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How OP are Marauders post your WZ screenies here.


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Since alot of these FOTM marauders are claiming they arent OP gonna start this thread for people to post screen shost of Marauders dps numbers after a WZ so BW and the rest of the community can see for themselves that yes marauders are broken atm. Your welcome. :)
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They aren't OP... I've played one since early beta (July 2010). They're no stronger than they've ever been, in 1.2 retail... people just got the bandwagon going of "NERF THIS" like they did with sorcs/sages a few ago. *shrug*
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Since alot of these FOTM marauders are claiming they arent OP gonna start this thread for people to post screen shost of Marauders dps numbers after a WZ so BW and the rest of the community can see for themselves that yes marauders are broken atm. Your welcome. :)


well despite my opinion the matter op or not, the dps charts at the end are no way even the slightiest indication if anybody is overpowered or not.


otherwise i would be overpowered as i tend to end up nearly always in top 2or3 total dmg, top 3 kills, top 2 medals, no matter what class i play.

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Since alot of these FOTM marauders are claiming they arent OP gonna start this thread for people to post screen shost of Marauders dps numbers after a WZ so BW and the rest of the community can see for themselves that yes marauders are broken atm. Your welcome. :)


So, was it a marauder or sentinel that had the audacity to kill you in a WZ a couple of times and dared to take your rightful place at the top of the WZ board?

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well despite my opinion the matter op or not, the dps charts at the end are no way even the slightiest indication if anybody is overpowered or not.


otherwise i would be overpowered as i tend to end up nearly always in top 2or3 total dmg, top 3 kills, top 2 medals, no matter what class i play.


Well, then all the classes you play are OP. No way in hell that actual skill has anything to do with how ppl finish in WZ.....:rolleyes:

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Well, then all the classes you play are OP. No way in hell that actual skill has anything to do with how ppl finish in WZ.....:rolleyes:


Someone who plans out their skill execution and knows their class like the back of their hand (Skill) will always beat someone who just pushes their keys at random (not skilled) :rolleyes:


Edit: added a smilie face to show that im actually being serious but casual at the same time.

Edited by Foxrynn
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Sorcs had good AOE and had good utility to keep them alive, and were good at huttball. That was about all they had. Nerfed into the ground.


MAR/SENTS omqwtfbbq ROFLSTOMP people with ridiculous survivability. If the nerf bat does not come down hard I may just desub. I look at my sorc pre-nerf in comparison to what MAR/SENTs are doing and just laugh my *** off...

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Sorcs had good AOE and had good utility to keep them alive, and were good at huttball. That was about all they had. Nerfed into the ground.


MAR/SENTS omqwtfbbq ROFLSTOMP people with ridiculous survivability. If the nerf bat does not come down hard I may just desub. I look at my sorc pre-nerf in comparison to what MAR/SENTs are doing and just laugh my *** off...



**** I'm so sorry you have to actually worry about someone killing you instead of healing from range and laughing at somethining attacking you.


Got to love tank Mage syndrome.


Btw, if Mara/sents are so ridiculously op and survivable how come they don't tank HM ops? Heck by your accounts Mara/Sent's should be able to solo EV. :rolleyes:

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Since alot of these FOTM marauders are claiming they arent OP gonna start this thread for people to post screen shost of Marauders dps numbers after a WZ so BW and the rest of the community can see for themselves that yes marauders are broken atm. Your welcome. :)

I think you should roll one.....take it up to at least 40+.....then come back and post in this thread.;)

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**** I'm so sorry you have to actually worry about someone killing you instead of healing from range and laughing at somethining attacking you.


Got to love tank Mage syndrome.


Btw, if Mara/sents are so ridiculously op and survivable how come they don't tank HM ops? Heck by your accounts Mara/Sent's should be able to solo EV. :rolleyes:



pve =! pvp. your logic is flawed, and makes no sense. Marauders do not use defensive stats in pve, and a lot of pve mitigation is based around absorbs/defense. which marauders do not utilize in the slightest...


No Sorc thinks they should perma tank Marauders - but having a marauder do more damage to me at range than I can do to him in most instances is pretty uhh...frustrating? Charge, dots, maybe an annihalate or something based on spec, oh knockback...force cloak...reopen, sorc sprints, oh charge is already back off CD, finally gets away a little due to a stun..oh wait 3k+ execute from 10m, which hit harder than anything the Sorc hit the Marauder with.


Got to love godmode melee dps syndrome.

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I think it's a good place to start.


still flawed because


A. you will wait for the best case scenario for your arguement and take a screen shot then.


B. BW has already stated that Mara/Sent damage metrics are JUST FINE.

Edited by Blloodbane
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Sorcs had good AOE and had good utility to keep them alive, and were good at huttball. That was about all they had. Nerfed into the ground.


MAR/SENTS omqwtfbbq ROFLSTOMP people with ridiculous survivability. If the nerf bat does not come down hard I may just desub. I look at my sorc pre-nerf in comparison to what MAR/SENTs are doing and just laugh my *** off...


Tend to agree with this,


At least with Sorc/Sage you had the option to LOS the buggers, and much fun could be had from simply running round pillers with a Sorc/Sage chasing you, it was huge fun,


And now were back to the key point again, FUN, it's supposed to be FUN for gods sake,


Mara/Sent are just killing all the fun, because they are just ROLF stomping all over everyone, and you can't get away from it, kick them of platforms, lol, within seconds there back again.


If they decide they are taking you down, You go down, full stop, the only time you dont go down is when they either switch to higher prio target, or they attempt to bail because they just spotted back up comming over the hill.


Anyway, whats the point ?


We just spent 5 years in WoW, going round in endless circles with all this balance nonsense,


And now we are just gonna do it all over again in SWTOR,


it's a flippin lol fest.



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Sorcs had good AOE and had good utility to keep them alive, and were good at huttball. That was about all they had. Nerfed into the ground.


MAR/SENTS omqwtfbbq ROFLSTOMP people with ridiculous survivability. If the nerf bat does not come down hard I may just desub. I look at my sorc pre-nerf in comparison to what MAR/SENTs are doing and just laugh my *** off...


Please leave, we won't miss you. Sorcs were broken. Both sorcs and sages can still heal, you just have to go heal tree. Sent/Mara still have the same survivability they had since day one, they just can do damage now. They die all the time.


pve =! pvp. your logic is flawed, and makes no sense. Marauders do not use defensive stats in pve, and a lot of pve mitigation is based around absorbs/defense. which marauders do not utilize in the slightest...


No Sorc thinks they should perma tank Marauders - but having a marauder do more damage to me at range than I can do to him in most instances is pretty uhh...frustrating? Charge, dots, maybe an annihalate or something based on spec, oh knockback...force cloak...reopen, sorc sprints, oh charge is already back off CD, finally gets away a little due to a stun..oh wait 3k+ execute from 10m, which hit harder than anything the Sorc hit the Marauder with.


Got to love godmode melee dps syndrome.


You have to love exaggeration syndrome. What range? They have a 10m max range on their skills, 15 with Dispatch if they have the set bonus. Funny thing, I see sorcs who's biggest hit is over 3k all the time, which is what Dispatch hits for if it crits. Watchman/Annihilation is the only tree with a reduction on the cooldown on Leap/Charge otherwise it's a fairly lengthy cooldown so after the initial knockback you should have all the time in the world to spam them with the lightning creep while they try and walk over to you. God forbid a DPS class actually kill a light armor wearer. That's just unheard of.


Tend to agree with this,


At least with Sorc/Sage you had the option to LOS the buggers, and much fun could be had from simply running round pillers with a Sorc/Sage chasing you, it was huge fun,


And now were back to the key point again, FUN, it's supposed to be FUN for gods sake,


Mara/Sent are just killing all the fun, because they are just ROLF stomping all over everyone, and you can't get away from it, kick them of platforms, lol, within seconds there back again.


If they decide they are taking you down, You go down, full stop, the only time you dont go down is when they either switch to higher prio target, or they attempt to bail because they just spotted back up comming over the hill.


Anyway, whats the point ?


We just spent 5 years in WoW, going round in endless circles with all this balance nonsense,


And now we are just gonna do it all over again in SWTOR,


it's a flippin lol fest.




Funny, our sages seem to survive multiple Sent/Mara just fine. Maybe it's just another case of someone having to actually learn their class now that they don't have the overpowered heals crutch anymore. If you kick one off a platform and they're back on you, it's your fault for staying there so long. Leap/Charge does not have a 3 second or less cooldown. So many light armor wearers I see like to just park on a perch thinking they'll be immune to getting their *** kicked because they think they can still heal their way out of any number of attackers. I see plenty of players who survive getting attacked by Sent/Mara just fine because they actually play their class instead of just standing around like a target expecting one or two skills to save them.

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They aren't OP... I've played one since early beta (July 2010). They're no stronger than they've ever been, in 1.2 retail... people just got the bandwagon going of "NERF THIS" like they did with sorcs/sages a few ago. *shrug*


First round of beta was fall of 2010 (0-15)... But they are overpowered... I agree with the third statement though...


So, you are 1/3 (A good batting average, but a horrible winning percentage).

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I havent had any issues with Marauder Ravage buff, the only thing that you need is interrupt it, if you cant, just knock him back and if you cant do that you run away, and if you cant do that either just die where your standing and complain on forums.


Only thing i hate are marauder couples, 1 chokes, other ravages, then 1 ravages other 1 chokes, But no Marauders are not OP.

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mara/sent are smashing undergeared since they benefit the most from the gear gap, just like the 50 op's were doing before there was a 50 bracket. That said like for like, gear wise and they are fine, bring on Ranked WZ so they have someone of equal level to fight. mara teams, where on chokes, and the other channels are annoying and I think choke should fill your resolve so the other can't do it, but alas it doesn't.


btw BW doesn't need our data, they have there own, it would be better asking BW what kind of metrics there getting

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**** I'm so sorry you have to actually worry about someone killing you instead of healing from range and laughing at somethining attacking you.


Got to love tank Mage syndrome.


Btw, if Mara/sents are so ridiculously op and survivable how come they don't tank HM ops? Heck by your accounts Mara/Sent's should be able to solo EV. :rolleyes:


If you really don't think their op, then you're one of the only few here. Also, pve is way different then pvp.

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If you really don't think their op, then you're one of the only few here. Also, pve is way different then pvp.


It's pretty obvious he plays one. They're swarming in droves attacking people who share an opinion that they're in need of a nerf.

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pve =! pvp. your logic is flawed, and makes no sense. Marauders do not use defensive stats in pve, and a lot of pve mitigation is based around absorbs/defense. which marauders do not utilize in the slightest...


No Sorc thinks they should perma tank Marauders - but having a marauder do more damage to me at range than I can do to him in most instances is pretty uhh...frustrating? Charge, dots, maybe an annihalate or something based on spec, oh knockback...force cloak...reopen, sorc sprints, oh charge is already back off CD, finally gets away a little due to a stun..oh wait 3k+ execute from 10m, which hit harder than anything the Sorc hit the Marauder with.


Got to love godmode melee dps syndrome.


Marauder can do damage 10m or if you have the set 15m when at 30% or lower. if you cant do more damage at range then a marauder then thats now that the other class is op its due to something else.


As for the op.. No screenshots I think that speaks for itself.

Edited by Carbonated
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i dont find them that abd there defence skills are abit over the top the only thing thatneed slooking at is rage spec auto crit smashes


no aoe should crit for 6.5k reliably (5k on the low end) ops got nerfed because they could burst ppl down with that kinda dmg from stealth but they are made of paper


warriors/knights can AOE for that kind of damage and are still tough as nails

Edited by DarthVallik
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