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Myth that maras can one-shot people


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... isn't completely false. As an annihilation marauder there is ONE way I can spike about 14k damage within the span of one GCD. And it only does that much damage if i don't get cc'd or punted back, on non-tanks, sorcs without bubble, or undergeared targets.


Ideal situation goes like this:

Charge - deadly saber, adrenal, relic, berserk/bloodlust, cloak in midair, battering assault, rupture, ravage, annihilate, vicious throw.

The last tick of ravage occurs simultaneously with annihilate, and vicious throw occurs 1 GCD later (since they are likely under 30% by the end of ravage)

Damage is something like this: Ravage (1500 - 2500 ------ 3500)(3500)--(3500), plus tick from rupture/deadly saber.


So it can happen under ideal circumstances. Certainly not going to happen in a team fight, and 90% of cases I will be punted, cc'd or snared before the combo can be completed. It's not something I consider OP as every class in the game, with all cooldowns activated and in ideal situations against an ideal target, will wreak havoc.


But man it feels good when I pull if off. Queue merc and sorc tears. :D

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... isn't completely false. As an annihilation marauder there is ONE way I can spike about 14k damage within the span of one GCD.


Charge - deadly saber, adrenal, relic, berserk/bloodlust, cloak in midair, battering assault, rupture, ravage, annihilate, vicious throw.



So you get all that in one gcd, esp with a 3 second channel.

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Three major things wrong with that post


a) This is assuming someone would let you go your full rotation without doing anything about it. I can't remember the last time someone allowed me to do this


b) By the time you reach the final end of that rotation (for that final damage spike), you've probably already whittled through 18k of that person's life. Your final attack, which you say 14k, will make the grand total of your opponent's life at 32k. Have fun one shotting him.


c) That's two GCD at the end.


Oh, and I think you're misreading the term "one-shot"...

Edited by -Yui-
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So you get all that in one gcd, esp with a 3 second channel.


last hit of ravage + annihilate + vicious throw occurs in 1 gcd.



Three major things wrong with that post


a) This is assuming someone would let you go your full rotation without doing anything about it. I can't remember the last time someone allowed me to do this


b) By the time you reach the final end of that rotation (for that final damage spike), you've probably already whittled through 18k of that person's life. Your final attack, which you say 14k, will make the grand total of your opponent's life at 32k. Have fun one shotting him.


c) That's two GCD at the end.


Oh, and I think you're misreading the term "one-shot"...


a) did you read the bit that said 'in ideal situations'? you are right, it doesn't happen often... maybe once every couple of wz for me on someone who isnt paying attention


b) Where did you pull 18k from? charge does ~1k, BA does ~1k. Deadly saber and rupture ticks do max 2-3k by the time ravage finishes.


c) No, there is one. last tick of ravage and annihilate occurs simultaneously. Vicious throw occurs 1 gcd later.


I do admit I use the term 'one-shot' loosely... as do many people do around here

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last hit of ravage + annihilate + vicious throw occurs in 1 gcd.


Guess again.


oh you did:


c) No, there is one. last tick of ravage and annihilate occurs simultaneously. Vicious throw occurs 1 gcd later.
Edited by Carbonated
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... isn't completely false. As an annihilation marauder there is ONE way I can spike about 14k damage within the span of one GCD. And it only does that much damage if i don't get cc'd or punted back, on non-tanks, sorcs without bubble, or undergeared targets.


Ideal situation goes like this:

Charge - deadly saber, adrenal, relic, berserk/bloodlust, cloak in midair, battering assault, rupture, ravage, annihilate, vicious throw.

The last tick of ravage occurs simultaneously with annihilate, and vicious throw occurs 1 GCD later (since they are likely under 30% by the end of ravage)

Damage is something like this: Ravage (1500 - 2500 ------ 3500)(3500)--(3500), plus tick from rupture/deadly saber.


So it can happen under ideal circumstances. Certainly not going to happen in a team fight, and 90% of cases I will be punted, cc'd or snared before the combo can be completed. It's not something I consider OP as every class in the game, with all cooldowns activated and in ideal situations against an ideal target, will wreak havoc.


But man it feels good when I pull if off. Queue merc and sorc tears. :D



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The one thing I'd ask is, how the hell can you actually execute any other skill when, in theory, you should be channeled into your ravage only?


To me, that's a bug, and not Marauders being OP.


I always thought if you were channeled into a ravage, you couldn't execute another movement - other then eating a healing medpac.



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The one thing I'd ask is, how the hell can you actually execute any other skill when, in theory, you should be channeled into your ravage only?


To me, that's a bug, and not Marauders being OP.


I always thought if you were channeled into a ravage, you couldn't execute another movement - other then eating a healing medpac.




Not a bug, just a mechanic. The gcd for ravage happens at the start of the channel, meaning after the last tick of ravage connects you don't have to wait at all before activating another ability. That is, if timed correctly you can activate annihilate 0.01 secs after last tick of ravage hits and (I'm not sure about this bit) possibly cancel the last few animation frames of ravage. If you hit annihilate too early it will cancel the last tick of ravage. Timed right, annihilate should occur virtually the same time as the last tick of ravage, then one gcd later you hit vicious slash.


It's just a way to fire the 3 single hardest hitting blows in the anni Mara arsenal within the span of one gcd. Not sure if the nitpicking/dismissive posts above are trolling, or just don't understand, or just butthurt to have been on the receiving end lol.

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It's just a way to fire the 3 single hardest hitting blows in the anni Mara arsenal within the span of one gcd. Not sure if the nitpicking/dismissive posts above are trolling, or just don't understand, or just butthurt to have been on the receiving end lol.


The nitpicking is because you're spreading misinformation. All of that doesn't happen in 1 GCD, nor is it a "one shot." 3 damaging attacks with the proper setup over the course of a couple seconds is a burst combo, not a one shot. Your actual complete setup is more like 5-7 GCDs and can only be done once every couple of minutes or so. So yes, the myth that we can "one shot" people is still a myth.

Edited by Zellfel
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... isn't completely false. As an annihilation marauder there is ONE way I can spike about 14k damage within the span of one GCD. And it only does that much damage if i don't get cc'd or punted back, on non-tanks, sorcs without bubble, or undergeared targets.


Ideal situation goes like this:

Charge - deadly saber, adrenal, relic, berserk/bloodlust, cloak in midair, battering assault, rupture, ravage, annihilate, vicious throw.

The last tick of ravage occurs simultaneously with annihilate, and vicious throw occurs 1 GCD later (since they are likely under 30% by the end of ravage)

Damage is something like this: Ravage (1500 - 2500 ------ 3500)(3500)--(3500), plus tick from rupture/deadly saber.


So it can happen under ideal circumstances. Certainly not going to happen in a team fight, and 90% of cases I will be punted, cc'd or snared before the combo can be completed. It's not something I consider OP as every class in the game, with all cooldowns activated and in ideal situations against an ideal target, will wreak havoc.


But man it feels good when I pull if off. Queue merc and sorc tears. :D


ROLF What?! this got to be a 39/39/39 mara, or the victim is still wearing a lvl 40 pvp gear in lvl 50 match or no armor at all.

Edited by EugeneYap
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Actually, a lot of classes can one shot another in 1 gcd. I do on my Sorcerer all the time.


I start with Crushing Darkness and a quick Affliction. I go through a quick lightning rotation and may have to shield, heal, and knockback if my target turns on me. But if I time it just perfectly, my Shock and Lightning Strike hit at the same time and... BAM!... ONE SHOTTED!


Am I doing it right?

Edited by Brickdoctor
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I one-shot people on my sniper all the time.


Crouch in front of fire pit, leg shot foolish person running across with their trinket on CD.. Dead.




Break leg shot only to get KB'ed into fire and rooted into fire pit... Dead




Channel Ambush with KB into fire pit... Dead



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a) did you read the bit that said 'in ideal situations'? you are right, it doesn't happen often... maybe once every couple of wz for me on someone who isnt paying attention


b) Where did you pull 18k from? charge does ~1k, BA does ~1k. Deadly saber and rupture ticks do max 2-3k by the time ravage finishes.


c) No, there is one. last tick of ravage and annihilate occurs simultaneously. Vicious throw occurs 1 gcd later.


I do admit I use the term 'one-shot' loosely... as do many people do around here


Charge - 1k

BA - 1k

Deadly saber and Rupture ticks - 2-3k per tick. Let's say your DoTs ticks for 700 for the first GCD, 1200 for the next, and 1700 and upwards for the next few. You're going to hit 2-3k, which then OS and Rupture will tick three times (or something like that). I don't see how you can escape at least 7k damage from DoTs through your rotation.

First two hits of Ravage - 5k


That's 14k damage right there, and I think I'm being conservative.


If you can get the ideal rotation of Carnage off on a medium to light armor target, it will damn near drop them in 1 rotation as well.


Not sure the point of this thread..........


I think what OP means is "the myth that maras can one-shot people is true only if you assume "one-shot" equals an entire rotation". Which coincidentally, any other class can do.

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He's not talking about the entire rotation listed, he's just talking about the end which is the final blow of Ravage > Annihilation > Vicious Throw (assuming the target is under 30%).


I'm not going to do the math, but if all 3 of those crit, it is some serious damage. However, not many people will even let you land an entire Ravage, and not everyone is going to be under 30% health, and not every ability is always going to crit.... so we're talking situational at best.



I can do some serious spike damage with Smash > Vicious Throw combo in Rage spec.

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Not a bug, just a mechanic. The gcd for ravage happens at the start of the channel, meaning after the last tick of ravage connects you don't have to wait at all before activating another ability. That is, if timed correctly you can activate annihilate 0.01 secs after last tick of ravage hits and (I'm not sure about this bit) possibly cancel the last few animation frames of ravage. If you hit annihilate too early it will cancel the last tick of ravage. Timed right, annihilate should occur virtually the same time as the last tick of ravage, then one gcd later you hit vicious slash.


Ok this is true. I've done this as carnage before and hitting a vicious throw at the end. BTW Marauders "1-shotting" is a myth in swtor....now killing somebody in 4-5 sec. isn't.....I do it a lot :)

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Just so you're all aware, the last actual "hit" of Ravage doesn't apply until the point in the animation when you pull your saber out of the target. When you pull it back, the damage hits. Hitting Annihilate before that will cancel the damage. The animation itself ends instantly after that.
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