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Future 3D Space Combat


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Well I for one will spend alot of time in space if they do it right. Cuz i luv space sim's.:wea_04:






I don't think its a good idea.


1.) It takes lots of resources which could be used in better ways

2.) 3D space combat is a complete different game. I don't see the benefit for TOR

3.) Only a small number of players will be interested in such a feature. 3D space combat is much too difficult for most of the players.

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Two days and 36 pages already!

Just goes to show the interest in Space Combat, or at least its polarizing effect on the SW gaming community.

KotOR fans, SWG fans, Xwing/TieFighter fans - it's really a win/win/win in the long run. As I've stated elsewhere, space combat and ships are what I love most about the SW universe, and I know there are plenty of folks who feel the same way.

Keep your light sabers turned off, they will not serve you in the cold vastness of space.


Before there ever was a lightsaber, stormtrooper, smuggler, rebel, or jedi, there was a massive Corellian cruiser bearing down on a helpless little corvette, and we were all sucked in!


Hope to see you all in the vacuum!


SO True so VERY true

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Wouldnt actually be a bad idea to implement something like that if they ever do something for an app with crafting.


Actually yeah, that's an interesting idea which fits in well with x-platform expansion.


You might not be able to play SWTOR in its whole sat on the train with your smart phone, but if you could play the on-rail space combat that would add value to the game for a lot of people.

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I was thinking something like this too.


STO's space combat would lend itself to capital ship combat pretty well, and JtL would work well for the smaller ships.


Please, for the Love of All That's Holy, do not implement STO-style space combat here.


STO's Space In A Box is just a bore. Full Impulse, drop speed, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, High Yield Torpedo, fire torpedoes... Tab... space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar...


I much prefer SWTOR's existing space combat sequences to STO space now. It was kind of neat when it first came out and it was the only thing out there, but it has been vastly improved on in other games by now. The only compelling space content in STO for me at this point are some of the little custom-built shuttle missions such as the most recent Featured Episodes. The rest is so mind-numbingly boring I can't even bring myself to level up alternates.



SWTOR Guild capital ship combat would be much better off basing it off of Entropia's space / capital ships model, with a pilot, gunners, and repair crew all working together inside the ship along side a combat/patrol wing outside the ship for additional support, with the combat fighters being able to dock inside the capital ship or launch as needed. It would also be nice to have full 3D twitch combat with reaction along all three axes, pitch, roll and yaw, along with 0-100+ throttle and afterburn or boost capabilities.


The only thing I'd really like to see from STO being incorporated is a power levels UI that allows you to customize the ship's performance based on distributing the power available to weapons, shields, engines, and secondary systems.


And I'd much rather have the X-Wing style shields with double front / double back / equalized settings to the quad-based shields in STO.

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Please, for the Love of All That's Holy, do not implement STO-style space combat here.


STO's Space In A Box is just a bore. Full Impulse, drop speed, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, High Yield Torpedo, fire torpedoes... Tab... space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar...


I much prefer SWTOR's existing space combat sequences to STO space now. It was kind of neat when it first came out and it was the only thing out there, but it has been vastly improved on in other games by now. The only compelling space content in STO for me at this point are some of the little custom-built shuttle missions such as the most recent Featured Episodes. The rest is so mind-numbingly boring I can't even bring myself to level up alternates.



SWTOR Guild capital ship combat would be much better off basing it off of Entropia's space / capital ships model, with a pilot, gunners, and repair crew all working together inside the ship along side a combat/patrol wing outside the ship for additional support, with the combat fighters being able to dock inside the capital ship or launch as needed. It would also be nice to have full 3D twitch combat with reaction along all three axes, pitch, roll and yaw, along with 0-100+ throttle and afterburn or boost capabilities.


The only thing I'd really like to see from STO being incorporated is a power levels UI that allows you to customize the ship's performance based on distributing the power available to weapons, shields, engines, and secondary systems.


And I'd much rather have the X-Wing style shields with double front / double back / equalized settings to the quad-based shields in STO.


STO wouldn't be my first choice either, although it could be A choice I suppose for guild captial ship battles.


It would still be better than what we currently have though.

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STO wouldn't be my first choice either, although it could be A choice I suppose for guild captial ship battles.


It would still be better than what we currently have though.

I dont think we can say anything about stos combat really, i dont want to see it exactly like sto either.


But here is the thing, there has to be some kind of change in piloting style on the different ships, yes small ships should be in the dog fighting stance can manouver and fight like that but the bigger the ships are then the more dependant it is on peeps in turrets to take down people and a broadside type of fighting style, i think JTL did this quite well. Like this shows

ignore the graphics btw :D


Also for peeps who didnt know we have put all the ideas from this topic and a few new ones in a suggestion post that yopu can find via the link in my sig. BTW SR has tweeted he has looked at it and digesting it still woot

Edited by Shingara
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But here is the thing, there has to be some kind of change in piloting style on the different ships, yes small ships should be in the dog fighting stance can manouver and fight like that but the bigger the ships are then the more dependant it is on peeps in turrets to take down people and a broadside type of fighting style, i think JTL did this quite well. Like this shows
ignore the graphics btw :D


Actually, SWOTL (Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe) did a pretty darned good range from fighter (= to X-Wing/Tie Fighter, etc.) to hevy-fighter (Mantis, Fury, etc.) to Heavy Bomber with turrets (turrets & piloting under player control or automated, Correllian Corvette and above), and that was back in the early-mid 1980s. If BW can't replicate at least that level of play today, well, that would just be ridiculous.

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This is awesome news, im a huge space combat freak, loved swg jump to lightspeed even when that game was dead i would still go out and fly my tricked out x-wing around doing solo missions for hours. But i can wait for it if it means they will get it right i hope they take their time.
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Personally, I like the space combat as it is. It is a mini game. They only thing I would change is make all the space missions level with the mods added to ship, that way when you have level 5 mods, not every mission is grey.


So what if it is on rails, there is alot of cool rail games. I don't think the space missions were EVER advertised as anything other then what it is. An god, don't make any changes that resemble ANYTHING of SWG, cause that game really did well..../sarcasm off.


Pre-CU it did do very well, Server lag was caused by to many players not poor coding. Cu pops dropped but it was still very busy, it wasn't till LA and Smedley jumped in and said they wanted a WOW that it failed and there was no coming back from NGE (Negative Game Enhancements). As for rail combat yes there are several games with it and 2 of those are Star Wars games I believe that Bio had something to do with called Rebel Assault 1 and 2 which I recall where flops. Fine I'll go on a limb here and do the pissy thing and say if you don' t like it don't play it so they should leave it as is but they will loose many players if they don't change it which looking at server pops now is something this game can't do. I was there when SWG players griped there was nothing but ground combat and after about a year they added space and the rush for mining, PVE and PVP space missions began.


Most of the current missions if it was off the rails could be done in no time at all and in most cases my ship wouldn't even take any damage. You do space because you like it, I don't because I feel it sux. to each his own but I'm seeing a trend that says you are a minority, sorry. Perhaps Bioware should start posting votes in game say on the stations or major planets to ask the community what they want and base future releases on those results.

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Please, for the Love of All That's Holy, do not implement STO-style space combat here.


STO's Space In A Box is just a bore. Full Impulse, drop speed, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, High Yield Torpedo, fire torpedoes... Tab... space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar, space bar...


I much prefer SWTOR's existing space combat sequences to STO space now. It was kind of neat when it first came out and it was the only thing out there, but it has been vastly improved on in other games by now. The only compelling space content in STO for me at this point are some of the little custom-built shuttle missions such as the most recent Featured Episodes. The rest is so mind-numbingly boring I can't even bring myself to level up alternates.



SWTOR Guild capital ship combat would be much better off basing it off of Entropia's space / capital ships model, with a pilot, gunners, and repair crew all working together inside the ship along side a combat/patrol wing outside the ship for additional support, with the combat fighters being able to dock inside the capital ship or launch as needed. It would also be nice to have full 3D twitch combat with reaction along all three axes, pitch, roll and yaw, along with 0-100+ throttle and afterburn or boost capabilities.


The only thing I'd really like to see from STO being incorporated is a power levels UI that allows you to customize the ship's performance based on distributing the power available to weapons, shields, engines, and secondary systems.


And I'd much rather have the X-Wing style shields with double front / double back / equalized settings to the quad-based shields in STO.


I liked the STO control scheme, it's easy and effective works well for 3D space, the box feeling of it was due to poor implementation of the space. The Eve control scheme is not fun in the long run, "click there to go there".

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So, there is this secret project going on and there was the poll about space...so how long does it take with massive budgets and massive teams to release something? A year at least? It won't be easy to add a whole space exploration combat game on top of the ground game.
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So, there is this secret project going on and there was the poll about space...so how long does it take with massive budgets and massive teams to release something? A year at least? It won't be easy to add a whole space exploration combat game on top of the ground game.


but... but... way back in december, Bioware said they had a special project going on for space (source:http://www.swtor.com/blog/what%E2%80%99s-next-old-republic) , it's May now, surely 6 months of work should be enough to produce something worth talking about. Surely their PR department has enough material to start up the hype train again. Surely Bioware wouldn't lie to us...

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JTL was already advanced:


ship customization

ship/component crafting & mining

mappable joystick controls and views

pvp areas

multiplayer ships

different yaw, pitch, roll rates for different chassis/engines

rare ships

stations- i.e. true manual travel


If anyone remembers, it was deep, trying to get/craft the best components at the lightest weights to optimize your ship. Not saying Bioware will do that, or that its necessary (except for joystick input of course). But one improvement I do see for a space expansion is pvp. In JTL you could flag or unflag yourself as pvp... which made pvp outside of pvp space a little lonely. This would be much better on a TOR pvp server :p

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:...SWTOR: X-wing vs Tie-fighters 2.0? ...


Coll, but XvTIE was probably a bit too complex as an add-on for TOR. Something similar, but a bit simplified (keep shield/weapon settings and the CMD [especially the CMD!!!], but ditch... hmm, can't think of anything to get rid of, the previous three elements are what it's all about...) shouldn't be too hard, though. Heck, X-Wing and TIE Fighter (the originals) came on a few FLOPPIES ...

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Coll, but XvTIE was probably a bit too complex as an add-on for TOR. Something similar, but a bit simplified (keep shield/weapon settings and the CMD [especially the CMD!!!], but ditch... hmm, can't think of anything to get rid of, the previous three elements are what it's all about...) shouldn't be too hard, though. Heck, X-Wing and TIE Fighter (the originals) came on a few FLOPPIES ...

Good times!


Sadly this will be seen as too complex by the suits for most players. They'll forget that in MMO bigger learning curves keeps players longer while too low ones bores them fast.

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Sadly this will be seen as too complex by the suits for most players. They'll forget that in MMO bigger learning curves keeps players longer while too low ones bores them fast.


Too true. Suits = people who generally have no clue about the end product !! LOL

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