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Everything posted by Kada

  1. WTB Revan's mask or trade my Dominator's Command Throne for it once the cool down is up. Hit me up here or shoot me a PM.
  2. I think you need to change the way the credit factor works. I'm almost legacy lvl 40 now. I'm not going to spend millions of credits on this crap. I do think that you should be able to spend credits on it if you like. But for us that have put in the hours we should not have to pay millions for something we have unlocked.
  3. 1.3.............................................................. That is all i have to say. BW needs to pick up there a game. This makes me pretty sad.
  4. Its time we see some action on this... I think this should be top priority over 1.3... I'm tired of excuses, and half butt answers. Time for some action!
  5. I hear ya... I don't think it will fix a lot of things because something is just missing totally from the game. It's like there is this empty void not filled yet. I never thought it would be as big as WoW. I just wanted a new mmo that was Starwars based to play that gave me a desire to play for many years to come just like pre cu/cu swg.
  6. This weeks Q&A was just a huge slap in the face... BW stop giving us these half *** answers. Step up to the plate! More pvp content, fix the GTN, fix crafting, and who gives a crap about character transfers how about some server merges/cross server qing
  7. Thoughts.... I personally feel like everything has come to a stop. My guild mates have been slowly thinning out on HoG. It is sad because I love this game. I will give it time... I still have months left on my account. I just find it sad SWTOR is dying out so quickly. I found this weeks Q&A to be a slap in the face. I believe it is time for some answers! Been awhile since we have had some... We the fan base, and the paying customer are owed this ... I guess my point in this thread is that now is the time to speak out (I.E. Server Merges, Character transfers) or give up because something sure as hell is missing. I hate to say it or admit that it is a fact of life... Arkin
  8. My point exactly. Who wants to do the ram drive fix unless that is all you have to work with.
  9. Just FYI this game is very processor dependent. If you are playing on a laptop you will most likely have to play on low settings to get good FPS. If on a desktop you def need a i52500k/i72600k min just to have a min 40+ fps on high with a GTX480. with my i7 2700k, gtx 560 ,and dedicated solidstate drive i run 60+
  10. I stopped when i saw laptop. Nothing to see here... Move along
  11. I have everything but the dang legs. Any of you have any luck, or know where they drop?
  12. Whats going on with Jetpacks i missed it? Are we going to be able to use these as mounts?
  13. Im happy with mine as well looking forward to the store updates as well.
  14. 100% agreed dude. Folks its all good. You will get to play ques may be a little long but you can still play
  15. Thats because you havent even been charged yet dude. Your first month is free!
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