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EA to Release Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2012 Results on May 7, 2012


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1. Free game time was credited on or around April 25. Dan Erickson's statement and the previous two announcements of the 1.7 million subscription level were made well before that. The Q4 2012 numbers will also reflect the status before then, since EA's Q4 2012 ended March 31. The exception is if EA makes statements about the "current" state or future state of the game (earnings statements contain a mix of historical, current, and forward-looking data).


2. Subscription counts, especially when part of earnings statements, are made to reflect revenue earned. From this perspective, it doesn't matter if someone has stopped playing or not. For that matter, EA has no way of knowing if someone who has unsubbed intends to start playing or not. The industry practice is to count all paid subscriptions that have not expired, including the 30 days that are paid through the initial purchase of the game.


True. So they will not count my lost sub until after Aug. 17th, only I do still play. After that...I am not so sure. Maybe it is the end of this year we can look back and see what has happened and know for sure if the complaints about the game where valid and if Bioware made the correct changes and additions. :)

Edited by Valkirus
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Huh? You know how to count? This will be the first quarter report. :p


I have many flaws, but a counting weakness is not one of them. The original statement of 1.7 million subscriptions was made at the Q3 2012 earnings call on February 1. The number was the same just over a month later, per a March 8 statement made by the EA's CEO at the Wedbush 2012 Technology Media and Telecommunications Conference. Finally we have the April 23 statement in a Dan Erickson interview that "subscriber numbers haven’t dropped, but concurrent users at peak times have."


As many got a 3 month sub and also the 30 free days in addition.


Speaking of counting, why should BioWare not count revenue just because it was paid in a 3-month chunk instead of a 1-month chunk? And the 30 free days are irrelevant, as they do not apply to Q4 2012.

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I certainly hope you don't think that companies care, from a fiscal POV, if you use the games you bought.


I bought FFXIII-2 when it was out. I have yet to play it (did not had time). Does that change anyone for SQuenix ?


Does it change anything for EA stockholders that people are stupid enough to be subbed to TOR for not playing ?

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I have many flaws, but a counting weakness is not one of them. The original statement of 1.7 million subscriptions was made at the Q3 2012 earnings call on February 1. The number was the same just over a month later, per a March 8 statement made by the EA's CEO at the Wedbush 2012 Technology Media and Telecommunications Conference. Finally we have the April 23 statement in a Dan Erickson interview that "subscriber numbers haven’t dropped, but concurrent users at peak times have."




Speaking of counting, why should BioWare not count revenue just because it was paid in a 3-month chunk instead of a 1-month chunk? And the 30 free days are irrelevant, as they do not apply to Q4 2012.


You are right. Sorry. I forgot about the date the free 30 days was added. I do know however, BioWare knows how active each "paid" account is and how many players are on each server each night. You agree?

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Why do you assume that all stockholders are stupid ?


If Bioware is padding the numbers of subs in such a crude way, people will notice.


It happens all the time in top corporations and local and federal goverments. Not saying this is the case of BioWare padding numbers, but it has been known to happen with other companies and the truth can only be hidden for so long. But it really does not matter for the player who is paying for the game. If they donot feel the game is right for them..they will move on and those numbers will eventually come out as being lost.

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I strongly doubt that there is a counter at Bioware that tell them that ''DarthIhaveathrobbinglightsaberinmypants'' plays one hour per week or one hour per day.


Yes...they know. Blizzard knows. It is a important gathering resource tool and is actually a more accurate tool than the forums by a long shot. They know how many do certain events, experence Flashpoints and Operations..etc.

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Why do you assume that all stockholders are stupid ?


If Bioware is padding the numbers of subs in such a crude way, people will notice.


My thoughts exactly, Its not something they could do long term aswell.

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"subscriber numbers haven’t dropped, but concurrent users at peak times have."


Many like myself are still counted as an active sub, do to the free time given, after cancelling.


So concurrent users would have peaked while sub numbers remained constant. Given the continual decline in actual numbers on servers, the sub number will drop eventually.

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Many like myself are still counted as an active sub, do to the free time given, after cancelling.


Again, for the umpteenth time, the 30-day free time was credited on April 25, well after the statements on subscription levels and almost a month after the end of Q4 2012, which is the subject of this thread.


Given the continual decline in actual numbers on servers, the sub number will drop eventually.


That depends on the relationship between concurrent players and subscription counts, which we know very little about, and on the ability of EA to expand into new markets (such as the 38-country expansion announced on April 26).

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Watch them hide the fact that SWTOR subs are below 400k.


They'll be using all the free month people to obfuscate the numbers.


Hopefully one of the analysts will call them on it, would be interesting what kind of alibi they provide for that one.

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Watch them hide the fact that SWTOR subs are below 400k.


They'll be using all the free month people to obfuscate the numbers.


Hopefully one of the analysts will call them on it, would be interesting what kind of alibi they provide for that one.


Below 400k? Sure buddy.


What kind of vile person actively wants a game to FAIL? People's jobs and lively hood depend on selling successful products.

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Why do you assume that all stockholders are stupid ?


If Bioware is padding the numbers of subs in such a crude way, people will notice.


This is not true always the case. You'll be surprised how many people invest into a company in which they have no understanding of how it's being operated or what is it they do.


Seriously investors don't even know what they're doing most of the time and most investors are your avg Joe who has their money tied into some 401k account.


Not to mention most companies regularly do special accounting tricks to inflate their numbers. So I don't doubt they would do the same in an MMO subscription sense.

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Below 400k? Sure buddy.


What kind of vile person actively wants a game to FAIL? People's jobs and lively hood depend on selling successful products.


The same people who would vote EA as the worst company, over other real candidates like banks that have brought the US to its knees and made people homeless.

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They have to be going down or will be soon.


I play on the Fatman the most populated sever, Every day we get people rolling saying. "OMG a server with people on it" I am so happy and every our population seems to be dropping. When never hit full anymore and fleet used to cap around 260 now i don't see it break 200 anymore.

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Well Daniel Erickson has said as recently as today that Subs for TOR haven't dropped So I'm going to take a wild guess and say 1.7 million active subscriptions for TOR.




So much for the Omgzorz mass exodus!!!

I know: "Just you wait till next quarter!" :rolleyes:


Well it's working, 30 free days, a new content patch and quality content = happy customer. I've resubbed.

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They have to be going down or will be soon.


I play on the Fatman, Every day we get people rolling saying. "OMG a server with people on it I am so happy" and every our population seems to be dropping. When never hit full anymore and fleet used to cap around 260 now i don't see it break 200 anymore.


So either it's going down or bioware screwed up massivly and open 2 times as many serves as they should have

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They have to be going down or will be soon.


I play on the Fatman, Every day we get people rolling saying. "OMG a server with people on it I am so happy" and every our population seems to be dropping. When never hit full anymore and fleet used to cap around 260 now i don't see it break 200 anymore.


So either it's going down or bioware screwed up massivly and open 2 times as many serves as they should have


Yeah I have to agree. I've noticed a drop in Fatman too, heck my Guild Leader hasn't been on in a week. Probably due to Tera Release or something.

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Yeah I have to agree. I've noticed a drop in Fatman too, heck my Guild Leader hasn't been on in a week. Probably due to Tera Release or something.


They might go down a very tiny bit or they might even go up slightly, but they gave anyone who would have unsubbed (level 50's who need people to do content) a free month so they wont show up on this report.


Imagine if the genius of that move was put to use making an mmo.. you never know it may be a good thing , give bioware another month to suddenly do things right and fix this game before EA pulls the plug, or even worse really takes the game over themselves.

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They might go down a very tiny bit or they might even go up slightly, but they gave anyone who would have unsubbed (level 50's who need people to do content) a free month so they wont show up on this report.


Imagine if the genius of that move was put to use making an mmo.. you never know it may be a good thing , give bioware another month to suddenly do things right and fix this game before EA pulls the plug, or even worse really takes the game over themselves.


EA isn't going to pull the plug that's for certain. If Warhammer Online is still on-going then I don't see this game being unplugged anytime soon.

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EA isn't going to pull the plug that's for certain. If Warhammer Online is still on-going then I don't see this game being unplugged anytime soon.


Probably a 10 year contract with the IP, like with GW or with LA for SWG too.

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They might go down a very tiny bit or they might even go up slightly, but they gave anyone who would have unsubbed (level 50's who need people to do content) a free month so they wont show up on this report.


Imagine if the genius of that move was put to use making an mmo.. you never know it may be a good thing , give bioware another month to suddenly do things right and fix this game before EA pulls the plug, or even worse really takes the game over themselves.


Are you under the misconception EA doesnt run this game? Bioware is simply a name they were acquired by EA and Bioware is now a division of EA. You really think they would pull the plug on a game that has at LEAST 1.3 million subs by the experts in the industries worst estimates? They just expanded into the middle east etc too. You think they didnt pick up a single sub there either? Do you listen to yourself?

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