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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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Nope it's an open beta. Anyone who pre-purchased the game can get into this beta. And no NDA. Your information is outdated.


That is correct. And almost anyone who leaves SWTOR for GW2 will likely be rather disappointed in that decision. Spent most of my idle time yesterday playing there and even though I'm a long time beta tester of many mmo's and other games, I have to say I was seriously underwhelmed and shocked at the state of the game this close to release.

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I like how he calls 1.2 just fluff when the giant does not release content like raids or battlegrounds in a free patch.


WoW does not release major content in thier patch.. they release them with thier expansion which the players have to buy.




Where have you been? Wow does release major instances in there patches

Edited by Parali
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OP, this thread is juvenile at its best. Of coarse its in BW's best interest to pump out patches and content as fast as possible. However, the "give it to me now or I'm quitting" threads show the maturity level of those who subscribe to them.
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We just got 1.2


Why would 1.3 come out in May?


So no, I wont by unsubscribing in May if 1.3 isn't thrown at us finished or not.


The game is absolutely fun and is in fantastic shape when it comes to content and entertainment. The problem is, gamers are so *********** greedy and ridiculous. TOR isn't even 6 months old and people demand more of this and better of that. Give the game a chance! It's a newborn! What do you expect, World of Warcraft? That game has been out for YEARS. It has YEARS of content added to it.


And if you think Guild Wars 2 is gonna be your savior, I would look into that more. I've heard a lot of negative things about it. And not just from gamers who are impossible to please.


As of right now, *I* feel that TOR is the only MMO worth spending time and money on. I always felt WoW was very boring and uninspired in style and could never get past that. Guild Wars was fun but had a very short shelf life and so I wasn't expecting a whole lot from GW2. And so far I hear it isn't anything special.


How someone can get bored with TOR right now is beyond me. So you leveled a character and you're tired of doing the same dailys every day. Make a NEW CHARACTER! There are eight classes and tons to do within each class. There are TONS of little side quests to get neat and hard to find gear, vanity pets, crystals, loot and so on. There's so much to do already and demanding 1.3 before the end of May is absolutely asinine.

Edited by Parali
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Wow really? Yes some people do not like 1.2. However, many people do. When they release 1.x that is FILLED with PVP stuff, I will not like that update.


They can never make everybody happy all the time. MMO communities have the most selfish people in the world I cannot believe it. Yes you might not like 1.2, but lots of other people do. A patch that you will enjoy will be coming soon I bet.


There will NEVER be a patch that EVERYBODY loves. "They added more PVP stuff, what about more PVE?!?!?"


When WoW releases updates that contain new raids or something, I do not complain. I never raid and rarely do PVP or Dungeons since I have done them MANY MANY MANY MANY times before.


People need to stop being selfish. You are expecting too much that even some magical company that has the best game developers in the world cannot match. And guess what? I might not like 1.4's updates (I know 1.3 will have more legacy stuff, so I will like that update).

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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


People who think like you are going to be unhappy no matter what BioWare does. The notion that every feature that is in the game should have been at launch is completely unrealistic, unless you believe game development can be done at no cost and with no time investment.


I'll be subscribing in May with or without another major content update.

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OP, this thread is juvenile at its best. Of coarse its in BW's best interest to pump out patches and content as fast as possible. However, the "give it to me now or I'm quitting" threads show the maturity level of those who subscribe to them.


Sorry, sorry...in advance but I had to LOL when I read your post here and then saw your avatar name. :D


I agree with your sentiment re: content/patches. It's not as easy as a lot of folks think it is.

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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


I agree with the last part. Due to school, I haven't been able to play much. But, as you said in a later post:


Now Granted had the game not been rushed for a Holiday money grab - more things might be implemented.


This is why, personally, I'm giving BW more time to implement whatever content that happens to be.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon.


And, I wish you all luck in your search for other virtual adventures.


Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:

Originally Posted by James Ohlen

Well, Star Wars: The Old Republic is already out so I wont plug the gameplay because I am sure everyone already knows what that is. For 2012 we really want players to, going back to the subscription model, feel like they're getting their money's worth. So the scope of our game updates in 2012 is going to be unimaginable. You're going to see so many changes and additions to the Star Wars Universe, it's going to be impressive. We have our Update 1.2 coming in the next week and then after that it's going to continue to roll out month after month. It's exciting.


I really hope they're aren't biting off more than they can chew here. Regardless, at least they are making an effort to implement content as well as fixing errors.


I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Meh. Sorry, I personally can't relate. I got burned out from raiding in WoW due to the elitist BS that was happening. But, I suppose you'll find that crowd no matter what game you play. :p It's fine if you're a hardcore player. I can live with that. I support diversity in any arena. It's when hardcore players start throwing around an elitist attitude that I start taking issue. I'm just saying this in general. Nothing against the OP.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?


Nope. If BW/EA doesn't get content out 'on time', then that is their problem, not mine. Besides, we don't know why patch content is late. We as players can only guess why. To me, how a company responds to a 'broken' promise is more important than the promise itself.


I was born around the same time Episode IV was released. I grew-up with Star Wars. I play TOR for the story lines. I play TOR to have fun. Grinding for gear just to raid doesn't equate to fun for me. Now I'm sorry many hardcore players can't wrap their heads around that concept (kudos to those hardcore players who accept casual players for themselves and vice versa). Now, if what I said makes me a 'biodrone'... 'carebear'...'fangirl'...whatever then so be it. That is my business, not anyone else's.


Side note: Don't assume that just because I'm a casual gamer that I feel I have some sense of 'entitlement'. I've seen this sense of entitlement come from both sides. I just hope that BW uses their best judgement in what or what not to put in the game.

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As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon.


For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC.


Though this is taking the thread off course a bit, your raiding guild is looking forward to GW2?

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i feel that 1.2 was a bluff, everything is so dame expensive and for people like me who has under 1,5 mil it felt like nothing. they made me buy the Taunta for 200k from my CE vendore then they released a FREE one, THAT WAS REALY LOW.


as for the new OP and Flashpoint we have already done the both so nah not realy impressed, now dont get me wrong iam not complaining iam just RAGING.


and yeah i payed for 3 moths only then unsubbed. gonna see what is coming next because that is going to be the headshot if it as bad as the 1.2


BUT i must acknowledge that BW made great job on fixing errors and letting ppl say what they want in the forum because in Lotro they would ban you if you write anything against them.

Edited by saremun
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Personally I think coming out with updates once a month is a very ambitious goal, one I'm sceptical can be achieved, especially in the long run. As for unsubbing over something like that... hell no. Edited by Runeshard
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Yet another "Give me more give me more or my entire guild will quit" thread. Man I can't wait for GW2 to come out so we don't have to deal with these "people" anymore.


"I can't wait until the complainers leave so I can play the game in peace." is usually followed by "The game is dead. Everyone left." posts a few months later.


Not saying that it will happen to SWTOR, unless people complaining about complainers get their way.

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"I can't wait until the complainers leave so I can play the game in peace." is usually followed by "The game is dead. Everyone left." posts a few months later.


Not saying that it will happen to SWTOR, unless people complaining about complainers get their way.


True. I saw that exact thing happen to Star Trek Online. What he should say is "I can't wait for the whiners to leave so I can play the game in peace." There is a big difference between the two. One group wants to improve the game while the other can never be satisfied and are best left out of the equation.


If experience is anything, you will never lose complainers on a public forum. People are having fun tend to play the game while those who don't tend to spend more time on forums.

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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?


It was not stated 1.3 is may just that they plan to add on a monthly basis.


So I won't be posted "Unsubbed" on the forums anytime soon.


FYI, I like green too.

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No, why would I deny myself a fun game.

Honestly set a deadline if you want, but dont say its BW's fault when you leave. It is your choice to be impatient and/or this critical. This thread will have no influence on 1.3 release date anyway (I hope).

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Nah, I love star wars and mmos and though I agree they dropped the ball at release with certain aspects of the game and I feel there is much more to add, I will give them time, just like I did with WoW release, AoC release, Warhammer release, etc... I play them for at least 6 months to a year as long as I enjoy certain aspects.


If any gaming team can spruce up this mmo it is bioware (assuming EA leaves them alone)


As for GW2, dissappointed is the nicest words for it.. but I will buy and play it since no sub


As for Tera, played it, graphics are less than the hype, game play is for people who enjoy certain styles, not really my deal


As for TSW, this is the one in my opinion, though I will keep my SWTOR sub up and play them both. The only thing that scares me with TSW is funcom.


Anyways, I play em all, some i like some i dont.


Still have fun playing this one and I am a fan of Bioware's other games so I will give them ample time to bring this game to where it should be.

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That warzone is terrible. C'mon the original 3 are WAY better. ... they need to stop pumping out material like that.


completley off topic, but new warzone is my favorite,


especially because i always get 11 medals except on my healers, who get like 3 or 5 if we win

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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?


This is honestly the most foolish thing I have read on the forums to date and I certainly hope you dont live your life how you game.

It takes time to write code and insert it for testing into a game where it doesnt cause massive bugs and glitches...even with time spent there will still be issues when it is launched.

So what you are saying is you threaten to cancel if it doesnt come by this time and if it does and it is not properly tested or written then what.........you cancel anyway. So do us a favor you and your guildmates can either just cancel now or keep things like this to yourselves. That way you and your guild can continue to stroke each others egos and leave the rest of us out of it. Thanks!:cool:

Edited by Bostue
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