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To the biased Sents/Maras defending their OP class


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This one is aimed at all the short-sighted Marauders/Sents that are fearful of a nerf, as that would mean they'd need to re-roll again (maybe to a PT as they seem to be doing quite well)


I've always said marauder/sent damage is fine, i want no changes to that, they are meant to dish out some hurt.....

What they do need is to lose the Undying rage/Guarded by the force as it is far, far too OP.


This is where all the biased Sents/Maras seem to completely miss the point, and they may say that "oh but thats been in the game since the start"......To this i say, yes it has, and it never should have been in the first place, it has no business being on any class, let alone a DPS one, but aside from that, the recent changes to expertise drastically lowering the TTK make this ability even more out of control.

5 seconds of complete damage immunity is stupid, especially given the amount of damage being thrown out now. You say the ability hasnt been changed, and maybe it hasnt theoretically, but its effectiveness has certainly increased with recent changes.

Edited by Madnutter
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The cooldowns on these abilities for a DPS class is also way too OP, taking out the fact they shouldn't even exist with that class in the current capacity.


The damage mitigation skill should be a X cost of health not a % on what is left, so you keep it at say 30% cost of TOTAL health, so you know a Mara HAS to use it before they hit the 30% mark or they just can't after that.

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This one is aimed at all the short-sighted Marauders/Sents that are fearful of a nerf, as that would mean they'd need to re-roll again (maybe to a PT as they seem to be doing quite well)


I've always said marauder/sent damage is fine, i want no changes to that, they are meant to dish out some hurt.....

What they do need is to lose the Undying rage/Guarded by the force as it is far, far too OP.


This is where all the biased Sents/Maras seem to completely miss the point, and they may say that "oh but thats been in the game since the start"......To this i say, yes it has, and it never should have been in the first place, it has no business being on any class, let alone a DPS one, but aside from that, the recent changes to expertise drastically lowering the TTK make this ability even more out of control.

5 seconds of complete damage immunity is stupid, especially given the amount of damage being thrown out now. You say the ability hasnt been changed, and maybe it hasnt theoretically, but its effectiveness has certainly increased with recent changes.


If undying rage is removed/changed- and the devs have metrics that shows it need adjusting - i'll be fine with it. BUT


as a melee class that is ALWAYS in the middle of group fights - there has to be a compensation for it.


You want to make it so that you can't heal while its up - okay then it shouldnt consume 50% of current health.

You want for it to have a lower reduction in damage - okay but its duration needs to be increased and it shouldnt consume 50% of current health Or marauders should recieve a passive +10% to all damage types.

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The cooldowns on these abilities for a DPS class is also way too OP, taking out the fact they shouldn't even exist with that class in the current capacity.


The damage mitigation skill should be a X cost of health not a % on what is left, so you keep it at say 30% cost of TOTAL health, so you know a Mara HAS to use it before they hit the 30% mark or they just can't after that.


maybe a socs bubble should cost them 10% health every time they cast it.

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5 seconds of complete damage immunity is stupid, especially given the amount of damage being thrown out now. You say the ability hasnt been changed, and maybe it hasnt theoretically, but its effectiveness has certainly increased with recent changes.


99% damage reduction is not complete damage immunity. Educating yourself is the most valuable thing you can do currently. Since 1.2 i don't feel i'm killing any faster or dying any faster. You guys talk about damage being up by there is less healers in war zones since 2 out of 3 of them got nerfed, maybe that's why TTK is up? Because there's actually more people out there doing damage.

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This one is aimed at all the short-sighted Marauders/Sents that are fearful of a nerf, as that would mean they'd need to re-roll again (maybe to a PT as they seem to be doing quite well)


I've always said marauder/sent damage is fine, i want no changes to that, they are meant to dish out some hurt.....

What they do need is to lose the Undying rage/Guarded by the force as it is far, far too OP.


This is where all the biased Sents/Maras seem to completely miss the point, and they may say that "oh but thats been in the game since the start"......To this i say, yes it has, and it never should have been in the first place, it has no business being on any class, let alone a DPS one, but aside from that, the recent changes to expertise drastically lowering the TTK make this ability even more out of control.

5 seconds of complete damage immunity is stupid, especially given the amount of damage being thrown out now. You say the ability hasnt been changed, and maybe it hasnt theoretically, but its effectiveness has certainly increased with recent changes.


If you take away our GBTF/Undying rage, then give us Taunt and AOE taunt. Other DPS Classes enjoy this ability, and I feel that it would oly be fair, since it's the difference between us and say a PT/Jugg/Shadow.


I'll gladly give up GBTF for the ability to taunt.

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99% damage reduction is not complete damage immunity. Educating yourself is the most valuable thing you can do currently. Since 1.2 i don't feel i'm killing any faster or dying any faster. You guys talk about damage being up by there is less healers in war zones since 2 out of 3 of them got nerfed, maybe that's why TTK is up? Because there's actually more people out there doing damage.


Your telling others that they should know before they talk, but when you yourself talk about the TTK issue

you blame it on the lack of healers :rolleyes: The reason combat after 1.2 is a complete joke has nothing to do with

lack of healers.It has to do with expertise and developers that dont have a clue what they are doing.


And yeah UR should be removed from the AC, if anything be given to the crap tanks in this game.

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Your telling others that they should know before they talk, but when you yourself talk about the TTK issue

you blame it on the lack of healers :rolleyes: The reason combat after 1.2 is a complete joke has nothing to do with

lack of healers.It has to do with expertise and developers that dont have a clue what they are doing.


And yeah UR should be removed from the AC, if anything be given to the crap tanks in this game.


Tanks aren't crap. Tanks are one of the most potent ACs in the game. Guarding specific targets and taunt/aoe taunt is extremely ijmportant, but nobody wants to do it because it isn't as sexy.


Other DPS classes enjoy taunt, which is a free way of reducing someone's damage output by 30%, but nobody is complaining about a DPS class being able to use it. Give us Taunt/AOE taunt and we can talk about removing any of our defensive CDs.

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No because players who actually have IQ and play pre made, put guard and heal the damage dealers in PvP.


Actually he's right, back when Sentinels/Marauders didn't have these defnesive CDs they were horrible, and they did more DPS back then.

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No because players who actually have IQ and play pre made, put guard and heal the damage dealers in PvP.

And players who actually have IQ and play pre made, can easily neutralize any maras Undying Rage. Clearly you aren't one of those good players.

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Its NOT OP it last 6 seconds.... so either save your cc's so i do not get it off when i hit 5% health

or save your cc's so when it does go off you can just wait it out...


Personally when i do 1v1 marauder vs marauder i save my force choke for when he uses undying rage then

intimidating roar when he breaks it .... "i am sure with all the other classes knock backs and cc's most should have no problem with this since we all know there going do it"


Play your class right and don't bust everything you have all at once simple as that if you do its your own fault and you got no one to blame but yourself ;)

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If undying rage is removed/changed- and the devs have metrics that shows it need adjusting - i'll be fine with it. BUT


as a melee class that is ALWAYS in the middle of group fights - there has to be a compensation for it.


You want to make it so that you can't heal while its up - okay then it shouldnt consume 50% of current health.

You want for it to have a lower reduction in damage - okay but its duration needs to be increased and it shouldnt consume 50% of current health Or marauders should recieve a passive +10% to all damage types.


a smuggler op has to get in melee range too, they dont get 5s immunity or gap closers... why are marauders so entitled?

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snipers get cover, abilities to make it so they can't be knocked out of cover, abilities to make it so they can't be interrupted while in cover, a dodge cool down, so they have ways to keep doing damage.


operatives get stealth, evasion, cleanse, a restealth cd, heals, stuns, so they have ways to keep doing damage.


The other two medium armor classes have plenty to keep them up...

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Its NOT OP it last 6 seconds.... so either save your cc's so i do not get it off when i hit 5% health

or save your cc's so when it does go off you can just wait it out...


Personally when i do 1v1 marauder vs marauder i save my force choke for when he uses undying rage then

intimidating roar when he breaks it .... "i am sure with all the other classes knock backs and cc's most should have no problem with this since we all know there going do it"


Play your class right and don't bust everything you have all at once simple as that if you do its your own fault and you got no one to blame but yourself ;)


Not even, it's 5 seconds. Marauders don't stress about it, because marauders know to pop a CC when they are fighting their own class. It's extremely easy.


I have to worry about Force Shroud, or an uninterruptable trooper healer, or classes with CC immunity etc. These required me to attack these classes with different strategy. Why is it a problem people have to attack us with a different strategy? GBTF is obvious, you know when it's coming, and good pvpers don't have a problem with it.


Helm of Graush pvpers will pretty much always lock me down the moment I hit sub 20%. HoG pvpers are also pretty good compared to other servers.


When I fight marauders, when I see those damage numbers hit double digits, single digits I just CC them immediately come back in six sseconds, and dispatch them, game over. It's not that hard.

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a smuggler op has to get in melee range too, they dont get 5s immunity or gap closers... why are marauders so entitled?


Because they get stealth? Stealth is an amazing thing to have in WZs, don't be silly.

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Saying 99% damage reduction isnt damage immunity is just plucking at straws man.....ok, maybe you get hit by 30 damage while other classes get hit for 3000...


And about the taunt someone mentioned, no, maras/sents shouldnt get them, but I don't think Shadow/Guardian/Vanguard and the imp counterparts should either unless they're in their tanking stance. ( and i have a Shadow character)

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snipers get cover, abilities to make it so they can't be knocked out of cover, abilities to make it so they can't be interrupted while in cover, a dodge cool down, so they have ways to keep doing damage.


operatives get stealth, evasion, cleanse, a restealth cd, heals, stuns, so they have ways to keep doing damage.


The other two medium armor classes have plenty to keep them up...


so you think 3s of avoiding white dmg is comparable to 5s 99% mitigation? i would happily let marauders try to cast a 2s heal in melee combat, u get a vanish too... our stun is single target hardly comparable to everyone on battlefield doing 99%les dmg to you, would trade all that utility for urs anyday

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a smuggler op has to get in melee range too, they dont get 5s immunity or gap closers... why are marauders so entitled?


stealth isn't a gap closer? It doesn't give the ability for you to get ontop of your target as needed and start dps'ing them huh?

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Saying 99% damage reduction isnt damage immunity is just plucking at straws man.....ok, maybe you get hit by 30 damage while other classes get hit for 3000...


And about the taunt someone mentioned, no, maras/sents shouldnt get them, but I don't think Shadow/Guardian/Vanguard and the imp counterparts should either unless they're in their tanking stance. ( and i have a Shadow character)


Well as long as you don't think any DPS should get them either. (I don't as well it's pretty silly, taunt is very powerful).


I can live without GBTF but what will be the excuse when good marauders/sentinels continue to dominate?


Why weren't people complaining about Force Fade when that existed? Force Fade was much more useful than GBTF. I could just walk through fire in HB and catch balls on the other side.

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so you think 3s of avoiding white dmg is comparable to 5s 99% mitigation? i would happily let marauders try to cast a 2s heal in melee combat, u get a vanish too... our stun is single target hardly comparable to everyone on battlefield doing 99%les dmg to you, would trade all that utility for urs anyday


your stun can provide a far better tactical advantage than 5 seconds of damage immunity. I wish i had an actual stun all the time.

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stealth isn't a gap closer? It doesn't give the ability for you to get ontop of your target as needed and start dps'ing them huh?


And you have a far more effective combat stealth than the stealth classes do. Forgive me if i'm wrong but doesnt yours increase your speed, reduce damage taken, shorter cooldown, and you dont get knocked out of yours when you take damage? That i'm all fine with, well not entirely but its not stupid enough to warrant a massive rant, I'm talking about Undying rage/Guarded by the force.

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And players who actually have IQ and play pre made, can easily neutralize any maras Undying Rage. Clearly you aren't one of those good players.


Did i even mention neutralize the skill ? Did i even give you the impression that i dont know these things ?

You know every time you make a post you are only proving my point on the IQ thing......................................................................................................................................................

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