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Explain to me why I should heal you....


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I thought this thread would be about the 0 expertise PVE geared players coming into the WZs... my heals are wasted on them vs someone even in recruit gear.

As a healer I typically get between 2-6 MVP votes per match, and I usually feel they should go elsewhere. I'm doing what the character I picked is supposed to do, same as the DPS. Why would I be special for doing what I rolled a character to do? I usually give my votes to the person at the bottom of the stats that guarded the unattacked turret, or spent the whole time at the bunker that had 0 enemies. If a tank guarded me the whole match, he gets my vote, regardless of stats. Amount healed and DPSd is a poor indicator of performance.

I had a match where I was at a bunker, and had 0 damage, 9k heals. Yet I was doing what our team needed because someone had to watch for the incoming assault (which never happened).

Plus, 1 comm and some valor per vote? really worth ************ about?


This guy.


I make it a point in /ops to give ups to whoever is doing the boring side-guard. He doesn't always get my MVP vote (sometimes the reason why his job was so boring is because the rest of the team was destroying the opposition elsewhere), but still: he's taking one for the team.


As a reformed / former healer, and having gotten way more than my share of MVP votes (yeah, I admit it, I have on more than one occasion been baited into pouring heals onto The Wrong Guy or at The Wrong Place), I don't default to giving MVP to heals, either.

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when I out-heal every other player in the match, and yet only get 1 MVP selection. I play the objective, have kills, and easily 100k more healing than the next person, and yet MVP goes to some guy at the bottom of the list in every stat.


I like playing my Sage, and being a team healer, but if I don't receive recognition for keeping my team alive, I'll keep my heals to myself.


Anyone else share this frustration?


I always MVP vote the top healer.


Out of curiosity, how many times have YOU voted for the tank to puts guards and taunts for you? That's the real thankless job imo.

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when I out-heal every other player in the match, and yet only get 1 MVP selection. I play the objective, have kills, and easily 100k more healing than the next person, and yet MVP goes to some guy at the bottom of the list in every stat.


I like playing my Sage, and being a team healer, but if I don't receive recognition for keeping my team alive, I'll keep my heals to myself.


Anyone else share this frustration?


Really? Get over it, quit expecting people to stroke your epeen. You healed your team which is good, but seriously asking everyone to bow down and tell you how great you are for doing what you are supposed to is just plain dumb. When I go to work and do what I am supposed to should I get all mad if my boss doesnt constantly tell me how great I am for doing what hes *********** paying me for? Seriously think about this, you are asking people to sit there and give you praise because you did your job. In the real world people wont shower you with praise because you did what you were supposed to do, accept it.

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What I find funny is people think "I heal there for am I am the MVP, period" when in reality healer is just one part of the forumla, you still need people to protect the healer, people to kill opponents, people to take objectives, etc. When I vote for MVP I dont just default because someone has tons of heals, if during the match I felt they truly were the best player I will vote for them, but I vote for who I really believe was the Most Valuable Player, which isnt always heals.
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when I out-heal every other player in the match, and yet only get 1 MVP selection. I play the objective, have kills, and easily 100k more healing than the next person, and yet MVP goes to some guy at the bottom of the list in every stat.


I like playing my Sage, and being a team healer, but if I don't receive recognition for keeping my team alive, I'll keep my heals to myself.


Anyone else share this frustration?


You are 1 out of 8 people. I don't bish about not getting recognition for keeping YOU alive the whole fight so that you can actually do your job (most likely while not receiving any said heals myself).


If I ever saw you say something like this in ops chat, I can pretty much guarantee I'd never vote for you for the rest of the game's existence. You doing your job is not somehow more important than every other person on the team doing their job.


You don't like being a team healer, you like being some WZ hero who thinks he's god's gift to video games.


Also, healers are pretty much a luxury on my server (Empire-side). We can and do win games w/out healers all the time. It's not impossible.


Please, get over yourself.

Edited by Varicite
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Personally, I give healers my MvP vote primarily because I know from experience that getting medals on a healer is a lot more of a headache than on a DPS or a tank, and I try to compensate them with a few more comms from the MvP vote as a result.
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If this is a troll post good job. But are you really saying that the only reason you WOULD heal people is if they recognized you as MVP and gave you the huge MVP bonus of 1 regular warzone commendation or 1/3rd of a ranked comm?


Maybe you should heal people to help win the match and get an addition 50ish comms? Or would you rather lose and get the maximum of 7 comms from MVP votes?

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So by your logic, when I topped every column other than deaths and heals and got no MVP votes, I should've changed my tactics and stopped doing anything for the team? Try to win without healers? How about you try to win just healing yourself...or without dps...or tanks.
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So by your logic, when I topped every column other than deaths and heals and got no MVP votes, I should've changed my tactics and stopped doing anything for the team? Try to win without healers? How about you try to win just healing yourself...or without dps...or tanks.

lol a team of all healers would be funny to see, sure they wouldnt die but ill be damned if they killed anyone or took an objectives.

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I am a healer get top score and do not expect people to hand me MVP vote. I usually vote for the bottom of the barrel as they usually are undergeared and need points. This is a cooperative game and everyone helps people out. What about the guy who protects you? Do you vote for him or do you only want people to vote for you?
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I always MVP vote the top healer.


Out of curiosity, how many times have YOU voted for the tank to puts guards and taunts for you? That's the real thankless job imo.


OH OH OH *raises hand* I DO I DO!!


I judge my vote on what I saw, felt, the stats... I just dont go oh look he had 400K healing.... I do look at the votes though...


What I hate is coming in to a match late and the team is down and losing already and you trying your best to flip the tide and not getting a vote... even worse when the tide DOES flip and your team wins and you get no vote....


Again this is all for E-peen, so its pointless, but it is like a thank you... since its only 1 comm per vote, they should give everyone 2 votes or split the mvp votes to Offense and Defense, etc....

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Here's who my MVP goes to:


If I'm playing a healer, MVP goes to whoever puts Guard on me.

If I'm playing a DPS, MVP goes to whoever coordinates the team the best. Even if that means shouting at everyone in Ops chat.

If I'm playing a tank I put Guard on a healer and MVP them if we stick together.

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when I out-heal every other player in the match, and yet only get 1 MVP selection. I play the objective, have kills, and easily 100k more healing than the next person, and yet MVP goes to some guy at the bottom of the list in every stat.


I like playing my Sage, and being a team healer, but if I don't receive recognition for keeping my team alive, I'll keep my heals to myself.


Anyone else share this frustration?


Tell me about it! Before I quit healing on my Sage I would do more healing than the entire WZ combined on top of capping/killing/and defending and get no MVP votes.

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I share it occasionally. Heck, I have a similar frustration on my Sniper when I dominate the scoreboard and only get 1 MVP vote. That's how MVP votes are. (I usually chalk it up to other people voting for their friends or noticing some great accomplishment that I somehow missed.)


I was expecting this thread to be about the most frustrating situation I find myself in when playing my Combat Medic:


One of my teammates is in a fight and about to die. I heal him, expecting him to kill his opponent. Instead, he just stands there and does nothing (or does less damage than a wet noodle). Eventually, I run out of ammo keeping him alive, he dies, and his opponent comes after me. Then I die because I ran out of ammo trying to heal my incompetent teammate (when I could have instead just let him die and killed his opponent myself from the start).


Its more frustrating when you see that a teammate is dying and you start healing him and since his opponent cant kill him he focus on you instead and then your teammate instead coming to help ya, just picks another target close to him and moves away with his business and you die because you started healing him xD

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I vote for guildies first or the person with the highest objective score if i am queing solo.

Question: does the objective scoring actually work now? It definitely seems much more accurate for contribution toward victory but I remember it being pretty broken before.

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My MVP vote always goes to the player with the least numbers on the board. Cause Im a nice guy like that. People who are putting up huge numbers in any case are already getting medals. Those poor people who are trying but are struggling need some love, just sayin.


OP, your whining about not getting MVP votes is silly imo. Play the game, but dont hate.

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Question: does the objective scoring actually work now? It definitely seems much more accurate for contribution toward victory but I remember it being pretty broken before.


Depends on the map. For example defending the lone door/node doesn't get you any points in Voidstar, but does in Alderran/NC. Note that attacker points are only given for successful assaults, so the guy that was attacking but died wouldn't get attacker points. It's certainly not 100% reliable to go by objective points, though it's not a bad place to start.

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Depends on the map. For example defending the lone door/node doesn't get you any points in Voidstar, but does in Alderran/NC. Note that attacker points are only given for successful assaults, so the guy that was attacking but died wouldn't get attacker points. It's certainly not 100% reliable to go by objective points, though it's not a bad place to start.

Cool, always nice to learn something useful on the forums, thanks.

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when I out-heal every other player in the match, and yet only get 1 MVP selection. I play the objective, have kills, and easily 100k more healing than the next person, and yet MVP goes to some guy at the bottom of the list in every stat.


I like playing my Sage, and being a team healer, but if I don't receive recognition for keeping my team alive, I'll keep my heals to myself.


Anyone else share this frustration?

Also sage healer and have same problem, I'm usually the ONLY healer in the match at all and bring people from 10% when I join the fight to full... A have also been in a few where I healed about 40k more then the top dps and. Ecuador he had 4 more medals then me they all voted for him...

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Win matches w/o healers all the time. I think that you think too highly of yourself.


Say Thanks to BW for that, in any other team game Healing is crucial, in this game 2button kids can win easily against healer without any effort.

Enjoy your overpowered class, and i personally think you thinking too high of yourself too.

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