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I have loved this game from the start. Yes it has had it's issues with me, but they have since been resolved now. I love this being a Star Wars universe I can go and get away from everything. Climb mountains, make things for people, roleplaying endlessly for hours upon hours with people. Walk around on planets and find secret places. Everything has been really...well great.


The thing is, if people don't like the game. That is ok if you come on a say what they need to do with constructive criticism. But please don't come on here just for the sake of complaining because you want to get a big rise out of people. I have stayed off the forums for quite a while now and just looking at them, and it just seems like Mr. negativity is in the building everyday.


This game is the most marvelous thing that has come along in a long time. It's the closest thing you can get to an interactive movie. Voice Over makes the story and lore pop out at you more instead of just reading it, you listen to it. Yes there are people who just "OMG! JUST GET TO THE ENDGAME ALREADY! I DONT CARE ABOUT STORY!" Why are you here then? This whole game is about story. That's what it was built for. That's what it was advertised as. It was advertised as an mmorpg set in the Star Wars universe that has full voice over dialogue. That's what we got.


So when people complain about that this isn't an mmo You see other people running around doing missions just like you all in an mmo setting. By the way, did you guys know this game was advertised as the first single player rpg/ mmorpg to come out? BioWare said, "for the kotor fans, you are going to get to have this game be your own personal kotor if you want. Kotor 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 and so on is in here. so we have that for you guys. Then the folks who like nothing but mmos, we also have the stuff also." Stop being so critical of everything and WANTING to see bad things of good things.


First...people want something that isn't the same. Isn't all "omg..we have had reading for a decade now in mmos...change it, someone PLEASE change it!" they get it...bioware does it. They change it. It's not enough.... then people DON'T want VO anymore...they prefer the old method, but when they do get the old method, they will beg for the new method again. Because it is better. Then they want something that is fun and has a leveling experience where it brings back the feeling of the whole game being the endgame feel because that's the experience you get. SWTOR has brought that to the table. But...now people go, "no...no I don't want that. I want epic, crazy uber awesome endgame. Who cares about the leveling experience. space space space space." It just seems like to me people are never happy with what they have. It's like this.


"BioWare! Put sprint at level 1! what are you doing! *shakes fist* and now because of the alt system and endgame is to make another alt due to legacy sprint is now at level 1


"BioWare! Why did you put sprint at level 1! What are you doing!!? *shakes fist*. Now they are not happy because they feel like before they had to "work" for sprint and now the players that didn't know about sprint being at 14 before just..get it at level 1. and people don't like that. To see they had to work alllll those levels for something somebody just comes in and gets for free!? no no no...what do they do? complain....


See...this is how it is. Everybody is sooo used to nothing but endgame, endgame, endgame gear, gear, gear. That's all there ever has been in the past 6 or 7 years of mmos coming out. People wanted to something different than that. BioWare delivered JUST THAT. An amazing leveling experience that sticks with you and you feel like you are more in tune with your character and it's more "your baby" than previous mmos. They delivered just that. With great voice overs so it doesn't feel boring might I add. Everybody is used to the WoW way now...get your raid done..kill your boss...get your gear...repeat. Until they are bored. Well you know what? Nobody is forcing you to keep raiding or rushing to level cap and going..omg..there is NOTHING to do. Why? BECAUSE YA RUSHED THROUGH IT NUT :p lol


This game has soooo many more things in it than any other mmo out right now that you can do while you level or at level cap. Some people just choose not to see it. Either they are too stubborn to admit it, or they fail to recognize just how much content this game has. This game has enormous planets that you can do more than just quest on.


What is that by the way? What is it that people on the net keep complaining about this "endgame" stuff? What is so fascinating at endgame? Because you are leveled up and have all your gear and you just want to go pwn stuff in an uber totally awesome open world pvp area? Not gonna happen...why? one word: PEOPLE. People will screw it up. They will find exploits, bugs, and use cheats and/or bots to screw it up. Even if it's balanced. Which this game pretty much is. When I ask EVERYONE who complains in game about "man..there is no endgame here" I ask...serious question now sir. What do YOU want in this "endgame"? nobody can answer. Why? there is no answer. Because everybody has a different outlook on what they do at level cap for the time being and it all gets thrown around and goes "no...endgame should be this. No, it should be this" and all sorts of stuff.


Now...for the people that love to say endgame and love nothing but endgames that's where the dynamic events are going to unfold and make the game better for you 50's standing around fleet doing nothing. Not because there is nothing to do, but because YOU don't seek out doing differen't things. There is a big difference. Dynamic Events are going to be the new thing in this game because if the other faction invades the home planet or a planet of the Republic or Empire who will people call upon? The level 50s! Because we are the ones who are highest and need to beat back these enemies that just landed here and are invading. The events are a very good way to keep high levels busy.


MMOs do NOT have endgames! SWTOR has brought back the feeling of "the whole game is the endgame" because of the experience you get. Sure..they have gear but it's not a game about gear. It's a game about immersion and story. I know everybody calls them endgames because it's what you do at the end of the game meaning level cap, but mmos dont end...it just has a level cap at the moment. There are loads of things to do :


Go roleplay (if you are bad at it, or think you are bad. Just do it, stick with it you WILL get good)

Roll an alt (biggest draw of this game. Now even more because of legacy)

Choose different decisions this time (believe it or not, they DO have an effect on how you can talk to later)

Build up your legacy

Get legacy unlocks!

Unlock all species

Unlock all abilities

Do Warzones (think of different ways to win EVERY time)

Do all flashpoints in every mode.

Do all flashpoints solo, challenge yourself more to see if you can do it

Help out new people on planets, starter planets.

Get new crew skills (yes that means deleting what you have and start over)

Discover every world n,s,e,w

Get all codex entries

Get all pets

Go exploring

Climb mountains

Take a nice relaxing stroll (listen to that wonderful music)

Get datacrons

Discover new places

Try getting on top of stuff

Craft things for fellow players and give it to them for free!

Think of new ways of doing combat

Think of using better combos when attacking

Strategize more before you engage

Find some open pvp on a lot of planets (yes it's there, you have to seek it out, it won't come to you)

Do some space missions

Run people through FP (this is a BIG help and get's you recognized on your server)

Help people by healing them, giving them buffs etc..

Do operations on all modes

Start a new guild on the opposite side

Have a race with someone

Have a coordinated set up gigantic duel with 8 plus people and whoever wins gets credits

Get lost in the world and in your mind (completely zone out and roleplay YOU are what you are, not just a character)

Chop enemies up 10 or more levels below you (no..I don't mean pvp, that's dishonorable)

Craft Armor

Make Weapons

Make Stims

Make Saber Hilts

Make crystals

Supply all of them to people on the fleet. (trust me, they will LOVE you for it)

Try all different advanced classes

Respec and try different talent trees (you might find out some completely pwn)

Instead of doing crew skill missions find the sites on planet by yourself so YOU are the one scanning

Have a dance party

Get some more credits

Unlock things for your ship

Travel the galaxy until you think of something to do

Randomly go on planets and start talking to people, see how they are

Fimiliarize yourself with every little nook and cranny on planets, so YOU have the upper hand if something happens

Keep challenging yourself with more things to do at once. Practice taking on 4 or 5 enemies in a mob at once

Become a saber duelist master where nobody can touch or kill you

Master the force

Become better on your keyboard and mouse

Try to find people that are EXACTLY like you, do what you do

Work on getting all titles for your character

Finish your storyline missions

Do some dailies (in a different fashion to)

Do missions a different way, i.e. take a different way there.

Find secret passages (yes, there are many) I have explored this game inside and out

Completely forget about if you already did a mission. DONT spacebar. The game is so long for story, that our minds forget some of the beginning missions, and listen truly listen, to every word and totally immerse yourself. Yes It will be hard to do at first, but get yourself not touching the space bar. It's amazing what you hear the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th times around. Stuff that you never heard before! Honestly! :D


It's not all about leveling all the time. That's the thing here. Yes, there are levels, but you don't need to rush to level cap just to KNOW there is a cap and be doing the same raids over...and over....and over...again until you are yelling at BW for not having enough endgame content as you put it. The point of this game is to bring back "leveling experience". That's what it did, that's what it has, that's why it's unique. It doesn't matter what level you are. Me, I turn my xp bar and char portraits off and just...go with it sometimes. I set myself up in a different way in my head EVERY TIME when I start a new character. Try it. You will love that :) I promise.


People need to realize things don't happen overnight. Rome wasn't built in a day or other mmos didn't suddenly have EVERYTHING in 2 content patches. It seems people want too much too soon. You need to have patience. You need to just chill out, relax, and know that BioWare is working on giving everyone what they want in time. Yes, some of this stuff should have been in at launch. But it wasn't, and it is now. So let's stop all the could have, would have, should have stuff and just focus on the future of this magnificent game You could be in a dark, cold place and go "i could have done, they should have had that" well you know what? They didn't..but now they do.


So look to the future and be positive about the game.. We don't have "brain ports" where we can just plug into our favorite mmo and do as we wish. We are here because it is what the maker has given us to enjoy. Now you can either be positive and enjoy it, like me and MANY others. Or you can choose to be negative and complaining/yelling at people all day on the forums. But please..don't say there is NOTHING to do. If you love another game...why aren't you at that other game? Why do you feel the need to come here and yell about this one. Let us love our game, like you love yours. :)






Edited by Sarfux
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Roleplaying is killing the game, sorry to say it.


The majority of the players dont roleplay, and have no drive to roleplay.

The more this game goes towards role playing the worse off it'll be.


I don't want to make one of my own characters my own father, its dumb.

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Roleplaying is killing the game, sorry to say it.


The majority of the players dont roleplay, and have no drive to roleplay.

The more this game goes towards role playing the worse off it'll be.


I don't want to make one of my own characters my own father, its dumb.


Please explain to me how the option of setting up a family tree has ruined the game for anyone?

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Roleplaying is killing the game, sorry to say it.


The majority of the players dont roleplay, and have no drive to roleplay.

The more this game goes towards role playing the worse off it'll be.


I don't want to make one of my own characters my own father, its dumb.


Yes, because roleplaying forces you to do just that. And doesn't.. well.. make it an option?


Give me one example in which roleplaying ruins the rest of the game, I dare you to. In the meantime, I'll continue on my extensive list of how PVE or PVP ruin MMO's in general.


Stop trying to be a 'cool kid' who bashes on roleplay for no reason. roleplay never hurt anybody, especially because it is easilly avoidable.


PS. this poster is the same guy who was so dumb to post a stock advice from JANUARY as proof to how SWTOR is in decline right now. The Stupid is strong in this one..

Edited by Devlonir
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DR, apart from the "its all about story" line. Well if we are looking at this as a story first game, and many here have said you cant have endless supplies of story, then why is it an MMO?? Why am i paying to replay content?? Unless they focus on other aspects to give us justification for the monthly sub.

Endgame is the life blood, because in a year or two once you've played the stories through your goin to realise exactly why this isnt an MMO. Thats where bioware has shot themselves in the foot with this, lifespan.

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DR, apart from the "its all about story" line. Well if we are looking at this as a story first game, and many here have said you cant have endless supplies of story, then why is it an MMO?? Why am i paying to replay content?? Unless they focus on other aspects to give us justification for the monthly sub.

Endgame is the life blood, because in a year or two once you've played the stories through your goin to realise exactly why this isnt an MMO. Thats where bioware has shot themselves in the foot with this, lifespan.


Which MMOs have endless new end-game content?

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First of all holy wall of text, and that color for some reason made me want to vomit on my hospital computer, not in a ha ha you suck vomit, but a i think im having a micro seizure vomit. Regardless i though it was a well done post, i feel the problem is most mmos are based around the concept of the game not starting till endgame ,and its the people like this that are throwing a hissy fit about you not spacing through all the text in a flashpoint if its your first time in, i can understand on repeated runs, people are to much in a hurry to level and not just enjoy themselves. And as for complaining just to complain, some people just cant be happy, here in my hospital a young child was ran over by the step father in a truck, after intense surgery and hours of work, the kid pulled through, were the family absolutly happy? nope, shortly after they complained about service and how their childs room was not good enough and that little ones are not allowed to visit the PCU. Saved your daughters life who was on the brink when she was flown in, and you think the room is too small? some people >.> Edited by vulpusrex
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DR, apart from the "its all about story" line. Well if we are looking at this as a story first game, and many here have said you cant have endless supplies of story, then why is it an MMO?? Why am i paying to replay content?? Unless they focus on other aspects to give us justification for the monthly sub.

Endgame is the life blood, because in a year or two once you've played the stories through your goin to realise exactly why this isnt an MMO. Thats where bioware has shot themselves in the foot with this, lifespan.


In all previous MMOs I played I paid to replay content because I love creating alts. In all those games I had to adventure in the same zones and I didn't even have a class story to differentiate my characters from one another. It did not bother me, I loved that. Endgame is boring to me, especially when all you have to do is complete the same raids again and again with your friends or guild. So you prefetr paying to do the same raids again and again than do a well-done leveling content again and again? A wierd choice from my point of view.


I assume too, unless this game crashes down soon that in one or two years several improvements and additions will be made to make the game even more enjoyable.

Edited by Karson
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So you prefetr paying to do the same raids again and again than do a well-done leveling content again and again? A wierd choice from my point of view.


This, 1000 times this! :D


People who complain about the same levelling content that takes weeks to finish while wanting more endgame content which takes hours to finish and has to be repeated daily/weekly crack me up as well. I always think they are the most ironic people on the forums.

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This, 1000 times this! :D


People who complain about the same levelling content that takes weeks to finish while wanting more endgame content which takes hours to finish and has to be repeated daily/weekly crack me up as well. I always think they are the most ironic people on the forums.


Have to agree in principle, however in order to appease the endgame crowd BW (and to be fair most other current devs) made the levelling content a 'short walk in the park', it has no challenge and imo is far too short.


But...longer levelling times and challenge aren't fashionable, so many quickly hit the mythical endgame and moan.

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DR, apart from the "its all about story" line. Well if we are looking at this as a story first game, and many here have said you cant have endless supplies of story, then why is it an MMO?? Why am i paying to replay content?? Unless they focus on other aspects to give us justification for the monthly sub.

Endgame is the life blood, because in a year or two once you've played the stories through your goin to realise exactly why this isnt an MMO. Thats where bioware has shot themselves in the foot with this, lifespan.


If you are going to say TL;DR to the OP, then don't comment. Because if you HAD read it, every last bit of your post here is made completely irrelevant by his TL;DR post.


He listed off things to do in this game that would take you probably a couple of years to do. At least.



OH and to the OP, I love you sir.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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Roleplaying is killing the game, sorry to say it.


The majority of the players dont roleplay, and have no drive to roleplay.

The more this game goes towards role playing the worse off it'll be.


I don't want to make one of my own characters my own father, its dumb.


I can't help but think of this song when reading this...


Now many many years ago when I was twenty-three

I was married to a widow who was pretty as can be

This widow had a grown-up daughter who had hair of red

My father fell in love with her and soon they too were wed


Oh I'm my own grandpa

I'm my own granpa

It sounds funny I know,

But it really is so

Oh I'm my own grandpa


This made my dad my son-in-law and changed my very life

My daughter was my mother 'cause she was my father's wife

To complicate the matter even though it brought me joy

I soon became the father of a bouncing baby boy


My little baby then became a brother-in-law to Dad

And so became my uncle, though it made me very sad

For if he was my uncle, then that also made him br'ther

Of the widow's grown-up daughter who was also my stepmother


Father's wife then had a son who kept them on the run

And he became my grandchild, for he was my daughter's son

My wife is now my mother's mother and it makes me blue

Because altho' she is my wife, she's my grandmother too


Now if my wife is my grandmother, then I'm her grandchild

And every time I think of it, it nearly drives me wild

For now I have become the strangest case I ever saw

As husband of my grandmother, I am my own grandpa.


.... Actually, if I could do this with the Legacy system, I'd be incredibly happy, because it means I can do more than just "one rival, one ally, no spouse" stuff. Their tree-branching mechanic could be improved a bit, I think.

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Yes, because roleplaying forces you to do just that. And doesn't.. well.. make it an option?


Give me one example in which roleplaying ruins the rest of the game, I dare you to. In the meantime, I'll continue on my extensive list of how PVE or PVP ruin MMO's in general.


Stop trying to be a 'cool kid' who bashes on roleplay for no reason. roleplay never hurt anybody, especially because it is easilly avoidable.


PS. this poster is the same guy who was so dumb to post a stock advice from JANUARY as proof to how SWTOR is in decline right now. The Stupid is strong in this one..

It's not role playing itself its the role players, they ruin the game. Every time something new is released that has any interest or adds something worth while role players will find something to complain about.....their immersion matters so much.

Edited by nevetss
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Don't correct whats already correct. Btw, wanted to put this out there to the awesome role players we have...Thanks for complaining because now anyone who put the time out for social X, have nothing to show for it.


EDIT: Thanks though, you've separated role players from humans.

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i have just come over to SWTOR from WOW after 5 years or so of end gaming.

paying subs to a game that i played perhaps 3-4 nights a week (raid nights) to paying subs for a game im immersed in and feel a part of, rather than waiting until raid nights is a welcome improvement.


end gaming isnt the be all and end all to be perfectly honest.

Yeah theres achievement in being in the top few guilds to down xxx boss first, competitive spirit isnt dead, but its one off and hollow. once done then what? do it again and get stressed that it didnt work like last time.....moan on forums that theres lack of content because i had done it all already, do it until i had "uberheadpiece of awesomeness" then whine that the next tier totally negated all my hard work getting it?

if endgaming was fulfilling then there wouldnt be people moaning at the lack there of?


im not sure how many playing this game played early vanilla wow, but from my personal memory it was DEFINITELY worse than swtor is now, and theyre at the same stage in development (i mean development in the growth sense)


wow is where it is now because of the length of time its been around, thats all....to begin with it was a horrible game, the only thing it had going for it was "newness" - other than ddo i dont think there were many *real* mmos around at that time...other games have tried to jump in and "beat" wow by being at the pinnacle of gaming at the time of release....and theyve all failed....ive beta'ed them all, rift, aion, aoc, warhammer....the list is endless...glossy mindless mmos.


i think BW's approach, whether intentional or not...to start small and add stuff as it grows is what sets it apart, and hopefully will make it a long running concern.

yeah theres bugs, yeah theres flaws....but seriously....not as much as people think

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