board we got.

It also wouldn't hurt Bioware to hire an economist to fix their crew skill system and economy as a whole.

Edited by Vinak
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If bioware would start listening to player feedback rather than outright ignore it all....then I'd be willing to consider maintaining my sub. Feedback is important to you is it? Well actions speak louder than words. It doesn't take much to realize when you are being ignored. If I see the game continue to go in the direction 1.2 went then I am afraid I won't want to continue playing.


PvP was simply better prior to patch 1.2. All we needed was some tweaks to some things and the addition of rated warzones...NOT the *********** machete slash changes across the board we got.

It also wouldn't hurt Bioware to hire an economist to fix their crew skill system and economy as a whole.


Multiple options for cooldown animations with cooldown timers, clickable mission items on the mission tracker, UI customization (more than just scaling), more vanity pets, more emotes, increasing operation difficulty, and Ilum being redesigned (in the works) are all examples of things Bioware has done or are in the process of doing that is/was a direct result of player feedback. Just because we're not getting everything we want today does not mean they aren't listening. If you can't see that with the things they've done already then you're just a hopeless case.

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i prefer a bug free game above a big new patch so if they are able to make the game bug free in may i'll be happy


There's no such creature as a bug-free game, even in single players games. I've run into more bugs in Skyrim than I have in TOR, personally. But bug-free?


No game can accomplish that.

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i cant seem to remember wot page my initial comment was on but heres my opinion anyway.


firstly, please stop acting like a spoiled child demanding this and demanding that. im sorry you were not happy with 1.2 but such is the life of an mmo. some people love the content some people moan bout lack of it and so on. this game is 6 and a half months old and has alot more content than many new mmo's at this point. why come here asking people if they are gonna quit if they dont get new content when YOU want it. the world of mmo's usually works like this, if you love playing the game you can be patiant for new content and always find ways to keep yourself entertained. for example the other day my guild was doing denova normal for a laugh raid leader tells some new people to the raid not to leap out of the box if there warrior or anyone to move out of the safe green box in the minefeild, wot happen?? guild leader twice force leaped to mobs making us all laugh. that and trying new difficulties of ops and progressing at our own pace not RUSHING content like hardcore raiding guilds means theres plenty of stuff keeping us interested. me, i keep busy when not much to do by setting myself pvp goals. making certain valour rank in that week or aiming to get this rank for that gear and so on


theres always something to do if u have the mind to do it and are enjoying playing the game


if you are not, demanding new content when u want it and threatening to cancel your subscription is imo pathetic and childish. if your not happy wit the game CANCEL dont ask other people if there gonna quit if they dont get a new patch with alot more new content when u demand it. ragging it out is not gonna make u enjoy game more. and my philosophy is this if ur not enjoying a game, no amount of new content will ever make u happy because once you finish it ull be back at sqaure one again.


to answer the titles question tho. NO op i will not unsub if i dont get new content in may, in fact i will actually show my love of this game and my loyalty to it by saying i couldnt care less if i dont get new content until the year 2020 why because im content with wot i have and love playing this beauitul game. why because im patient and enjoying doing wot i want at my own pace. recently just clearing 8 and 16 man nightmare mode ev. this ame if awesome sure it has bugs it has people who cant play pvp without hacks and other annoying stuff but so wot. name one major mmo of the last 10 years that hasnt had these issues or any bugs at all. new content is FREE therefore is never going to be every month. these free content patches are usually nothing more than a little added extra to the players kind of like a thank you for your continued support and bioware or any other mmo developer is ever requireed to deliver free content, they choise to to keep players happy and playing . lotro free content if im not mistake see nowhere near the amount of free content we got in 1.2 and is usally on a 3-4 month bases so quit moaning.


if this doesnt sink in or u refuse to accept that demanding this crap wont get you anywhere well all i can say to you OP is dont let the door hit u on the behind once u unsub. i have no sympathy for you tbh. u dont liek it dont play simples

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If 1.3 IS out by May I will consider unsubbing? Why?


Because the biggest mistake BIOWARE has ever made (repeatedly) is to rush content. Dragon Age II should have released without the 3rd Act being bugged and so many of the characters being DLC.


Mass Effect 3's ending was too rushed [ I think it was all and indoctrination induced dream].


And SWTOR? Ops/FPs bugged, quests bugged and 1.2 was missing Ranked WZs.





The only brightside to them rushing content is that I've gotten 30 free days of SWTOR because they rushed 1.2.


I'm actually not fazed by the idea that they will rush a patch before finishing it and crash all the servers. It might be the only way they learn to take their time and GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME.

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BW needs to put more resources into the SWTOR game and put out patches quicker.


1.3 should optimally be released, at most, 3 months after 1.2


Do not be like the other game and release content only every 6 months.

That is way way too long.

People will unsubscribe if content takes more than 3 months to be released.


Here is a tip:

Dont put everything into 1.3, even though marketing likes it.

Release some patches with content every month or so.

Let people have new content constantly to keep people entertained.

Big big patches sound nice but not so good if it takes 3+ months to arrive.

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