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1.2.1 proves that bw don't care of us


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I was hoping that BW would read our topics but 1.2.1 proof that for them Commando is right and is working as intended.


I only say that now we are the worst 1vs1 class. Expecially Gunnery Specs.

Less damage, no interrupts, no interrurps protection.


Now i want to know the meaning why we don't have interrupt or an interrupt protection. Is because we are doing tons of damage? i don't think so, i can only hit people from behind with decent damage, when i stand in front every class it's only matter of interrupts, shields, procs etc.


This part of the forum is full of topics where we explain how their 10% nerf to grav round is more realistic a 26% nerf, how the nerfing of MV is huge. And the BW?


i'm big disappointed on what BW is doing with the Commando Class like many of you i have a few time to play at this game and i don't want to re-roll as always. Is someone giving me back my money for the last 4 monthes subscriptions? i don't think so... than BW CARE OF US.

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Wow what a rant, i bet you just got out of a terrible pvp match...


I know the nerf on Grav Round is rough. It sucks but come on when i can do two hit and do 10k damage even now and you tell me we suck at 1v1... i think you may need to work on your strategy or your gear. Are you wearing PVP gear only like BW intended?


Yes the Grav Round has been over nerf'd and i hope they realize that soon but go kick some butt and take some names friend. All hope has not been lost. Unless you dont know your rotation when to Sheild up. In PVP when to Concussion Charge and stock strike then my friend this is not the class for you for sure. Our class can do the most burst damage in the game. A grav round into Full auto to Impact to Demo and then are layed out. If not grav them again and full auto to finish them off. game set and match my friend.


Take a breather find a group of better pvpers.

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Wow what a rant, i bet you just got out of a terrible pvp match...


I know the nerf on Grav Round is rough. It sucks but come on when i can do two hit and do 10k damage even now and you tell me we suck at 1v1... i think you may need to work on your strategy or your gear. Are you wearing PVP gear only like BW intended?


Yes the Grav Round has been over nerf'd and i hope they realize that soon but go kick some butt and take some names friend. All hope has not been lost. Unless you dont know your rotation when to Sheild up. In PVP when to Concussion Charge and stock strike then my friend this is not the class for you for sure. Our class can do the most burst damage in the game. A grav round into Full auto to Impact to Demo and then are layed out. If not grav them again and full auto to finish them off. game set and match my friend.


Take a breather find a group of better pvpers.


You're aware it wasn't just grav round that was nerfed, right?


If they truly wanted to make our rotation "more interactive", they could have kept the nerf on grav round and left charged bolts the way it was in order to give us something to spam in-between our hard hitting CDs (HiB, demolition round.) But they didn't. I would've been perfectly happy having to weave in-between CB and grav round to keep the buff up to make it "interactive", but they nerfed CB as well. We have no dps-filler while waiting for our heavy hitters to come off CD.


That, in addition to those morons breaking the grav round debuff.


Edit: This is my rant about PvE. I don't give a damn about PvP, so just because you're unaffected doesn't mean others aren't.

Edited by Asavar
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I'd say 1.2.1 proves that a majority of players don't understand English grammar, spelling, or tact. 1.2.1 only proves that there are far too many adolescent kids playing this game.


firsly i'm 29, secondly and unfortunately i'm not english so i can only try to speak my fourth lenguage, sorry. i would like to ear you speak in italian, spanish and portuguese.


anyway, rotation doesn't mean much, with less damage and so many defensive procs and shield we can only burst people from behind. maybe our class has been intended only to do this? just asking... but it's boring.

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They have been adjusting classes, and fixing bugs every week it seems so how don't they listen cause ur class got nerfed? IMO if you blame anyone blame the whiners who complained constantly about grav round and CM healers being nearly unkillable in WZ's...


These same whiners pay to play this game and think that their voices should be heard just like yours and ours, and as long as this happens you can be best assured that nerfs will cont. to happen? Now am I wrong here?

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I'm disappointed that they didn't fix demo round since they broke it last week. They've also yet to even acknowledge the bug they introduced. Gravity Vortex is not buffing my demo round. Ask BW has to do is log in and go to the target dummy and confirm. It would take 1 maybe 2 minutes to confirm, but they refuse to acknowledge it.


Don't even get me started about pvp.

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I can't believe you guys are not trying out Assault Spec and drop Gunnery for PVP....

I say I win 60% of my wz battle, mainly due to teamplay we win. Which I believe teamplay of winning a wz is 100% of the reason one wins, not because gunnery is mess up.


Plus Gunnery was EAZY MODE in pre 1.2, maybe thats why you guys are QQing alot! IMO...

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I can't believe you guys are not trying out Assault Spec and drop Gunnery for PVP....

I say I win 60% of my wz battle, mainly due to teamplay we win. Which I believe teamplay of winning a wz is 100% of the reason one wins, not because gunnery is mess up.


Plus Gunnery was EAZY MODE in pre 1.2, maybe thats why you guys are QQing alot! IMO...


Going assault on commando just makes you a significantly weaker Vanguard. Why would you choose that?

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They've repeatedly told us that their class balancing isn't remotely affected by the community's whines. They take metric data and compare it against their goals for each class.


So they didn't listen to you before 1.2 and they aren't listening to you now. If the forum community's wishes were taken into account every class would simultaneously be nerfed into the ground and buffed to god mode.

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I believe that BW cares about all players in the game. I think that BW was surprised at the amount of commandos that were created and wanted to prune the population. I think BW was heavily influenced by players that BW holds in high regard as to commandos being OP.



If you want the life of the commando to change the community must push back. Unsub will not improve the plight of the commando, but if you simply hate playing the game then by all means go somewhere else. I like the game, want to stay, and want to play my commando.


Will the pushback result in BW returning the commando to pre 1.2 days....NEVER.

But BW may find new ways to rebalance the AC so that it is viable in PVP and end game PVE.

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I can't believe you guys are not trying out Assault Spec and drop Gunnery for PVP....

I say I win 60% of my wz battle, mainly due to teamplay we win. Which I believe teamplay of winning a wz is 100% of the reason one wins, not because gunnery is mess up.


Plus Gunnery was EAZY MODE in pre 1.2, maybe thats why you guys are QQing alot! IMO...


lol you make it sounds like there was some grand change to Gunnery gameplay in 1.2. It's still a mind numbingly easy class, just nowhere near as effective, which is why people are ticked off.


Re 1.2.1, I didn't really expect any commando/merc changes, it's been too near release of 1.2 for rebalances to come around. The changes to GS/Sniper are dating back to problems that existed well before 1.2.

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I'd say 1.2.1 proves that a majority of players don't understand English grammar, spelling, or tact. 1.2.1 only proves that there are far too many adolescent kids playing this game.




Coming here to tell me kids play STAR WARS is like telling me "Hey, anyone notice the sky is blue?". WoW. :rolleyes:

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I honestly hope that most of you understand that Grav Round had to be nerfed. Other than Inquisitors Commando's were the easiest 1 button class in the game. Hell there was a mock video of a guy with all 4 hotbars open and nothing but Tracer Missle in each spot. As a commando I was embarrassed to play the class and being put into the same category as 90% of the players that play the class.


To everyone upset about the class you need to do as follows:

1) Fix your gear. You are not going to do will with the gear that Bioware put on the merchants. Accuracy doesnt do a damn thing yet everything has it on there. Get rid of it. Spend your hard earned money on Oranged (augmented) gear and mod it out.


2) Fix your casting order since you are probably still spamming Grav Round thinking thats how u win.


3) Get rid of the tunnel Vision. Your not going to grav round people to death so dont stand there hoping to grav round someone to death.


4) Fix your gear. I am saying this again because it is the single most important thing you can do. Whether its Assault spec or Gunner you need to min max your toon. If you dont know what that means its probably why u are failing.

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I honestly hope that most of you understand that Grav Round had to be nerfed. Other than Inquisitors Commando's were the easiest 1 button class in the game. Hell there was a mock video of a guy with all 4 hotbars open and nothing but Tracer Missle in each spot. As a commando I was embarrassed to play the class and being put into the same category as 90% of the players that play the class.


To everyone upset about the class you need to do as follows:

1) Fix your gear. You are not going to do will with the gear that Bioware put on the merchants. Accuracy doesnt do a damn thing yet everything has it on there. Get rid of it. Spend your hard earned money on Oranged (augmented) gear and mod it out.


2) Fix your casting order since you are probably still spamming Grav Round thinking thats how u win.


3) Get rid of the tunnel Vision. Your not going to grav round people to death so dont stand there hoping to grav round someone to death.


4) Fix your gear. I am saying this again because it is the single most important thing you can do. Whether its Assault spec or Gunner you need to min max your toon. If you dont know what that means its probably why u are failing.


So you agree with bioware that grav round was only reduced 10%? And the other changes with demo round and FA give back that damage?

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They have been adjusting classes, and fixing bugs every week it seems so how don't they listen cause ur class got nerfed?


It's not the fact that Gunnery was nerfed, but how hard the bat hit. A slight adjustment after another with evaluating the effect might have been better don't you think?


So you agree with bioware that grav round was only reduced 10%? And the other changes with demo round and FA give back that damage?


Maybe it's because Grav Round was nerfed by 19%, wich is no where near approxemately 10% and guess what? It still contributes 30-34% of our damage.

So please for the love of common sense and sanity as a whole, don't just spread whatever lies you trust in, if you don't care about being delusional that's fine but keep it to yourself then.


Sure, good ol' Grav Round had it coming, but the compensation is rather laughable and that's what pisses me off. Where's the part where the changes were made to make the class more interesting to play? Slight increase in Unload usage? Nice, that really spices things up it's almost like I wouldn't spam Grav Rounds ... because every single talent for Gunnery focuses on that one skill the spam will never stop unless there's a major overhaul and any change to this skill will heavily change the specs performance for the very same reason.


They've repeatedly told us that their class balancing isn't remotely affected by the community's whines. They take metric data and compare it against their goals for each class.


Yes, exactly. That's what Blizzard and any other company said before.

Would you believe that the earth was flat as a pancake if Bioware twitters about it? ;>


Obviously they listned when the community wanted the animation for Tracer Missile to look different ... it really isn't far fetched if they also saw the bazillion tears about it's damage.

Edited by Hxxr
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I can't believe you guys are not trying out Assault Spec and drop Gunnery for PVP....

I say I win 60% of my wz battle, mainly due to teamplay we win. Which I believe teamplay of winning a wz is 100% of the reason one wins, not because gunnery is mess up.


Plus Gunnery was EAZY MODE in pre 1.2, maybe thats why you guys are QQing alot! IMO...


Most of the classes were e-z mode, genius. It's just that now Commandos have been nerfed while the other e-z mode classes have been buffed. Go back to your "hard to play Marauder" , thanks.

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I honestly hope that most of you understand that Grav Round had to be nerfed. Other than Inquisitors Commando's were the easiest 1 button class in the game. Hell there was a mock video of a guy with all 4 hotbars open and nothing but Tracer Missle in each spot. As a commando I was embarrassed to play the class and being put into the same category as 90% of the players that play the class.


To everyone upset about the class you need to do as follows:

1) Fix your gear. You are not going to do will with the gear that Bioware put on the merchants. Accuracy doesnt do a damn thing yet everything has it on there. Get rid of it. Spend your hard earned money on Oranged (augmented) gear and mod it out.


2) Fix your casting order since you are probably still spamming Grav Round thinking thats how u win.


3) Get rid of the tunnel Vision. Your not going to grav round people to death so dont stand there hoping to grav round someone to death.


4) Fix your gear. I am saying this again because it is the single most important thing you can do. Whether its Assault spec or Gunner you need to min max your toon. If you dont know what that means its probably why u are failing.


I love posts like this. Shows nothing but ignorance. We don't spam Grav Round so we can be one button wonders, we spam it because ALL of our abilities are tied to Grav Round. CoF, Demo Round, HiB, Gravity Vortex...ALL of these abilities center around using Grav Round. Nerfing Grav Round doesn't change our "rotation" at all, we still have to spam it to proc CoF, stack Gravity Vortex and Charged Barrell so we can use Demo Round and HiB to the maximum damage. Please spread your derision and misinformation elsewhere.

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watch my video and say that i'm a grav round spamming turret.



i think since 1.1.5 i had a various game rotation like many classes have.

so i don't know why you think we have to be nerfed cause of grav round spamming.


anyway SUPER COMMANDOS that are trolling on us post your video and show us how to defeat a well equipped marauder/sentinel. maybe i can learn something.


the fact is that before 1.2 i had very good fight against marauders/sentinels, now i can't even take half of their lives.


last, i don't want to play a game where 70% of the enemy team is just one class. i can learn something from this, bioware doesn't?

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First, I don't give a toss about PvE. That's for someone else to worry about.


Second, I don't give a toss about the Grav Round nerf. Too much of our damage output relied on it.


What I DO give a toss about is the Demo Round 'fix'. Well. Half of it.


1) It was getting extra damage from other commandos' vortices. That needed to be fixed.


2) It was getting double damage from our own vortices. That did NOT need fixing - It essentially made up for the damage losses elsewhere, and gave us much needed burst potential (after stacking vortex) in lieu of interrupts etc. With this extra damage now gone, we hit like wet noodles, and are hilariously easy to shut down by any class with interrupts and half a clue.


That we got flattened in a world of FOTM marauders, powertechs and tank assassins with more survivability, utility AND damage output potential than a commando could hope for in PvP is sad.


<-- valor rank 77 gunnery commando

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I honestly hope that most of you understand that Grav Round had to be nerfed. Other than Inquisitors Commando's were the easiest 1 button class in the game. Hell there was a mock video of a guy with all 4 hotbars open and nothing but Tracer Missle in each spot. As a commando I was embarrassed to play the class and being put into the same category as 90% of the players that play the class.


To everyone upset about the class you need to do as follows:

1) Fix your gear. You are not going to do will with the gear that Bioware put on the merchants. Accuracy doesnt do a damn thing yet everything has it on there. Get rid of it. Spend your hard earned money on Oranged (augmented) gear and mod it out.


2) Fix your casting order since you are probably still spamming Grav Round thinking thats how u win.


3) Get rid of the tunnel Vision. Your not going to grav round people to death so dont stand there hoping to grav round someone to death.


4) Fix your gear. I am saying this again because it is the single most important thing you can do. Whether its Assault spec or Gunner you need to min max your toon. If you dont know what that means its probably why u are failing.



But as a Min-Maxer.... doesn't it bother you knowing that you are playing a class that is pretty much the worst at every role it could fill both in PvE and PvP?


It bothers the **** out of me.

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I've got to say after pvping tonight ( took yesterday off from the game after a hellish day at work.) I feel rather... marginalized. In a game where juggernauts are hitting for 5k easily ( and that on multiple targets) and sith assassin tanks do more damage than a dps class. Welp, I had to toss my hat into the ring.


I thought it was just me at first. But then I heard all this about demo round doing less damage and I Felt, well hell, let me go try the target dummies. No expertise bonus, but that floats both ways, no damage reduction either. Roughly a 4% differance with my current expertise of 1136. Unbuffed demo round hits for 1.4-1.6k normal, fully buffed I'm looking at around 1.9. Cirts of around 3k unbuffed, bordering on 4k buffed.


Now to go from one night of doing sub decent damage, and making a differance in pvp. I felt completely underwhelmed this evening. I pvp with a great group of folks, and yes we still roll pugs with our eyes closed, who doesn't. But we came against a group of good folks doing the same as us this evening, and I just felt rather inconsequential. I've seen the damage my allies can put out, always upwards of 400k closing higher on really good matches ( or matches with low expertise people.)


I stare at my own and wonder, what am I doing wrong? I try to console myself with explanations that I'm playing a class that brings utility, that I'm watching over my healers, tossing the odd offheal here and there, concussive charging any folks who decide to cause them trouble. But I notice my allies can do the same and still manage a completely different league of damage, scoundrels and vanguards the majority of it single target.


I ask myself continually what am I bringing to the table that another class wouldn't bring better, harder, faster, stronger to quote a song. Coming up clueless each time. Spent a lot of time on this character, getting to valor rank 70, having to buy battlemaster gear twice to rip out the right mods and get rid of the excess accuracy. Looking forward to doing it with War hero gear too. (not really.) But now I'm asking myself, am I a detriment to my team because I choose to play a class that brings less than another class would in my place? Will I be hurting the people whose company I enjoy? How many more failures to deliver are they willing to put up with before I'm asked to reroll away from a class that I chose to enjoy from the start of the game in December?


Some hard questions for any good hearted person. What dark gods does one have to entertain to become not overpowered, but just useful.


I'm pretty good at pvp. Not the best certainly, but pvp isn't just numbers and single combat, but also team play and area awareness. Two things that not only I think I have done well. But where is the line between good teamwork and ability drawn between utility and dps? Am I falling over the cliff of selfishness and uselessness by expecting my team of friends to carry me? Heaven help me I hope not. But staring at my damage on not only a target dummy, but an plethora of enemy healers and dps, it certainly feels as if I'm sliding over edge and slipping into the realm of not just mediocrity, but outright terrible play.


Increased curtain of fire and "increased" demo round were supposed to balance gunnery game play, not leave it in darkness. You were my choice of advanced class, commando. I loved you.

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