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Does anyone group in this game anymore?


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You ppl understand the acronym MMO stand for MASSIVLEY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE right?


You forgot the last three letters- RPG. Role Playing Game.


The reason I enjoy MMORPG's so much is because there is a community to roleplay with. I don't want to group with anyone, but I like having people around to breathe life into the worlds and to interact with. But I don't like having to count on them not screwing something up when the combat portion of the game kicks in.

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It's not even grouping, but you go to quest zones with 30+ people there, and nobody even talks. Plus people don't play tanks and healers at low levels as much as they play damage specs. Well it's the same at max level as well.


There are ways BioWare can fix that, but that would require changing a lot of things about classes, something I doubt they'd be able to do at this time.


A quick fix would be to buff companions. Why do tank companions need to be weak unless they're in orange level gear, why can't they tank 2 gold star mobs, does it hurt anybody at all if a tank companion is strong? At this point, I see almost every person walking around with the healer companion because the others are beyond weak. Well damage companions are good, but with them you get downtime or if you make even one mistake you or your companion can die. With a healer companion, you don't die, you just go from pull to pull and plough everything.


That and because people are scared of leading groups, nobody likes to look for the group because that means they'll be leading. They all want to be carried through the group. I mean people don't even like to join a group first. If you say LFG some heroic, you'll get no responses. But if you were to say LF1M for the same heroic, you'll get 3-4 responses. Nobody wants to even join a group unless it's 10 seconds away from starting, these are also the people that will be as far away from the quest start as possible, but as long as they aren't waiting for someone they're fine to make others wait.


Blame WoW for that I guess. Or just cowardly gamers.

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Remove comps and tbh we'd have a hard time doing mundane side quests.

And you see any problem here? It looks perfectly fine to me. Games shouldn't be designed to be cakewalk :]


You're probably right but then there would be another problem...a lot of people would leave. Many of us enjoy the companions. In fact, that's a major selling issue to me, not so much their combat abilities but their stories and the fact that they don't give me any crap when I'm playing. :)

Well I particulary meant remove their ability to fight. There is a reason that there are practicly no fighting pets in MMO.

Edited by Marrond
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You forgot the last three letters- RPG. Role Playing Game.

And question is if you understand what RPG means. It means Role Playing Game. If you're playing a role of healer you aren't supposed to have chances in PVP for example (not to mention harder quests), because, in fact you're playing a role of healer. In any circumstances you can't be all tank, dps, healer at the same time. This is why WoW had only 8kk subs instead of twice as much (you may not believe this but ******** of people play other MMOs... seriously)

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And question is if you understand what RPG means. It means Role Playing Game. If you're playing a role of healer you aren't supposed to have chances in PVP for example (not to mention harder quests), because, in fact you're playing a role of healer. In any circumstances you can't be all tank, dps, healer at the same time. This is why WoW had only 8kk subs instead of twice as much (you may not believe this but ******** of people play other MMOs... seriously)


It also means role playing in the sense of pretending to be your character and interacting with other plays accordingly.


You take your definition, and I'll take mine. And mine does not involve grouping, nor will it ever.

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Go to the outbreak site and people are asking 5 times an hour to group up and take out the world bosses for the title, go to the fleet people are asking to group up for HM, the new FP, HM ops, reg ops, go to illum people are grouping up for open world pvp, wheres the problem? Edited by Ensquire
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And you see any problem here? It looks perfectly fine to me. Games shouldn't be designed to be cakewalk :]


Yes. I do see a problem there. My scoundrel would literally be unable to solo any quests. My scoundrel is 100% dependent on the companion to survive. If I couldn't do anything without first finding a group, I would quit. Much as I did in EQ.

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It also means role playing in the sense of pretending to be your character and interacting with other plays accordingly.


You take your definition, and I'll take mine. And mine does not involve grouping, nor will it ever.

Oh you can think whatever your want - it's your right. The thing is you guys shouldn't play online games if actualy any social actions just bother you. Seriously. Noone is looking for a friends but half of those people didn't came here to play single player game and pay monthly fee for it. SWTOR itself isn't as bad - it's playable, and what's most important , it's Star Wars. Problem is community which is completely trash. That's one of the main reason people are actualy quiting.


And your argument, if I could describe it like that, would make ANY sense in RP servers. But I'm afraid there's noone you could RP with. Dead zones.



Yes. I do see a problem there. My scoundrel would literally be unable to solo any quests. My scoundrel is 100% dependent on the companion to survive. If I couldn't do anything without first finding a group, I would quit. Much as I did in EQ.

Seems ok to me. 0 diffrence between no player and player who plays alone in a MMO game. Oh no, sorry, EA cares for that aspect, it's their money :]


And as addition I will say that in any given MMO I play as a pure healer. In most of them I'm dependent on the others yes. But I'm also the most valuable thing party posses. Everything have it's own balance.

Edited by Marrond
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The best thing is to find some friends/family/collegues to play with you and level together. I'm never without a group.

Sure it is - problem starts when long battled friends find out game not worth their time. However what's the point in playing in MASSIVE game while playing actualy with only, let's say, 4 persons whole time? It's a server's bandwidth waste ;) Skyrim with coop would be more fun option. Like 100000000 times more fun ^^

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It's the fault of how mmo's are produced now. I remember asherons call dark of of Camelot etc, quests took a backseat. You would find a group at established camp sites for your level and grind mobs with the same players, make friends chatting during downtimes, rinse and repeat throughout the game. I made some great friends over the years and came to think of some of them as true mates, but mmo relationships are fickle to say the least. People would leave and I felt a sense of loss when they quit moved on etc. Even though I miss the old style gameplay of force grouping that the opportunity making friends offered I do like not being dependant on friends/other people to progress.


Find a group to do the hard parts and move on....lot less emotional trauma then. And as a side note opportunities for grouping differ from server to server. I've moved to a server that is busier and have had more herioc groups than I ever did on my first server. I completed whole planet quest lines on planets minus heroics and never saw a soul....makes a change now to group with people just doing normal quests just to speed things up

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Still doesn't solve the fact that people are skipping group quests while leveling and are not grouping to complete these quests.


Just because some people skip sub-50 group content, DOES NOT mean they should rewrite the content and make is solo. Plenty of guilds and friends group for this stuff as they like to play together. It's there for a segment of the player base, not for everyone.


And let's be realistic. Today's MMOs are not like old MMO which pretty much forced grouping in order to advance. Today's MMOs provide group content, but also provide a solo pathway to level cap. People are creatures of convenience for the most part. Unless you force them to group, most will solo because it is the fastest way to level cap.


I skip most group content when leveling up simply because it is not worth the time. So, maybe they increase the rewards of group content some to make the risk reward better, but that's it. Even then, I'll skip it because I won't random group with people in MMOs anymore. Too many d-bags, too few sincere players. I will group with someone to help them out when we cross paths, and I will give courtesy invites if someone else comes up while I am waiting to kill a timed spawn for a quest. But random grouping for sub-50 heroics, forget it. It's not worth the hassles.

Edited by Andryah
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Since starting my Jedi Knight last week, I haven't had much of an issue finding people for heroic groups while leveling. It might not have been right away that I found people, but eventually someone comes along looking for the same heroic. Just gotta be patient sometimes.
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The thing is you guys shouldn't play online games if actualy any social actions just bother you. Seriously.


Seriously......there is a difference between social interaction in game and random pickup groups for sub-50 heroics where nobody wants to interact they just want to race through the heroic and disband.


I interact socially quite a bit in this game. However I do not do random grouping. Random grouping in today's MMOs most often means you do a 20-30 minute run with 3 other strangers who don't really want any actual social interaction with you and you are almost guaranteed that at least one of them is a total douche. This by the way is not the fault of the MMO developer, it is the nature of the player base in 2012.

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This by the way is not the fault of the MMO developer, it is the nature of the player base in 2012.

You don't change the playerbase by sitting on your arse. I help EVERYONE in game, last 4 days I spent explaining how you can get Crimson Rakling Pet or helping others in Heroics on Tatooine or even helping to find DNA vendor while farming some DNA samples. There are some casuals, some douchebags and I've meet few very nice random people that afterwards were sitting on my ingame friendlist. Douches are everywhere - and it's not by any means faulty of 2012 gamers. Well it maybe it is, because gaming went mainstream... so all kind of people got here too. From the good sides - for my effort I've actually received an free Aldoraan Unusuall Egg and few other things just because of my willing to help people.


On the other side what can be expected from community where people pick PVP server and then complain about being ganked (lolwutwtf?). I could understand those who pick PVE and don't want to bother with crappy autoflag system but there are so many riddiculous statements that can be covered only with silence...

Edited by Marrond
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Bioware, you need to go through the game and change all the group quests to solo quests while leveling up. Because at this point nobody groups anymore for leveling content period and you are just forcing me to skip all kinds of quests because of it. Every night and morning when I get off of work and log in to play, I try to get people together to run group quests to no avail. The couple times I am even lucky to get a response in chat to form a group, we can never find enough to finish the group and actually run the quest. I don't even know how you guys call this a mmo at this point. This is very frustrating.


I started playing mmos back in the Ultima Online and Everquest days, people grouped all the time to play even in the middle of the night. Now I can understand people not wanting to group up to actually level but it seems we have come to a point where people don't want to group up for anything period. Just finish what you guys have started and change all the quests to soloable quests.


Signed.......A frustrated player. :(


This is same issue that blizzard ran into when developing WoW ages ago, when they FIRST added BC they realized that most people either dislike grouping or, tend to only do it because they have to. This means that ALOT of group quests either get skipped, avoided, or done because the player HAS to in order to hit max level.


while you can hit max level in TOR with out touching any group content while leveling its is the general player philosophy in mmo's that grouping should be very minimal in leveling game, and most players will typically group on the first play through, but after that they do tend to avoid it. I forsee bioware doing away with most of group content come the first big expansion, but tbh what i'd RATHER see is them develop a system that scales the indoor missions to the group your in... that said... i personally avoid most group missions atm SIMPLY because they slow me down, and when i am leveling an alt to reach end game and i've seen story line already i really just want to reach 50.


Group stuff is fun but as far as finding groups is very server based. On helm of G when i play typically dont see much of grouping(1.2 did help some) on jung ma, on other hand chat is always active and i could probably find any group i wanted! still big issue i have is that...


1: if you skip group stuff you will have to do all bonuses, and are STILL spots you'll hit you are to low level and have to sub in space combat or pvp


2: miss alot of nice blue and modable gear parts by skipping these


3:This could easily be done if companions tank/healers could be subbed in for 2+ and 4 mans unfortunatly, you nerfed companion tanks and healers so bad that its a joke trying to tank or heal with a companion.... mean was ONE of huge selling points of companions to begin with! don't have a healer? USE a companion! don't have a tank? sub in your companion! let us be PERFECTLY honest here... 90% of OP's gripes could be fixed if they simply made companions better!


Game still needs work but still fairly good in my book.

Edited by Lokai
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Dude... the heroics are solo-able... just outlevel them a couple of levels (or 10 or so if youre doing the 4 man ones) and you'll be fine...

Besides, you dont HAVE to do ALL the heroics you know...


Then what's the point to pay monthly for a solo game?

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Bioware, you need to go through the game and change all the group quests to solo quests while leveling up. Because at this point nobody groups anymore for leveling content period and you are just forcing me to skip all kinds of quests because of it. Every night and morning when I get off of work and log in to play, I try to get people together to run group quests to no avail. The couple times I am even lucky to get a response in chat to form a group, we can never find enough to finish the group and actually run the quest. I don't even know how you guys call this a mmo at this point. This is very frustrating.


I started playing mmos back in the Ultima Online and Everquest days, people grouped all the time to play even in the middle of the night. Now I can understand people not wanting to group up to actually level but it seems we have come to a point where people don't want to group up for anything period. Just finish what you guys have started and change all the quests to soloable quests.


Signed.......A frustrated player. :(

EQ forced you to group and it had no solo content. WoW killed that and and now you know the rest of the story.
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