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Jedi Knight Robes = Large Butt?!


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They could actually solve this issue very easily, with no clipping which is I assume what they made it like this for to avoid in the first place. Just redo the model to have the belts UNDER the robe instead of on top, you know like the guy on the games cover. Just put the belt on the inside so the coat can trail off from higher up on the back more like a cape and there will be no clipping, problem solved.


Sure it would take some work to redo the sets and replace them, but not really that much, you just have to make the model and then paint it a few different colors and pop it into the game. This is an MMO and as subscribing customer I think we deserve it to be done. DO NOT JUST GIVE UP AND LEAVE IT AS IT IS PLEASE.


No, I don't want the belts to be under the robes, it looks cool like it does now. they can fix the large *** problem without doing that.

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Well that explains what hes been doing since the early 90s, he became a dev for Bioware.


I can handle looking like a male version of Jennifer Lopez if it means they get the "stuttering effect" from spamming skills fixed first.

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I have to agree. Whilst I can understand it's a plus when playing a female character, I have found myself still wearing a lower level armor because it has a cape which covers this monstrosity of an ***. I can't get in the fantasy-feeling of saving a galaxy when my character fluffs about his cargo every step!
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This is a close 2nd place to the /hoodoff issue.

Just one of the many things that made me think WTH were the programmers thinking.


One would think there would be some attention to detail as you design the most iconic class for the biggest MMO ever. I am really disappointed so far with my Jedi overall. Maybe in the next expansion I'll play an Ewok, until then the Force is in my bubble butt !

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Somebody should ask this again for Stephen Reid :/ I asked the question but it's been ignored.


Seems like that is the route they are going to go. I asked this question on his AMA reddit post, but he totally ignored it (I asked nicely too). It really is frustrating.


Here is the reddit link.

ctrl+f and type rickems for my post.


Edited by Rickems
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