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The SWTOR hate.


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I will agree that customer service is horrid to.


I imagine they are working behind the scenes buying every major programmer on earth to fix the design without wrecking the game and sending it back into Beta.


But they expect us to keep paying them and play this game with the quality of behaviour and service they offer?


And people ask us "why do you hate Bioware?".



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except GW2 is another boring contrived...Fantasy MMO. I'd rather have blasters & laser swords any day over another staff, cross bow, and distisy fraking elfy characters. GW2 could runs perfectly smooth and wonderous but if its world doesn't hold you, attract you, or its just ilke 1000 other games which are all mostly fantasy...it doesn't really matter. Substance & Quality are always important. SWTOR atleast for my machine runs pretty damn good the few snags I have with it is the optimization so it just runs your machine hotter than it should. What SWTOR has for content and world setting appeal to what I've been needing for years. A change. Not everyone is going to agree on that but everyoen has their own opinion so I realy could careless what GW2 fan trolls have to say.



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But they expect us to keep paying them and play this game with the quality of behaviour and service they offer?


And people ask us "why do you hate Bioware?".




You aren't expected to do anything. You have a choice as a consumer. Your choice brings you here this morning.

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But they expect us to keep paying them and play this game with the quality of behaviour and service they offer?


And people ask us "why do you hate Bioware?".




Difference is, BioWare ain't the ones to blame, blame EA for releasing this a year before they should have.

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Well, if the game is "free to play" then the company has to make money somehow other than just sales of the game itself, and my guess is that GW isn't Second Life or The Sims, where winning is meaningless. Thus logically, the "paid for" gear would have to do something other than look cool.

There are enough people who buy all day long stuff just because how it looks or just for the brand name on it, see nothing wrong with buying stuff in an MMO, which can have the same social components as the other games you mentioned, for just the same reasons.


Gear means next to nothing in GW2 so there really is no best gear and you can't obtain XP boost or crafting boost by just playing the game and the coolest looking wearables will have to be paid for with real cash.

Sounds good to me.

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AH I didn't know that, thank you for the information.





Without the design template, there would be nothing to optimize.


OK You have proclained you have no issues, you proclaim everything is everyone elses fault, you proclaim every game is awful in comparision.. yet you do not even know how to actaully measure the single most biggest performance beef in this game... OK I feel a ... "hate to say I told ya so" moment coming on here...


So go to Illum in say... 12v12, nothing to taxing.. take a screenie and post it here... then take one in your semi populated fleet with oooh 25 players on it.. again hardly taxing.. then go to belsavis or alderaan or tattoine.. when you finally get through the loading screen then start some activity.. remember get some screenies which now highlight that little green number in the bottom left of your screen, then we can all see that your game is running perfectly... I believe your in for a minor shock to your perfect world ego....


You see playingh the game with 27 ms is gunna be barely no differnt to playing it with 87ms (which is approx what I see on my connection info)... heck even when it spikes at around 190ms its still fine... but now try telling me its the same when playing SWTOR with say 30-60 FPS then see it drop like a bnomb down to 7FPS and then come and tell us its all great.. cos I think you havewhere missed the difference between what you 27ms and FPS is telling you.... your ISP will undoubtebly help with your 27ms (not that you need it) but trying to improve your say a 7 FPS situation on Illum (if your lucky).. hmmm I think they may just put the phone down on you :)

Edited by Bloodstealer
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General FYI I play on a 3.5 year old laptop on high settings using the ram drive fix and have no problems. Gateway fx p7800 upgraded to 8gig ram, But good point.
My point exactly. Who wants to do the ram drive fix unless that is all you have to work with. Edited by Kada
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The problem is certain events cause the game to have to query the server for data and the game freezes for a split sec when this happens. No computer can over power this no matter what the specs.


Need proof? Hit B to open your bag. or C to open your character sheet.. or L to open the mission log. or any button that opens a UI window. This will cause the game to freeze. This is especially apparent when you're running/riding forward.


This also occurs anytime one of your quests update or a server message is displayed on screen. Ever wonder why the game seems to freeze every 2 secs in Ilum? It's partially because of all the quest updates that you see displayed on the screen.


Not only that, but ever wonder why when you're out questing on a planet the game freezes for a sec and then a couple seconds later you see another player? The game also freezes every time it has to render another player.! Some of the worst game design I've ever seen.

Edited by Rotny
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OK You have proclained you have no issues, you proclaim everything is everyone elses fault, you proclaim every game is awful in comparision.. yet you do not even know how to actaully measure the single most biggest performance beef in this game... OK I feel a ... "hate to say I told ya so" moment coming on here...


So go to Illum in say... 12v12, nothing to taxing.. take a screenie and post it here... then take one in your semi populated fleet with oooh 25 players on it.. again hardly taxing.. then go to belsavis or alderaan or tattoine.. when you finally get through the loading screen then start some activity.. remember get some screenies which now highlight that little green number in the bottom left of your screen, then we can all see that your game is running perfectly... I believe your in for a minor shock to your perfect world ego....


Someone ignored the entire thread didn't he? tut tut.

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It may to you but it will turn off core gamers which is a very large audience.

I am not so sure that most PvE players really love there grind for the nest tier of gear... the PvP players who are looking for a skill based PvP enviroment will be happy not to worry about gear.

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It is blatantly obvious, 1.2 is the earliest form of release I would have considered.

That doesn't say it was a decision made just by EA... But I guess some people are just not willing to see that BIoWare can make mistakes of their own, and so they blame EA for it.

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Do you really wanna know why?


Here we go.


Don't know what to tell ya... I'm running with a Intel I7 processor, Win 7 64bit, Geforce 480gtx video card and 6 gigs of ram, the game runs very smooth for me... The only time I experienced severe lag was on Ilum during a big fight where there was about 50+ players, but turning my graphics down to low cured the lag....


Now during the world event last week I had my graphics on max and ran into a big open world pvp battle with around 40+ players and I didn't experience any lag. So i would guess the lag I experience on Ilum had to do more with poor optimization of the planet...


One thing I will complain about is the very long load times of all the planets (Tython and Corosant are not to bad but every other one after that are almost 60+ secs wait time)

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I am not so sure that most PvE players really love there grind for the nest tier of gear... the PvP players who are looking for a skill based PvP enviroment will be happy not to worry about gear.


It does work well for PVP...well for PVPers that don't twink or use every exploit known to man; but the biggest PVE complaint currently (which even tops the OMG the voice acting sucks!!! threads) is there is no sense of accomplishment just grinding and being lead by the hand to be subjected to a trite story and it's only one story, the personal adventure is just the same story being retold at a different angle.


They have broken up the monotony with Facebook type games (help the farmer gather his crops stomp the frost worms) but that is causing a lot of hate in it's own right.

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Don't know what to tell ya... I'm running with a Intel I7 processor, Win 7 64bit, Geforce 480gtx video card and 6 gigs of ram, the game runs very smooth for me... The only time I experienced severe lag was on Ilum during a big fight where there was about 50+ players, but turning my graphics down to low cured the lag....


Now during the world event last week I had my graphics on max and ran into a big open world pvp battle with around 40+ players and I didn't experience any lag. So i would guess the lag I experience on Ilum had to do more with poor optimization of the planet...


One thing I will complain about is the very long load times of all the planets (Tython and Corosant are not to bad but every other one after that are almost 60+ secs wait time)

So opening a bag doesn't freeze your game for a split second? so quest updates don't freeze your game? so when another new player comes into your vicinity it doesn't freeze your game? I call BS.

I have 3 PCs in my house 1 i7, 1 i5 and 1 core2duo and this problem happens on all 3 computers.

Now imagine PVP where new players are constantly rendered, quests are constantly updated and you might have to open your bag or another ui window mid fight. This will essentially look like really bad FPS as the game keeps freezing for a split second while getting the data needed to render the graphics. Amazing..

Edited by Rotny
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So opening a bag doesn't freeze your game for a split second? so quest updates don't freeze your game? so when another new player comes into your vicinity it doesn't freeze your game? I call BS.

I have 3 PCs in my house 1 i7, 1 i5 and 1 core2duo and this problem happens on all 3 computers.


I have a modest system and have never once had those issues my daughter is playing on a Compaq dual core with a Nvidia 9600 and she isn't having those issues either.

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That doesn't say it was a decision made just by EA... But I guess some people are just not willing to see that BIoWare can make mistakes of their own, and so they blame EA for it.


EA runs this show, they do this with all games, I imagine since early 2011 they were breathing down BioWare's neck asking for a viable release version of the game, so they caved to early, which is their own fault, but at the end of the day, a release this December, instead of last, would have been much more effective.


EDIT: And I do blame BioWare, I blame them a lot for ruining one of my all time favourite game series, two of them actually, KotOR and Mass Effect.


Both of them were rather obviously sacrificed, KotOR III literally was cancelled for SWTOR, so they could make an MMO out of them.


Greedy EA at their finest.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Someone ignored the entire thread didn't he? tut tut.


I read all I needed to.. you can defend the game and its shoddy performance all you like.. when I can run SWTOR on my old HP DV9590 laptop with a cruddy Nvidia 8600M GS GPU and 4GB DDR2 ram and VISTA 32 and see better performance in comparison to my i5 Desktop with 16GB ram, ATI HD6670 and VISTA 64 then yeah I am kinda not supporting your support here.


There are far to many posts relating to performance issues across a wide spectrum of PC builds new and old.... its simply not good enough for JO to just blaise it over with a statemtn blaming low end PC users... they designed the game and stamped their approval on what they deemed to be the min spec required to run and enjoy this game.....


Me thinks in another year or 2 when they have perhaps either ironed out their engine issues, particle effect garbage or (and more likely) introduced a super extra low shaders setting, so that every piece of those nice high end textures we all saw in BETA when the audience was much less, become just a fleeting memory... cos it was all a mistake they were never meanty to be there... then the game may be more performance enabled... but not as it is, no way!


oo0 OOOO oooooo OOOOOOOOOOO ooo...


See all them air bubbles..... that's coming from the head of development while his head is being held under the water by the head of sales & marketing.... :D

Edited by Bloodstealer
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I have a modest system and have never once had those issues my daughter is playing on a Compaq dual core with a Nvidia 9600 and she isn't having those issues either.


Maybe you're lucky and have the right sort of hardware/drivers, but this is a widespread issue plaguing the game. There are countless posts documenting it. Make a short video of you autorunning forward, open your bags and then close them again. or just tap the B button a few times in a row. Record that and post it.

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I read all I needed to.. you can defend the game and its shoddy performance all you like.. when I can run SWTOR on my old HP DV9590 laptop with a cruddy Nvidia 8600M GS GPU and 4GB DDR2 ram and VISTA 32 and see better performance in comparison to my i5 Desktop with 16GB ram, ATI HD6670 and VISTA 64 then yeah I am kinda not supporting your support here.


There are far to many posts relating to performance issues across a wide spectrum of PC builds new and old.... its simply not good enough for JO to just blaise it over with a statemtn blaming low end PC users... they designed the game and stamped their approval on what they deemed to be the min spec required to run and enjoy this game..... me thinks in another year or 2 when they have perhaps either ironed out their engine issues, particle effect garbage or (and more likely) introduced a super extra low shaders setting, so that every piece of those nice high end textures we all saw in BETA when the audience was much less, become just a fleeting memory... cos it was all a mistake they were never meanty to be there... oo0 OOOO oooooo OOOOOOOOOOO ooo...

see all them air bubbles...:D.. that's coming from the head od developemt while his head is being held under the water by the head of marketing.... :D


Still missed my point..


I can already tell there is no point to arguing with you, you already have your predisposed hate at BioWare, nothing I will say is going to change it either, so I'll leave it at that.

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It does work well for PVP...well for PVPers that don't twink or use every exploit known to man

The type of PvP players you are talking about describes me quite well. So you can imagine that I am glad to hear that.


but the biggest PVE complaint currently (which even tops the OMG the voice acting sucks!!! threads) is there is no sense of accomplishment just grinding and being lead by the hand to be subjected to a trite story and it's only one story, the personal adventure is just the same story being retold at a different angle.

The way you describe the story thing, I could swear you are talking about SWTOR. The decisions I make in SWTOR make nearly no difference, so why is that so bad in GW2 but acceptable in SWTOR? Or is it? Anyway I always though PvE is grindy, regardless how much story you put on it (yes, I thought the same way on SWTOR, even with my first character)... That's why I enjoyed the dynamic content in RIFT, because I didn't knew when I will run next into an invasion or something else that wasn't there the day before and will gone the next day... and GW2 is going the same direction...


They have broken up the monotony with Facebook type games (help the farmer gather his crops stomp the frost worms) but that is causing a lot of hate in it's own right.


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You can't measure FPS in this game, only measure MS, I was getting 72-78 MS and I have no idea how many people their were simply because it was so laggy.


And WAR worked because it was designed to work in that situation.


Actually, you can - Ctrl + Shift +F.

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Yeah, because the fanboys of this game don't make excuses for every mistake that Bioware has. Don't kid yourself. Oh, and Guild Wars 2 is absolutely going to destroy this game. It's not just hype, sorry to burst all of your bubbles. Guild Wars 2 is better in BETA than this game is 5 months after release.


FOUR (4) months and SIX (6) days after release. Rounding is not FIVE (5) its closer to FOUR (4). Learn math.

Edited by Urael
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