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We need interrupt and interrupt protection.


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Right now PVP against melee classes, and some ranged, is a game of whack-a-mole with troopers. They sit there timing interrupts/stuns while they continue to dps us and their DoTs keep ticking. Gunnery tree forces us to stand still and channel our attacks which leaves too vulnerable to stuns/interrupts.


If timed right Powertechs, Assassins, Operatives, Snipers, Juggs, Maras (that's most of the classes?) will melt our faces down while we can only get 2-3 shots off mostly instant attacks and Hammer Shot.


The only real chance we have is to freeze the target and dps for 4 seconds, long time right, and that is if it's a 1-1 fight.

With the amount of burst damage other classes have there simply isn't enough time to recover from a 4 sec lockout of one of our attacks. I throw a heal on myself after interrupted but since I'm not heal spec this tends to eat my ammo up really fast if I do it more than two times.


We need some kind of protection when chain interrupted, like the Snipers who get unshakeable buff for a few seconds making their attacks uninterruptible. Gunnery tree simply doesn't have enough defensive tools for PVP, so either give us some to improve our survivability or buff the Assault tree for Commandos. Assault works great for Vanguards, not so much for Commandos. If BW doesn't intend Gunnery to be viable for PVP give us the alternative to spec Assault for it.


Put a talented interrupt on Assault, make its snare less RNG centric, add a knockdown or root for defense against melees, a defense increase when stunned or knocked down. Reactive Shield isn't strong enough at 25% dmg reduction, compared to the defenses of other classes.


Heavy armor means jack in PVP when almost everyone gets a talent that reduces or bypasses opponents armor, and from internal/elemental attacks. The lack of defenses doesn't allow us to wait for an opponent like say Marauders to pop guarded by the force (or whatever Imperial equivalent is), to then use a CC ability on them. They simply hit too hard too fast for us to wait it out and if we use them earlier they get full resolve AND have the option of popping that ability when they get lower in HP.


Make up your minds about the Gunnery tree BW, you reduce our defenses and damage on our main attack but give us very little to compensate. I understand some classes should be strong against some and weak against others, well right now a Gunnery trooper is weak against most. Snipers are about the only class we stand a chance against because of their lack of mobility and escape ability. So what's the alternative we have? do less damage as Assault and still have the same vulnerabilities against melee? It certainly isn't playing Combat Medic after you damn near nerfed that tree into the ground. Allow us a free AC respec then?

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Theres alot mroe skilsl then interupts that interupts, knockdown, charge, stuns, knockbacks etc.

Making Gunnery Commandos immune to all that would make them a little bit more balanced, but i doubt theyll do that. Maybe a 5 sec duration skill on a 10 minute cooldown that would be completly *****.

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Excellent post op. Summarizes my thoughts on dps commando pvp nicely. Neither gunnery or assault are good for pvp. Both trees need pvp buffs or one tree should get buffed to be the pvp tree.


We need better defense and an interrupt at the very least. Mobility would be nice, as well as better burst (since the demo nerf). It's also frustrating to burn through a full ammo bar and barely make a dent in someone's health. Ammo management is a pain in pvp.


It is ridiculous that my fresh 50 Sentinel in recruit gear can completely dominate any Commando or Mercenary in full BM or War Hero gear.

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Excellent post op. Summarizes my thoughts on dps commando pvp nicely. Neither gunnery or assault are good for pvp. Both trees need pvp buffs or one tree should get buffed to be the pvp tree.


We need better defense and an interrupt at the very least. Mobility would be nice, as well as better burst (since the demo nerf). It's also frustrating to burn through a full ammo bar and barely make a dent in someone's health. Ammo management is a pain in pvp.


It is ridiculous that my fresh 50 Sentinel in recruit gear can completely dominate any Commando or Mercenary in full BM or War Hero gear.


I dont know why so many people call for interupts. Sure its good in PvE, but in PvP the only ones we can interupt is pretty much other gunnery commandos and arsenal bounty hunters.


Escape from melee abilities, ways to beat down melees, interupt immunity.


The ranged vs melee card is moot, since there are so many gapclosers theres really no differance between melee and ranged, only that the ranged are squishier, hit slower, can easily be interupted, cant escape, can be LoSable, have no roots, no snares and the cc dont do damage.

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I dont know why so many people call for interupts. Sure its good in PvE, but in PvP the only ones we can interupt is pretty much other gunnery commandos and arsenal bounty hunters.


Escape from melee abilities, ways to beat down melees, interupt immunity.


The ranged vs melee card is moot, since there are so many gapclosers theres really no differance between melee and ranged, only that the ranged are squishier, hit slower, can easily be interupted, cant escape, can be LoSable, have no roots, no snares and the cc dont do damage.


What about healers? Snipers? Sorcs? that's the main reason for interrupt. I mean a proper interrupt that locks you out from using that spell for 4 seconds like they use on us. Smart healers will LoS you and then cast a big heal, that's what we need interrupt for.

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The whole class needs to be redesigned. If you want to have balance on this class they have to increase the number of anti-cc abilities and of course to redesign the resolve bar because it seems to be broken. ( I was knocked back pulled and mesmerized when the resovle bar was already full plenty of times after the new patch).
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Im on the fence about this.I loath to call for buffs or nerfs to any class.Even after being in a match of chain healers, healers have been toned down especially in PvE.They require more careful management now.


Do i get interrupted?All the freakin time.Do i get chain stunned ?All the time.Do i get gang *****?All the time.Yet im still here blasting away ,making myself a threat and target.Isnt that the idea as a commando?

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Can't believe you guys in the forums,


You need to respec to assault for PVP, everything is instant cast and you will be again top DPS in wz.


Gunnery is now best only for PVE.



So better start learning your role. IF you want to be viable in PVP go assault.


Gunnery is no longer good for PVP...again Gunnery Commandos are not as viable in PVP you need to respec to assault.

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Can't believe you guys in the forums,


You need to respec to assault for PVP, everything is instant cast and you will be again top DPS in wz.


Gunnery is now best only for PVE.



So better start learning your role. IF you want to be viable in PVP go assault.


Gunnery is no longer good for PVP...again Gunnery Commandos are not as viable in PVP you need to respec to assault.


Naive and spreading advice. Great.

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Right now PVP against melee classes, and some ranged, is a game of whack-a-mole with troopers. They sit there timing interrupts/stuns while they continue to dps us and their DoTs keep ticking. Gunnery tree forces us to stand still and channel our attacks which leaves too vulnerable to stuns/interrupts.


If timed right Powertechs, Assassins, Operatives, Snipers, Juggs, Maras (that's most of the classes?) will melt our faces down while we can only get 2-3 shots off mostly instant attacks and Hammer Shot.


The only real chance we have is to freeze the target and dps for 4 seconds, long time right, and that is if it's a 1-1 fight.

With the amount of burst damage other classes have there simply isn't enough time to recover from a 4 sec lockout of one of our attacks. I throw a heal on myself after interrupted but since I'm not heal spec this tends to eat my ammo up really fast if I do it more than two times.


We need some kind of protection when chain interrupted, like the Snipers who get unshakeable buff for a few seconds making their attacks uninterruptible. Gunnery tree simply doesn't have enough defensive tools for PVP, so either give us some to improve our survivability or buff the Assault tree for Commandos. Assault works great for Vanguards, not so much for Commandos. If BW doesn't intend Gunnery to be viable for PVP give us the alternative to spec Assault for it.


Put a talented interrupt on Assault, make its snare less RNG centric, add a knockdown or root for defense against melees, a defense increase when stunned or knocked down. Reactive Shield isn't strong enough at 25% dmg reduction, compared to the defenses of other classes.


Heavy armor means jack in PVP when almost everyone gets a talent that reduces or bypasses opponents armor, and from internal/elemental attacks. The lack of defenses doesn't allow us to wait for an opponent like say Marauders to pop guarded by the force (or whatever Imperial equivalent is), to then use a CC ability on them. They simply hit too hard too fast for us to wait it out and if we use them earlier they get full resolve AND have the option of popping that ability when they get lower in HP.


Make up your minds about the Gunnery tree BW, you reduce our defenses and damage on our main attack but give us very little to compensate. I understand some classes should be strong against some and weak against others, well right now a Gunnery trooper is weak against most. Snipers are about the only class we stand a chance against because of their lack of mobility and escape ability. So what's the alternative we have? do less damage as Assault and still have the same vulnerabilities against melee? It certainly isn't playing Combat Medic after you damn near nerfed that tree into the ground. Allow us a free AC respec then?


All you wrote pretty much sums up why commando/mercenary is the game's WORST class in pvp.


The class badly needs at least a few of these things: baseline interrupt - it's the only class without it for no reason whatsoever, baseline snare so even people who aren't assault can have a reliable snare, root would be decent as a talent somewhere or even baseline, lower cast times on charged bolts and grav round when specced for it 1, if not 0.5 seconds so you have to be still but they aren't so ridiculously slow that everyone can los or interrupt you, hammer shot could do more damage.


Even just 1-2 of those things would make playing a commando/mercenary ALOT more enjoyable, cause as it is now, they're everyone's little ***** really. As dps they just have to escape from literally everyone else while as healers they're the one with the least mobility and non existant escape tools.

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Can't believe you guys in the forums,


You need to respec to assault for PVP, everything is instant cast and you will be again top DPS in wz.


Gunnery is now best only for PVE.



So better start learning your role. IF you want to be viable in PVP go assault.


Gunnery is no longer good for PVP...again Gunnery Commandos are not as viable in PVP you need to respec to assault.


Sure, as assault you can top the warzone, that doesn't mean you've actually been useful though. Even a monkey spamming hammer shot and plastique ONLY can top the wz chart, as all that damage you see at the end is just your plasma cell basically, ie meaningless healable damage.


I've tried both post patch, and i had the same results more or less, 400-500k in your average wz as both specs, gunnery is alot better for bursting down sorcs/healers who don't pillar/los dance, assault is better for 1v1's as you can just run in circles like a gimp spamming hammershot/instants but it takes longer to kill people so when healers come into play it's worse/useless. I'm currently assault, but just because 80% of the pvp pop are ridiculously op maras/sins and so i can at least TRY to kite them when they target me, rather than well, just plain die. The full auto / bolts mechanic to reset hib is only viable when nobody is trying to kill you, and honestly having a pyro pt myself, it just enrages me how ridiculously better that mechanic works on them compared than on the commando/merc equivalent. In most cases i just stop for full auto hoping for a reset because you get it right away even if you are interrupted, while with cb if you get interrupted you just wasted time. Time you don't have when every melee out there is out to get you as you're a free kill when they can reach and stay on you.


This class' problem isn't in the damage, that's allright, on par with others more or less. The problem relies in the way it plays: a ranged/caster (yeah have to break it to most people but this class is what would be a caster in other games) that is unable to deal meaningful damage when he's targeted and hasn't the survivability of a frost mage is a class that will always be targeted and die with a pink gimp ball stuck in its mouth.


I'm fine with the fact that a caster dps shouldn't be doing it's full damage when under pressure cause it has to worry about surviving, problem in the commando's case is that you don't have any means to do that, when you're targeted you delay your doom by 5 maybe 10 seconds, then, exception made for outside help, you're dead.

Edited by AzKnc
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Interrupt needs to fill resolve bar. Way too short interrupt cooldowns with too long block durations in this game. Even stockstrike's puny 5 meter knockback fills resolve bar, why shouldn't an interrupt? Edited by Tiber_Septim
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Excellent post op. Summarizes my thoughts on dps commando pvp nicely. Neither gunnery or assault are good for pvp. Both trees need pvp buffs or one tree should get buffed to be the pvp tree.


We need better defense and an interrupt at the very least. Mobility would be nice, as well as better burst (since the demo nerf). It's also frustrating to burn through a full ammo bar and barely make a dent in someone's health. Ammo management is a pain in pvp.


It is ridiculous that my fresh 50 Sentinel in recruit gear can completely dominate any Commando or Mercenary in full BM or War Hero gear.


When I said a few weeks ago that my fresh 50 Sentinel was ruining BM Mercs/Commandos I was scoffed at; all the highly skilled Marauders and Sentinels cried foul and then attempted to lecture me on how difficult their class was to play and how only really good Marauder players can dominate a Commando in PvP... :rolleyes: <--- this was my only reply.

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Can't believe you guys in the forums,


You need to respec to assault for PVP, everything is instant cast and you will be again top DPS in wz.


Gunnery is now best only for PVE.



So better start learning your role. IF you want to be viable in PVP go assault.


Gunnery is no longer good for PVP...again Gunnery Commandos are not as viable in PVP you need to respec to assault.


Please, everyone, ignore this guy. We have told him so many times what is important and what isn't in PvP yet he still comes here and attempts to lecture us all. Overall damage means nothing if it can be healed through; dropping DoTs all over the place and Hammer Shotting isn't doing much but annoying people; a Marauder or Assassin's self heals will heal through that. Now MasterRodimus, please bear with us mere mortals and listen: if all of the n00b Commandos really felt that Assault was in fact the new "land of milk and mother****ing honey" don't you think we'd all be Assault? Please, just let it go.

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But not just in PVP. As DPS we need to contribute to the whole "not dying because X didn't get interrupted" thing. Examples include but are not limited to False Emperor and Lost Island.


I've officially been excluded from chances at finishing Lost Island now, 3 weeks running, because I can't help interrupt Incinerate or the lightning strike from the 2nd Boss. That's 24 Black Hole commendations I'm missing. And yes, I've completed it on normal mode to learn the fights. *edit - the mission pays 8 comms each week.


I saw the War Hero look, and want the helmet very very bad IMNSHO, it's the best looking helmet we've got other than a few of the "Scout" style helmets... At least it doesn't look like a *****. I've got a pair of augmented oranges waiting for me in my vault now to replace my existing helmets and take augs from Black Hole/ Campaign helmets later.


But grinding to 70 is going to take a few more weeks, especially since you can just feel when that warhero pre-made on the other side marked you as a squishy Free Killt. Because everyone and their pet monkey can stun-lock you.


As for Immune Defense:

Tuck it up a tree, say, on Combat Shield for Medic. yes. Reactive Shield as a medic with Combat Shield states it makes you immune to interrupts. But that's a dirty dirty dirty lie. In Gunnery it along Charged Barrier (like "In addition, If Reactive Shield is activated while Charged Barrier is active, Reactive Shield makes you immune to Interrupts for x seconds); on Assault, it should be added to Degauss.

This would give each tree something to meaningfully defend with that they should already have as a choice in PVP.


As for what 'all 3 specs have it' ability should get Interrupt ... Something fairly utility, like Sticky Grenade. Put the 'Interrupt' part on the opening countdown of the timer. When it keys the you're stuck, the logic behind it is 'What do you mean I've got a glowing spider on the side of my head?' The target is forced to pause and consider the grenade. Weak targets panic, strong targets grit their teeth and take it like an UberMensch.


-Jagdt "WillRespecForFood" Mirage

Edited by JagdMirage
Clerical error.
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