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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for April 27th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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"They're definitely on the list. We’ve got many active roleplayers in the dev team and chat bubbles have always been important to us. We actually had chat bubbles in beta, but there was unfortunately some serious performance issues that our implementation caused that, for example, made things really suck in warzones and the fleet. They’ll be coming soon, but in priority, the GUI team is focused first on GUI customization. I'll have a better idea of timing once we get past that. And yes, for people who hate them, whenever we do them, they'll be toggleable."
Now that GUI customization has gone live and you said you'd have a better idea on timing, which patch are chat bubbles currently slated to be in? Anything else more concrete you can tell us about your current plan for chat bubbles to be implemented? Edited by Glzmo
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Hi my question is related to Sage/Sorcerer healing.

As it stands right now, Sage and Sorcerer don't really have a stat that replenishes Force. The way we get our resources back is, in my opinion, counter intuitive (healer losing life to heal). Is there any plans to work around this or making Force regen slightly more intuitive? If I'm missing something about Force regen, how is it suppose to work for us?

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Can you give an update to realm-wide friend lists and the possibilities for guildies to be able to see when I'm online (regardless of which character)? Will there be an option to be "invisible" to friends on that list/guildies? I'm asking b/c sometimes I want to log on and just play my toon in peace w/out everyone knowing that I'm there...
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When can we expect to see multiplayer space combat in this massively multiplayer Star Wars game?


To add to this one's question will there be a storyline explaing abit more on the Hyperspace wars in past and how it will explain the current situation in the present?

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Why were speeders banned from FlashPoints in update 1.2? This change was not even listed in the patch notes.:(


P.S. thank you for allowing them in spaceports! Please turn them on in the rest of the game so we can spend less time taking long slow walks, and more time playing TOR. :rolleyes:

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If I delete a character that has completed the storyline quests for a companion and has unlocked the stat bonus, and I later delete that character, will I keep that bonus? Or will I have to finish the storyline quests on a companion of the same type to regain that bonus?
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At launch, those who bought the Collector's Edition found the store to be bare of the 'Unique to CE store' armour sets we were told to expect, with some classes unable to use anything in it!

Are there any plans in the near future to see some CE exclusive armour sets come our way?

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I ran 6 Hard Mode Flashpoints this week, 5 in one day, and just completed EV Hard Mode, and out of ALL of that, there was only 1, I repeat, ONE, drop the entire time for Jedi Knight, and it was columi bracers in EV HARD MODE.


The rest of the time it was ALL smuggler, consular, and trooper gear. In EV HARD MODE, SEVEN pieces were trooper pieces, SEVEN. all the rest were consular and smuggler, except for the 1 Columi Knight Drop, and we only had one trooper with us.


In the 6 hard modes I ran, it was 2 smuggler drops, 2 consular drops, and 2 trooper drops, EVEN THOUGH we didn't have a single consular or trooper in the party at the time.


Are there any plans to resolve the loot tables so that gear is more apt to show up for classes that are actually running the FP/OP, particularly when it comes to end game?

Edited by LifeOfMessiah
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When will you be fixing up the codex system so we are able to get the currently bugged/missing entries, and are there any plans to share codex entries between legacy characters? It'd be cool to see everything in one place.
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When can we expect a fix for the companion weapon bug, where our companion constantly draws their weapon after zoning or using a speeder or quick travel. Can we get an ETA on when this will be fixed. It is annoying to always have Kira draw her saber when we are just standing around, and then when she puts it away it is still on.

(this goes for every companion I have)

Perhaps whenever we draw or put away our weapon you can force the companion to do the same?


Thank you

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Is there going to be any content for the player that prefers to (mostly) play solo and come back to show off whatever they've achieved to their friends? Almost every achievement in the game at this point requires a group to accomplish.
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what are your plans for PvP?


i am an avid PvPer and thats mainly how i level my alts, i thank you for fixing the rewards system. but as a Tank i mean true tank (all but 2 out of 7 characters are tanks) it just seems i have become worthless, the damage output for DPS classes is out of control. my Juggernaught has 19129 health and those DPS classes burn through me like i have 10k health lol


i just wanted to know is there going to be a /fix for this or atleast taking another look at it?

Edited by Darth-_-
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As a lot of people have noted, The Esseles/Black Talon are the only flashpoints with the opportunity for significant social point gain. Why the decision to place less conversation options in the subsequent flashpoints?
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This is a two part question. Currently, are there any plans to create more huttball-esque pvp? If so, could this be turned into a form of in-game event i.e. having persistent team rosters/seasons/match days/ play-offs /finals etc thus separating it from warzones, which are conflict based as opposed to sport based? Thanks. Edited by kercchaos
Formatting, grammar.
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