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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for April 27th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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I understand that you will be implementing a "barber shop" in the future but I'm wondering if you will consider expanding this feature towards companions as well. I'd like to customize my companion's appearance to how I envision them instead of being limited by the number of customization kits currently available.
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Are there any plans to introduce animal mounts in the future? While I'm sure the devs are tired of comparisons to SWG, my commando loved to ride my Dewback just as much as his speeder and my ranger relied solely on his Varactyl to get around. Can we ever expect to have the same options here?
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When will the server transfer be available?


Playing on low population servers was horrible before and now it is untolarable. For 8-9 hours in a day, you can be ALONE in a whole server which does not go together with any perception of an MMO game (and yes, I loged on imp/rep chars and searched every zone).


Even during the prime time, there are barely enough people to fill 1 wz match, and the "prime time" lasts for only 2-3 hours.



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The population on my server has become so low that it is almost impossible to get any groups together, even if your in a guild. It has become so bad i decided to make an alliance of guilds, using our own chat channel to communicate with each other making it possible for more people to do more end game content together.


I am not sure if you are working on a merging of servers or not, but if not maybe making a new feature to allow formal alliances between guilds, make a new tab for the alliance in the social window showing who is online, and a new chat channel which everyone is a part of if they are in a guild in the alliance.


I would very much like to know what is being done to address the problem of small population servers.

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I love the UI management added in 1.2! However I'd really like to be able to adjust the red warning text in the middle of the screen! Are you going to add the ability to adjust this UI frame in a future patch? I'd really like to adjust the size/position of the text since everything else is now at the bottom of my screen, and it's up at the top/center.
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In this dev blog, it was said

"Armormech crafters may now reverse engineer almost any modifiable outfit into an empty custom (orange) shell of the same name and appearance..." as well as "Modifiable weapons and armor can now be reverse engineered and researched into empty, custom (orange) shells..."


It's been my experience that we didn't get new schematics from anything outside of the new 1.2 endgame armors. Was this just an oversight? There seems to be many armors simply missing from the game. (ie. Titanium Power Upgrade set) Can we get a clarification on what is meant by the quotes above and the current state of attaining custom schematics?

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What is the expected gear level for the Story mode of the "Explosive Conflict" Operation? It certainly doesn't seem tuned at the "level 50s in blues" level that's been stated as the target for Story mode Operations (and the first boss fight seems to require 2 ranged DPS).
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Could you please clarify and expand on the listed snippet? I believe many people where under the impression that we would be able to pull set bonuses from most gear, not almost none. It seems like only the top tier set bonus can be relocated at this time. Any chance this will be expanded or lower tier? If not, what is the reason?


Players can now remove Armoring modifications that have set bonuses from items and transfer those set bonuses to Custom (orange) items. These modifications can only be transferred to an item that is equipped in the same slot. This does not apply to all items with a set bonus, only those where the set bonus is attached to the Armoring modification.
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Crew Skills do not seem to reflect the overall picture we were given at the guild summit and in the devblog on March 20th. New customization schematics for armormech and synthweaving have yet to materialize, diplomacy and slicing are no longer functioning correctly, and people are still struggling to figure out what can and cannot be reverse engineered for either schematics or materials. There are loads of smaller (and larger) concerns and questions I would like to ask, but I'll keep it simple: Is there any plan to get crew skills to be a working part of swtor?
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Will we see any new fighting animations added ? Specifically, when in lightsaber combat a little bit more focus on a characters class, so therefore a Sith Juggernaut Tank would be more agressive in their movements in combat whereas a Jedi Shadow would be more acrobatic with flips and somersaults. At the moment it seems a little resticted to "dodges" and "Parrys".
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The armormech and synthweaving communities would like to know what happened to all the Orange schematics we were supposed to be getting with 1.2. These were originally in the PTS notes and when the patch went live they were not included. Everyone is trying to be patient. I would just like some clarification on when we can expect the new Orange schematics.



That's the thread.

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I would like to question the developer's opinions on PvP post 1.2.


  • Is the damage output we are seeing in warzones intended? DPS and mDPS in particular seem to be extremely powerful now.
  • Can you clarify why healing was reduced across the board? It is now mostly irrelevant in WZs.
  • Can you clarify why sorc/sage healers were impacted even more than other? (cast time on Dark Infusion)


I'm a long term veteran of PvP games and have 2 levle 50 chars (tank and healer, both in battlemaster) and honestly, right now both feel kinda of like wastes of space. The team with the most DPS just wins.


Is the dev team aware of this? What will be done?

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Currently Social Points are set to only be awarded for quest dialogue. This effectively eliminates getting any Social Points for grouping with random people for heroics (presumably you will have picked up the mission separately and missed out on the dialogue). It also means that high levels grinding the first FP (The Esseles/The Black Talon) receive more social points than if they did a less dialogue intense but level appropriate FP. In essence people who primarily solo and group occasionally for level appropriate heroices/FP can gain Social Rank slower than someone who only groups to grind the first FP.


So my question: are there any plans to fix this problem so people who group for a level appropriate heroics/FP gain Social Ranks as fast or faster than people who only group to grind the first FP?

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Loved the Rakghoul Plague Outbreak event and seriously hope you have plans to include similar events in the future. I am sure you can't specify what and when such events might occur in the future but anything you could say on the subject, here, would be welcome. Thanks for the great work!
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My main concern is when we will get more character slots, I have all 8 filled,many with 50's and maxed crafters, I would like to experience the other factions story lines, we need at least 16 slots to be able to enjoy every advanced class the game currently has to offer. with the time put into legacy and crafting and the bonds made with other players, going to another server is not a viable option, even if we could have legacy there and mail items between it, it would be better than it is now, but not optimal. It was said that expanded slots would be forthcoming, I hope you don't go with a pay for slot model, this would be insult to injury, The 8 slot model is a hold over from from older games, be innovative, even allowing the full allotment of 50 characters placed wherever the player wishes should be doable with a simple scroll down menu at the character selection screen.


I would like to propose an option for the Q&A forum to allow us to click on a post to show that it is also of relevance/ Importance to us, this would allow us to address our one topic, but would also give the devs a more accurate view of what the community is most concerned with over all

Edited by wyrmac
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I would simple like to know if there are any plans for charater transfers, and when they would be available for purchase or use, i have a lvl 36 trooper i would like to transfer since i nor my friends play on that server anymore, hopeing its coming soon


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How will character transfers work with legacy? I currently have a level 10 legacy on Mandalore but would like to move to a more populated server. Will I be able to move my entire legacy? Will that bring the 10 levels I earned with me? What if I just move two of my higher level characters? Will that mean my 10 levels of legacy will be split to the new server or will they all stay on the old server?
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