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Has this game turned you "off" to MMOs in general?


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I think 95% of the people here played World of Warcraft and had a great time with the game at some point. You get tired of a game and angry with the way the changes/expansions are installed which is understandable...


This game had so many Star Wars fans licking their chops and thinking that this would be the next great thing, because it's STAR WARS... and I had sworn allegiance to this game no matter if I hated it even before I played... but I hit Battlemaster about 2 months ago and stopped playing shortly after. Man I wanted this game to work.


I find myself still coming back to these forums because I care about the game and I invested so much to the forums leading up to the game.


I think we wanted this game to save us from the MMO genre that we knew as "WoW," but I think it turned me off to the whole genre as a whole and I have now lost faith. :(


I do however hope that this game succeeds (but I don't see that happening) and I hope people continue to casually have fun with it.


And seriously, you can have my stuff. First person to send me a message gets my stuff.


Good luck with the game!




No, this game hasn't turned me off to other MMOs. Other MMOs have turned me off to Other MMOs.

Edited by marseluswallace
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TOR: spacebar spam through conversations, tbh. We both know most players do this. I actually made the hilarious mistake of listening to some of these quest dialogues on my first character. So much faster to read the subtitles.


I don't play text-based MMO's (or, as we call them, MUDs) anymore because they have no spacial representation for combat. Now that's a feature that matters. Right?



No, we both don't know that most players do this. Especially their first play throughs. TBH, I wouldn't even get the appeal of this game if I was hammering the spacebar every time I clicked for a conversation. Maybe you're playing the wrong MMO?



Also, the combat in these type games is no different than the text based ones. Both types are on roll systems and the combat in the text based games have you a full description of what was going on. The only difference is that you can see the animations in modern MMOs, making them feel more cinematic. Which is the same thing the VOs do for the games story and quests. It gives depth to what you're doing.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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They don't understand that our games we prefer to play don't exist in that form anymore. The majority of MMO product have all conformed to the WOW model in order to get a bigger slice of the pie.


AO Classic for life.


They absolutely DO exist. You just don't want to play them, and can't admit it. Play AC1. It hasn't changed sustantially. DAoC. Same.


EQ1. I can log on right now to my 45lvl Paladin and go grind undead in Katta Castellum. I could log in and retrieve my lvl 10 Warrior from Kael Drakkar, run back to East Commonlands and whack on Orcs till my fingers bled. You can still do this! Why don't you?

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For some, choosing the "favored" faction/side and powerleveling through a game as fast as possible then blaming the game and company for a lacking MMO, is the "in thing." People seem to not try the hardroad or slowing down. Right now, the Empire side is heavily favored and easy to PvP and level. I guess its both the company (for money) and player (more fun with no challenge.) Ok, that was my rant as the real problem in MMO's today.


One problem I have for MMO's, personally, is the fantasy genre is very overused and played. SWTOR is better with it being more a space/fantasy MMO with Jedi/Sith being the Paladins and Deathknights, Troopers/BH warriors, etc. Still, I believe people want more scifi and less "glowy magic fingers." :)


I am looking forward to more cool things in SWTOR. If BW would do as someone stated above, look for the real target players, not try to appeal to everyone. That kills games for a short, big, profit.

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They absolutely DO exist. You just don't want to play them, and can't admit it. Play AC1. It hasn't changed sustantially. DAoC. Same.


EQ1. I can log on right now to my 45lvl Paladin and go grind undead in Katta Castellum. I could log in and retrieve my lvl 10 Warrior from Kael Drakkar, run back to East Commonlands and whack on Orcs till my fingers bled. You can still do this! Why don't you?



Because after playing games like TOR, games like EQ1 make me want to pull my hair out. ;) I recently downloaded EQ1 and my level 35 Warrior and 38 Druid were still there... 8 years after I unsubbed. I attacked one undead MOB standing around these ruins and like 4 more joined the fight. I got down to about half health and then ran for it. I had to run around about 10 minutes with them chasing after me the whole time until I finally found the zone entrance. I used to love that game...... not any more.

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It's not about being read aloud to. It's about enjoying a cinematic experience. WOW, for instance, doesn't have that in it's quests. Most people that play games like that have no clue why they're doing a quest. They just accept them all and then mindlessly complete them as they race to max level. TOR has changed the genre for the better, IMO, by making the leveling process fun again. The journey actually means something in TOR.


Also, if graphics, presentation, cinematic, etc don't make a difference, why aren't you still playing text based MMORPGs?


Funny you mention WoW quests. I'm a fan of Yogscast, and everytime they do a WoW spotlight, it's a pet peeve of mine that they NEVER read the quests. Half the time they're not even sure what they're doing...they simply follow the cliff notes version of the quest, follow the quest marker.


You see some players here trying to emulate that same behavior by 'spacebarring' through the stories. No wonder they don't like the game. And frankly, the game can do without them.

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Because after playing games like TOR, games like EQ1 make me want to pull my hair out. ;) I recently downloaded EQ1 and my level 35 Warrior and 38 Druid were still there... 8 years after I unsubbed. I attacked one undead MOB standing around these ruins and like 4 more joined the fight. I got down to about half health and then ran for it. I had to run around about 10 minutes with them chasing after me the whole time until I finally found the zone entrance. I used to love that game...... not any more.


I'm the same way. About once every two years I get the nostalgia bug, and I log in to my old characters on EQ1. But unlike some posters here, after about half an hour I realize WHY I left that game. It was interesting and fun when I played it last decade, but that's because there was nothing else to compare. The gameplay is horrible.


The only thing I still give EQ credit for is creating some very interesting and magical zones. On the occasions that I do return to EQ, it's primarily just to visit the zones themselves, not to actually fight anything.

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Funny you mention WoW quests. I'm a fan of Yogscast, and everytime they do a WoW spotlight, it's a pet peeve of mine that they NEVER read the quests. Half the time they're not even sure what they're doing...they simply follow the cliff notes version of the quest, follow the quest marker.


You see some players here trying to emulate that same behavior by 'spacebarring' through the stories. No wonder they don't like the game. And frankly, the game can do without them.



WOW's quest are typically so mundane and poorly written that it's not even worth reading the text.

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Not really, but its getting close sadly. This game however did make my wife a Trekkie now :(


A Trekkie? :eek:


Game did get me to learn a whole lot more about SW than I ever knew before. I've been reading a lot of the books and making liberal use of Wookiepedia. Been fun learning about a whole new "galaxy".

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No, we both don't know that most players do this. Especially their first play throughs. TBH, I wouldn't even get the appeal of this game if I was hammering the spacebar every time I clicked for a conversation. Maybe you're playing the wrong MMO?


Also, the combat in these type games is no different than the text based ones. Both types are on roll systems and the combat in the text based games have you a full description of what was going on. The only difference is that you can see the animations in modern MMOs, making them feel more cinematic. Which is the same thing the VOs do for the games story and quests. It gives depth to what you're doing.


Ok, cling to your hopes of a world where most players are listening to the VO's. Maybe it's an RP server thing, I honestly don't know.


Despite the similarities between the underlying combat systems for graphical MMO's vs. MUDs, there are several important differences: range, for example. Positionals. Line of sight. And these are only the differences that are strictly within the one larger point I mentioned (spacial representation).


There are, of course, others. But at this point I think you're arguing to argue because you can't admit that VO's just aren't that important, so we don't have to go over them. But prove me wrong: all you have to say is you honestly, truly, in your heart-of-hearts, don't believe that LOS matters *more than VO's. Make that claim with a straight face.


*Edit: took a shortcut, there, and said something I didn't mean to. Fixed.

Edited by hairlessOrphan
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Ok, cling to your hopes of a world where most players are listening to the VO's. Maybe it's an RP server thing, I honestly don't know.


Despite the similarities between the underlying combat systems for graphical MMO's vs. MUDs, there are several important differences: range, for example. Positionals. Line of sight. And these are only the differences that are strictly within the one larger point I mentioned (spacial representation).


There are, of course, others. But at this point I think you're arguing to argue because you can't admit that VO's just aren't that important, so we don't have to go over them. But prove me wrong: all you have to say is you honestly, truly, in your heart-of-hearts, don't believe that LOS matters *more than VO's. Make that claim with a straight face.


*Edit: took a shortcut, there, and said something I didn't mean to. Fixed.


VOs just aren't that important...to you (and, obviously, some others). But you cannot assert this as fact encompassing everyone. Don't even try.


It sounds to me like this game is way too casual for you and that's cool. It is casual. I don't think it was meant at all for people who are big time into combat strategies or min/max or some of the other things offered in other MMOs. This is also good.

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voice over is important to my wife :) she and I play many MMO together but never last long (CoX, AC, SWG, EnB, WoW) she loves to read, but don't like to read the "quest text" VO help her make her first MAX level character (except SWG she did max out in skills) in short period of time (8 days of total play time) it is pretty fun.


SWTOR revitalize MMO for me also. I enjoy it more and willing to create alts to see anything else different :)

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VOs just aren't that important...to you (and, obviously, some others). But you cannot assert this as fact encompassing everyone. Don't even try.


No, no, it's not an objective fact at all. I didn't claim that. My only claim was that it is funny to me that people feel being read aloud to is so much better than reading. I assert that with absolute conviction.


Look, mang(s): I'm not saying you're *wrong*. It is clearly true that it matters to you. I'm just saying: let's all look at what's really going on here and have a laugh at ourselves and the human condition.

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RPers have a game now that allows them the joy of RP. PVP/Elite Raiders find this game less then what they believe is ideal (it's not WoW). Everyone else just falls around the game in their own flash int he pan way. Some think it's great, some hate it. Some want it to continue successfully for years, others want it to fall away tomorrow so they can say "See I told you it would fail". Seems to me, that gamers tend to either love or hate a game, regardless of genre. So I tend to read threads like this and just shake my head.


Why can't you just play the game, and give actual constructive feedback? Why can't you just say "I hate this game and am not going to play anymore" when you decide it's not for you. Leave quietly with a few notes to the company in the exit questionare? Let the people who enjoy the game enjoy it, why is that so hard?


1 day, I would love just 1 day, in 1 game to look at the forums and not see these pathetic threads. "How long till the game ends?" "DO you hate games now that this game was released?" Please, so trite and tiresome. To answer the OP, yes, I hate most mmos now, no I don't hate this one. If anything, I am glad to see a game that doesn't cater to the endgame raiders and PvPers.

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No, no, it's not an objective fact at all. I didn't claim that. My only claim was that it is funny to me that people feel being read aloud to is so much better than reading. I assert that with absolute conviction.


I'm an avid reader. I think I support Amazon's Kindle section on my own sometimes. :o I read every single night and have for about 45 years. I love reading, hell I read cereal boxes. And I love the VO because it adds a bit of life. And, y'know...I found that not all quests are the same. There can be some interesting variances depending upon class, alignment and the like. I wasn't really expecting that but have found it occurs pretty often.


So, assert away but I really, really, really wish that people would learn to just say: I think this or it's my opinion that instead of trying to appear to have more support by being overly-inclusive. Stand up for your own opinions and if others share them, they will join in, especially around here. :D

Edited by DieAlteHexe
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I'm an avid reader. I think I support Amazon's Kindle section on my own sometimes. :o I read every single night and have for about 45 years. I love reading, hell I read cereal boxes. And I love the VO because it adds a bit of life. And, y'know...I found that not all quests are the same. There can be some interesting variances depending upon class, alignment and the like. I wasn't really expecting that but have found it occurs pretty often.


So, assert away but I really, really, really wish that people would learn to just say: I think this or it's my opinion that instead of trying to appear to have more support by being overly-inclusive. Stand up for your own opinions and if others share them, they will join in, especially around here. :D


I think it's a shortcut because it's my opinion that people should be able to tell the difference between subjective and objective assertions. I think but I might be giving too much credit to people. In my opinion, clearly, people dig the VO's. I think even people who actually love to read. In my opinion I don't dispute that at all. I think but when people are flat-out saying they think being read aloud to is decisively better than reading, here - and notice I do not make any statements about why they feel that way! - I have to laugh. In my opinion, I have to.


Whew. Ok, buddy, I tried it your way, and it sucked. *In my opinion*


Now try it my way: let's all be a little less insecure, you guys.

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No, no, it's not an objective fact at all. I didn't claim that. My only claim was that it is funny to me that people feel being read aloud to is so much better than reading. I assert that with absolute conviction.


Look, mang(s): I'm not saying you're *wrong*. It is clearly true that it matters to you. I'm just saying: let's all look at what's really going on here and have a laugh at ourselves and the human condition.


But that's NOT what's really going on here. You clearly don't know the difference between voice acting and reading aloud. If you think you could just waltz into an animation studio and 'read aloud' your part for the next Star Wars animated series, you're being terribly naive. Voice actors make good money because they do MORE than just read aloud.

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Ok, cling to your hopes of a world where most players are listening to the VO's. Maybe it's an RP server thing, I honestly don't know.


Despite the similarities between the underlying combat systems for graphical MMO's vs. MUDs, there are several important differences: range, for example. Positionals. Line of sight. And these are only the differences that are strictly within the one larger point I mentioned (spacial representation).


There are, of course, others. But at this point I think you're arguing to argue because you can't admit that VO's just aren't that important, so we don't have to go over them. But prove me wrong: all you have to say is you honestly, truly, in your heart-of-hearts, don't believe that LOS matters *more than VO's. Make that claim with a straight face.


*Edit: took a shortcut, there, and said something I didn't mean to. Fixed.


Companies would not be spending money on VOs in their games if people didn't want them. Sure, there are no tactical advantages in voice overs, as there is with combat, but that doesn't mean that VOs aren't important to people. Game companies aren't going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on something that people don't care for or things that "just aren't that important". They do it because they know they have to in order to make their game successful and competitive with others on the market. So, now you claim with a straight face that VOs just don't matter that much. Or better yet, call up the bajillion gaming developers out there and make that claim to them. See how long it takes them to laugh in your face.

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