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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

As if Mara's weren't overpowered enough


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Playing my trooper, guy leaps at me, stun chokes so i hit tenacity and but I've already lost 1/4 of life already...i backpeddle away and EVEN AT 15 METERS DISTANCE his lightsabers still inflict big damage (not dot) and I'm pretty much dead within 5 seconds and I have heavy armor.


Those are some pretty long lightsabers.

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force leap and force chorge can't take you down 1/4 hp vicous throw is very powerful ability which can be thrown at 10m (15m with pvp set) ( vicous throw can only be used below 30% hp i think) so idk what happened between then force charge, choke and to get you down to 30% hp Edited by AnEvilBus
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Playing my trooper, guy leaps at me, stun chokes so i hit tenacity and but I've already lost 1/4 of life already...i backpeddle away and EVEN AT 15 METERS DISTANCE his lightsabers still inflict big damage (not dot) and I'm pretty much dead within 5 seconds and I have heavy armor.


Those are some pretty long lightsabers.


This is my first clue as to what is going on ^^^^^^^

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Playing my trooper, guy leaps at me, stun chokes so i hit tenacity and but I've already lost 1/4 of life already...i backpeddle away and EVEN AT 15 METERS DISTANCE his lightsabers still inflict big damage (not dot) and I'm pretty much dead within 5 seconds and I have heavy armor.


Those are some pretty long lightsabers.


Just like the other people who are getting "one shotted" by Mara/Sents

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what's back peddle ... i feel like a fool


Walking backwards instead of turning and running or strafing at full speed.


Just like the other people who are getting "one shotted" by Mara/Sents



hey hey hey. i've been one shotted by marauders before. 4 jumped on me and all cast ravage at once. that was the single most painful experience in my TOR PvP life.

Edited by Lithy
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Walking backwards instead of turning and running or strafing at full speed.


Wrong, that would be backpedal lol. "Back peddle" is what drug dealers do behind the local 7/11.

Edited by Numerii
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Wrong, that would be backpedal lol. "Back peddle" is what drug dealers do behind the local 7/11.


haha nice!


A bad Marauder will take out half your health before dying. A good one will kill you, your healer, and your next door neighboor. However, backpedal is probably the worst thing to do against them. Strafing and turning and running away are the two best things to do.

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what's back peddle ... i feel like a fool


When you walk backwards you walk at half speed, when you strafe you run at full speed. But in all honesty is just something people pretending to be super elite pvp'ers like to accuse people of, like keyboard turning,

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When you walk backwards you walk at half speed, when you strafe you run at full speed. But in all honesty is just something people pretending to be super elite pvp'ers like to accuse people of, like keyboard turning,




There are a lot of times in Huttball where Backpeddling can be critical to placement when it comes to knockbacks compared to circling around and jumping mindlessly.


A lot of people don't seem to understand that concept though since "Back peddling" has such a stigma for some strange reason...

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Turning and running? They just chase me down and kill me. They outrun me easily. At least by backpedaling (better?) I can inflict some damage before they kill me.


Ignore them, play the way it works for you. They are just trying to wave their e-peens around by putting you down.

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There are a lot of times in Huttball where Backpeddling can be critical to placement when it comes to knockbacks compared to circling around and jumping mindlessly.


A lot of people don't seem to understand that concept though since "Back peddling" has such a stigma for some strange reason...

Add to that, there are lots of situations where I can take one or two steps back and be in a better position. Apparently that's bad and I should jump around like a spaz instead.

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hey hey hey. i've been one shotted by marauders before. 4 jumped on me and all cast ravage at once. that was the single most painful experience in my TOR PvP life.


While it may have been painful, that's not being one shotted. That's being four shotted. Just sayin'.

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One time, this marauder popped all of his cooldowns and flew into the sky. He spent the entire match cart-wheeling in the air launching missiles with lightsaber-spears attached and killing everyone. :eek:


Learn to play. Marauders have two abilities that involve a saber throw, one is an execute, the other applies a healing debuff. Only the first hits for very hard at all, and shouldn't outright kill you.

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Add to that, there are lots of situations where I can take one or two steps back and be in a better position. Apparently that's bad and I should jump around like a spaz instead.


No, they're saying that if the reason you're moving away from the dual-wielder is "to get out of range of that nasty 3 sec channel that will hurt a lot", backpedaling is not the answer. Of course there's times and reasons where walking backwards is exactly what you want to do. "To escape ravage/master strike" isn't one of them.

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There are a lot of times in Huttball where Backpeddling can be critical to placement when it comes to knockbacks compared to circling around and jumping mindlessly.


A lot of people don't seem to understand that concept though since "Back peddling" has such a stigma for some strange reason...


On my pyro PT I often backpeddle vs melee types to great success.

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To those people that say to "Turn and Run". Please tell me why turning and running is better than backpedaling? It's the same speed while under attack and you can't shoot. What i mean by same speed is that they catch me just as easily. Edited by FourPawnBenoni
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