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Future 3D Space Combat


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X-wing tie fighter games with all the systems and SIZE of the single systems of Eve where you need to use lightspeed to travel even in your own solar system. Think about that. It takes 8 minutes for light from the sun to reach us. In Eve online if you were on the outside of your solar system and had the fastest ship and flew to the center star. It would take a week if you didn't jump or longer lol.


I want that size, its mostly empty just like space so there is no problems drawing it for even people on low end comps.

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I can already picture all the complaining when they decide to implement it


"Why are they taking so long to finish it?!"


"Why is it so difficult?!"


"Why is the difference between a well geared and a "normal" starfighter so huge?!"


"Why did they spend time creating this when they should have fixed bugs?!"


"Where's capital ship combat?!"


So true lol.

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this is going to be a failure. Even with SWG when they launched their space expansion it was only played by a small portion of the community. The majority diidn't care for it and it just sit there.


Now they talking about doing it here in 3D, great maybe you guys can in a few years if you must, but pvp should be your focus and if you don't fix open world pvp before doing something of this sort you really will have lost the entire community.

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They need not just space combat but some sense of contunuity between space and ground.


One of the most iconic things in SW is a fight on the ground that leads to a fight in space, or vice-versa. This is as totally missing from this game as the "bridge experience" was missing from STO.


This is supposed to be a virtual galaxy, but it doesn't feel like a virtual galaxy at all, but rather a bunch of stage sets strung together. The galaxy doesn't feel like a galaxy, the planets don't feel like planets. The illusion just isn't being generated somehow.


One subtle thing that I think has contributed to the "linear" feel of the game is that BW make you run through a spaceport to your ship. OK, fair enough, it's quite immersive. But then when you go "in" to your ship you get an automatic takeoff cutscene. Can anything else feel more like being on rails? Can anything feel less like HAVING A SPACESHIP? The spaceship should be your "home" in the game, and you should be master of it, in control of where you want to go, etc., etc.


To really "own" your spaceship you need to BOARD it, then start PILOTING it. You should be able to see the hangar bay out of the spaceship windows, then sit down and choose to orbit, or choose a destination, and have some sense that you are piloting to a destination (maybe you need to get to a certain region of space outside orbit before your "lightspeed calculations" are done or whatever - or find a "corridor" or something like that. Anything that lets you do a bit of flying in space, if only for a short time).


(Now of course, alongside this, you need to give players the option to skip all that immersive A to B stuff and get on with their grouping or whatever (e.g. quick travel to ship interior, quick travel to destination).


An MMO needs redundancy, needs many ways of doing things, to suit different playstyles, schedules, degrees of commitment, immersion preferences, etc., etc.)


But I do think that if this game gets some PvP-able faction-based space battles, it might actually help it. I think there would be a lot of goodwill for that.

Edited by gurugeorge
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this is going to be a failure. Even with SWG when they launched their space expansion it was only played by a small portion of the community. The majority diidn't care for it and it just sit there.


Now they talking about doing it here in 3D, great maybe you guys can in a few years if you must, but pvp should be your focus and if you don't fix open world pvp before doing something of this sort you really will have lost the entire community.


There were people who stayed subbed to SWG for 8 years solely because of space combat.


Look, we don't complain about PvP'ers getting what they want out of the game, so why would you complain about us possibly getting what we want? The more to do in the game = more subscribers staying subbed = more money to produce more content.

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The goal now is to have SWGs player base? Talk about setting your goals low. lol


While I agree with you, even SWGs servers were healthier in terms of population when it CLOSED than SWTORs are now (per server).

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1) There will probably be a PvP element to the 3d Space when it comes out. PvP is not only on two feet.


2) Those posting on here about 3D space game not being necessary will play it when it launches in game, especially if the space game has some overlap with other play (loot from space that can be used for ground items, etc.).


3) It's a priority, they have said as much. Other things are higher on the list, and still other features lower, but this was one of the earliest problems with the game, complained about even in closed beta.

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I don't think its a good idea.


1.) It takes lots of resources which could be used in better ways

2.) 3D space combat is a complete different game. I don't see the benefit for TOR

3.) Only a small number of players will be interested in such a feature. 3D space combat is much too difficult for most of the players.


The way SWG implement 3D space (Jump To Lightspeed), was awesome... as republic you had your X fighter were you could attack death-star like ships, just as the movies, trying to infiltrate the core,... Now what space made good in SWG was the flexibility to dodge/roll your ship to avoid incoming lasers.. it felt just like a FPS/MMORPG. Loved it. Beside of that you could use your ship to stock items / house (decorated)...

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I can already picture all the complaining when they decide to implement it


"Why are they taking so long to finish it?!"


"Why is it so difficult?!"


"Why is the difference between a well geared and a "normal" starfighter so huge?!"


"Why did they spend time creating this when they should have fixed bugs?!"


"Where's capital ship combat?!"


You know what? I would like to maintain a level of maturity on this board, but I have to agree with you on this. After months of reading here there is no doubt that it will be hit with a wall of complaints....the same silliness we hear now, only in space.

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3D space combat ranks right up there with the legacy system when discussing features that I couldn't care less about.


Well, apparently I was wrong. It only takes a mention, not even a preview, for the complaints to start.....

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the more stuff included at game launch , the farther away game launch ...and they were already a couple of *YEARS* late by adding full voice over (lol : how many aliens just repeat the same 4 sound files at random ? what kind of voice over is that ? )


Wanawanga. ;)


I still want to decorate my own starship , ala Everquest II decorating your own home.


But yeah , upgraded space combat would be cool too.


That would be nice, but I'd settle for just being able to name my damn ship. Seriously. Even if no one ever sees it but me.


Count me as one of the "very few" players who want more Space based content in my "Space Opera" video game. :D

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Wanawanga. ;)




That would be nice, but I'd settle for just being able to name my damn ship. Seriously. Even if no one ever sees it but me.


Count me as one of the "very few" players who want more Space based content in my "Space Opera" video game. :D


You can't name it because it's not your ship. That ship is the property of Bioware's storyline. You are an observer to their tale, not a participant.


/agree about space game being germane to a Star Wars game.

Edited by mattgyver
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They need not just space combat but some sense of contunuity between space and ground.


One of the most iconic things in SW is a fight on the ground that leads to a fight in space, or vice-versa. This is as totally missing from this game as the "bridge experience" was missing from STO.


This is supposed to be a virtual galaxy, but it doesn't feel like a virtual galaxy at all, but rather a bunch of stage sets strung together. The galaxy doesn't feel like a galaxy, the planets don't feel like planets. The illusion just isn't being generated somehow.


One subtle thing that I think has contributed to the "linear" feel of the game is that BW make you run through a spaceport to your ship. OK, fair enough, it's quite immersive. But then when you go "in" to your ship you get an automatic takeoff cutscene. Can anything else feel more like being on rails? Can anything feel less like HAVING A SPACESHIP? The spaceship should be your "home" in the game, and you should be master of it, in control of where you want to go, etc., etc.


To really "own" your spaceship you need to BOARD it, then start PILOTING it. You should be able to see the hangar bay out of the spaceship windows, then sit down and choose to orbit, or choose a destination, and have some sense that you are piloting to a destination (maybe you need to get to a certain region of space outside orbit before your "lightspeed calculations" are done or whatever - or find a "corridor" or something like that. Anything that lets you do a bit of flying in space, if only for a short time).


(Now of course, alongside this, you need to give players the option to skip all that immersive A to B stuff and get on with their grouping or whatever (e.g. quick travel to ship interior, quick travel to destination).


An MMO needs redundancy, needs many ways of doing things, to suit different playstyles, schedules, degrees of commitment, immersion preferences, etc., etc.)


But I do think that if this game gets some PvP-able faction-based space battles, it might actually help it. I think there would be a lot of goodwill for that.





Exactly what I feel. Thought I was the only one caring about that kind of contunuity..

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I saw this on Google news and its got me REALLY interested!




For anyone who hasn't read it, basically SWTOR's "Lead Designer has told NowGamer that "the next iteration of space is the single thing" he's most excited about across all of SWTOR's incoming new features."


The article also mentions how 3D space combat came out on top on the poll Bioware gave a few weeks back out of a list of features we want in the future.


Could this mean 3D space combat is in the future for SWTOR?


3D space combat is why I came back and resubbed. Still holding my Eve sub thou... don't trust em


please dear lord of all things Star Wars let there be space pvp...

Edited by VoidJustice
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I'd love to see the space-part of the game being open for exploration, where you drive your starship through the galaxy map, planet to planet manually if you like. Land on uncharted areas, asteroids, fight pirates etc.
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You know what? I would like to maintain a level of maturity on this board, but I have to agree with you on this. After months of reading here there is no doubt that it will be hit with a wall of complaints....the same silliness we hear now, only in space.


So they shouldn't expand Space to be 3D or JTL-esq then? Because some people might complain? :confused:

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I would rather have the focus on space 3D exploration, rather than just combat alone.

Using your spaceship to explore space opens up a whole new world within Star Wars.


The way I would see it work is you were freely able to fly around and jump to hyperspace at will, even tracking where you were in real time so you don't go flying pass your destination. As soon as you got too close to a planet you went into 'landing cutscene'. You are free to interact with other ships or attack opposite faction ships. Of course this then opens the possiblity of flying into enemy territory :p and all the shannigans that come from that.


Open space pvp and operations, that is something I can get behind :D

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Its true, a proper space side to SWTOR would set the game apart and above all its competitors. People would be queueing to sub up.


I think so, it's the one way it can seperate it from all it's competitors.


Even EvE and such, because they don't have a proper ground game.

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