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10 Good
  1. I played it for the story, but I've been giving gw2 serious thought
  2. I dig it, way to up the epicness of the op a bit, I use OS a lot and with this I think I'd like it even more.
  3. lol, you guys just now crying? Play an Op or Scoundrel then you can ***** with some purpose, you guys' DPS epicness was not meant to be, most of them were random failbugs on bioware's part >.> ... but continue the fest by all means
  4. OP asked for an answer and reposted in page 2 that he had been helped, at this point you are perpetuating a cycle that all-in-all Kitru is likely to win. Just saying. Good information though, tried to block out all the random chatter so I don't stack stuff that does absolutely nothing for me though.
  5. Is this a good spec for a PvE Single Target Gunslinger, any input is much appreciated! http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700bsrbdMsRgZbIb.1
  6. I've never said H3ll Yeah! so many times during a swtor video, that was pretty epic montage bro/sis
  7. There is a red set, a blue (my fave), and a orange one (most expensive 225*) The blue pants look very nice with the initiates robe, plus some knee high orange boots and you have that syo bakarn look which is epic
  8. If you hate the armor so mucj OP grab your throttle and get into space combat, I got myself a full set of civilian pilot armour for my shadow and it looks hella boss, reminds me of the syo bakarn look.
  9. From my smartphone I feel the need to bump this, *** bw, we kinda need these little numver nugs fixed promptly
  10. Good sir...do I need to turn on google translator to ill-informed and translate that to: I am simply blind to the fact that the class has issues though good in concept I will turn a blind eye to them for no reason other than my unrealistic expectations of how a normal class should be functioning...a few examples including: Gear dependency of an addict, religious hilt creation (Every two levels), No utility between a few skills, gimped damage (despite second saber) And well...a plethora of other issues that I don't have the time nor the years required to explain. (Last bit was from kreia ))
  11. Why in the blazes is it that we sentinels are gimped in our Off-hand, no one else but gunslinger even has an offhand, it majorly gimps our DPS to sub-par levels tot he point that I can do more damage on my shadow if I'm doing it right than my lvl 44 Combat Sentinel. My Shadow is lvl 21 -_- all we can do is DPS. We ought to be the best at it despite our slight affinity for raid buffs and such, I really want to play a jedi knight story to the end but this is sick, I'm beginning to think liquidating my assets and rolling a Trooper is the thing to do. Reply below
  12. As a Gunnery Commando alt at lvl 25 I WRECK shop with my cooldowns and have never died in PvP more than 6 times, never less than 24 kills and no less than 110k dmg if it's one of those 120 second abort warzones, Falls be goin' HAM. -Major Falls
  13. The only way I've found to get an unhooded cloak has been to buy a big hat, smugglers PvP ritzy hat for example then show the animation but then you have a large hat which doesnt fix anything, so Bioware. Make a Show Hood button right next to Show Headware and I will love you long time...about four months in fact
  14. On my server it doesnt matter, you don't get to see the 50s, they stealth. You get a lag spike. You're on your face with a knife in your back and health gone and theyre circling around you with the sprint animation before they disappear, and that's just ONE person. in less than 4 seconds.
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