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BIOWARE, Maintnance and still no improvement?


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You got to be kidding me, to know what is wrong with Mercenary heat signature and debuff not stacking on enemies but to make a maintnance and boost other classes DPS and leave us out like chicken with our head missing runing wild? FIX our debuff and heat signature because there is obviously something wrong when you hit less than the tool tip says on weak mob with HSM and the same amount wether we use High volacity or combustable volacity. We get nerf over and over and other classes get boosted. Is there no love for mercenaries ???
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I've been keeping an eye on this too. I'm really surprised there isn't a fix today. It's not just mercs, I've been watching this thread and the commando thread too. The mirrors are having the exact same issue. I keep wanting to play my merc, now pyro, but it just isn't as fun as arsenal.... I've been trolling around with my tank jug now, but miss BH. Need to get on my assassin and get it to 50. They are really nice dps and seem to get more love then us rangers. Merc just has no survivability. I go into a warzone and get my tail owned, when I used to be the owner.
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The worst part is ops. In story modes its pretty hard taking care of business with my mix of battlemaster and Rakata gear, granted some of my teammates aren't as well geared atm, but thinking about Hardmodes and Nightmares down the road, there is no way. Mercs are terrible in ops and pvp. Flashpoints are still do-able, but the flashpoints I did right before I switched to pyro were a rough ride. Forget pvp, make a new toon. Ive had the same daily for wins since 1.2c. I totally PuG out and there is no way for me to really contribute. Pyro is better, but not by much.
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get more and more tempted as each day go by without something beeing done for mercenary to just delete swtor account delete game from HDD etc etc

i'm just sick and tired of BW using the mercenary class as a paper pinata

1.2c said it would remove the effect heatsigs had with multiple mercs having debuffs on the same target...funny how the overall dmg went down by about 30% solo after the patch


i have tried out every class in the game and BH merc/trooper commando was the only class i found fun to play but now its not fun anymore


i'm lucky to crit 3.6k with hsm on a ops dummy while a friend sniper hits for way higher with ambush and he got worse gear and in todays patch they are even buffing the dmg 5%....WHAT THE **** Bioware????


feels like the biocrap dev team is a cage filled with retarded monkeys

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get more and more tempted as each day go by without something beeing done for mercenary to just delete swtor account delete game from HDD etc etc

i'm just sick and tired of BW using the mercenary class as a paper pinata

1.2c said it would remove the effect heatsigs had with multiple mercs having debuffs on the same target...funny how the overall dmg went down by about 30% solo after the patch


i have tried out every class in the game and BH merc/trooper commando was the only class i found fun to play but now its not fun anymore


i'm lucky to crit 3.6k with hsm on a ops dummy while a friend sniper hits for way higher with ambush and he got worse gear and in todays patch they are even buffing the dmg 5%....WHAT THE **** Bioware????


feels like the biocrap dev team is a cage filled with retarded monkeys


Made me quite unhappy as well. It just isn't right for my guildies to roll with me in PVP, when I'm hurting the team. They honestly will do better repping me. It kind of sucks, because I really enjoy grouping with my friends, but I have to do whats best for my group so game uninstall.

Edited by Wrestle
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Because you guys are the only class that has less than adequate specs. =-/


Well for pvp and pve we are the weakest healer by far, in both versatility/utility and throughput.


Aresenal dps in pvp is the easiest class in the game to completely shut down and it brings no unique utility, and after the recent "fixes" is outdpsed by every other ranged class in pve as well while retaining the theme of low/no utility (interupt is needed here).


Pyrotech dps is marginally better in pvp as we are not shut down as completely by interupts, but damage output is still low-medium and we are still tied to powershot in order to proc railshots making our mobility more limited than it should be for a "pvp" spec. Pyrotech dps in pve is not very good and runs into heat issues.


Other classes may have a tree or 2 that is sub par, but I'm pretty sure we have the monopoly on having all three trees with 2 completely different roles all being bottom of the barrel.

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as i said before in other posts mercenary dps in pvp only defense was offense with taking out the opposition before they take us out when we have pretty much 0 surviveability( we got 1 cooldown that reduce dmg taken by 25% for 12 secs on a 2min cd) while other classes are running neck deep in survivability skills + only class ONLY class without any sort of proper interupt


bioware class devs are a bunch of lobotomized monkeys

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Because you guys are the only class that has less than adequate specs. =-/


I dont think anyone ever said that... in fact I am sure of it.

However, this is the Mercenary class boards so I am sure you will find it astounding that we are actually talking about: Wait for it.... wait for it.... Mercs here.


I know.... I know.... I'm sorry to derail the idiotic post with facts like the above. I apologize for this and hope you can forgive me. Please feel free to continue coming here to complain and compare our problems with other classes... I am sure that is what was intended when they made each class their own boards....


/hurp durp

Edited by Jaxarale
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I played WoW for nearly seven years as a Hunter and with each xpack+content patches we saw our DPS and viability in pvp nerfed. Each content patch promised new changes that would improve dps for both pve and pvp only to be disappointed. Don't get me wrong...there were some xpacks where Hunters started off strong but then got hit with major nerf bats. I won't make the same mistake with this Arsenal. If Bio doesn't fix Arsenal DPS and the simple glitches in this game it will slowly die. There is to much competition out there for them to ignore this class:





WoW-Retarded Panda Xpack


Just to name a few.

Edited by Kromidus
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lol, you guys just now crying? Play an Op or Scoundrel then you can ***** with some purpose, you guys' DPS epicness was not meant to be, most of them were random failbugs on bioware's part >.> ... but continue the fest by all means


Can't say that I disagree, you guys have been getting this treatment all along, and keep getting it........ my question is why? Why keep playing if the game developers are ruining your enjoyment of the game with poorly thought out changes?


edit: btw we were never "DPS epicness" we were more or less in line with every other class except perhaps smugglers/agents before 1.2, they already destroyed your class well before then.

Edited by MagnisLupus
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