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Dual Wield Blades


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While the /agent legacy emote shows off two blades. I think one is enough. I wouldn't be opposed to them adding more close combat abilities though. A standard knife attack other than Shiv would be cool so we don't stand toe to toe with enemies shooting them in the face whilst getting hacked to pieces.
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While the /agent legacy emote shows off two blades. I think one is enough. I wouldn't be opposed to them adding more close combat abilities though. A standard knife attack other than Shiv would be cool so we don't stand toe to toe with enemies shooting them in the face whilst getting hacked to pieces.


Yeah a knife-version of RS would be nice (free, low damage filler) - but when my melee abilities are on CD and I have no TA I rarely stay in melee range ... kiting out to 5 - 10m and back in again when Shiv / BS is off CD saves quite a lot of damage from other melee (and just generally annoys the hell out of them :) ). Just remember to keep Sever up, and if you're fighting a Jug/Mara and see them back-peddle, chase them or drop into cover because a charge is coming.


In PVE I stay in melee unless avoiding damage, and even then I try to strafe around the boss rather than run away when possible - so there the free knife attack would be pretty awesome. This might actually be a nice way to boost our damage slightly in PVE scenarios where we spend a little more time off-target than the other melee classes. Although personally I don't think we need it (or a gap closer), since as many have pointed out we are able to put out significantly more damage at range than the other Melee classes (OrbS / EP / CD / buffed Snipe / RS). RS alone is something like 600 DPS.

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Some of you think I mean like not having a gun at all. That isn't what I meant. I mean giving you another blade for your melee attacks. You could still use your rifle, but you just had another weapon to stab people with.


Personally I think it'd be awesome.

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Some of you think I mean like not having a gun at all. That isn't what I meant. I mean giving you another blade for your melee attacks. You could still use your rifle, but you just had another weapon to stab people with.


Personally I think it'd be awesome.



Where am I acquiring the third arm with which to use this weapon? :>

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As much as two knifes would be semi cool i.e. reminds me of my assassin in EQ2 I actually don't think it fits in with the Star Wars theme. I know that sounds a bit cheesy but I do want some immersion.. light sabers were seen as outdated in Star Wars (of course not in the skilled hands etc etc ) but two knives??


Yes.. Yes.. I know no one could go invis in Star Wars either but two knives?!?! Mmm... doesn't "feel" right.

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  • 11 months later...
I would really appreciate them letting dual wield blades, for concealment oper's. No one is saying to not let you carry a rifle, but depending on your spec I think I should have the option to run with two blades. All they would have to do is add one instant attack w/ no CD to replace your rifle shot as a filler ability and keep the rest the same. COOMMMOONN DOO IT! My oper would probably become my fav class to play out of all my char's if they did this.
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Personally I would rather our attacks look different then a boring animation of slashing with a blade. I love the scoundrel attacks because one is a shotgun, another is a punch, while all of ours are just hitting someone with a blade.


Like another poster stated I would love an attack that uses a bayonet for 2 reasons. 1) It would feel like our blaster rifle serves are purpose. 2) Our animations look different.

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Since Concealment Operatives almost only use their knife, I have a suggestion.


Dual Wield Blades, so you can dual wield two knives and run around and stab people.




Why? I don't see the point.

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Where am I acquiring the third arm with which to use this weapon? :>


^ this. You're holding a rifle for your Overload Shots, Carbine Bursts, and any Snipes you may care to throw out there. It's easy enough to whip out a knife without dropping the rifle and use it, but two would be impossible.

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