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There is/was an Event!?!


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So, I'm going to start by saying this is my first MMO. Ever. So, any responses of "you should know how to find the event because this is how it was in WoW" are next to meaningless. This game should stand on its own and not rely upon players knowing how to play an MMO.


I've been playing every other day or so since the beginning... tend not to go back to the fleet as there doesn't seem to be a reason to. The level 50 daily quests aren't on the fleet... they are on Corellia, Illum and Belsavis. Right now, I've done Correllia a few times, so that's where my character sits. My alts are mostly under level 10... with the second highest at level 18 - also not on the fleet as there's nothing on the fleet for him either.


Anyway, middle of last week, my character got this weird disease from a pvp game... figured it was some strange darkside power I hadn't seen before... shortly thereafter, I logged out. A couple days later, I logged on and exploded in the middle of a daily on Correllia. Got some dna sample that said "Sell on Tatooine." Huh... that's interesting.


So, I go to Tatooine... I'm wandering Anchorhead looking for vendors... no one seems to have anything for my dna. I don't see any signs, there's no messages pointing to anyplace on tatooine to go in particular. There's a news broadcast, but it doesn't say where to go, just avoid Tatooine. Huh... big desert out there, and no clue where to go. I expected to see someone with a quest sign over their heads to tell me where to go... no such luck, so I logged out.


Then, today, I'm reading theforce.net's weekly SWTOR update (was busy this weekend, so I read it today)... there's a link to a guide regarding the event. Hey, there's an event?? Who knew? So, I go to the guide... turns out I'm supposed to go out to the Dune Sea and find a crashed ship. Sure would have been nice if I had been given a quest or something at the start of the event telling me where to go, rather than waiting for a fan site to tell me about a newsite that figured it out. Anyway, the event guide goes on to say that the event ends tonight. Neat... the day I learn where to go to even participate in the event is the LAST DAY OF THE EVENT.


I hope that for future events, there could be something in-game to tell players how to participate in the event. Maybe a quest that you can get from listening to the broadcast? Maybe a quest you can get from the ship's comm. station? Maybe an in-game letter telling you where to go to pick up the quest? There would seem to be a lot of options to help players learn about the event other than waiting to see if they get the plague, bother to read the fine print on the blood sample, and then care to devote however much time it takes to re-explore the entire planet of Tatooine looking for a vendor to sell the stuff to.


Of course, it'd be nice if this event could be continued so I might actually be able to play out the rest of it (as I understand it, you can only play so much of it in a day... since my day 1 was the last day, I'll never be seeing days 2 and beyond).

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I understand where you're coming from. The fleet was inundated with info and, by avoiding it, you would be mostly oblivious to the event.


I'd say check the SWTOR website every few days to see if anything's new, as it was on here as well.

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I know this may sound rude, and I am sorry if it does. But why didn't you just ask people around you. There is absolutely no reason that the developers should have to hold our hands through every aspect of the game. The fact that the whole thing was sprung on us in game and that no waypoints were given gave those who actually like to explore their surroundings something to do. It was a very welcome addition to a genre that usually has very sparse exploration.


Its very easy to use general and just ask others what the DNA was or who you traded it into. I know everytime someone asked about that when I was on there were at least three people willing to help. I know I was always one of those who would answer the questions myself. Taking part in the community and just asking for help is a perfectly reasonable thing for the developers to expect us to do.

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TBH i cant wait to see the back of it, and im glad you missed it, that means there is at least 1 player out there that might buy my expensively crafted +41 crystals now.....And i might have a chance to make some of my credits back from buying the pointless schematics.


Personally i cant wait for the next one, Im sure they will grant Artifice another new lightsaber or Enhancement schematic, then open it up so everyone can get a better one free, via some stupid daily.

Edited by Nippon
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Front page of the website, announced in fleet every 5 minutes, all over the forums, all over chat, etc.


I'm sorry, but they can only do so much to get the information to you, at that point it's up to you to do your part.


Additionally, announcing anything via in-game or even out of game mail is just not feasible. It takes them at least a week to send mail to everyone in the game. Just look at the Taun-taun pet, the window to get the email is nearly 2 weeks. It's just too many mails to process through.

Edited by Sandriell
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I came by the website... but I honestly didn't see anything that said "Go to this spot on Tatooine to participate in the event."


The link on the main page regarding the event goes to a video which doesn't tell you anything other than that there is a rakghoul plague. Nothing on where to go. Nothing on how long the event will last. Nothing.


I got emails that Corso was getting bored when I took a couple weeks off to move. I got emails telling me I'd get a free tauntaun for having an active account... but no email to say "hey, we have this event going on, and if you want to participate you should play between (start date) and (end date) and go to this place to pick up the initial quest."


Why not? Would an email in game or out of game been that hard to send out?

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Front page of the website, announced in fleet every 5 minutes, all over the forums, all over chat, etc.


I'm sorry, but they can only do so much to get the information to you, at that point it's up to you to do your part.


Only the announcement in the fleet tells you specifically " To not go to Tatooine ".

Its confusing, when the designers of the event warns you not to go there, and then players on forums tells you the opposite.

Edited by NightskyStar
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I came by the website... but I honestly didn't see anything that said "Go to this spot on Tatooine to participate in the event."


The link on the main page regarding the event goes to a video which doesn't tell you anything other than that there is a rakghoul plague. Nothing on where to go. Nothing on how long the event will last. Nothing.


"Visit the in-game News Terminal, located on Carrick Station or Vaiken Spacedock, to discover the mystery behind the spreading plague and begin the mission to earn a Rakghoul Pet!"


That's right above the video.

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Only the announcement in the fleet tells you specifically " To not go to Tatooine ".

Its confusing, when the designers of the event warns you not to go there, and then players on forums tells you the opposite.


OMG, really?



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Even if you avoided Fleet and Tat how did you miss the fact that at ever space station and space dock there were NPC's in containment gear that normally aren't there soemtimes standing over people who are cowering. Even if there were no news announcements its kinda hard to miss new NPC's to an area that aren't typical to that planet. 1 Trip to the website would of told you an event was going on. 1 Second of actually paying attentoin to the Launcher would of told you about the Plague.


All it takes is paying attention.

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Even if you avoided Fleet and Tat how did you miss the fact that at ever space station and space dock there were NPC's in containment gear that normally aren't there soemtimes standing over people who are cowering. Even if there were no news announcements its kinda hard to miss new NPC's to an area that aren't typical to that planet. 1 Trip to the website would of told you an event was going on. 1 Second of actually paying attentoin to the Launcher would of told you about the Plague.


All it takes is paying attention.


This. OP is trolling imo. :wea_01:

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Even if you avoided Fleet and Tat how did you miss the fact that at ever space station and space dock there were NPC's in containment gear that normally aren't there soemtimes standing over people who are cowering. Even if there were no news announcements its kinda hard to miss new NPC's to an area that aren't typical to that planet..

There were? I've been playing every day and I didn't notice new NPC's. Do you think people memorize all the NPCs on all planets? I don't, so no, I didn't notice those subtle changes either. I did hear about the event though and choose not to participate, but I just wanted to let you know that expecting people to see new NPC's is kind of far fetched.

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Well my thought on the video broadcasts, is that it's supposed to strike curiosity into the players. However I do agree though instead of just having the info on fleet. There should at least be a Holonet Broadcast news video station in all outposts, Maybe in the Cantina's. That way people that avoid the Fleet like the plague can find out about the event as well instead of just running into it if you happen to go to that one particular planet.
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Maybe I did miss the point.... maybe I should have spent twenty hours scouring Tatooine for more on the plague... but, honestly, would it have been that hard for them to have put a clue somewhere to at least point me in the right direction?


I got the plague... figured out from the dna that I needed to go to Tatooine... got there, and other than a news reel that told me nothing, there was no indication of where to go next. I expected to see something in Anchorhead to point me the rest of the way... and found nothing.


That was all I'm trying to say... with a game full of quests and markers on the maps to show you where to go... I expected that something like this would have a similar guidepost. It had none. I'm not asking for hand holding... I'm asking for enough information to know where to go to start the main quest chain. That's all.


... and if there's more to do at level 50 than dailies and pvp (without a group), I'd love to hear it.

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Even if you avoided Fleet and Tat how did you miss the fact that at ever space station and space dock there were NPC's in containment gear that normally aren't there soemtimes standing over people who are cowering. Even if there were no news announcements its kinda hard to miss new NPC's to an area that aren't typical to that planet. 1 Trip to the website would of told you an event was going on. 1 Second of actually paying attentoin to the Launcher would of told you about the Plague.


All it takes is paying attention.



True, however most of that depends on your video card and PC. If I recall depending on how powerful your PC is there will be more NPC's that spawn in static places. So technically that's not really a good indicator.

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I've been playing every other day or so since the beginning... tend not to go back to the fleet as there doesn't seem to be a reason to.


You don't attempt to sell anything on the global sales platforms? Buy anything? Do flashpoints? Train tradeskills? I'm stumped.


Anyway, middle of last week, my character got this weird disease from a pvp game... figured it was some strange darkside power I hadn't seen before... shortly thereafter, I logged out. A couple days later, I logged on and exploded in the middle of a daily on Correllia. Got some dna sample that said "Sell on Tatooine." Huh... that's interesting.


Yeah. Stand up. Take notice.


So, I go to Tatooine... I'm wandering Anchorhead looking for vendors... no one seems to have anything for my dna.


Did you not once in /1 general chat ask about it?


I don't see any signs, there's no messages pointing to anyplace on tatooine to go in particular. There's a news broadcast, but it doesn't say where to go, just avoid Tatooine. Huh... big desert out there, and no clue where to go.


At this point I turned on my map and located a new vendor by toggling on the Vendors switch.


Then, today, I'm reading theforce.net's weekly SWTOR update (was busy this weekend, so I read it today)... there's a link to a guide regarding the event. Hey, there's an event?? Who knew?


MMO. Massively Multiplayer Online. Socialize and get in a guild. Makes some in game friends and talk to them. Guarantee you would have known right away.


... the day I learn where to go to even participate in the event is the LAST DAY OF THE EVENT.


For what it's worth I didn't catch on right away either.


I hope that for future events, there could be something in-game to tell players how to participate in the event. Maybe a quest that you can get from listening to the broadcast?


The end of the game text for most players refers to your Fleet Station as being the hub of all activity. But in a MMO you are apparently avoiding all contact. Just saying. The new blue glowing terminals on all four outer intersections were breadcrumbs.


Maybe a quest you can get from the ship's comm. station? Maybe an in-game letter telling you where to go to pick up the quest? There would seem to be a lot of options to help players learn about the event other than waiting to see if they get the plague, bother to read the fine print on the blood sample, and then care to devote however much time it takes to re-explore the entire planet of Tatooine looking for a vendor to sell the stuff to.


I am not saying your stupid - you have a life we all do. But I liked how they did it. It was an investigative interactive adventure. I was like why am I sick? I investigated. I checked out the blue terminals on the hub of the fleet - watched the newscasts. Clicked on what looked like new quest givers on my map.


Of course, it'd be nice if this event could be continued so I might actually be able to play out the rest of it (as I understand it, you can only play so much of it in a day... since my day 1 was the last day, I'll never be seeing days 2 and beyond).


Yeah, one of my toons is in the same boat. I wanted to get all the armor but unfortunately could only get the boots and gloves.


I think the issue here lies in a little bit of what you said but also you seem to isolate yourself in a game that is meant to be social. Are you in a guild? Do you hav e people you talk to? Or are you one of those people that actually turns off the chat window 90% of the time?



For what it's worth, as in the real world, be involved. (Politics for example....) Pay attention. Events can happen and I suspect that this is NOT the last time we've seen the Rakghoul virus hit a planet. So you will probably have more opportunities to get the things you missed.

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I just couldnt help but ROFL really hard when i read this post. It is so sad and so funny at the same time. BECAUSE THE IRONY IS THERE ARE POST ALL OVER THIS FORUM OF PEOPLE PISSED BECAUSE THEY ARE STUCK ON THE FLEET AT LVL 50 BECAUSE THE GAME ALWAYS DRIVES YOU BACK THERE. I mean really who does not use their "fleet pass" ability after finishing a planets dailys? And if thats not active you use the one from the security vendor that refreshes every hour. If you use it and go back to the fleet it is kinda hard to miss it. I mean the 10-20 people in general chat buying and selling rakghoul dna's didn't tip you off? The people asking for help with the 3 world bosses on tattoine for the containment officer title? The containment droids/officers scanning you everytime you enter and leave a planet or the fleet?....How about the RPers running around in full containment bright orange armor?


but i mean when world events started in everquest, it was possible to never know a world event happened because it would happen in 1 out of 75 avaialble zones and unless someone in your guild visited that zone, you would never know...


in modern mmorpgs...its kinda hard to miss.

Edited by thomasmeadows
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While I get where the OP is coming from, i'm trying to put myself into His shoes imagining if I wasn't anywhere near the fleet and on the different planets other then for dailies and whether or not I would've missed it. If I would've never been infected, only did dailies and logged, never checked the website or looked at the launcher? It's quite possible, but somewhat far fetched. I remember being one of the ones the night before the event on the forums leading the discussions about this when it 'broke' through SR's twitter about something going down on tattooine and from the forums and just word of mouth it spread by wildfire on our server. Maybe that doesn't happen on every server, but it was kind of hard to miss.


However that being said, I have to agree with the others in getting your point that you made it to tattooine, you just didn't know where to go. I'm prone to blonde moments, and missed the big clickable screens coming out of the spaceport that starts the whole thing, and had to go back and do those later but from the moment I was out there when I watched the Rakhgouls first appear, people were hitting tattooine all day asking "what's this about an event?" "what were they talking about on fleet?", etc etc.


Personally, unlike WoW and how they used to send out mail and warnings to everyone showing where all of the events were, I liked the fact that Bioware just dropped this in game before announcing it and let all the players "discover" it and figure it out and what is happening and where. I hope that they continue this exploration type feel that's lost in so many MMO's nowadays and that they expand them to become bigger and badder.

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While I get where the OP is coming from, i'm trying to put myself into His shoes imagining if I wasn't anywhere near the fleet and on the different planets other then for dailies and whether or not I would've missed it. If I would've never been infected, only did dailies and logged, never checked the website or looked at the launcher? It's quite possible, but somewhat far fetched. I remember being one of the ones the night before the event on the forums leading the discussions about this when it 'broke' through SR's twitter about something going down on tattooine and from the forums and just word of mouth it spread by wildfire on our server. Maybe that doesn't happen on every server, but it was kind of hard to miss.


However that being said, I have to agree with the others in getting your point that you made it to tattooine, you just didn't know where to go. I'm prone to blonde moments, and missed the big clickable screens coming out of the spaceport that starts the whole thing, and had to go back and do those later but from the moment I was out there when I watched the Rakhgouls first appear, people were hitting tattooine all day asking "what's this about an event?" "what were they talking about on fleet?", etc etc.


Personally, unlike WoW and how they used to send out mail and warnings to everyone showing where all of the events were, I liked the fact that Bioware just dropped this in game before announcing it and let all the players "discover" it and figure it out and what is happening and where. I hope that they continue this exploration type feel that's lost in so many MMO's nowadays and that they expand them to become bigger and badder.



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Maybe I did miss the point.... maybe I should have spent twenty hours scouring Tatooine for more on the plague... but, honestly, would it have been that hard for them to have put a clue somewhere to at least point me in the right direction?


I got the plague... figured out from the dna that I needed to go to Tatooine... got there, and other than a news reel that told me nothing, there was no indication of where to go next. I expected to see something in Anchorhead to point me the rest of the way... and found nothing.


That was all I'm trying to say... with a game full of quests and markers on the maps to show you where to go... I expected that something like this would have a similar guidepost. It had none. I'm not asking for hand holding... I'm asking for enough information to know where to go to start the main quest chain. That's all.


... and if there's more to do at level 50 than dailies and pvp (without a group), I'd love to hear it.


More to do at 50 than dailies and PvP? Yeah, operations and hard modes.


I'm sorry, but the blame rests on you alone. You PvP, but you don't go to the fleet to pick up your daily PvP quest, to shop for your PvP gear, or do anything at all? Hell, you don't have any excuse. Either you are a new 50 who didn't know there was other things than dailies, which you have to go to the station first to begin, or you have been 50 for at least a few weeks to have missed all of this, and yet you still have never heard of a hard mode flash point, or an operation?


OP, either you are a troll (and a bad one at that for not even having the common sense of one), or you just aren't smart enough to go to the fleet at all for two weeks and see the numerous news terminals, the constant broadcast to "stay away from Tatooine," or even to notice the very obvious new NPCs in the spaceports. You just said you do only dailies and PvP. That means you should have been between planets enough by now to be able to notice some new NPCs standing around.


No, there is no one to blame but yourself. You missed something very obvious. BW gave an event that benefited people who actually pay attention to their surroundings, which apparently you either didn't or you weren't inquisitive enough to ask questions.

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