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Wonderful SWTOR Paradox


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Being an MMO, the most satisfying "social" interactions are between a player and an NPC.


I can walk through NPCs like a Sith Ghost and there is nothing interactive about timefrozen NPCs, is there anything social about that? The most interactive NPCs I saw (though impressing) were the Sith Guards in the Headquarters bowing down when you pass. Someone at BW had one good idea about NPCs reactions after all.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Being an MMO, the most satisfying "social" interactions are between a player and an NPC.


I did some group quest for the first time last night (other than ops and flashpoints)


I was horrified.


I was playing BH, with another BH and we couldn't help each other with the class quests unless we did the quest twice


***?? the quests are identical but yet we both couldn't get credit for killing a boss


This game is not an MMORPG, its a new genre of game that can't quite be defined yet

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I did some group quest for the first time last night (other than ops and flashpoints)


I was horrified.


I was playing BH, with another BH and we couldn't help each other with the class quests unless we did the quest twice


***?? the quests are identical but yet we both couldn't get credit for killing a boss


This game is not an MMORPG, its a new genre of game that can't quite be defined yet


That situation is very rare, class quests are designed as solo quests that you can bring other players along to assist the person doing the quest. It's only the class quests that cannot be shared in any way.


The reason it's rare is that it is very unusual to find 2 players of the same base class, doing the same section of their class quest and on exactly the same quest.


To be honest it very rarely crops up.

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I did some group quest for the first time last night (other than ops and flashpoints)


I was horrified.


I was playing BH, with another BH and we couldn't help each other with the class quests unless we did the quest twice


***?? the quests are identical but yet we both couldn't get credit for killing a boss


This game is not an MMORPG, its a new genre of game that can't quite be defined yet


Well thats because the class quests are YOUR personal story... the choices YOU make in them affect the rest of your class story... thats why only YOUR choices count in it and if you bring along another player with the same class he will have to re-do them because HE has to make HIS choices.

all other stories are shareable... just not class missions... and they are way fewer than the other missions

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I did some group quest for the first time last night (other than ops and flashpoints)


I was horrified.


I was playing BH, with another BH and we couldn't help each other with the class quests unless we did the quest twice


***?? the quests are identical but yet we both couldn't get credit for killing a boss


This game is not an MMORPG, its a new genre of game that can't quite be defined yet



I guess that is probably for technical reasons rather than a design choice, could be wrong though.

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Being an MMO, the most satisfying "social" interactions are between a player and an NPC.


The social system needs a big redesign, it's like a single player version bolted on to an MMO, it just doesn't do what it's supposed to do.

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Well thats because the class quests are YOUR personal story... the choices YOU make in them affect the rest of your class story... thats why only YOUR choices count in it and if you bring along another player with the same class he will have to re-do them because HE has to make HIS choices.

all other stories are shareable... just not class missions... and they are way fewer than the other missions


This is why this game isn't an MMORPG, its a new breed of game.


you mentioning "YOUR" so many times reminded me of all the promo stuff, should of got the hint BW were focusing on a single player game with optional multiplayer.

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This is why this game isn't an MMORPG, its a new breed of game.


you mentioning "YOUR" so many times reminded me of all the promo stuff, should of got the hint BW were focusing on a single player game with optional multiplayer.


Yeah, but it would be hard to make an MMORPG that has a personal story in it if it wasnt about YOU sometime right?


look, the class missions make up around 1/10th of the missions... its not a big deal...

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Yeah, but it would be hard to make an MMORPG that has a personal story in it if it wasnt about YOU sometime right?


look, the class missions make up around 1/10th of the missions... its not a big deal...


I know its not that big a deal, same as its not that big a deal that this game isn't an MMORPG


just haven't worked out what to call it yet


LMOG = Limited mutiplayer online game?


they certainty "redefined the genre" oh hohoho :cool:

Edited by kurzis
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Being an MMO, the most satisfying "social" interactions are between a player and an NPC.


The most satisfying "social" interaction, for me, is both with my guild and the people I've grouped with in game. The companions are more or less tools that I use for crafting etc. So, if one chooses a blow up doll over a real woman, that becomes their choice, not an absolute across the board.


You are employing a logical fallacy of mind projection here....and even if this were a truism, it would be an irony, not a paradox.


Either way, this is your issue skip, not the game's.

Edited by Blackardin
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I know its not that big a deal, same as its not that big a deal that this game isn't an MMORPG


just haven't worked out what to call it yet


LMOG = Limited mutiplayer online game?


they certainty "redefined the genre" oh hohoho :cool:


Again, fallacy of projection. This is how you see it, based on your apparent misuse of the product, then promulgating that into law with neither review or challenge. Because it has aspects of the game that do not require the participation of others, that does not disqualify it as an MMORPG as every MMORPG has that element present. Wow's last expansion was completely solo-able to level 85. Did that too fall out of the genre?


Honestly most of the problem I am seeing with this game are right here on these boards, with the self proclaimed experts and their face book logic.

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Again, fallacy of projection. This is how you see it, based on your apparent misuse of the product, then promulgating that into law with neither review or challenge. Because it has aspects of the game that do not require the participation of others, that does not disqualify it as an MMORPG as every MMORPG has that element present. Wow's last expansion was completely solo-able to level 85. Did that too fall out of the genre?


Honestly most of the problem I am seeing with this game are right here on these boards, with the self proclaimed experts and their face book logic.


Gonna go ahead and give this an Amen!

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I know its not that big a deal, same as its not that big a deal that this game isn't an MMORPG


just haven't worked out what to call it yet


LMOG = Limited mutiplayer online game?


they certainty "redefined the genre" oh hohoho :cool:


Right... so its "limited" because less than 10% of the missions cannot be done by people with the same class (actually they can, but they'll have to redo them again to make their own choices)

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Being an MMO, the most satisfying "social" interactions are between a player and an NPC.


I seem to get several hours of social interaction every Tuesday and Wednesday evening when I join my Ops team.


I also enjoy having things to do (like getting codex entries from each planet) without being in a group, so I can be free to watch Netflix, Hulu, etc on my other monitor on the other nights.

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This is why this game isn't an MMORPG, its a new breed of game.


you mentioning "YOUR" so many times reminded me of all the promo stuff, should of got the hint BW were focusing on a single player game with optional multiplayer.


Actually, it's more of a mmoRPG than any MMORPG that came before it. RPG stands for 'role playing game' and experiencing a story about your individual character bolsters that part immensely.


You can group up and do all quests together. In non-class quests, some dialogs will change a bit to address a group rather than a solo player. In class quests, only the quest owner gets to interact and the others spectate. While I agree that it does seem a bit weird that class quests are so restrictive, it makes sense when you break it down. Would you really want another group member to effect your personal story line just because you lost a RNG roll? I wouldn't - that means that I would even kick my brother from the group as we commonly like to pick at each other. I wouldn't let anyone in my class quest dialogs if that was the case.


Regarding the questing system in TOR, this is the first MMORPG that I have played where I really wanted to group up while leveling. I preferred to solo quest in WoW, LoTRO, DCUO and EVE simply because I could do it more efficiently by myself rather than wait for others. In TOR, I actually am open to questing with rank strangers, simply for social points.

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I know its not that big a deal, same as its not that big a deal that this game isn't an MMORPG


just haven't worked out what to call it yet


LMOG = Limited mutiplayer online game?


they certainty "redefined the genre" oh hohoho :cool:


It's a true MMORPG. Your character actually has a story.


If the class quests being designed in a more single player'ish fashion bother you so much, just level to 50 and do Operations/PvP. The game plays like every other MMORPG that came before it, the exception being a few cutscenes in KP and EC.

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The paradox is the way to get social points is by not being social. :eek:




You must be in a group with at least one other player to earn social points.


That said, it is a bit odd that you don't earn social points while in Operations.

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There is an option in the menus to allow a player of the same class into a class story area. However, you will not complete the quest for both players in one run. Whoever enters the area first (with the option active) will have it apply to him, and then afterwards the other player must enter again tostart that sequence for his own character.


The reason for this is of course that the class stories are very precisely written and in many cases it would simply make no sense to the story with two BHs, Knights, or whatever to both have the story applied to them.

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You must be in a group with at least one other player to earn social points.


That said, it is a bit odd that you don't earn social points while in Operations.


You only get social points by being with a person throughout a quest, basically you need to level in a permant fixed group to get anything other than miserly amounts of social points.


So the best way to get social points is to be completely anti-social (to anyone outside your permanent fixed group).


Conversely you can be the most social person in the game, helping and meeting others, but if you don't hand in quests with them then no "social" points for you.


It's a paradox. :(

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