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Official Q&A Thread for May 4th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Are there plans to add a mentoring/sidekicking feature? It's becoming more and more frustrating by the day trying to keep pace with friends who have different play styles. It's also making it more difficult to consider asking people to play as the best I can realistically do is provide moral support until the 40's.


It's a feature that allows higher level players to match the level of lower level ones to prevent the reduction of game rewards,complete trivialization of content and most importantly, allow friends to play with each other. The alternatives, not playing so you don't outlevel your friends or keeping alts in the same class, are an aggravation to those of us coming from games that had the feature about a decade ago. EQ2 and City of Heroes have it if you want first hand examples. I'm especially fond of the present EQ2 version as it allows you to change your level independently through "chrono masters" and even has an associated reward system.

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When will Crafting get a proper look at, there are still very little changes made to it from its initial conception. Things like in artfice it still has redundant / duplicate enhancements, the fact that only two orange schemes where added and these are identical in looks and obviously the massive mis communication when you said all new gear will carry over the armouring stat and it doesnt, i for one spent a LOT of money close to 700k moving items apart and wasting colmuni and rakata, only to find what you should have stated with armouring oranges only the 1 peice of clothing with an augment is viable if you want to retain your set bonus., You said new gear and the entire community was talking about it as if it simply meant new gear brought after 1.2 not simply newly designed gear ie only black hole. SImply saying only black hole makes it so much more clear right?


It makes no odds to me really as im in this game for the long haul, but i think a lot of us are big into crafting and thus far its been treated very much as a mini game, or "ok ill add something to crafting if i have too". I know you have more important features too look at but my question is will crafting become a little more interesting, complex and "fixed/working" maybe with acheievments for specific crafters. Not simply making it more difficult or who can camp an egg spawn the longest or which guild can farm the latest operations more to get what you need which when you get it will be BOP and no use to anyone.


I mean come on Rakata gear is pointless for me to craft, and all of the high end schems i can learn from vendor where a giant waste of money. At least make RAkata crafted stuff from crafters BOE so we can sell our attempts... They are hard enough to make with the lack of bits needed anyway.. BOP is yet another example of shorted sightedness and lack of effort on the side of crafting. It was given a 2 min thought with no actual in game testing.


Heck its not even really worth making a rakata cube as artifice anyway even if you did make it BOE.. so i have zero idea what your thinking was there anyway.


Like i say in it for the long haul and this post is too long for you to answer but i feel a little better.

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I was wondering, when will there be guild housing?? Like, a guild base of operations where guild members can stay and look at other members gears and all that. It could be accessible via the ship or a hot-button maybe?
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Any chance to get an option to 'hide helm/head slot item during convosation'? It would be nice to be able to see my characters facial expression during convosation and key story moments but also, during combat maintain the desried effect of wearing a menacing sith helm or battle-worn Trooper helm, both very iconic Star Wars items. Question applies to companions too.


Thanks in advance.

Edited by Marksthedude
left abit about.
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Hello on the daily heroics of "Free the Fallen" and "Poisonous Strategy" one of the reward choices is a prototype lock box, but it a level 48 lock box not a level 50 like the other lock boxes you get from daily heroics rewards. Is this is glitch and if not why are they level 48 lock boxes.
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When I progress my charachter with my friend and go through dialogues with quest givers the system seems to favor much more person who wins bids. If there is two players and the one who wins will get 4 social points, companion affection and actual turn to speak. When you lose all you get is 2 social points. This kinda feels unfair so is this intended or could something to be done balance it out? Like having atleast equal social point gain.
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Could you please provide an update on SGRA (including with existing companions), same-gender flirting and purchaseable character slots so that we can at least get up to 16 slots per server?


Thank you.

Edited by llesna
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I am currently playing on the Bondar Crystal Server ( republic side PVP ). Alot of players including myself have noticed and complainned about the lack of activity on the server. During night/morning time, barelly 2-3 people on republic fleet. During day time, about 15-20. Starting on a new server is simply not an option because i will have lost all the work i did on my current 6 characters. Transfering myself to another server = loss of guild... Due to this lack of activity issue, alot of players have mentionned quitting swtor altogether.


Before this happens, Will you be merging our server with another to increase the population?

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Are you gonna change shadow consular balance tree to how Jedi knight and consular companions Kira (JK) Nadia (jc) fight ?

the way they fight remind more how master Satele Shan (she used a double blade saber she is a shadow consular ) fought in the Alderaan trailer then what balance is now

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What is the art department's rationale for reserving some of the more distinctive and publicised armor appearances for NPCs only? For example the Jedi Knight armor from character creation, and armors from gameplay preview videos (most of which show the Jedi Knight with a hood down). Also, are there plans to make available custom-quality (orange) schematics for the schematics bought from the synthweaving and armormech trainers?


Thank you!

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So far that I see, many top end guilds like mine are wondering if there is a estimate on when Nightmare mode Explosive conflict will be released? I've heard many speculate 1.3/1.4, although I think that would be a good ways away so I am not really sure. Much thanks! Edited by Rakunvar
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is there any plan of making the inheritance gear ...specialy weapons lvl up with the caracter as now its nice when you start at lvl 14 and last until lvl 20 ish but then it is ..nicely said not so good anymore ...it just seems like a waste to get it when you get a weapon from youre class questline anyways
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I was just wondering if and when guild ships might be coming out and what kind of features they might include. Also I would appreciate if you could at least tell me the year guild ships might come out. Thank you :D. Edited by maritimeman
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Will we ever see defense mods such as Strength Endurance Defense, or Aim Endurance Defense or Willpower Endurance Defense able to be crafted by cybertech or any other crew skills in the game? if so when can this be expected? Edited by Astarothxp
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Posted this in the Crew Crafting section as well. Status update on this please...


SO a while ago (pre--1.2 at least) they mentioned that they were going to be removing the biochem level requirement from some of the purple reusable biochem items. This was to allow the other professions to be viable to endgame players. I went out and bought/had guildies craft some of these (lvl 47/48) and stocked them in the bank. Every patch I look for this and it is never changed. Did they change their minds all together and decide that this is no longer a needed change? Did they mention this at some point and I missed it? What happened to this change that has not changed?


IMO it would be a great change to bring some modicum of viability back to my main and allow me to keep Artifice...currently there is no point being anything other than Biochem on any toon you actually plan to play in endgame pve/pvp.

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