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Team of Operatives destroyed Operatives.


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Oooh I had a good post about this in the PvP forum the other day:


What's really ruining PvP is teams of stunlocking Operatives.


I mean, if teams of stunlocking Operatives weren't causing people to ragequit and unsub from the game, those of us Operatives who aren't in stunlocking teams would still have the potency and reliability to blow up the classes we directly counter.


Unfortunately, consistent metrics reporting on the success of teams of stunlocking Operatives has caused severe and repeated nerfs to the Operative class in order to tone down the teams of stunlocking Operatives. This has had the immediate and unfortunate side effect of diminishing the effects of Operatives not of the stunlocking team variety, weakening the class as a whole.


Now, when you weaken a class that is a direct counter to another, the performance of that other class rises significantly.


This is even moreso noticeable when you weaken a class that is a direct counter to an entire PvP population...


"Operatives: We rolled bads. :cool: "

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Don't forget that ops are spies and masters of disguise, so when you see a team of 4 sorcs/2 BH/2 maras that maybe a team of disguised operatives!


I make my operative dress like a marauder so people will just leave me alone because I have undying rage... Not working too well yet but I am trying to find a way to make my gun look as much like two lightsabers as I can.

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hey guys!


remember when we stunlocking operatives used to form teams of stunlocking operatives and then all the sorcs unsubbed?


yeah, me neither.



another freeloading, stunlocking operative on his final, free 30 days

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a team of operatives wouldn't need to stun lock an enemy in the first place so it was a load of bull anyway


Teams of operatives stunlock to increase your suffering, we know we just could kill you with 4x hs, but we like to see you suffer first.

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We like to have a lot of laughs in the warzones, but today we wanna talk about something serious: Packs of stray Operatives that have stunlocked most of the major cities in Mexico. That's packs of wild, vicious Operatives that are controlling most of...... -Ricky Bobby
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Teams of stun locking operatives became teams of cross healing operatives


Georg on 1.3 changes:


We have very measurable statistics that tell us if people lose a certain number of Warzones in a row playing against a team of Operative healers, they will be not as likely to re-subscribe.

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We like to have a lot of laughs in the warzones, but today we wanna talk about something serious: Packs of stray Operatives that have stunlocked most of the major cities in Mexico. That's packs of wild, vicious Operatives that are controlling most of...... -Ricky Bobby


ROFL this just made my day

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Teams of stun locking operatives became teams of cross healing operatives


Georg on 1.3 changes:


We have very measurable statistics that tell us if people lose a certain number of Warzones in a row playing against a team of Operative healers, they will be not as likely to re-subscribe.


So will such predictions mean only operative healing will be nerfed in 1.3 or both healing and damage I wonder.

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So will such predictions mean only operative healing will be nerfed in 1.3 or both healing and damage I wonder.


Well, the problem becomes even more prevalent when you have teams of heallocking operatives with teams of stunlocking operatives.


You see, the heallocking operatives can still open out of stealth after the team of stunlocking operatives, with the added bonus of not being a detriment in resolve to the stunlocking because they won't be specced into the... err... stun.


So now instead of teams of stunlocking operatives killing people, we have teams of stunlocking and heallocking operatives killing people and then being invincible with heallocking for the rest of the match!... or at least until their in-combat vanish comes off cooldown upon which point they start stunealocking people out of stealth again!

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I find it much more annoying when there are groups of sentinels that can hold nodes for days because undying rage is the most OP cooldown i have ever seen given to a DPS class i wont even get started on all the other cooldowns they have.. i also dont see how a team of operatives can stun lock you in this game when 2 of our stuns caps your resolve .. georg must be playing WOW or something
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Both! Teams of cross healing operatives are serious problem. Have you tried to kill someone with 8 stacks of kolto probes on him?


No they will give us another stack of TA, 3 will be baseline and 4 for medics, they also will reduce damage on hs and bs, while buffing lacerate again.


We will be disgustingly op in 1.3.

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I don't know what is worse: that this thread is so true, or that I find it so funny. Whatever the case, what they've decided to do has been just really, really terrible, to quote BDM.


/signed: an operative with my finger on the "stunlock my subscription" trigger

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I created one of these the other day, however there are only two concealment operatives on my server. so I brought a tanksin and heallocking operative. Terrible terrible damage occurred. The most hilarious thing was on alderaan taking a node from 3 defenders only using sap abilities...
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