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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"Sometime in a future patch"


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Every Q&A we are getting more of this -


"At some point, this will be possible. No ETA yet, but we have a design fleshed out."


"This is totally in the plan, but we are unsure at this time when it will get to you."


"We have a plan for this. However,"


"in a future game update."


It seems like we a suggestion is made or a question asked thgey are not supposed to say no...

Edited by BCBull
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Well its better than.


"We are hoping to roll this out for 1.2.8/1.3"

Then them not being able to due to bugs, not having enough of it done and then everyone getting all annoyed that they havent done it when they specifically said they would.


If they have no ETA date then what do you want them to do? Make one up on the spot?

Some things, such as 3D Space Combat take a long time to do and they may not have a fixed time on it.

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Well its better than.


"We are hoping to roll this out for 1.2.8/1.3"

Then them not being able to due to bugs, not having enough of it done and then everyone getting all annoyed that they havent done it when they specifically said they would.



Um.. why can't they say we are going to do this then do it like most companies I pay money to?


OT - Why not just say "Neat idea, but we have no plans at this time." instead of trying to string people along.

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Um.. why can't they say we are going to do this then do it like most companies I pay money to?


OT - Why not just say "Neat idea, but we have no plans at this time." instead of trying to string people along.


Generally because they do have plans for it, but can't give accurate estimations as to when it'll happen. You do realize it's impossible to give even a ballpark figure on how long these things take until they're actively working on them, not just having it on the list?

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Um.. why can't they say we are going to do this then do it like most companies I pay money to?


OT - Why not just say "Neat idea, but we have no plans at this time." instead of trying to string people along.


I'm sure they have plans to do it, they just don't have the personnel necessary to do it right now.


If I asked you to build me a house would you have it done by tomorrow? Same concept.

Edited by SajmanPeetee
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Um.. why can't they say we are going to do this then do it like most companies I pay money to?


OT - Why not just say "Neat idea, but we have no plans at this time." instead of trying to string people along.


They are saying they will be adding the things in that are discussed in the Q&A threads, but they are not giving you a specific date. Do you want them to make one up? Because it's almost certain they do not have an exact date for the stuff they say they are working on.

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Because if BW says that 1.3 will be ready on May 15th they have set themselves to a deadline. If some unforseen event happen that they need to delay the patch then everyone in the forums are gonna complain about BW breaking promises by not releasing it on the 15th. No game company anywhere will ever give you an exact date on anything until they are confident that what they are releasing is ready.
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Um.. why can't they say we are going to do this then do it like most companies I pay money to?


OT - Why not just say "Neat idea, but we have no plans at this time." instead of trying to string people along.


Really? What other "Companies" do that?

I go into Mcdonalds, KFC, Burger king etc. Order my food. "Yes, it will be ready in a minute" *5 minutes later* "There you go" FUUUUUUUUU


Calling my phone network provider "Youre 20th in line, On average this will take 5 minutes" *45 minutes later* "Youre 8th in line" FUUUUUUUUU


Every other MMO ive played so far has always said "The update will be coming *Insert date*" and 9/10 times it never turns up on the date they have said.


Why say "We have no plans ATM" when they are making plans for it at that moment in time but dont know when it will be along?

I'd rather know a better Achievement system, 3D Space Combat and additional planets are on their way than nothing was in production.

Im paying the company to produce this stuff. Not take my money and not be using it for anything.

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I'd rather know a better Achievement system, 3D Space Combat and additional planets are on their way than nothing was in production.


You really believe 3D space combat is on the way? They "don't have the tech" to fix Ilum, but they are gonna make 3D space combat?

Edited by BCBull
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You really believe 3D space combat is on the way? They "don't have the tech" to fix Ilum, but they are gonna make 3D space combat?


Who knows?

They put it on a Community Poll and it got the majority vote.


They have already said Guild Ships are in the production stages but dont have an ETA.

3D space combat has been done before, just not on a scale like this. Theres no reason it cant be done at some point in the future.


Its just like i said before. I like the game as it stands, i will continue to play.

Hopefully, who knows, maybe a year, maybe 4. We will hopefully get 3D Space combat :D

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While they continue to say that these things will come...most of us continue to be disappointed that they were not included in launch.


Like many others, I have unsubbed until the game catches up to its present day competitors.


But you are still here posting?


If they don't say anything you get "Why does BW not address XXXXX"

If they give any kind of guess on the date (even to say "Early April") you get "Today is the 10th, it is past Early April"

No matter what they do they loose....

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You really believe 3D space combat is on the way? They "don't have the tech" to fix Ilum, but they are gonna make 3D space combat?


Why not? This is an MMO stuff gets released over YEARS. If they are going to add 3-D space combat, and have said so, then it'll happen when it happens...when they get to it, when it's done.


I don't understand this lack of understanding that stuff takes time from conception to going live.

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Blame yourselves dear community. The outcry about ranked battlefields not making it into 1.2 should be reason enough why developers don't give timelines.


If you - the community - acted with a little maturity you might find the developers were willing to hold a better discourse with you because they would know you understood that sometimes deadlines slip. Unfortunately as you - the community - can't act like adults but instead /ragequit like little children throwing a tantrum in the candy aisle when something isn't given to you on time, it's safer to be vague.

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