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So, when is this mara/sent nerf coming then?


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All the mara/sents trying to fend off the nerfbat, welcome to what being a sorc was like pre-1.2. Sorcs said all the same things. There is no 31/31/31 spec. Other classes have just as much cc and utility. Not beating a sorc is an l2p issue. Etc etc etc. All of it is irrelevant.


BW balances their classes according to metrics. Those metrics being the amount of collective qq posts on their forum about whatever class.


Mara/sents, you have no hope. There are even more qq threads about your class now than there were about sorcs, possibly more than the old ops/sc threads when they had stunlock easy mode. You will be adjusted for the good of the game, and I will come to your threads of tears and say something obtuse like "good gamers adapt to change."


Just like the sorc threads.


After mara/sent nerf, it's PT/VG's turn. GL to all.

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All the mara/sents trying to fend off the nerfbat, welcome to what being a sorc was like pre-1.2. Sorcs said all the same things. There is no 31/31/31 spec. Other classes have just as much cc and utility. Not beating a sorc is an l2p issue. Etc etc etc. All of it is irrelevant.


BW balances their classes according to metrics. Those metrics being the amount of collective qq posts on their forum about whatever class.


Mara/sents, you have no hope. There are even more qq threads about your class now than there were about sorcs, possibly more than the old ops/sc threads when they had stunlock easy mode. You will be adjusted for the good of the game, and I will come to your threads of tears and say something obtuse like "good gamers adapt to change."


Just like the sorc threads.


After mara/sent nerf, it's PT/VG's turn. GL to all.


For the record, I was fine with Sorcs. Class balance was pretty good for the most part in 1.1.5

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All the mara/sents trying to fend off the nerfbat, welcome to what being a sorc was like pre-1.2. Sorcs said all the same things. There is no 31/31/31 spec. Other classes have just as much cc and utility. Not beating a sorc is an l2p issue. Etc etc etc. All of it is irrelevant.


BW balances their classes according to metrics. Those metrics being the amount of collective qq posts on their forum about whatever class.


Mara/sents, you have no hope. There are even more qq threads about your class now than there were about sorcs, possibly more than the old ops/sc threads when they had stunlock easy mode. You will be adjusted for the good of the game, and I will come to your threads of tears and say something obtuse like "good gamers adapt to change."


Just like the sorc threads.


After mara/sent nerf, it's PT/VG's turn. GL to all.


well maybe they will maybe they wont, while i agree the 'metric' of qq has so far been a very effective one. I still think bioware may lean towards nerfing/buffing based on class/healer/tank populations. but we will find out soon enough, and yes if maras/sents do get a heavy nerf there will be the inevitable qq threads (depending on how much is changed between a pre 1.2 mara and post 1.2** mara

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Except...there are situations where we HAVE to use our CC break...or it might still be on CD from last time...gg knowing basic mechanics.



name one then.


and dont worry, you can just cycle that with your stealth, that is if you dont just flat out murder the other player.


and with a 90s god mode, you basically have to time your CC so that you can burn before it comes off, while you breaker is down otherwise you god mode and 3 shot the rest of us.

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CC's? Where!? I want some!


@OP it's not going to happen, get over it and L2P.


Depends on what side you play. The Imps get a CC, we get a slow, I'd much rather have a CC as opposed to a slow but there ya go... Not exactly a mirror of each other.

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Maur/Sents are fine. I play Jug/Sin. I do not have a maur/sent (yet). They die fast off CD, but they pose enough threat to target first before they off the other squishies on my team (sorcs/ops). Maur/Sent is NOT a faceroll class that everyone thinks it will be when they make one. It is a simple L2P issue. Make one for yourself, find out what skills you need to interrupt, which ones you run from, etc. Knowing is half the battle!


Also, I get 0 credit/MVP votes for being top in protection and objectives in WZ with the most medals because the imp community is full retard.


:cool: Deal with it. :wea_03::wea_03:

Edited by waznpride
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The combination of the two makes them viable not OP. Without those CD's a sentinel would just be toilet paper on the battlefield.


L2P scrub.


In case you haven't realised while tearing everyone you see to pieces but everyone right now is toilet paper, those defensive cd's that were fine pre 1.2 are far more powerful now in this new high damage environment.


What makes marauder's so much squishier than everyone else?

Edited by _Scattered_
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Only one thing matters:


If Bioware's game data indicate that marauder damage is overshooting what they think is should be then okay - bring it inline. But lets remember that it was months of data that showed them that some abiliies needed to be buffed.


This isn't like the operative nerf where BW's metrics showed that they were infact bursting a fair bit more than what BW was aiming for. this wasn't because of the less than ~1 % of the player base that acutally posts on the forums complained, it was because their data showed it was off.


SOO... if their data shows its infact more than what was intended then they will fix it. But from this post by Zoeller on 4/20:


" In response to your feedback, we've re-tested all classes to ensure they are falling within our desired DPS targets and found one issue with Demo Round / Heatseeker Missile which was getting increased DPS, not just from other people's stacks but also from an unwanted interaction with other skills. That issue was corrected in the 1.2.0c patch this week."

- GeorgZoeller


I would seem that marauders/sents are on target, however if this changes, they will make whatever needed adjustments are needed to get anyclass into their targeted DPS range.


How you "feel" about it how bad you are at beating marauders in pvp is not the issue. For the first few months of the game marauders were posting in the Mara sub forum about not being able to get into progression raid group because marauders suck - the were LOT of mara sucks threads. However - as team play progresses and ppl started seeing how good a well played marauder can be suddenly marauders/sents were OP. Well I'm sorry but this doesn't seem to be the case.


You can "feel" marauders are OP all you want when you just stand there and take a ravage - its your own fault.


All this QQing doesn't mean anything - ppl are QQ about healing but I have several awesome healers in my guild that i see break 400k healing all the time. Healing is fine in pvp.


If you unsub because of one class then you were bad from the beginning and are upset because you feel "entitled" to be a good player - when you just aren't , or perhaps you arent YET.


(sorry for typos/mispellings im posting from my phone)

Edited by Dacer
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I could've sworn this is what people wanted before 1.2. "Waahhhh healing is OP waahhhhh it takes FOREVER to kill anyone QQQQQQQQ". I remember posts to that effect. So now all I can say have fun dieing in 4 seconds to the horde of maras and sents.
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I could've sworn this is what people wanted before 1.2. "Waahhhh healing is OP waahhhhh it takes FOREVER to kill anyone QQQQQQQQ". I remember posts to that effect. So now all I can say have fun dieing in 4 seconds to the horde of maras and sents.


Key word being "horde". Most of them are so bad it will take six or seven to kill anyone.

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with this much community outrage it's just a matter of time and we know this based on this history of nerfs already. Ask sorcs and operatives


The problem is Bioware won't fix it in a logical way.


They will come in and break the class in ways that redefine stupid, rather than adjusting things in any kind of a thoughtful manner. Why? Who knows why, that's just how Bioware rolls.


The sorcerer and operative nerfs are a testament to their inability as a developer. I expect it is going to be months of this back and forth nerfing and buffing until they finally sink the game. If it even takes that long.

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I could've sworn this is what people wanted before 1.2. "Waahhhh healing is OP waahhhhh it takes FOREVER to kill anyone QQQQQQQQ". I remember posts to that effect. So now all I can say have fun dieing in 4 seconds to the horde of maras and sents.


QFT one of the best posts I've ever seen around here.

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Fact is people cried big giant crocodile tears about healers, then expertise and some class changes went through and now the dps is insane. And no, I don't care if you just dominated some pugs wearing 2 recruit peices and lvl 11 relics. I beat them too and you can't preface the entirety of PVP around fresh 50's. I'm talking about decent preforms/teams that aren't mouth breathers. I have 1178 expertise and still can get cut through in less than 10 seconds against a really good duo. Yea, 2 guys should be able to kill me but not without me at least delaying them. That's dumb but that's what people cried about and said they wanted. You can't have it both ways.
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Mara/Sent nerf won't happen until after Season 1 is over. Sept/Oct at the earliest.


The reason is simple. Mara/Sent is not OP by the metric BW uses to judge class (im)balance. BW is not adjusting class (im)balance based on the potential strength of the classes. It is adjusting based on the ACTUAL performance of the player base. And the Mara/Sent player base is filled with new entrants into the subclass who have poor gear and are still climbing their classes' learning curve. This lowers the overall Mara/Sent productivity and according to BW's metric shows that their class is UNDERpowered.


The subclasses that are mostly likely to be nerfed next are the classes that just got nerfed. Why? Because so many people left those subclasses that the only ones left are the hard core adherents to the subclass. These are very experienced players with a lot of gear. So the average productivity for a class that just got nerfed actually goes UP. Which means that BW will target them for additional nerfs. This is exactly what happened to Concealment Operatives.


And that's why the classes most likely to be nerfed next are: Sorc healers, Merc healers and Merc dps.


It will not be until BW sees Mara/Sents dominating Season 1 that they will realize that adjustments need to be made. However politically it will be impossible for BW to make big class adjustments in the middle of Season 1. Hence no nerfs to Mara/Sent until AFTER Season 1.

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