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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Premades ruining the pvp of this game


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It's true, you might only que with 4 other people and use vent or mumble to coordinate your attacks but it's still a major major advantage over a group of 8 pug players, if adding insult to injury wasn't enough, you have 8 players making two parties then by dumb luck are grouped all together in the same Warzone match with them coordinating their gameplan and attacks on mumble/vent, it's so unfair and unjust that pugs must suffer the humiliation and disgrace of defeat against an unfair match between pug and premade, this must be stopped or no non-premade players will enter wz matches again.
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The wz are so simple if your pug/server Faction hasn't worked out some affective strats by now

There's no hope For you

We have over 1 min at each wz to hammer out a basic plan of attack

Mark targets focus fire use cc Comunicate we have the tools to compete against premades use them

Edited by denpic
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Uhh....Okay? Like I posted in another topic, people always need an excuse as to why they're losing. It blows my mind that they somehow see their losing as something that needs to be FIXED by the developers of the game.


What you're essentially complaining about is that your team is losing because the other team is communicating better. Think on how dumb that sounds.

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Pre mades are great...in huttball we win almost all our games with the team we run...


other games can be more random as you can still get stuck with 4 random people that do not communicate at all. This will be solved with 8 mans.


Sorry for ruining your fun btw.

Edited by cycao
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It's true, you might only que with 4 other people and use vent or mumble to coordinate your attacks but it's still a major major advantage over a group of 8 pug players, if adding insult to injury wasn't enough, you have 8 players making two parties then by dumb luck are grouped all together in the same Warzone match with them coordinating their gameplan and attacks on mumble/vent, it's so unfair and unjust that pugs must suffer the humiliation and disgrace of defeat against an unfair match between pug and premade, this must be stopped or no non-premade players will enter wz matches again.


Premades aren't the problem. The problem are lone ranger pugs thinking they can win the game solo. Not working as a team on objectives, not peeling dps off their own healers, and trying to charge 5v1 thinking they should be able to kill all 5 and win the game.

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No one likes being beat alot by very good premades,but there is no reason why a group of friends should not be able to group together,this is an mmo and lastly there is only four of them,now if you were talking eight man premades against PUG's then i would agree,but not with four man.
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A vast majority of wz players are pugs, premades give an unfair advantage over a pug team, a premade group must be removed from a pug match entirely and put them in a wz fight against other premades.


How about we remove soloQ? The only way for you to enter PvP is to have a full group. This would ensure there would be no unfair advantage and in addition to this, would also eliminate the randomness of a good/bad warzone group composition.


We would ourselves be responsible for creating a good group, much like for a flashpoint.


Since you are concerned about fairness having a groupQ only would eliminate both the issues of;

1. Random group composition.

2. Unfairness, due to having the players forming groups.


Basically, by soloQing you are ignoring the option of creating a balanced group for yourself. It is only unfair because you, yourself, choose not to contribute with a balanced group.

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It's true, you might only que with 4 other people and use vent or mumble to coordinate your attacks but it's still a major major advantage over a group of 8 pug players, if adding insult to injury wasn't enough, you have 8 players making two parties then by dumb luck are grouped all together in the same Warzone match with them coordinating their gameplan and attacks on mumble/vent, it's so unfair and unjust that pugs must suffer the humiliation and disgrace of defeat against an unfair match between pug and premade, this must be stopped or no non-premade players will enter wz matches again.


I call shennigans on this one, purely because the current matchmaking is random, sometimes you get premades on your side sometimes you don't.


it all comes out in the wash.

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Uhh....Okay? Like I posted in another topic, people always need an excuse as to why they're losing. It blows my mind that they somehow see their losing as something that needs to be FIXED by the developers of the game.


What you're essentially complaining about is that your team is losing because the other team is communicating better. Think on how dumb that sounds.


I disagree with you, playing on a premade that communicates effectively, know their game play, classes and are used to play with each other will always be more effective than a pug. Is very simple logic, anyone who has played MMOs for a while would understand that. Besides in pugs not everyone follow the leader instructions.


I have been lead for many pvp matches and always try to formulate a strategy from the beginning, around 50% of the ppl would follow this initial plan of attack the rest wil just go and do whathever they want. While a premade with a leader will know their strategy by heart and will always work as a team.


However, I think once rated wz come online premades will more than likely stop queing in pugs. The majority would be keen for a more strategical game IMO.


My 2C

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How about we remove soloQ? The only way for you to enter PvP is to have a full group. This would ensure there would be no unfair advantage and in addition to this, would also eliminate the randomness of a good/bad warzone group composition.


We would ourselves be responsible for creating a good group, much like for a flashpoint.


Since you are concerned about fairness having a groupQ only would eliminate both the issues of;

1. Random group composition.

2. Unfairness, due to having the players forming groups.


Basically, by soloQing you are ignoring the option of creating a balanced group for yourself. It is only unfair because you, yourself, choose not to contribute with a balanced group.


lol, interesting proposition. Wouldnt work, but interesting all the same lol.

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People should rise to the challenge.. get better use tactics and werk as team. the real problem with balance is pugs..


they think they are doing great if they are playing solo.. then why do they lose?


pvp is a team sport.. u must have a team.. if you walk in the door solo, then you need to adapt to them not call everyone bad because they dont do what you want.


This thread is the king of jokes on these forums..

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I am in the server "Darth Xedrix" and in that server the same old war hero pubs pvp literally all day long. Yes, PvP is ridiculous when u have a communicating team of premades with vent or mumble. But the real issue here that should be complained about, is not that there shouldn't be premades, but that there needs to be some kind of in game chat, because really the only reason people don't chat with each other, is because they don't wanna be the 1's to pay for the vent/mumble/whatever.
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A vast majority of wz players are pugs, premades give an unfair advantage over a pug team, a premade group must be removed from a pug match entirely and put them in a wz fight against other premades.


I agree this would be fair and a fair fight. The only reason that premades exist is to fight PUGs as when you put premades against premades the numbers just disappear.

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if i didnt play in a premade i would not play


its the only fun i get out of the game, is the queue with the "friends" i have met online playing games in the past


why should i not play? why should i care what you think?


Yes we win about 70% of games, is that my or the group i play in's problem??


do you have an alternative wz method we can join? no... did not think so..


so kindly fu*k off.

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There is no challenge what so ever for a premade fighting a pug, none what so ever. My guild and I used to run premades alot, but after a while, especially after 1.2 its just not fun any more for us, with all the fresh 50's/pre-BM geared players running around theres no challenge to it, we very rarely get put up against other premades which is odd considering when we all run solo all we get is premade matches lol. Now whenever we want to play with each other we all get on what ever characters we want and all solo queue hoping to be put against each other, alot more fun this way, we lol at each other in vent, team up on each other and have a good time.


Time to seperate the queues, let premades fight only premades, and let the pugs have there thing the game is much better off in the long run.

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There is no challenge what so ever for a premade fighting a pug, none what so ever. My guild and I used to run premades alot, but after a while, especially after 1.2 its just not fun any more for us, with all the fresh 50's/pre-BM geared players running around theres no challenge to it, we very rarely get put up against other premades which is odd considering when we all run solo all we get is premade matches lol. Now whenever we want to play with each other we all get on what ever characters we want and all solo queue hoping to be put against each other, alot more fun this way, we lol at each other in vent, team up on each other and have a good time.


Time to seperate the queues, let premades fight only premades, and let the pugs have there thing the game is much better off in the long run.


The queue system is borked, it always does that. Also pre-50 it has a strong habit of putting you with similar levels against others with similar levels to each other. So if you're a level 20, chances are your team is level 20s, but it'll dump you against a bunch of level 40s. So as you gain levels it actually gets easier because you get the higher levels on your side against lower levels.


At the 50 level I don't know if it checks for gear but it sometimes feels like it does that too. With recruit gear you're kind of a punching bag, when you get BM or higher suddenly you start steam rolling other PUG groups when you get those matchups.


But honestly PVP in this game is a joke and feels pointless. Many of the classes got nerfed and are now boring as hell to play. Maras are kings but even that gets boring, and you just know they'll nerf and buff classes every patch now far past the point of reason. Is there really a point to playing a Mara now when we know they'll get nerfed to **** and become boring to play, just to pick up the next good class for it to happen again? I don't want to have 8 different toons.


I get bored running premades myself. For a full 4 man premade I've lost maybe 3 times total (and at least two of those were to other premades/probably the best premades), over more than a hundred matches. The matches generally aren't competitive. I mostly PUG but lately I don't even see the point of that anymore, it's just dumb. This game just isn't fun to me anymore. The WH grind is stupid, the stats all suck so you need to customize it, but it costs so much to pull mods out, and now we need the stupid augmented gear so we'd need to either make a lot of money and buy off GTN or PVE a bunch to get mats and such and get someone to make it for us. You can't just PVP at all anymore and let it take care of itself for the gear.


It's to the point that I don't know if I even care about the free month anymore. I am really beginning to dislike this game.

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There is no challenge what so ever for a premade fighting a pug, none what so ever. My guild and I used to run premades alot, but after a while, especially after 1.2 its just not fun any more for us, with all the fresh 50's/pre-BM geared players running around theres no challenge to it, we very rarely get put up against other premades which is odd considering when we all run solo all we get is premade matches lol. Now whenever we want to play with each other we all get on what ever characters we want and all solo queue hoping to be put against each other, alot more fun this way, we lol at each other in vent, team up on each other and have a good time.


Time to seperate the queues, let premades fight only premades, and let the pugs have there thing the game is much better off in the long run.


I agree wholeheartedly with you matchi

There is no challenge what so ever for a premade fighting a pug, none what so ever. My guild and I used to run premades alot, but after a while, especially after 1.2 its just not fun any more for us, with all the fresh 50's/pre-BM geared players running around theres no challenge to it, we very rarely get put up against other premades which is odd considering when we all run solo all we get is premade matches lol. Now whenever we want to play with each other we all get on what ever characters we want and all solo queue hoping to be put against each other, alot more fun this way, we lol at each other in vent, team up on each other and have a good time.


Time to seperate the queues, let premades fight only premades, and let the pugs have there thing the game is much better off in the long run.


I agree wholeheartedly with you matching premades with pugs becomes boring for either team, for pugs they just keep losing which makes wz boring and frustrating, for premades it just becomes unchallenging and boring to stomp pug groups all the time, unless BW separates the pugs from the premades in pvp then the warzone feature of this game is doomed ironic since pvp is the only worthwhile end game content it has to offer.

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premades againt premade, and ramdom vs ramdom that make sense.


Wisest post on this thread so far. My problem when ranked warzones come there may not be enough premade groups playing against each other so the premade groups will continue to play and domibate the non ranked warzones.

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You want BW to somehow punish people for being good and organized? Should BW make it so you can't form groups for FPs as well? Do you even understand what you are saying?


Ever heard the expression "pick on someone your own size?" if premades are an organized group then pit them against anothet premade organized group, it is a matter of fairness, and your argument about not making groups in FP and ops is a sleight of hand argument since you are facing enemy npcs and not other players, the same rules do not apply to entirely diff. Situations, and why are you assuming i am seeking punishment for premades if what im proposing is simply have them fight other premades unless of course you are enjoying the massive imbalance in premade vs pug matches :rolleyes:

Edited by celebrei
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