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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The point of Inheritance/Birthright Legacy Gear?


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I get a bunch of Legacy items doing crew mission, Will I ever use them? who knows but they were free and if i level another alt its free gear. Why so boo hoo?


So no probs if i post you a dog turd in the mail? I promise i wont charge you for it. It will be free!! I will cover the postage.


I guess no matter how you analyze it, justify it, dissect it, ponder it, hug it, put your nose up it..... it is still a piece of *****, albeit as you say, a free piece of *****.

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Again, I think too many people became used to the "heirloom gear" that WoW offered up as a Bind on Account. That wasn't the intention behind this gear at all. This was a token to choose your gear, for free...without having to run multiple quests to do so; as well as using those world tokens for other orange gear.


I mean I don't understand how people complain about something so simple as this. This isn't game breaking, it's not a requirement to be in game. If you don't like it cry about it in your pillow at night. To pose it as a real issue though? C'mon. I'd rather they fixed 100 other things than focus on this "perk".


Here's the real issue: People want this gear to scale all the way to 50.


So what happens when that gear scales, everyone has legacy BoA gear, and no longer needs to get gear for their alts? Prices will either deflate so low as to make crafting pointless, or skyrocket so high that new players won't be able to afford decent gear.Reference WoW's auction houses


You can blame it on gold farmers, etc. but the truth remains that without money sinks (which as it is, these items take away from slightly if used) a game economy will inflate and thus be completely unfriendly to new players.


Some players understand this concept: "Each of our subscriptions contributes to the longevity of the game's lifespan." Others don't. You want to keep this game thriving? Make it more enjoyable for users to subscribe longer (by being able to have little perk items here and there on alts), and keep them finding ways to get money sinks (regardless of the cost), and keep the cost of existing gear that's crafted at low enough prices to be affordable by new players.


These are a luxury item, not a requirement for existing game-play. If you leveled up without these to begin with, chances are you can do the same again. These just make it slightly easier.


(MaliceX, I love your sig. It made me laugh.)

Edited by Darkrite
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So no probs if i post you a dog turd in the mail? I promise i wont charge you for it. It will be free!! I will cover the postage.


I guess no matter how you analyze it, justify it, dissect it, ponder it, hug it, put your nose up it..... it is still a piece of *****, albeit as you say, a free piece of *****.


Except it isn't a piece of ****. It's better than most common things it's level. And it's free.


And, as far as I'm aware (though admittedly haven't checked) When you're done with your BH you can send it to your trooper to use. When you're done with your smuggler you can send it to your agent to use.


(only problem, for me, is I pretty much have all my repub chars in the mid 30's, and I assume this legacy gear is all aimed at lower level than that) So it would only really be getting half value out of 'em.

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Legacy gear should level with the character up to 50, and then you balance it to ensure it is not too powerful.


Right now these level ranges are not intuitive.




your 100% correct.. that is in fact how a good system is put into a game.. unlike this sad piece of fail we got now.. =) I cant only say im happy i havent had the chance to find any other pieces from world drops, so have only had to destroy one piece of worthless junk! I love alts, so a scaling system of gear that ends up sub-par end game would have been perfect.. yet as already stated, another GOOD idea, but horrible implimentation!

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Except it isn't a piece of ****. It's better than most common things it's level. And it's free.


And, as far as I'm aware (though admittedly haven't checked) When you're done with your BH you can send it to your trooper to use. When you're done with your smuggler you can send it to your agent to use.


(only problem, for me, is I pretty much have all my repub chars in the mid 30's, and I assume this legacy gear is all aimed at lower level than that) So it would only really be getting half value out of 'em.


So you believe the intent from the designer was, in order to glean value from the system, you must play the mirror class on the opposite faction to utilize the items for a few hours/day more?


While the "free" initial item mailed could be easily considered a freebie for your level 14 or so. I'd hardly be calling a 75?-200 daily comms per item thereafter: free, valuable, good risk vs reward vs time, satisfying, deemed good use of design/implement/test time in the customers view.


The idea and system maybe great but the execution and result i believe are as per my other post above.

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Legacy gear is optional, nobody is forcing you to get it. You can still use the reward/dropped/crafted stuff if you don`t want to spend comms on it.

Besides, if it scaled with level or could be used by any class it would pretty much render gear crafting useless again.


Nobody is forcing us to buy it, but it's still almost useless.

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So you believe the intent from the designer was, in order to glean value from the system, you must play the mirror class on the opposite faction to utilize the items for a few hours/day more?


While the "free" initial item mailed could be easily considered a freebie for your level 14 or so. I'd hardly be calling a 75?-200 daily comms per item thereafter: free, valuable, good risk vs reward vs time, satisfying, deemed good use of design/implement/test time in the customers view.


The idea and system maybe great but the execution and result i believe are as per my other post above.


Except that you can get free ones from other methods. The coms ones are for the whiney entitled people like yourself.

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I don't know what people are talking about when they say the gear is quickly replaced. I'm using the inheritance main-hand kit on my trooper and almost 10 lvls (lvl 22) later have yet to find a weapon that's bettter
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Except that you can get free ones from other methods. The coms ones are for the whiney entitled people like yourself.


I probably am /shrug - i'd debate the entitled, but whiney, yep far too much so.


I'm also uninformed too as i didnt know TH missions can yields these. I got one last night. Any other places these come from?


Love you sig.

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I probably am /shrug - i'd debate the entitled, but whiney, yep far too much so.


I'm also uninformed too as i didnt know TH missions can yields these. I got one last night. Any other places these come from?


Love you sig.


Heard someone say they got one from a slicing mission...possibly in this thread, I don't remember

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I don't know what people are talking about when they say the gear is quickly replaced. I'm using the inheritance main-hand kit on my trooper and almost 10 lvls (lvl 22) later have yet to find a weapon that's bettter


If you use blue level mods, your moddable weapon should be better at level 19. I was using the inheritance saber on my Sith Sorcerer and the blue level 19 hilt which had 54 power vs the 50 of the inheritance saber, plus the other mods pushed those stats above the stats given on the inheritance saber. IMHO, the inheritance weapons were intended as a temporary boost for a few levels until they were ready to leave the third planet at which point they'd have plenty of commendations to upgrade a moddable weapon with level 19 blue mods.

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If you use blue level mods, your moddable weapon should be better at level 19. I was using the inheritance saber on my Sith Sorcerer and the blue level 19 hilt which had 54 power vs the 50 of the inheritance saber, plus the other mods pushed those stats above the stats given on the inheritance saber. IMHO, the inheritance weapons were intended as a temporary boost for a few levels until they were ready to leave the third planet at which point they'd have plenty of commendations to upgrade a moddable weapon with level 19 blue mods.


I usually don't even mess with orange gear until I hit 50. No real need to imo

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It really confuses me why this system seems so lack luster, there are several examples in the MMO genre where games do similar systems but are not as bad... This is my opinion I know, but for me it seems Bioware keeps trying to reinvent a system ie the way they handle PVP gear, and yet there are so many games that have much more coherent systems, (lotro, RIFT, WoW etc.)


I went and got my first piece today on my alt (I have 2 level 50s at the moment), and I don't mind that the item doesn't scale, but I wish they made several versions, like different levels, so I could hook my alt up with upgrades throughout and not just at level 14...


I like the idea of Legacy gear, but this current version seems rushed, poorly thought out.... And this isn't the only feature that seems this way, love some many things about this game but I am tired of seeing rushed, poorly implemented, and buggy features added...


I regret playing Beta and really regret buying a six month sub....

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I probably am /shrug - i'd debate the entitled, but whiney, yep far too much so.


I'm also uninformed too as i didnt know TH missions can yields these. I got one last night. Any other places these come from?


Love you sig.


I believe within the week after 1.2 I got a birthright belt from diplomacy and another kit of some sort from UT. Haven't gotten jack since then. Beginning to wonder if theyre are a one time only thing or they patched that method out or something. (Note: My UT and Diplo chars are the only ones to have finished chapter 1)

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  • 2 weeks later...
It sort of is.


With the primary attribute, once I buy a Warrior Inheritance chest, it can only ever be used by another warrior.


Whereas in WoW if I bought a Plate chest I could use it for a DK, a Warrior, and a Paly.


The BoL gear is limited by the mechanics of the game to only being useful for 1 class instead of multiples, which makes it limited in use.


Also item is only useable for certain proficiencies operative and sniper at low lv they could both use a legacy chest piece but if you got the sniper rifle then no reuse option.

Edited by havok_bloodcraft
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I don't know what people are talking about when they say the gear is quickly replaced. I'm using the inheritance main-hand kit on my trooper and almost 10 lvls (lvl 22) later have yet to find a weapon that's bettter


Athiss cannon is alot better at lv 21 and hammer cannon is slightly better at lv 17 I have a commando and did the same thing but now that item is worthless because only another commando can equip it and I only made one.

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If you guys want these Legacy Gear pieces to act like Heirloom pieces in WoW, don't expect them to just be given out. You all remember the amount of time it took to get each piece in WoW right? They weren't simply handed out like these are... you had to put in some decent time to grind for them.


With that said, I didn't even bother sending the item to a lower level because as already stated, what's the point? It will simply be left behind too fast to worry about.


So you dont consider having to grind for 20 days straight to get 2000 fleet coms to cash in for a single piece of gear (gloves) as earning them? really..? then another 20 days for the belt and the gauntlets only to find out that they are USELESS? 40 total days of religiously doing space missions for a measly 100 max a day to get items you THOUGHT would be useful for your next toon only to find out that you wasted about 80 hours of your life you cant get back for only 3 peices of crap gear that are only useful if you make a similar character AAAAAAaaannnd only for a limited time What idiot implemented this and thought it was a good idea..?

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Dont need to read anything here.....


Basically its pointless, a waste of time, poorly implemented, and dont even get me started on the 200 daily comm cost to purchase Birthright sets or 100 for inheritance..!!


The whole problem is Bioware are trying to add chaff items and going about it the Complete wrong way. Legacy seemed like a good idea to me, but whoever is making the decisions on what comes out of it and the Credit / Comms cost of it is completely and utterly out of there mind, and has never ever played the game at all.


I do wonder sometimes if the Devs actually play there own game on a consistent basis at a normal player level, no god mode, no help, just a couple of characters from start to finish on a day to day, week to week basis. Personally I dont think so...!!

Edited by Nippon
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The point of having legacy and alts is for Bioware to extend subscription.


I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that every game feature is there for people to want to subcribe to the game...

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I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that every game feature is there for people to want to subcribe to the game...


Of course, but some systems and features introduce unnecessary time, experience, or credit grinds in order to slow progress and lengthen subscriptions: look at space travel; look at warzone commendations; look at the legacy unlocks. They're all unnecessarily and arbitrarily protracted.


Standard, seedy practice.

Edited by Dezzi
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If you actually look at the items, the stats on them are significantly higher than blues or purples.


I picked up the mainhand for my new Jugg alt at level14, and I wasn't able to get equal stats in an orange lightsaber until about level 23.


Sure, that's not a ton of time, but it is time I don't have to worry about changing mods, etc.


That's strane, I upgraded the Trooper weapon on my alt after ... 3 levels I think?

Legacy weapon at 14... new better weapon at 17, if I remember well. Used the legacy item for a whole 2 or 3 hours top.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am performing thread necromancy on this thread, because it is absolutely right. Legacy gear is poorly implimented and has no point.


Bioware, it's very simple. Read this thread. Do what it says. Make the gear scale, or modable, and for god's sake, TAKE OFF CLASS RESTRICTIONS. Classes are already restricted for light, medium, and heavy armor. Just leave it at that.

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