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Is the game dying?


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So that's the question. I personally have 3 lvl 50s on a dead server I can't even play so I'm thinking this is a major problem. Thats 500 hours of my time wasted. Bioware did not plan very well I'm severely frustrated.


1. They need a LFd tool

2. They need cross servers.

3. They need free transfers immediately.

4. They need to make mods available.

5. They need to fix end game so that we can actually play it.

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Thats 500 hours of my time wasted. Bioware did not plan very well I'm severely frustrated.


I am sorry that you did not enjoy leveling those characters.


However, I have to wonder: if you did not take any enjoyment from all of that leveling, why did you take 500 hours to realize it?

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I am sorry that you did not enjoy leveling those characters.


However, I have to wonder: if you did not take any enjoyment from all of that leveling, why did you take 500 hours to realize it?




You might disturb his delicate thought-process!

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It's unfortunate that your server is under populated and you shouldn't feel like you've wasted all this time especially if you want to keep playing the game once they're implemented.


I certainly don't think this game is dying.


There was an article by one of the devs that said that the overall player population hadn't changed too much but the number of hours being played was. They also said they made the mistake during launch of opening up too many new servers.


It's been confirmed that features that you have requested are being worked on.


I don't know whether it's flattering to the devs that you think they have the amazing skills to address and implement all these features immediately, or unflattering that you think they're spending most of their work days eating cheese and not bothering to work on the game.


At this point you basically have these options:

- Continue to do what you've been doing for the last 500 hours and be patient.

- Roll a char on a more populated server and wait for transfers

- Unsub until these features have been added.


At this point Bioware knows these particular community concerns, and making yet another post about it, isn't going to get a new response or speed up the process anymore.

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Even with a populated server finding a grp is hard. I am on my free 30 days now and have 3 lvl 50 in harbringer with average 150 ppl in the fleet. I am spamming for lfg as a healer for like 2 hours totally no response. I believe there are still subs going on but ppl are just not interested in playing the game so i guess the game is dying in someway. SO pls don't listen to the guy above about rolling on a high pop server end up is a waste of time. Period..:mad:
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I believe they are planning on adding transfers in the near future, so it might be wise to just sit tight.


As for wasting time, it's only a waste if you didn't have fun. And if you didn't have fun, why are you playing?


Beyond your personal situation, the game is in a fairly healthy state. It had a fantastic launch, with a large amount of subs, that had a very nice retention rate in the first stretch of time. They have a fairly large, stable subscriber base, and are releasing content at an above-average rate. As far as numbers and logic derived from past games can go, TOR is far from dead.


In fact, it's one of the 'liveliest' MMOs currently active.

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The problem with most (MMO) gamers these days is that people are spoilt rotten... Nothing is ever good enough. Most people simply cannot be asked starting over again building their characters from the start and finding a good community to play this game with.


I have been playing games since the old Atari and MSX days and been through every gaming console and most MMORPGs since the start and all I can say is that SWTOR stands out by a mile from any other MMO out there. I only started playing 2 days ago and must say this game is one hell of a technological achievement.


Look at the launch of WOW back in 2004. How long did it take for WOW to run smoothly, without bugs and have tons of endgame content accessible to every gamer out there? Look at the launch of most MMOs these days, I think SWTOR stands head and shoulders about any other game out there.

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The problem with most (MMO) gamers these days is that people are spoilt rotten... Nothing is ever good enough. Most people simply cannot be asked starting over again building their characters from the start and finding a good community to play this game with.


I have been playing games since the old Atari and MSX days and been through every gaming console and most MMORPGs since the start and all I can say is that SWTOR stands out by a mile from any other MMO out there. I only started playing 2 days ago and must say this game is one hell of a technological achievement.


Look at the launch of WOW back in 2004. How long did it take for WOW to run smoothly, without bugs and have tons of endgame content accessible to every gamer out there? Look at the launch of most MMOs these days, I think SWTOR stands head and shoulders about any other game out there.


Amen. I've tried so many mmos, I stopped to count after 10. Trust me, SWTOR is among the best mmos ever created. You realize it even more when you go play another mmo and you come back to SWTOR.

Edited by Sammm
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Many people have become used to near instant PUG group formation for group play in established games. Not much I can do to help the OP there...


Not many people realise how rare it is for cross server functionality to be available at or near release.


UO, DAOC, EQ, EvE, Horizons, WoW, Lotro, AION , Rift, AFAIK none of these had an equivalent to a cross server LFG system at release, to my memory, Rift was the fastest to include a LFG system, after several hiccups.


EvE is of course a single server game but talking to all players is difficult.


I see many bugs/balance issues in SWTOR but I find it is a fun game with huge potential.

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The problem with most (MMO) gamers these days is that people are spoilt rotten... Nothing is ever good enough. Most people simply cannot be asked starting over again building their characters from the start and finding a good community to play this game with.


You expect people to roll a 50 on every server till they find an active community thats just stupid. It is hard to know if the end game community is active till your 50 so your above comment about people being lazy is you being uneducated about the game with your current 2 days playing it experience.


I have been playing games since the old Atari and MSX days and been through every gaming console and most MMORPGs since the start and all I can say is that SWTOR stands out by a mile from any other MMO out there. I only started playing 2 days ago and must say this game is one hell of a technological achievement.


I dont feel anyone who has been playing for 2 days, and has no experience with the endgame should be commenting on his or her view of endgame since you have yet to experience it. Come back and express your views on endgame after you have been 50 for awhile and have some experience with endgame. This game has great story line behind it which makes the leveling process seem to outshine alot of other MMO's. But that does not help its endgame.

I myself have 3 50's and a few others in the 40's. The game is lacking in alot of area's to make endgame interesting and fun. Hence the reason i have three 50's. I found that leveling at this current point in time was more interesting than the endgame do to lack of options such as LFG and things to do in general.


Look at the launch of WOW back in 2004. How long did it take for WOW to run smoothly, without bugs and have tons of endgame content accessible to every gamer out there? Look at the launch of most MMOs these days, I think SWTOR stands head and shoulders about any other game out there.


The problem is to many people and game companies are looking at the past and justifying what games are putting out at launch based on previous games. The fact of the matter is games are suppost to evolve just like everything else. I hate to use WOW as the go to on implimentations that everygame should have but to be frank they have set the standard and people should learn from them. WOW has been the number 1 MMO out there for so many years for a reason. Before you bash me for being a WOW lover I do not have an active membership and havent for 6 months. Getting back to the point. Every MMORPG at launch should incorperate the things that are known to make playing the game more player friendly and engaging and stop putting it off for later implimentation. Everygame should have a LFG system and cross server grouping at start. And im going to bash on FFXIV for a sec a dam AH.


I have played my fair share of MMO's and I have come to expect certain things. I enjoy the twist that each game company puts on their game but there needs to be some features that just come with every game. You wouldnt go buy a new phone or computer and it have some small features but have big things that make ease of use missing when you buy it with the intention of it being updated later would you? Picture yourself buying a phone that didnt come with txt messenging. The rest the world learns from previous sucesses and impliments that stuff at launch or release and games should do the same.


So im agreeing with the original poster that to me the game does feel like its dying and even the recent 1.2 patch isnt doing it for me. I have a really active guild and im still finding the game lacking endgame.

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I think it's the opposite, actually. I just got it, so did a lot of my friends. I am a huge KOTOR fan, but didn't even know this game was out. They have done a terrible job marketing it until just recently. I know me and 10 people I know doesn't count as a significant population increase, but to me that says the name is just getting out there.
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Amen. I've tried so many mmos, I stopped to count after 10. Trust me, SWTOR is among the best mmos ever created. You realize it even more when you go play another mmo and you come back to SWTOR.


i agree i have played many mmo's and star wars is by far the best i have player so far. i have a total of 7 toons on 2 servers (only 1 lvl 50) my gf has a lvl 47 and we are loving this game and its content grats on a awsome game Bioware im looking forward to all the awsome stuff coming soon!!!!

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What do you mean "dying"? As in declining subscriptions? Less player hype? Less commercial hype? Visibly not a Massive Multiplayer Onine game atm?


Then yes, the game is dying.




Too many servers + not enough players per server + no eta on server transfer = no one to play with = canceled subs.


Not complicated.


Other than that, the game would be great!

Edited by MefuneAkira
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Not dying, but not as many people as in the first month (which was expected). I think part of the problem is the server cap was originally quite low, they did apparently increase it after the game prooved to be stable, but people were already spread to thin and unable to move.


But in MMOs if players see their server being empty they will likely leave as well, so it has a chain reaction. It's not a good idea for them to just leave it. The game itself isn't the issue, it's very good quality considering it's so new. They also seem to treat their customers better than e.g. blizzard, who mostly don't care.

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