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Empire vs Empire... Over and over.


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What do you suggest they do? I'd play Republic if their classes, abilities and armor were not all so hideous.


I have a Republic char or two as there are imperial players that are weak and need to be struck down from the empire. Having a Rep gives me more opportunities to do so.



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The only reason I'm an imperial is because the server where I levelled up a Vanguard and Guardian pretty much died(last I checked in during peak hours I think it was like 20ish people in fleet). I thought I'd check out some imperial classes and story and just ended up loving my sniper(on another server which at the time had a much better balance). Had the population been different I would probably have had a gunslinger as my main today.


Were I given the option of switch sides somehow I probably would do but a server merger/transfers are probably much easier on a programming level.

Edited by nikthebeast
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The Imperials dont understand that,they just think most of the Republic players suck,it's funny because on my server without a premade lately the Imperials get squashed,they need their premades to win and there is always around three of their premades on at night,during the day the Imps rarely win.



both sides have players that plain suck, the ones that stick it through and learn to fight when their side sucks will be mighty.


on both sides i've seen people in 50's warzone's with green 40's gear (low forties), valor less than 20 (results of "i'll wait til 50 before i pvp") and no clue what the heck they're doing. one taste of a warzone or two with that set up and some people never come back. things like this, not bioware's fault but player dumbness.


person who mentioned abilities animations particularly Death from above and the trooper equivalent hasn't been in game since 1.2 these two abilities are now impossibly fast.

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And you know what's funny? im on your server,Republic my toons name is Maris a Scoundrel i recognize your toons name, and as far as servers we are one of more balanced,i cannot imagine what it is like on other servers.


Ya. We are lucky. Our Pub has some really solid players that have stuck around. But we also had a one hour login queue time back at EGA so we started out with a pretty heavy pop. We are far from balanced though. Right now it's around 2.5:1, Imp/Pub.

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Ya. We are lucky. Our Pub has some really solid players that have stuck around. But we also had a one hour login queue time back at EGA so we started out with a pretty heavy pop. We are far from balanced though. Right now it's around 2.5:1, Imp/Pub.


Yah i was speaking in terms of Wz's and that Repubs win about 80% of the time during the day but drops off when Meratsu or one of the other two guilds start rolling out their premades in the evening we get about 35 to 40% at best,well thats how it seems to me that is.

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mine is probably the only server where the problem is the opposite i tend to play pub vs pub more often then vs emp... (and when we play vs emp they are very often undergeared since low population tend ALWAYS to be undergeared it's not because I ROCK IN PVP like most people from the bigger faction usually think)


what can i say RP people tend to be a little more grow up then the typical PVP player that just like to be evil

Edited by Pekish
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Welcome to Imp Wars, the post 1.2 version of SWTOR. What you are observing is only going to get progressively worse over time, by the way. This is just the beginning.


As an aside...your crayon gives me a headache. Barely made it through reading your post.


Sorry about the color, didn't mean to offend...


Anyway, I'm afraid you're right. Unless they fix something it's only going to get worse.


Question is: What can they do?

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And you know what's funny? im on your server,Republic my toons name is Maris a Scoundrel i recognize your toons name, and as far as servers we are one of more balanced,i cannot imagine what it is like on other servers.


Coming from one of the not balanced servers, it's not fun. You need not even bother once the republic premades come on on my server. Earlier tonight they hadn't got on yet so we had the first empire vs empire matches I have seen in a week. (and the first win I've managed to get in over a week, it took me that long to finish one daily.)


And as of right now, logging out for the night, the republic premades are in full swing, the last queue I entered took about 20 minutes to pop, and it wasn't even a full group for our side. On the initial meeting, our side got wiped at the ball stand as they casually took the hutball and walked away with it. And that was it for the night. No sense queueing any more.


Essentially as soon as they show their face, everyone who is a regular at pvp stops queuing and all that remains is a few stubborn people and newbies in recruit gear that don't know what's what yet.


The thing is, will cross server queues even help? Probably not, depending on how they are handled.


Assuming they are one big pool from every single server the balance will shift toward Imperial since the imperial faction greatly outnumbers as a rule, and continue to slide over time to the point of being unbearable.


Assuming they split it up into several battlegroups, What do you think the odds are that Bioware will actually do that in a balanced way?


Either way I have my doubts that cross server will be the beacon of hope everyone thinks it will be for making warzones fun.

Edited by savagepotato
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Bioware made several huge mistakes regarding faction balancing. A) They hired George Zoeller. He promoted the Sith Inquisitor class non-stop and almost exclusively. Guess what class everyone rolled... B) Pre-launch Guild allies. Guilds that got put on the same server. Amazingly enough, all the PvP guilds banded together. They all got thrown on a single server on the same faction and dominated. No one else even bothered to roll the other faction on that server. C) Terribad balancing of "mirror" class animations, abilities, and cool downs. There was so many imbalances at launch it wasn't even funny and the all went in the Empire's favor. HOW DO YOU LET THINGS LIKE THAT SLIP PASSED BETA? Some of the differences were glaringly obvious. D) They hired Gabe Amatangello. WAR... 'nuff said.
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Until they add cross server queues this will only get worse. I'm on medium population server and you just can't find warzones on the republic side unless it's at peak times. Even then we are usually a few people and lots of times we play outnumbered. PvP is dead on half the server; this is not an exaggeration. I really like this game and I like PvP but I hardly get to play anymore. Worst part is, cross server PvP is probably months away. I think I'll unsub after the free month and come back when it's implemented. It's sad because I really really want to play this game...but there are no people to play with anymore :(
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Maybe we the players should have thought about this before flocking to the Empire side like lemmings? I mean c'mon, who didn't see this coming?


If we all should have seen this coming, then you would think Bioware would have as well. So being prepared and preventing it somehow could have been tried.


Cross server queues might help eliminate the problem, but haven't they said they're afraid that it will ruin the community?

Edited by The_Dopplegamer
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Anyone else having this issue? Or does anyone know if it's going to be resolved? Kinda bothersome



It what a lot of Empire players don't realize. Republic faction on most servers is usually much smaller and PvP mostly, though not exclusively, casually for gear drops, it's a totally different atmosphere. As a result on many servers mostly Empire players are queuing, so as soon as you get 16+ the same faction WZ will spawn if there are no opposing faction players around.

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Because there are none. It's very easy to understand.


The population imbalance grew like a cancer and now there are no Republic characters on many servers.


Exactly. There is no advantage to play on the lesser populated side, only disadantages like fewer people for groups, a less developed economy. The only advantage of quick queue times was taken away with same faction WZs.


So instead of people rolling reps to get faster queues they now roll imp to have all of the above mentioned advantages in addition to fast queue times, while the rep side seldom has enough players for even one WZ on some servers.

If Xservers don't happen hast there will only be Imps around in a few months.


And its really not fun to wait on repside because all the imps are busy happily playing against each other- when you have 8 people for PvP (2*4groups) going.

Edited by Twor
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on both sides i've seen people in 50's warzone's with green 40's gear (low forties), valor less than 20 (results of "i'll wait til 50 before i pvp") and no clue what the heck they're doing. one taste of a warzone or two with that set up and some people never come back. things like this, not bioware's fault but player dumbness.



unfortunatelly a lot of people need a carrot on the stick in order to pvp;


at lvl50 that carrot is better gear, but pre lvl50 there is nothing, you can start collecting tokens for your lvl50 gear because you have limit on warzone commendation and you cannot buy lvl50 gear before reaching that lvl (at least you couldn't in pre-1.2)


so, only those who actually like to pvp for the sake of pvp will pvp pre-50; the others will level with quests (and you don't need nice gear for that) and then they will check the pvp... only to get demolished by people with 1200 expertise...

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Because there are none. It's very easy to understand.


The population imbalance grew like a cancer and now there are no Republic characters on many servers.


They failed to realize that the Republic/Rebels win in the end, so they switched to the Empire to go "hebedebedebde" with Force Lightning. :wea_03:

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You know the reason I switched from Empire to Republic? Hutball.


So why play republic when the empire has TONS of more players, meaning more people to group up and queue with. guild with, do ops with? You can PvP against eachother now, and all of the classes are mirrors, so there is literally no reason to play a side no one barely played in the first place, that`s why, because there`s no reason to.

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Empire is the easy realm from start.

Has better abilities (some game breaking like sorc vs sages ones, mirror my *** bioware...)

Has better environment

Has A LOT LOT LOT LOT more players (still remeber when my server was alive in old illum we had barely 2 ops, imps where with over 120 players... saw it in one imp's guy... streaming i was shocked!)

Has A LOT more wz queues, so access to better gear in 1/10 of the time reps have

Has MUCH BETTER looking abilities

Has MUCH BETTER looking gear

Have (and had from day 1 due from all above) ALWAYS an advantage of gear over Rep.

Really, what's the meaninig of playng rep where no queues, 8 ppl in peak time in rep fleet when on the imp side there are almost instant queues with over 80+ ppl in the imperial fleet?


Bioware Fix it now

Cross realm queue

Make mirror classes mirror, and not soooo biased over empire.


Edited by Tonhl
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Empire is the easy realm from start.

Has better abilities (some game breaking like sorc vs sages ones, mirror my *** bioware...)

Has better environment

Has A LOT LOT LOT LOT more players (still remeber when my server was alive in old illum we had barely 2 ops, imps where with over 120 players... saw it in one imp's guy... streaming i was shocked!)

Has A LOT more wz queues, so access to better gear in 1/10 of the time reps have

Has MUCH BETTER looking abilities

Has MUCH BETTER looking gear

Have (and had from day 1 due from all above) ALWAYS an advantage of gear over Rep.

Really, what's the meaninig of playng rep where no queues, 8 ppl in peak time in rep fleet when on the imp side there are almost instant queues with over 80+ ppl in the imperial fleet?


Bioware Fix it now

Cross realm queue

Make mirror classes mirror, and not soooo biased over empire.



Everything in red is not true for my server. Sorry you picked a bad one, guy.


Come check out Ajunta Pall? : )

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They did address it. They made 2 other WZ's capable of same faction fights, thereby effectively deleting PvP for Republic players on low pop servers.


I would really love to hear the logical reason for that move.


Simple really. They are just catering to the majority players and completely ignoring faction balance.


Duh. /jk

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