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Another post about Immobilize effects.


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If you dont have proof, cant provide one, cant reproduce situation, cant even describe it in details (I used my skill against this guy with no resolve and it didnt work! is not a detailed description) than why even posting this? Every single thing I post about resolve is easy to reproduce, test or find video for.


Used my (assassin) 4 second stun on a operative just the other day, he had no visible resolve on my target frame yet didn't not get stunned, just kept on running, can I prove this, no not without a time machine, does it mean it didn't happen, ofc it doesn't.


I'll give you a non resolve issue as well, our ball carrier gets killed on the line while scoring, the ball jumps to an enemy on the line that gets killed thus passing the ball to on of my team mates on the upper platform making us able to score again within 10 seconds without ball re-spawn, can I prove this, no it only ever happened once in 4 months, does it mean it didn't happen, again ofc not.


Go ahead and reproduce those two.

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^^ I can understand that you do not want to go "bug hunting" but rather play, it`s perfectly fine.


But please read the OP, it consists of (and I am being polite here) incorrect information and is contradicting itself. and in no way fit to get an issue fixed even if there is one.


In my opinion all it does is spread misinformation about resolve, this will result in less people pvping and in less fun for everyone interested in pvp.

Edited by Bazzoong
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So just because some one don't have the machine nor wants to donate their time watching others videos for their issue and chooses the forums as their place to provide feedback they should be deemed a lier, a forum where you in most cases are directed to by in game CS.


Sure we all want it to be fixed, the difference is that I'm not willing to give up my time whilst not being payed to track them down, especially when they are as random as some of the stuff I seen, resolve issues included.


It takes 30 seconds to file an in game bug report. Not much of a time donation considering the potential benefit in the event the bug is real. The forum is for discussing things, you are claiming things and refusing to provide the necessary backup for a discussion. You may as well just post spam or trolling for all the benefit you have provided.


As for your decision to not actually help anyone track down the bug, you may as well state that you don't want to be murdered, but it isn't your job to report a murderer you saw since it only randomly happens.

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You sir got out played...

I see your side of the story, but I also see that In the time that you were snared you didnt pass the ball. And if there was no one to pass to, then your entire team got outplayed...becuase if you literally had the ball for 20 seconds of snare time at thier goal line and not a single of your teammates had the brains to go across the line so you can pass it to them, the other team deserved to kill you lol.


How, exactly do you pass a ball if your stunned and snared.. ? hmmm. :rolleyes:

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Used my (assassin) 4 second stun on a operative just the other day, he had no visible resolve on my target frame yet didn't not get stunned, just kept on running, can I prove this, no not without a time machine, does it mean it didn't happen, ofc it doesn't.


Did your stun do damage?


Were you observing your target for a longer time or just switched targed and fired off stun?

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^^ I can understand that you do not want to go "bug hunting" but rather play, it`s perfectly fine.


But please read the OP, it consists of (and I am being polite here) incorrect information and is in contradicting itself. and in no way fit to get an issue fixed even if there is one.


In my opinion all it does is spread misinformation about resolve, this will result in less people pvping and in less fun for everyone interested in pvp.


Don't get me wrong, the OP isn't why I replied in the first place, the notion of "post a video or you are lying" is what I opposed, and at the end of the day if a wide variety of players have complaints about resolve perhaps something is wrong with it, if only the basic comprehension of it and the lack of in game presentation of what to expect from it, while not bugs as such in that case it doesn't make it less of an issue, it's up to BW to figure out what is what though, not the players.

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How, exactly do you pass a ball if your stunned and snared.. ? hmmm. :rolleyes:


You cant when stunned. But you cant be stunned for longer than 8 seconds, which gives OP 12 seconds when he was able to pass, just unable to move because of root. ROots/snares do not prevent use of abilities.

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It takes 30 seconds to file an in game bug report. Not much of a time donation considering the potential benefit in the event the bug is real. The forum is for discussing things, you are claiming things and refusing to provide the necessary backup for a discussion. You may as well just post spam or trolling for all the benefit you have provided.


Bug report what, "I stunned a guy and it didn't work", I'm sorry but that's not even remotely helpful, I can however say that there is an issue on the forums, not why that issue is there I do not know and unless payed it's not my job to figure out if it's the UI failing on occasion, an ability not working as intended, sync issues server side or just the resolve system not taking some things in to account.


If the forums are for discussing things not related to bugs or issues with the game it self then you might want to have a chat with CS that directs the player to them for that very reason.


As for your decision to not actually help anyone track down the bug, you may as well state that you don't want to be murdered, but it isn't your job to report a murderer you saw since it only randomly happens.


Bad analogy is bad.

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Bug report what, "I stunned a guy and it didn't work", I'm sorry but that's not even remotely helpful, I can however say that there is an issue on the forums, not why that issue is there I do not know and unless payed it's not my job to figure out if it's the UI failing on occasion, an ability not working as intended, sync issues server side or just the resolve system not taking some things in to account.


If the forums are for discussing things not related to bugs or issues with the game it self then you might want to have a chat with CS that directs the player to them for that very reason.


According to the forum sorcs were OP, marauders were UP, healers are useless, you can be stunned for 30 seconds in the row, you can be 2 shotted by marauder in equal gear, BW intentionaly gimps republic and will never nerf sorcs because all devs play sorcs etc. Do you believe in everything you read here?


Fact that people who do not understand resolve complain about it and claim it is bugged is well known. Fun fact is that many of those people quickly provide proofs for their lack of knowledge about resolve and game/class mechanics like "powertechs dont have any skill that make them immune to CC, I know because I play one" (it was my favourite;)) Why exactly complain from someone who has no clue what he is talking about should be treated seriously?

Edited by Kaarsa
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Bug report what, "I stunned a guy and it didn't work", I'm sorry but that's not even remotely helpful, I can however say that there is an issue on the forums, not why that issue is there I do not know and unless payed it's not my job to figure out if it's the UI failing on occasion, an ability not working as intended, sync issues server side or just the resolve system not taking some things in to account.


If the forums are for discussing things not related to bugs or issues with the game it self then you might want to have a chat with CS that directs the player to them for that very reason.


Bad analogy is bad.


It is your right to be completely unhelpful, and it is my right to completely ignore you.

This is known as "Balance".

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Do you believe in everything you read here?


Of course not, it's BW's job to figure out whats what though, and again if there are enough accounts for some issue, real or just perceived then there is most likely an issue that needs to be sorted some way, if that is changing how resolve works, changing the visual presentation on the UI for CCs or simply educate the players is another matter but it's not less of an issue overall.


Why exactly complain from someone who has no clue what he is talking about should be treated seriously?


If you are referring to the OP in this case I don't care if he's right or wrong, the generalizing statement "provide a video or you are lying" is what I'm opposed to.

Edited by Bozse
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If you are referring to the OP in this case I don't care if he's right or wrong, the generalizing statement "provide a video or you are lying" is what I'm opposed to.


Ok, fine, but this is argument used against obvious and blatant liars who lurks this forum with completly false claims. They are very common and easy to spot (cant give link, I have enough warnings thank you). Is this possible that once per every 1000 use of CC abilites something is not working as it should? Of course it is. It may be lag, it may be some bug (ie. some combination of location, used skills, movement and cooldowns) or something like this. Does it mean that resolve is bugged and not working system? I think not. Can you be stunned for 20 seconds? No way. Asking for video proof is easiest way to counter this kind of stuff. Resolve is good system, maybe some tweaks would make it even better, but changing it to some DR system would probably cause disaster. I dont want that, I like pvp here to much;)

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Please think about what you just wrote, when doing what you just described (and I do that a lot) the player subjected to that "cc-chain" does have enough chances to react and end that chain if he has an equal understanding of the underlying mechanics, he can use his cc to control me and the opportunities are there since there are necessary gaps in the chain and the roots do in no way prevent him from using his abilities. Of course this gets really hard 1v4. But again you are not supposed to live 1v4 and you are SPECIFICALLY not supposed to live 20 sec with 4 players beating on you while you are in a perfectly lined-up cc- chain by those 4 players while not getting dispelled.


(edited for clarity)


I’m really just explaining why people think they are Stunned when Resolve is at 100%. As for the substance, we have a fundamental disagreement about what PvP and games should be. IMO, not being able to control your character for 8+ seconds is not fun, it’s not really “playing” the game, and my ability to do the same thing to someone else doesn’t render chain immobility fun, it just means I have the ability to make someone else’s experience suck as badly as mine does.


As for the 4 people pounding on you, no, you should not be able to survive 4-1 very long, that's why it's important to be able to move out of such situations, and why it's so frustrating when you're glued to the ground by people exploiting* a flawed mechanic to beat you around like a Piniata.


*By exploit I don't mean they are doing anything against the rules, just that they are clever enough to use the Resolve mechanic in a way that was probably never intended by the designers. Although who is to say, BW may actually think the using the FUBAR Resolve system to immobilize someone for well over 8 seconds is a good thing, that's one of the problems with designing a system around a spreadhseet rather than the player experience of what is enjoyable.

Edited by Torcer
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Well said... additionally, CC is healthy for PVP balance and allows for skill to show through. Without it, PVP becomes a mindless dps race.


So instead we have a mindless stun race. What a vast improvement.

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So instead we have a mindless stun race. What a vast improvement.


CC requires skill to apply and skill to escape. Hardly "mindless".

The problem is that Damage is far to high right now allowing you to be stunned, focused, and killed very quickly. If they toned down Damage to a reasonable level you would find eating a stun to be a relatively minor concern.

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Is this possible that once per every 1000 use of CC abilites something is not working as it should? Of course it is. *snip* Does it mean that resolve is bugged and not working system? I think not.


Actually that is by definition bugged if it can fail at a high frequency as 1/1000.


I personally don't think it's necessary a bad system, it needs tweaks though and anything but slows needs to be included in the resolve system in some way, even if it's just roots being ignored while full resolve, same as I think warrior charge being exempt is beyond ridiculous (and no others stacking up resolve isn't not a valid argument, see knock backs), if not possible to have warrior charge add resolve at the very least it should be unusable on targets with full resolve same as agents in cover.

Edited by Bozse
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CC requires skill to apply and skill to escape. Hardly "mindless".

The problem is that Damage is far to high right now allowing you to be stunned, focused, and killed very quickly. If they toned down Damage to a reasonable level you would find eating a stun to be a relatively minor concern.


Lol, no, it doesn't. It's one button and extremely mindless. Since it neither has a DR nor fills resolve up in 1 dose and is on a measly 1 minute CD, everyone can mash it and accidentally reapplying it is no big deal. CC is only skill based when either the CD is very long, forcing you to actually think about how you apply it, or the DR or immunity is very long, accomplishing the same thing. Right now it's mash stun, mash damage, mash next stun, continue mashing damage. Sounds pretty mindless to me.

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Lol, no, it doesn't. It's one button and extremely mindless. Since it neither has a DR nor fills resolve up in 1 dose and is on a measly 1 minute CD, everyone can mash it and accidentally reapplying it is no big deal. CC is only skill based when either the CD is very long, forcing you to actually think about how you apply it, or the DR or immunity is very long, accomplishing the same thing. Right now it's mash stun, mash damage, mash next stun, continue mashing damage. Sounds pretty mindless to me.


It is pretty evident by your post that you have no clue how CC or Resolve works. I'm going to recommend you do a forum search and look for threads started by "Kaarsa". The one titled "Resolve Values" is the one you want. Feel free to come on back and edit your post once you know what you are talking about :)


EDIT: I'm feeling particularly generous today, so here is the link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=390716

Edited by Darth_Philar
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It is pretty evident by your post that you have no clue how CC or Resolve works. I'm going to recommend you do a forum search and look for threads started by "Kaarsa". The one titled "Resolve Values" is the one you want. Feel free to come on back and edit your post once you know what you are talking about :)


Actually it's evident by your post taht you have no clue how CC or resolve works. I'm going to recommend you do a forum search and look for threads started by... anyone who posts about CC and resolve, really. The one titled "xxxxxx resolve and CC" will probably work. Feel free to come back and make a fool of yourself more anytime when you never know what you're talking about.

Edited by KiranK
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Bug report what, "I stunned a guy and it didn't work", I'm sorry but that's not even remotely helpful, I can however say that there is an issue on the forums, not why that issue is there I do not know and unless payed it's not my job to figure out if it's the UI failing on occasion, an ability not working as intended, sync issues server side or just the resolve system not taking some things in to account.


If the forums are for discussing things not related to bugs or issues with the game it self then you might want to have a chat with CS that directs the player to them for that very reason.




Bad analogy is bad.


The report has a time stamp. If you report it right after the WZ, BW should have no problem tracking it down, if you say it was within the last 15 minutes. Obviously providing the name of the ability you used and the name of the target is tremendously helpful as well.

Common sense.

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Actually it's evident by your post taht you have no clue how CC or resolve works. I'm going to recommend you do a forum search and look for threads started by... anyone who posts about CC and resolve, really. The one titled "xxxxxx resolve and CC" will probably work. Feel free to come back and make a fool of yourself more anytime when you never know what you're talking about.


There isn't much to say about a person who outright rejects free knowledge.

Pearls before swine comes to mind.

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You sir got out played...

I see your side of the story, but I also see that In the time that you were snared you didnt pass the ball. And if there was no one to pass to, then your entire team got outplayed...becuase if you literally had the ball for 20 seconds of snare time at thier goal line and not a single of your teammates had the brains to go across the line so you can pass it to them, the other team deserved to kill you lol.


Agreed. It was either OP's mistake of not passing the ball, or more likely a failure of his teammates to be available for pass / dispel the root / pull him across the goal line / etc.

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As for the substance, we have a fundamental disagreement about what PvP and games should be. IMO, not being able to control your character for 8+ seconds is not fun, it’s not really “playing” the game, and my ability to do the same thing to someone else doesn’t render chain immobility fun, it just means I have the ability to make someone else’s experience suck as badly as mine does.


Oh good, you provided me opportunity to ask a question that bugs me for quite a long time now.


Can someone point me to some MMO where you can NOT be stunned for 8 seconds? Because, you know, your opinion is pretty popular in pvp forum (you should not be stunned for 8 sec in the row) and I would really want to know if there is any MMO that make this happen.

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So just because some one don't have the machine nor wants to donate their time watching others videos for their issue and chooses the forums as their place to provide feedback they should be deemed a lier, a forum where you in most cases are directed to by in game CS.




Sure we all want it to be fixed, the difference is that I'm not willing to give up my time whilst not being payed to track them down, especially when they are as random as some of the stuff I seen, resolve issues included.


That's because the problem doesn't exist. You said it, not us. If it exists prove it.

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Don't get me wrong, the OP isn't why I replied in the first place, the notion of "post a video or you are lying" is what I opposed, and at the end of the day if a wide variety of players have complaints about resolve perhaps something is wrong with it, if only the basic comprehension of it and the lack of in game presentation of what to expect from it, while not bugs as such in that case it doesn't make it less of an issue, it's up to BW to figure out what is what though, not the players.


Or maybe a wide variety of players, as proven by anyone who's been in this game a while and PVPs, are bad at situational awareness until of course, it's about resolve, then they are able to explain everything in perfect memory. Excuse us if we doubt that the people who can't properly play Alderaan, or get ninja capped right behind their heads, are suddenly able to notice their resolve bar at all times. (Also almost everytime someone complains about resolve, they A) Can't identify different types of CC and B) Can't explain the resolve system properly).


I am not going to listen to anyone complaining about a system not working properly, WHEN THEY DONT EVEN KNOW HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS. How can they say it doesn't work properly when they don't understand it?

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