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Time is running out Bioware


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First post here and I hate to come here and cry, but here it is.


You guys need to get cross-server PVP or server transfers or 8 man PVP groups in the game REAL soon. I know I'm not the only one with rediculous queue times these days. I'll describe my last night trying to PVP.


Guildies had the 4 man premade full before I logged in. I played with them once and got a single win. The Republic side is so dead, the only ones playing are from the same guild (so they get an 8 man premade). This of course is a huge advantage. Every once in a while, they dont get all 8 in, but they did get the full eight on quite a few matches.


The 4 man guildies from my guild, coupled with the L2P riff-raff, did ok against the 8, but lost mostly. I on the other hand am saddled with 7 baddies match after match. Tried waiting to queue for a bit to get in with the guildies... no luck.


Towards the end of the the night, after I'm thoroughly frustrated, I get a special kick in stones. I listen to my guildies win a match on Ventrillo (for like 15 minutes) as I stand around the Imp Fleet like an idiot waiting for a pop. Their match ends, so I assume it's my turn. Wrong. They get into another match and I sit in the queue. Logged at that point and almost canceled the sub.


Listen, I don't typically come to the boards to whine. I really like parts of this game. I WANT TO KEEP GIVING YOU MY MONEY. But come on guys. How much resources went into the Rakghoul event? That lasted a whole week? Give the PVP players something worth doing, or see them dwindle from your game. Such a shame too, as I want to love this game.

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the community wanted years of content fresh out of the box in sw tor.and didnt get it,mmos need time to grow.and the community obviously isnt willing to give sw tor the time to grow,so go figure the game is dieing after 4 months Edited by Trineda
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About my background:


Note: This is my own personal opinion on what I have seen on my server i play on, these views are my own and you may or may not agree. But please stay on topic and no trolling kthx.


I'm a huge PvP Centric player, I enjoy PvP and dislike the majority of PvE in this game.. I may join in on a few PvE sessions once and a while, I enjoy Non Scripted fights mostly because it takes more skill to fight PC's (Other players.) Than it does to fight NPCS (Computers) which are always doing the exact same thing over and over, Aka Scripted PvE encounters such as Operations and Flashpoints.


Since the release of 1.2 and the notification that Rated warzones weren't going to be apart of the patch, there was a huge drop in population on our servers. As you can notice by this chart Note; the 12th, If the population was steady it would of maintained a higher ratio even if the servers were offline for a day..


Information of my current PvP server which has been hit fairly hard by population deduction.



First, PvE is getting more attention at the moment then PvP - No you say im wrong. Well let me discuss it for you with some pointers.


  1. Illum was PvP content which was never fully finished or well thought out, This is now on the back burner - This is essentially removed PvP Content.
  2. Rated PvP - Was set back because it was bugged, Sure they need to make sure that they get it right because it will lose more people if they don't.
  3. On PvP servers PvP Content is what we Enjoy or we would of rolled on a PVE server, Telling me that PvE content is content for PvP'ers is ridiculous.
  4. Having the same person who is the Lead PvP and Endgame PVE designer is a BAD idea, I have no problems with Gabe but jesus usually a person who knows about PvP doesn't have that much knowledge about PvE.


Problems I've seen so far.


Another huge problem manly on smaller population servers which is currently the majority of all PvP servers because we have lost so many people now due to lack of content. However this might be different on other servers but this is how its going on our server at the moment.


Factions from a Imperial point of view :

It's Better to be a republic then an Imperial, Why? Well they always have a full 8man team. Huh? how? well, since they are never usually getting new fresh 50s as much as Imperial they have a higher ratio of queing with the same 8 people over and over.


Why is this a problem? Well they always have a higher chance of being Qued with Fully geared out BM/War Hero Players, and a full set of 8 Players usually from the same guild So they will have more communication then the other team.. And this is all because of the lack of newer players on the republic faction.


So Our Imperial newer players even though it brings more people to our server is making PvP worse. This is why they need to fix this and do so fast, You need to base Queing system on Gear based ratio or something before we lose more population.


My views on Content:

I hope, that the Team who creates the PvP Content is allowed to create more PvP content in the next few patches because they need to balance out the PvP to PvE content ratio. A good game will always have a standard balance of content between the two, But with the recent releases and hold backs PvP has been slipping dramatically.


If More PvP Content doesn't come out soon, Expect to see more PvP servers die in the following weeks. I'm not saying this for doom and gloom im stating this because of no PvP Content. If we don't have content don't expect people to stick around.


I don't think i have the answers, I know I don't have the answers.. I'm just trying to state the issues that i have seen.


At the moment someone tell me the difference between a PvP server and a PvE Server? Don't say open world PvP because none of that happens anyway on PvP servers.




Another Person with the same problem from a different Server, As you can see Dev's this is a HUGE problem.



Just had to post in here to say i have the same problems as you bro.. Hopefully they will listen!

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I left Rift because all I was doing was sitting in sanctum waiting for a warfront to pop, to grind gear, to help me in the next warfront and hoping I wasn't up against this months fotm. Because there was no open world pvp and content was easy and boring.


5 months later ..

Rift = swtor

Sanctum = imperial fleet

Warfront = warzone.

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I think BW must respond to this thread about these PVP accusations! Because really ,,,its true!

Dead servers all over the place, 30 min to 2 hours w8ing time for a warzone to pop up! No ranked warzone matches as it was intended, same armors and weapons for all players, not enough attantion to PVP players since no money and few commendation, 2 low rewards for wz since weakly and daily have the same rewards, no 8 people premaid, no cross server wz, wz of 8 up to 8 and no more ppl?? where is mass pvp? What about all us PvP lovers who chose to play this game for the history of it! For us who grew up with SW and what to support u with all our power!


I know u can always say that ''we need to fix some problems to get it done perfect'' i respect that, but u maybe need to try more. The time is passing, people are going to new games like TERA and GW2. The competition is getting stronger. We need something from you to stay in this game! Not something big but something for us PvPers! The legacy was unnessecery compared to the lack of the pvp content. U need to answer to all these plz! U just seem to dont care at all about us!


SWTOR has the potential, SWTOR has the story, SWTOR has the world, please make something good out of it

and dont let this powerfull game go down to history as the dissapointment of the SW franchise!

Help us so we can help you! And we will!


Plz at least try to respond to some of these problems as no answer seems to come this way!

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Tera also has been re-developed and it's nothing like the Korean version. Something a lot of players don't know. I was able to play very casually and got to level 32/60 over the weekend and it's actually a really fun game.


Bioware DOES and 100% need to step it up. GW2, Tera, D3 and plenty of other games are coming out in the next 0-6 months and they are going to hurt this game.


OMG you can casually level halfway through on a weekend? And you think thats a GOOD THING? You dont realize that a huge part of the SWTORs, and virtually every other MMO in the last years, is that the game is "finished" too quickly. Well, maybe not for ALL games, but quite a lot of them have the issue of bored players at max level.


If that is so, I doubt even giving TERA a look is a good idea, since it ll just be another fast food trash MMO for people who want their quick fix of achievements.


I prepurchased GW2 based on my love for the first part, but I fully expect that to be a letdown as well, in dozens of ways that nobody predicted before, and that are mysteriously not a problem here, or in Wow. There are such huge numbers of things you have to get right in an MMO today, they are bound to underperform and have a mass exodus after 2-3 months.


Just as with any other MMO. SWTOR apparently has done better than most for some reason, as the mass exodus isnt happening yet, or in any case they got a solid 4 months out of the game.


Every MMO in the forseeable future will fail in the eyes of the forums, Its the nature of things,

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First post here and I hate to come here and cry, but here it is.


You guys need to get cross-server PVP or server transfers or 8 man PVP groups in the game REAL soon. I know I'm not the only one with rediculous queue times these days. I'll describe my last night trying to PVP.


Guildies had the 4 man premade full before I logged in. I played with them once and got a single win. The Republic side is so dead, the only ones playing are from the same guild (so they get an 8 man premade). This of course is a huge advantage. Every once in a while, they dont get all 8 in, but they did get the full eight on quite a few matches.


The 4 man guildies from my guild, coupled with the L2P riff-raff, did ok against the 8, but lost mostly. I on the other hand am saddled with 7 baddies match after match. Tried waiting to queue for a bit to get in with the guildies... no luck.


Towards the end of the the night, after I'm thoroughly frustrated, I get a special kick in stones. I listen to my guildies win a match on Ventrillo (for like 15 minutes) as I stand around the Imp Fleet like an idiot waiting for a pop. Their match ends, so I assume it's my turn. Wrong. They get into another match and I sit in the queue. Logged at that point and almost canceled the sub.


Listen, I don't typically come to the boards to whine. I really like parts of this game. I WANT TO KEEP GIVING YOU MY MONEY. But come on guys. How much resources went into the Rakghoul event? That lasted a whole week? Give the PVP players something worth doing, or see them dwindle from your game. Such a shame too, as I want to love this game.


Sadly you wont see cross servers until 1.3...

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we gamers are selfish we want everything and we want it now.

but it wont take long for GW2 to have people saying "PVP IS BROKEN" or "THIS GAME ISNT 100% WHAT I WANT IT TO BE THEREFOR IT SUCKS"

Edited by Trineda
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First post here and I hate to come here and cry, but here it is.


You guys need to get cross-server PVP or server transfers or 8 man PVP groups in the game REAL soon. I know I'm not the only one with rediculous queue times these days. I'll describe my last night trying to PVP.


Guildies had the 4 man premade full before I logged in. I played with them once and got a single win. The Republic side is so dead, the only ones playing are from the same guild (so they get an 8 man premade). This of course is a huge advantage. Every once in a while, they dont get all 8 in, but they did get the full eight on quite a few matches.


The 4 man guildies from my guild, coupled with the L2P riff-raff, did ok against the 8, but lost mostly. I on the other hand am saddled with 7 baddies match after match. Tried waiting to queue for a bit to get in with the guildies... no luck.


Towards the end of the the night, after I'm thoroughly frustrated, I get a special kick in stones. I listen to my guildies win a match on Ventrillo (for like 15 minutes) as I stand around the Imp Fleet like an idiot waiting for a pop. Their match ends, so I assume it's my turn. Wrong. They get into another match and I sit in the queue. Logged at that point and almost canceled the sub.


Listen, I don't typically come to the boards to whine. I really like parts of this game. I WANT TO KEEP GIVING YOU MY MONEY. But come on guys. How much resources went into the Rakghoul event? That lasted a whole week? Give the PVP players something worth doing, or see them dwindle from your game. Such a shame too, as I want to love this game.


Thats funny, yestarday for like 2hours on Hexdroid it was 100% republic in Warzone, both side had only rep players, then after 21.00 imp-players wook up.

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First post here and I hate to come here and cry, but here it is.


You guys need to get cross-server PVP or server transfers or 8 man PVP groups in the game REAL soon. I know I'm not the only one with rediculous queue times these days. I'll describe my last night trying to PVP.


Guildies had the 4 man premade full before I logged in. I played with them once and got a single win. The Republic side is so dead, the only ones playing are from the same guild (so they get an 8 man premade). This of course is a huge advantage. Every once in a while, they dont get all 8 in, but they did get the full eight on quite a few matches.


The 4 man guildies from my guild, coupled with the L2P riff-raff, did ok against the 8, but lost mostly. I on the other hand am saddled with 7 baddies match after match. Tried waiting to queue for a bit to get in with the guildies... no luck.


Towards the end of the the night, after I'm thoroughly frustrated, I get a special kick in stones. I listen to my guildies win a match on Ventrillo (for like 15 minutes) as I stand around the Imp Fleet like an idiot waiting for a pop. Their match ends, so I assume it's my turn. Wrong. They get into another match and I sit in the queue. Logged at that point and almost canceled the sub.


Listen, I don't typically come to the boards to whine. I really like parts of this game. I WANT TO KEEP GIVING YOU MY MONEY. But come on guys. How much resources went into the Rakghoul event? That lasted a whole week? Give the PVP players something worth doing, or see them dwindle from your game. Such a shame too, as I want to love this game.


This is gear based game so live with it and get your own premade.

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Here's what you people seem to be missing, over and over again, in every game released.

SW:ToR is a Themepark game. A Themepark game -WITH- PvP features. It is not, and never will be, a PvP game. And judging by how every title since DAoC that was mainly PvP has failed, we should be happy about that.

90% of features that has changed for the worse in games, has been because of the PvP community whining about their classes, imbalance and whatnot.

It happened in Rift. The developers decided to change one class after alot of "feedback" and after the change another class whined, and another, and another, and another.

I can understand that it's frustrating if you like PvP that some servers have horrible queue times and I agree that this is an issue that needs to be fixed. Server transfers SHOULD come soon. But don't expect a themepark title to be so very fixated on the PvP part of the game.

It's not what this game is about, simple as that.

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Here's what you people seem to be missing, over and over again, in every game released.

SW:ToR is a Themepark game. A Themepark game -WITH- PvP features. It is not, and never will be, a PvP game. And judging by how every title since DAoC that was mainly PvP has failed, we should be happy about that.

90% of features that has changed for the worse in games, has been because of the PvP community whining about their classes, imbalance and whatnot.

It happened in Rift. The developers decided to change one class after alot of "feedback" and after the change another class whined, and another, and another, and another.

I can understand that it's frustrating if you like PvP that some servers have horrible queue times and I agree that this is an issue that needs to be fixed. Server transfers SHOULD come soon. But don't expect a themepark title to be so very fixated on the PvP part of the game.

It's not what this game is about, simple as that.


Well no offense but EA killed the Star Wars game I was mostly content with. Now I wish I hadn't even given them my money, but I was suckered into it because I promised some friends I would. Who cares whether pvp is what this game was originally about? Customers are customers and if BW is willing to alienate that group of people then they are fools because they are losing money from it. Who knows how much tho...

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OMG you can casually level halfway through on a weekend? And you think thats a GOOD THING? You dont realize that a huge part of the SWTORs, and virtually every other MMO in the last years, is that the game is "finished" too quickly. Well, maybe not for ALL games, but quite a lot of them have the issue of bored players at max level.


If that is so, I doubt even giving TERA a look is a good idea, since it ll just be another fast food trash MMO for people who want their quick fix of achievements.


I prepurchased GW2 based on my love for the first part, but I fully expect that to be a letdown as well, in dozens of ways that nobody predicted before, and that are mysteriously not a problem here, or in Wow. There are such huge numbers of things you have to get right in an MMO today, they are bound to underperform and have a mass exodus after 2-3 months.


Just as with any other MMO. SWTOR apparently has done better than most for some reason, as the mass exodus isnt happening yet, or in any case they got a solid 4 months out of the game.


Every MMO in the forseeable future will fail in the eyes of the forums, Its the nature of things,


The majority of content in Tera is endgame. I don't want to spend hours grinding in 1 spot just to get 1 level in an MMO. That's boring as crap.


Also by a casual weekend of gaming I mean 6-8 hours per day.

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I just logged in and saw only 55 ppl on the fleet. There were 200+ on the first day of 1.2 and usually 80-100 ppl at this timezone.


Thats what will happen if you can't keep your promise. As there are soo many other games out there, when ppl feel they are screwed, they will just leave.

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I wonder if we're actually getting the free month. It was supposed to be today, if I don't see it show up in my account I think I'm cancelling tomorrow.


1.2 made the game boring and I have no faith in this dev team. I have a lot of other things I can be doing. Also my guild appears to have died somehow.

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You know, I don't agree that is the case.


I don't think the community wanted years of content or anything all that unreasonable. You know what I wanted? A fun interesting Star Wars themed game with all the basic features covered. Basic features such as.


Working PVP.

A fully featured Guild interface with banks and a calendar.

A workable UI.

Raids that are challenging yet not filled with frustrating bugs.


If those four points alone had been covered at launch it would have gone a LONG way to making this game great. But SWTOR's problems did NOT come from a lack of content. They came from everything being a mess and the time that SHOULD have been spent adding content being spent fixing or rather TRYING to fix the mess.


How long did they spend going back and forth trying to figure out ability delay, how long did they spend developing a workable UI.


Flat out, they made some really bad decisions, and in the end, their bad choices and inexperience are what cost them, not a lack of content. They greatly over-promised and greatly under-delivered. To go bad 80's movie quote on them. Their ego is writing checks their body can't cash.


And they have about 30 days to pull their own behind out of the fryer and come up with the miracle that makes people want to stay with this game.

Edited by Trineda
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While there are a lot of whiners in this thread talking about other MMO's for no good reason, the OP does make a very good point. The best estimates that we have right now is that cross server PvP is still months away and that may be too late. The game is certainly not going to die but it will lose a lot of people because as I've said in other threads, PvP is dead on over half of the servers.


No matter how many people complain, we have a good game here but not finding people to play with is a major issue. Cross server PvP and LFG tool will make a huge difference and everyone (including BW / EA) will have a lot to gain from this.

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While there are a lot of whiners in this thread talking about other MMO's for no good reason, the OP does make a very good point. The best estimates that we have right now is that cross server PvP is still months away and that may be too late. The game is certainly not going to die but it will lose a lot of people because as I've said in other threads, PvP is dead on over half of the servers.


No matter how many people complain, we have a good game here but not finding people to play with is a major issue. Cross server PvP and LFG tool will make a huge difference and everyone (including BW / EA) will have a lot to gain from this.


This is what I'm afraid will happen...

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It's always the same. People always want what they can't have. The game that they are currently playing is always "garbage" and the next one that is about to be released is always going to be "much better".

Then after that game is released they chew through the content way too fast instead of enjoying it and soon they start getting bored and hate that game.


I wonder how often this has to happen for some people to realize that the problem is not the game that they are playing but their own attitude.

Edited by Ich_Bin
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First post here and I hate to come here and cry, but here it is.


You guys need to get cross-server PVP or server transfers or 8 man PVP groups in the game REAL soon. I know I'm not the only one with rediculous queue times these days. I'll describe my last night trying to PVP.


Guildies had the 4 man premade full before I logged in. I played with them once and got a single win. The Republic side is so dead, the only ones playing are from the same guild (so they get an 8 man premade). This of course is a huge advantage. Every once in a while, they dont get all 8 in, but they did get the full eight on quite a few matches.


The 4 man guildies from my guild, coupled with the L2P riff-raff, did ok against the 8, but lost mostly. I on the other hand am saddled with 7 baddies match after match. Tried waiting to queue for a bit to get in with the guildies... no luck.


Towards the end of the the night, after I'm thoroughly frustrated, I get a special kick in stones. I listen to my guildies win a match on Ventrillo (for like 15 minutes) as I stand around the Imp Fleet like an idiot waiting for a pop. Their match ends, so I assume it's my turn. Wrong. They get into another match and I sit in the queue. Logged at that point and almost canceled the sub.


Listen, I don't typically come to the boards to whine. I really like parts of this game. I WANT TO KEEP GIVING YOU MY MONEY. But come on guys. How much resources went into the Rakghoul event? That lasted a whole week? Give the PVP players something worth doing, or see them dwindle from your game. Such a shame too, as I want to love this game.

"L2P riff-raff", "saddled with 7 baddies"


I think that its the attitude thats the real problem here. Ever think that maybe the guild you are in didn't rotate members to accommodate you for a reason?

I suspect you are not as talented as you think you are...

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Sadly you wont see cross servers until 1.3...

I'm already upset with what they have done to pvp...cross server queueing will only make it worse....I'm already playing much less...if that's true then 1.3 is where I really give up on this game...cross server will be the death penalty for this game...just merge the servers please...


Now if they want to really save the game add player housing, and bring back open world pvp and have it mean something....for pvp'ers right now there is absolutely no end game content....just a constant grind to get new gear....on a side not since the only objective in this game is to get new gear don't you think it would have been a good idea to design some cool looking gear? How fail can you get lol

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Alot of people have jumped down the OPs throat - mostly the fan boys who cant see the underlying issues with SWTOR and its outdated mechanics.


Cross server grouping/pvp is there for a reason - to help people benefit from doing what they like doing best once populations on their server drops. For some unknown reason, Bioware, like many other basic key features decided not to include it.


Servers wont be merged because in the eyes of the gaming community, the game will then be seen as a failure. Although server mergers are urgent and if they dont, it will only fan the flames for those not wanting to stay as an empty server isnt fun for anyone.


Open world pvp(Ilum) - broken, stupid bracket systems(classes cant compete because they lack many key abilites in the early stages), lack of rated/ranked pvp - the list goes on.


The fact of the matter is, pvp numbers are dropping because lots of players have either left or sick of having to re-roll a new toon every time Bioware make one class OP.


I havent played the original Guild Wars and I am not sure yet on the art style but already in terms of pvp, they are streets ahead of Bioware and SWTOR. With World v World pvp, no brackets - everyone is lvl 80 using ALL abilities, server buffs for winning WvW, ranked - the list goes on. I am looking forward to beta this weekend to see what all the fuss is about and after following this game since day 1, I am very disappointed at Biowares lack of sense of adventure in delivering an outstanding pvp mode in an MMO.


The only saving grace is that EA are desperate to ensure this game does well, for the sake of its investors but I doubt that even more free play time, free weekends amongst other marketing tricks will keep this game busy once GW2 is out.

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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