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Future 3D Space Combat


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The news of 3d space battles, my expectations are set so low THAT I'd be amazed if this 3d space battles stuff isn't going to be the exact same space missions we currently have, except random junk flies at your face and off the screen from time to time. A laser bolt or asteroid at your direction every now and then.


Because that's all 3d actually is, giving a developer or filmmaker the opportunity to punch you in the face. Hurling objects into your eyes and tricking your brain that you're getting punched is the closest they can get.


I don't think you understand what they mean by "3D space missions."

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I will give my account for free if it exists , contains 12 55 chars with 60m+ on account . As you can see i'm a fanboy but no it doesnt exist and it will never. We won't see a good 3d space combat till next sw mmo unfortunately. They started selling lore missions via cartel market , i don't think we will get any new amazing stuff other then recoloured s**t once every 2 months . So milk who is left, invest in 3d space ? Noway


Sure hope your on Harbinger........ from the talks I had at the Cantina tour last night, I'd say it is in the works.

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Go play EVE online if you want space combat. There is no need for it at all in this game. The space combat with have now only serves as an XP resource, and is universally hated. This will be no different.


Fix pvp and fleet lag before adding something 10% of the population is going to be interested in...

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Go play EVE online if you want space combat. There is no need for it at all in this game. The space combat with have now only serves as an XP resource, and is universally hated. This will be no different.


Fix pvp and fleet lag before adding something 10% of the population is going to be interested in...


lol. Hit all the marks here...


Go play something else - check

No need for it - check

No one would like it - check

No one cares - check

The 4 pillars of of the dismissal tribe. They once ruled the SWTOR forums back in the day, as the game burned down around them...now sightings are much more rare since Bioware stopped losing their minds and the tribe mostly moved on to greener pastures.

Edited by LordArtemis
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lol. Hit all the marks here...


Go play something else - check

No need for it - check

No one would like it - check

No one cares - check

The 4 pillars of of the dismissal tribe. They once ruled the SWTOR forums back in the day, as the game burned down around them...now sightings are much more rare since Bioware stopped losing their minds and the tribe mostly moved on to greener pastures.


I burned those pastures down. Came back to flame on...

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Go play EVE online if you want space combat. There is no need for it at all in this game. The space combat with have now only serves as an XP resource, and is universally hated. This will be no different.


Fix pvp and fleet lag before adding something 10% of the population is going to be interested in...

Eve is about the least interesting space combat game I've ever tried. It's more of an RTS, and less like the X-wing vs Tie fighter days I remember so fondly.


I have high hopes for Star Citizen.

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wil be Nice if star wars go a bit to the space battle of star trek online



it can always be beter :)

but i do like the space battle of star trek ^^


looks kind of boring, actually. lol ^^


personally my hopes for the SSSP are some combination of free roam space as well as exploration elements...


boarding derelict ships, enemy faction stations and cruisers, etc. could add a whole new element to the pvp world. Perhaps even the ability to build and customize starships to use outside of the story cut scenes. I am also still awaiting guild ships -.-

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looks kind of boring, actually. lol ^^


personally my hopes for the SSSP are some combination of free roam space as well as exploration elements...


boarding derelict ships, enemy faction stations and cruisers, etc. could add a whole new element to the pvp world. Perhaps even the ability to build and customize starships to use outside of the story cut scenes. I am also still awaiting guild ships -.-


tell the truth star wars was never rely focus on space battles

star trek was way more in to space battles so far i saw the movies and series :)


but maby they can change a few things to this game :)

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tell the truth star wars was never rely focus on space battles

star trek was way more in to space battles so far i saw the movies and series :)


but maby they can change a few things to this game :)


Real Star Wars did. But in that era the special effects for space battles was hideously expensive so that somewhat limited their use.


Fake Star Wars didn't have to worry so much about the cost of the special effects.They just thought a better use for them was to make cartoon rabbits, cartoon droids, and to squeeze an infinite amount of distracting crap into every shot.

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wil be Nice if star wars go a bit to the space battle of star trek online



it can always be beter :)

but i do like the space battle of star trek ^^




I find myself playing STO, especially the space combat, more than I do SWTOR nowadays.

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tell the truth star wars was never rely focus on space battles

star trek was way more in to space battles so far i saw the movies and series :)


but maby they can change a few things to this game :)

When I saw the first SW in the theater in 1977 the part that stayed with me the longest was the Death Star space battle.


There is a reason why that was the crowning finale of that movie.

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tell the truth star wars was never rely focus on space battles


Bahahahaha. That's a good joke there.


When I saw the first SW in the theater in 1977 the part that stayed with me the longest was the Death Star space battle.


There is a reason why that was the crowning finale of that movie.


Pretty much this. Star Wars (1977) is the best in the series, and the Yavin battle is the reason.

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Bahahahaha. That's a good joke there.


Pretty much this. Star Wars (1977) is the best in the series, and the Yavin battle is the reason.


Kids don't get how revolutionary the space battles in Star Wars were. Nothing had ever been seen like it before. There were great special effects before Star Wars but not with any sort of "action" element to them.


Well that was the case till He Who Shall Not Be Named ruined them by replacing excellent miniature effects with generically awful CGI.

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SSSP is a total no win situation for the TOR devs.


No matter what its like it will never live up to the hype or SWG fanboys doe eyed recollections of JTL.


When it gets here the backlash will be monumental.


Psst... there has been no hype at all about the SSSP. This is the primary indicator that it does not exist.


If it did exist anywhere other than on paper, you can be certain there would be actual hype about it. We got Cathar hype for a year and it was just a re-skin of a human that could have been done by any competent art team in a matter of days or weeks.


The SSSP is a carrot that will never become reality.


P.S. I really hope I'm wrong and that the SSSP is a modern clone of Elite or X-Wing/Tie Fighter, but I think there's more chance of the sun rising in the West tomorrow.

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Psst... there has been no hype at all about the SSSP. This is the primary indicator that it does not exist.


There has been no hype from the Devs, but certain individuals in the community and the rumour mill have been doing their best to convince people that its most certainly coming and will be amazingly amazing.


Overall, I agree with you that the SSSP almost certainly does not exist in any meaningful/game changing way, and just wish people would let it go.

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Psst... there has been no hype at all about the SSSP. This is the primary indicator that it does not exist.


If it did exist anywhere other than on paper, you can be certain there would be actual hype about it. We got Cathar hype for a year and it was just a re-skin of a human that could have been done by any competent art team in a matter of days or weeks.


The SSSP is a carrot that will never become reality.


P.S. I really hope I'm wrong and that the SSSP is a modern clone of Elite or X-Wing/Tie Fighter, but I think there's more chance of the sun rising in the West tomorrow.


Perfectly said Cosmic! I too hope you're wrong, but...pfft...you're not.

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I am not sure what you mean by sssp so I can not really talk on that subject, but being a fan of JTL I can say I dont expect a perfect clone. Back in the day you see a part grind like there was for JTL, you were content, and ok with it. Today players have gotten beyond lazy and I do not think they have the mind or the control for such a component grind in swtor. So as a JTL fan this is what i would settle for.


A full on space sim, being able to fly my ship, by using a view inside the ship at the wheel as it were. Or commonly known by fighter pilots the cockpit. Meaning have a cockpit view. The component space set up they have in the game I can live, not great, but not something I am going complain about it either. The talked about guild ships, but these need to have full on interiors to a point. Obviously I am not asking for 50 decks for these things that not realistic. A dueling area with seats on the side, a briefing area with chairs, a guild bank area, the bridge, engineering compartments, and lastly a hanger deck from which you can launch your ship off of. They really need to get the seat thing working. The next item would duty missions that someone can do over and over again. These missions revolved around facing 6 waves. Each wave had a sub wave of five. The first wave and sub wave was one enemy fighter. The next was 2, 3, 4, and then one ace for the first wave. Then the next main wave would start, you repeat until the 6. I believe it was 6 it might have been five anyways the final sub wave was facing multiple tie advanced fighters or aces. Took allot of time to do but fun. Also a good gear grind. This next part I can not stress enough it must be based on player skill, NOT ABILITIES IN THE TOOL BAR. If they try to do the abilities thing it will be a major failure.


The point do not assume us swg JTL fans are expecting a perfect full clone.

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P.S. I really hope I'm wrong and that the SSSP is a modern clone of Elite or X-Wing/Tie Fighter, but I think there's more chance of the sun rising in the West tomorrow.


Since how EA got the rights to SW games, I really don't see why they can't just go and take the lucas arts XWA code for space battles, seeing how lucas arts doesn't even exist anymore.


But yes, you're probably right, and we won't get anything any time soon, if ever. That won't stop me from kittening about it though! :p


This next part I can not stress enough it must be based on player skill, NOT ABILITIES IN THE TOOL BAR. If they try to do the abilities thing it will be a major failure.


This is the only wish I have for space combat really.

Edited by Truga
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I'm all for improved space combat, I mean it's Star Wars. It's like they forgot there were these huge space battles that took place, not just ground. The current space combat feels like a slapped on mini-game.


I read through a few pages of this thread, and while I get why some people are saying it will never happen, I can't begin to understand the people who just plain don't want it and think it will bring nothing to the game. What the heck people? Doesn't have to be all combat either. You can't tell me you wouldn't want to use crewskills like scavenging on asteroids for materials? Slicing on space wrecks? Could do all sorts of things with that idea. Well, maybe that's thinking a bit too far ahead, but you get what I mean.


I came to the game expecting decent space combat and I know quite a few people that left because of the on rails crap it shipped with. Improved space would only benefit the game. I mean, would anyone really quit if they removed the current space game?


As it stand now, my ship is just a room I am forced to go to when zoning between planets. I'd like it to be much more. If they aren't going to do anything good with space, they might as well remove ships all together and just add a shuttle, would be faster anyway and I doubt many would miss the extra loading screens.

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If I recall correctly one dev remarked about playing the demo before the Q and A he was participating in. I'll see if I can find the quote.


I think it's real, and I think it's likely to be similar to BF2 since that was the most popular option requested in the past. They have indicated it was based on player feedback, I am sure it will Bioware's twist naturally to make it their own.


Frankly just about anything would be improvement over what is offered at present IMO.

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