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Voidstar Bomb Exploit


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So was just in a game and experienced it for the 1st time.


I que with 3 friends, we work together and communicate alot.


We're fighting on the doors, camera facing the door. Only 1 person close to it, the rest are far back. Im continualy hitting the person thats close to the door, and he's fighting me back so he's not trying to plant.


All of a sudden, theres a bomb on the door im looking at, and the announcer confirms it.


Ok... maybe i stuffed up right? maybe i missed something? ok - carry on to next room.


Bridge is lowerd. Fighting on both doors again (a friend is guarding the other door - that side is clear) - again - the side with all theaction, noone is near the door - the entire enemy team is ranging us way back from the door. im standing right next to the door, camera facing it.


Bomb appears on the door again. Announcer confirms it.



Ok... something is up...


Progress to the final room. The bomb is planted properly - we can see the person that planted the final bomb.


Ive submitted a ticket about this.



Other htan that - i go to google, "Voidstar Bomb Exploit" and first few searches... wham...


Instructions on how to do it. It appears its a Jedi Only thing with the Smuggler class.


What the hell....


Bioware you will pull the server down in our primetime to patch the # of tokens people get but you wont patch what is obviously a long standing bug by the # of google links to different sites about it????






Hopefully this thread will encourage people to read up and learn about this exploit. The more people that know about it... obviously the more people will do it. But it also ensures you will DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT rather than ignore it.




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so youre telling me people can plant the bomb while invisible - when noone else can see them - of which only the Republic can do - is totaly fair and a proper game mechanic?



I call BS on that.



If its not, well then, Terra is looking very very nice.

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I've just witnessed this last night as well. And it's extremely frustrating especially since AOEs don't seem to pull said person from stealth. My team was AOEing the crap outta the door and they still planted the bomb AT THAT DOOR.


Until Bioware fixes this, i recommend everyone boycotting Voidstar and quitting the warzone to requeue. Because I'd rather be beat fair and square than having to win with glitches and exploits. If AOEs aren't pulling the stealth plant out of stealth or interrupting the plant, this is a plain and simple glitch and needs to be fix pronto.

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Its pretty damned obvious its not fair, theres no skill involved in doing it, and its definately not balanced.


Was chatting with the mates i PvP with about it.


Aoeing both doors continualy is not practical. And from the post above me would do nothing to help the problem.



Whats the counter to it? if it realy is a valid and "working as intended" game mechanic? I'd love to hear it. Especialy from a Forum Mod, Game Master or Developer.

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It isn't republic only. One operative did this against us in Voidstar, and he got mass reported by the whole team. Haven't seen him since, and i hope he got what he deserved.


So let me get this straight. Devs say that the move is legal due to an ability smugglers/ops have. Yet everyone else hates it because they haven't figured out away around it.


So this guy does a legal move (as per devs) and you hope he gets banned because he did a legal move?


When I first heard of this I immediately thought smuggler. I like it because as a smuggler it gives me another tactic I can utilize with my team.


Think people, and stop asking for more nerfs to the smuggler/ops class.

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That is weird. Im a Sco. Whenever I try to plant a bomb in Voidstar in stealth, the system would say "you must be out of stealth to plant the bomb" and it will not allow me to plant it until I de-stealth myself. Same thing with turrets in the Civil War, and objective points in Coast.


For the objective exploit, not only Voidstar but It can also happen in Civil War. At least, i have seen a sin took over the middle turret while he was in stealth once.


IMO, I do not think it is a legal move since the system asks stealthers to de-stealth before to able to interact with the objective point. And if for any reason, the stealther can interact with objective point while in stealth, It only means that he/she must use some third party tools or exploit some bugs to do that.

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I have had glitches in game where my character becomes invisible for some reason, I think it might have something to do with jumping in and out of a smuggler's smuggle ability. (Not being in stealth but my toon becoming invisible)


But it is still possible to target the person, but if you aren't looking they can easily not be noticed.

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I have had glitches in game where my character becomes invisible for some reason, I think it might have something to do with jumping in and out of a smuggler's smuggle ability. (Not being in stealth but my toon becoming invisible)


But it is still possible to target the person, but if you aren't looking they can easily not be noticed.


Right. But in the middle of a DoA? Or a Lightning Storm? Please.

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So was just in a game and experienced it for the 1st time.


I que with 3 friends, we work together and communicate alot.


We're fighting on the doors, camera facing the door. Only 1 person close to it, the rest are far back. Im continualy hitting the person thats close to the door, and he's fighting me back so he's not trying to plant.


All of a sudden, theres a bomb on the door im looking at, and the announcer confirms it.


Ok... maybe i stuffed up right? maybe i missed something? ok - carry on to next room.


Bridge is lowerd. Fighting on both doors again (a friend is guarding the other door - that side is clear) - again - the side with all theaction, noone is near the door - the entire enemy team is ranging us way back from the door. im standing right next to the door, camera facing it.


Bomb appears on the door again. Announcer confirms it.



Ok... something is up...


Progress to the final room. The bomb is planted properly - we can see the person that planted the final bomb.


Ive submitted a ticket about this.



Other htan that - i go to google, "Voidstar Bomb Exploit" and first few searches... wham...


Instructions on how to do it. It appears its a Jedi Only thing with the Smuggler class.


What the hell....


Bioware you will pull the server down in our primetime to patch the # of tokens people get but you wont patch what is obviously a long standing bug by the # of google links to different sites about it????






Hopefully this thread will encourage people to read up and learn about this exploit. The more people that know about it... obviously the more people will do it. But it also ensures you will DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT rather than ignore it.





It appears it's a Jedi only thing with the smuggler class? What?

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  • 1 month later...
So was just in a game and experienced it for the 1st time.


I que with 3 friends, we work together and communicate alot.


We're fighting on the doors, camera facing the door. Only 1 person close to it, the rest are far back. Im continualy hitting the person thats close to the door, and he's fighting me back so he's not trying to plant.


All of a sudden, theres a bomb on the door im looking at, and the announcer confirms it.


Ok... maybe i stuffed up right? maybe i missed something? ok - carry on to next room.


Bridge is lowerd. Fighting on both doors again (a friend is guarding the other door - that side is clear) - again - the side with all theaction, noone is near the door - the entire enemy team is ranging us way back from the door. im standing right next to the door, camera facing it.


Bomb appears on the door again. Announcer confirms it.



Ok... something is up...


Progress to the final room. The bomb is planted properly - we can see the person that planted the final bomb.


Ive submitted a ticket about this.



Other htan that - i go to google, "Voidstar Bomb Exploit" and first few searches... wham...


Instructions on how to do it. It appears its a Jedi Only thing with the Smuggler class.


What the hell....


Bioware you will pull the server down in our primetime to patch the # of tokens people get but you wont patch what is obviously a long standing bug by the # of google links to different sites about it????






Hopefully this thread will encourage people to read up and learn about this exploit. The more people that know about it... obviously the more people will do it. But it also ensures you will DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT rather than ignore it.





I was in one last week where we did not blow up the first door, but when we all died, it spawned us in the second part of the instance. where we proceeded to plant 4098 bombs and they disarmed them 4098 times.

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i am going to clarify this post




there is a bug where you will spawn behind the door and can plant it that way. here is a video i fraps when it happened to me.



Yes, this is a bug. I've had this happen a few times to either our team or the opposing team. It's very annoying and Bioware needs to fix this issue. Total waste of time when the bug occurs... :mad:

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i am going to clarify this post




there is a bug where you will spawn behind the door and can plant it that way. here is a video i fraps when it happened to me.



Yeah the spawning behind the door is a bug and all BW needs to do is block the clickable off the other side of the door, but the other one that's been referred to was involving intercde+infiltrate (not going to explain how), you're perma cloaked- an ex guildie of mine got booted out of the guild for abusing that.

Edited by Sookster
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yes we all understand that there is a bug where players spawn behind the door and can plant the bombs. This is not the bug we are talking about. We are talking about he exploit where people can plant the bombs while stealthed. I have witnessed it a few times. A bomb appears out of no where and then all of a sudden after it is planted a stealther appears running away.


It is clearly and exploit and they need to start removing these players before they even consider putting in rated warzones. That is just what this game needs at this point a top rated player that everyone in the game knows exploits yet they are waving an e-peen telling everyone how great they are for holding top rank. Then we get all the threads and completely disregard the effectiveness of ranking since you would have to exploit to hold any good rank.

This is exactly what will happen if they impliment them now or before they resolve this exploiting.


For the players pushing for rated warzones right now, just relax and let them fix the exploits. If the rating system is going to be legit them players have to feel comfortable that it is not being exploited.

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