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1.2 Commando Healer PVP


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Since 1.2 I have seen a massive amount of hate posts regarding the changes to commando / merc healing and healing classes in general. Having played combat medic in 140 warzones wins and counting since 1.2 I believe i have found a great niche for our class. While yes I cannot run into the middle of a team and drop heal bombs out lasting 2-3 DPS ( Most of whom dont interrupt :-/ ) I have found that I can still contribute a great deal to my teams success.


What I have started doing is being an objective watcher. At the start of the warzone I will immediately go wherever the mob doesnt. In Alderaan this is ussually left, in voidstar whichever door is not being zerged, in dalborra west, and in huttball its business as usual healing the ball carrier.


I have found that this is the place where we need to be. I can still keep myself and one other person up against 2 people regardless of class / role. If 3 come we can hold off long enough for reinforcements to arrive. We are suited much better then going with the mass of folks to zerg from one point to another. A sage or operative healer is better suited to go along with the mass as they have better escape mechanisms then we do.


I know alot will find this boring, but remember pvp is about objectives. Its not team death match. You wont put up the big #'s but people will realize that you are contributing greatly to winning the game. Claim your node / door / artillery battery and dont give it up for anything!



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Edited by Orius_Satyr
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No, you will get more out of an innate 2% increase to healing unless you utilize kolto bomb enough to have 100% up time on kolto residue. I, however, would go with with:




This build would would allow for maximum healing output while still maintaining some of the survivability talents. In addition, muzzle fluting drops charged bolts cast time by half a second enabling us to have quick free charged bolt casts during SCC. And I do find myself doing dps every now and then in warzones.

Edited by Epyionn
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I don't think Kolto Residue is worth the 2 points to get, I took those points and put them in Adv Tech for the 2% always, healing bonus.

My spec is exactly like the OPs except I have 2 points in Med Zone instead of Heavy Trooper.

I usually pop Reactive Shield when I'm taking focused damage, at which point I'm usually having to heal myself, so I prefer the 20% increase to my heals on myself over 2% endurance.

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This is the spec I have been using with good success




I noticed, however, that I am taking a lot more Alacrity talents than you guys are. Any particular reason why you aren't? I like having my heals going off at ~18-19% less time with the Alacrity I have on gear + from talents.


I'm not taking alacrity talents because it hurts the overall regeneration of ammo. When your heals are going off x% faster because of alacrity, you spend that much more ammo. In addition, your ammo doesn't have as much time to start regening. So, the less alacrity you have right now, the better.

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I'm not taking alacrity talents because it hurts the overall regeneration of ammo. When your heals are going off x% faster because of alacrity, you spend that much more ammo. In addition, your ammo doesn't have as much time to start regening. So, the less alacrity you have right now, the better.


^^ this.

Since 1.2, and the increase in ammo costs, reduction in crit% from skill tree, and lower healing values in PVP (from expertise vs dps), I've been avoiding alacricity in stats and talents. It seems the logical thing was to stack slower bigger heals for efficiency.

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No, you will get more out of an innate 2% increase to healing unless you utilize kolto bomb enough to have 100% up time on kolto residue. I, however, would go with with:




This build would would allow for maximum healing output while still maintaining some of the survivability talents. In addition, muzzle fluting drops charged bolts cast time by half a second enabling us to have quick free charged bolt casts during SCC. And I do find myself doing dps every now and then in warzones.


Do not go with this guy's build for pvp. Playing without medzone is GG.

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Do not go with this guy's build for pvp. Playing without medzone is GG.


You could be right about that. All of my experience in 50 warzones is from healing as an operative. I may find myself dropping kolto residue for medzone as I hit the 50s bracket with my commando (I'm almost there!). However, I usually que up with rl friends, one of which is a guardian, so I almost always have guard and am able to get my friends to help pick off any dps that is picking on me. So, with my playstyle and team make up, my original build may work. Again, I'm always willing to adjust my spec to find out what works best for me.

Edited by Epyionn
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I apologize if my question is out of this topic. I am a lvl 50 combat medic with grav round and concussive force, which means I have no bacta and 2/5 on potent med. Is my role still viable in warzones or should I just switch to full medic or gunnery? Edited by Erreen
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I apologize if my question is out of this topic. I am a lvl 50 combat medic with grav round and concussive force, which means I have no bacta and 2/5 on potent med. Is my role still viable in warzones or should I just switch to full medic or gunnery?


If you're not the type that likes seeing big heal numbers after WZ, then its still viable, high heal figures doesnt equal to survivability, most ppl think they did well when they have highest heals when in fact their team has lots of deaths.


But i have to warn you, you're HPS will be barely decent and also i dont think you might have enough ammo to juggle heals and dps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is what I use and I found it to be the best for my play style




I find the extra knockback to help out tremendously in wz's, field triage to be rather useless (-1 ammo after you cast another heal that is on a rather long cd? and it takes 3 pts to do this reliably?), I put 1 in first responder because I crit all the time anyways and this way it is almost always up.


Most people do not seem to like alacrity, and well it does speed up ammo loss, it also gets your heals off quicker. I found that in fast paced pvp, it is better to get your heals off than not. Furthermore, the ammo decrease in ammo replenish rate can be mitigated by tossing in hammer shots often, in really intense moments, pop your cd's, make good use of kolto bombs (healing 4 people for over 2k and adding a healing buff to them while moving is no joke)


This probably will not work for everyone, but I keep people up, top the charts, and am still able to do some dmg. On a good match I can get over 500k healing, beating out mid lvl sages and outhealing commandos with more traditional builds

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Hoorah to OP article! Im a fellow combat medic and I employ similar tactics as you do. I try to stay behind my teammates as we rush to our objective. That way I can get my heals off without much pressure.


at the start of each wzs match , I always make it clear where im ( HEALs ) is gonna be at. My fellow dps acutally listen to that and stay in close range to get heals or to support me if I'm getting attacked.


Another thing my matches has always been pugs not premade , ill do that once I hit 50, I find it doing solo ques really improve your skills big time.

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Hoorah to OP article! Im a fellow combat medic and I employ similar tactics as you do. I try to stay behind my teammates as we rush to our objective. That way I can get my heals off without much pressure.


at the start of each wzs match , I always make it clear where im ( HEALs ) is gonna be at. My fellow dps acutally listen to that and stay in close range to get heals or to support me if I'm getting attacked.


Another thing my matches has always been pugs not premade , ill do that once I hit 50, I find it doing solo ques really improve your skills big time.

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Seems like a great number of CM made knee-jerk reaction to PvP changes without testing out extensively.


I played about 250 games as CM since 1.2 winning significant portion of those. CM play fine and still contribute a great deal to determining outcome of warzones. ( I've observed 2 or 3 other CM ). Its about using the strengths of the class at the right time to make a significant contribution to a skirmish or objective. No point out-healing everyone but still lose ... there is a significant difference in what your heals actually achieve and if you healed the right person at the right moment.

Much of this is frequently lost on many players.


As CM post 1.2 sometimes you have to forgo the most efficient rotation for ammo to win the skirmish and you have to do things ( cleanse ) frequently that don't turn up on the leaderboard. Hell sometimes you might even have to use non healing traits and be smart to hold a node. I get invites from multiple premades outside my guild to run with them cause ultimately its about winning and we still have the tools to make that happen.


I still experiment but i have

( i ) Forgone Kolto Residue

( ii ) Speced into Bacta Infusion

( iii ) Taken the talent that reduces 2 % incoming. I have also 1 point in the ammo recharge and alacrity talents in the Healing tree.

( iv ) Taken the Adv healing talent that gives armor screen.


If the alacrity talent procs together with my relic its >20 % alacrity for clutch situations. There is much flexibility with the augment slots in armor, be creative and find something that suits your style ... The commando DPS tree's are in bad shape but CM is still viable.

Edited by Stovokor
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To avoid having too much alacrity, do you avoid the combat medic gear as well?


You can either skip all alacrity talents or buy Combat Medic set and Eliminator set, then swap mods/enhancements between the two. Very costly comms and credits wise, in addition the Eliminator mods you'd be using are from the weapon/cannon, the most expensive part, and you'd have to buy 3-4...

Edited by ImariKurumi
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Here is the best PvP medic build for pure healing hands down.




If there are any questions feel free to ask and I can explain why I do or do not take certain talents.


^ Great build. I can already envision this working immediately due to consistent output (advanced tech + heavy trooper talents ) . Gonna give this a try at some point.

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There is a commando healer on my server who is almost unkillable. Commando healers are still pretty viable, but they don't seem to shine until they have full BM gear along with the relics.
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You can either skip all alacrity talents or buy Combat Medic set and Eliminator set, then swap mods/enhancements between the two. Very costly comms and credits wise, in addition the Eliminator mods you'd be using are from the weapon/cannon, the most expensive part, and you'd have to buy 3-4...


I rip the enhancements out of smuggler gear to crank up power and surge. May want to check that out.

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Here is the best PvP medic build for pure healing hands down.




If there are any questions feel free to ask and I can explain why I do or do not take certain talents.


please tell me this is a joke. med zone is your single most important talent in pvp. using that, at the right time, with a full resolve bar, is the ONLY chance you have to heal a teammate in 1.2. unless you're talking about some random crappy pug where every melee/PT/vanguard and his brother isnt focusing you, but then who cares about that scenario.

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