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PvE sets are too hard to get.


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I am very frustrated on how hard it is to get the PvE gear sets. I am coming up on the end of my first month and I am still wearing "PvP" gear in comparison to like a Tionese or Rakata PvE gear set which is what I really want.


I play 8 hours a day which is alot more then most people. The problem is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to find groups to do the Hard Mode flashpoints. Alot of groups that actually run Hard Modes will not take a person in their group that is wearing "less then maxxed" gear. How does Bioware expect players to get into this gear when you need the gear in the first place. ?


Im sure it was alot easier at the beginning of the game because noone had the gear yet so more people were doing them everyday. I'm not blaming other people because 99% of the problem is server population it's not peoples attitude to crappy geared players. Combine both problems though and you find yourself in my position.


I recently joined the only real active "raiding" guild on my server, but Raids are only every few days. And sometimes not even that much. For example I have only completed two Hard Mode Flashpoints, ZERO Operations, and I still have not even completed some of the regular mode flashpoints.


I have MILLIONS of credits yet I cannot buy or obtain the gear I want. I AM FULLY WILLING to spend every credit I have to get this gear, but these gear items are not for "sale", Since I cannot run the flashpoints, I can never get the commendations for the gear. Since I can't get the gear, I cannot join most Operation groups or even some HM PUG's.


So half of the game's content is unavailable to me. I am seriously debating wether I should quit because it's becoming more frustrating then fun. I have lowered myself to collecting Pet's and selling on the GTN. And running dailies.




Bioware really needs a CROSS SERVER FLASHPOINT FINDER (Because it would hurt their pride if god forbid they merged servers). THey need to create "Alternate" means in obtaining gear other then collecting commendations. They need to make CRAFTING gear better because its junk compared to the set's (Even after 1.2).


Bioware is like the Soup Nazi in Seinfield. "NO GEAR FOR YOU!"

Edited by implementofwar
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just keep running dailies and then throw those mods into orange gear. if you keep it up you should have the rakata implant and earpiece set as well, along with the nice relics. you could definitely take this gear on a normal operation, aside from denova.


if you use augmented orange gear, it will be even smoother.


aside from this, there isn't much you can do given your server population.

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just keep running dailies and then throw those mods into orange gear. if you keep it up you should have the rakata implant and earpiece set as well, along with the nice relics. you could definitely take this gear on a normal operation, aside from denova.


if you use augmented orange gear, it will be even smoother.


aside from this, there isn't much you can do given your server population.


Very bad advice but I appreciate it anyways.


Running dailies over and over is not FUN. Orange gear is not very good. I have all the MOD's I need. I have the Implants.


Its the rest of the PvE gear that I cannot obtain because of bad design, ignoring server population issues, etc. Sure the stories are great and 1-50 is cool, but I want to do Flashpoints and Operations too.


Your solution is just join the status quo. Which is not going to get things changed.

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I 100% agree with the OP. I too play about 5-8 hours a day. As a sniper, I have an extremely difficult time getting into a group to run a HM (most groups prefer classes with more utility/dmg). I have run a few with my guild, but that is a very rare occurrence, and we have a difficult time defeating the last bosses.

To let it be known, due to this difficulty, I focused on participating in PvP, as it was a slightly more reliable way to improve my gear. I am valor rank 62, with full BM (and I earned mine the old fashioned way....by getting my butt kicked in, and praying for a random BM piece).

Well...looks like they are now just handing out PvP gear to fresh 50's who can afford it (and lets face it....everyone can afford it at 50). The question is...why don't they do the exact same thing for the PvE gear? If the difference in gear was so profound for PvPers, it is 10x's more profound for people who want to PvE...let's face it. The best gear in the game is from PvE Flashpoints and Operations, but how in Gods name do people with real lives attain this gear? If you aren't "leet" enough, you are not getting into in a HM. I think having something similar to what they did for the PvP gear would help A LOT of peeps with starting gear at lvl 50.

Allow us to purchase Tionese. Keep the rest the same.

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Joke? Story mode operations take about an hour or two to clear, drop tons of gear, and the weeklies/quests give you tons of commendations. It's like 10 tionese commendations for a piece of gear now if you run hard modes.


Really, people whine about things that make no sense. If anything PvE sets are too EASY to get.

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Have to /agree with the OP that crafted top end gear should be added to the game. It seems they are working on some of that now but there are still several pieces lacking or non-existant. Some crafted "sets" with the set additions (including boots, gloves, belt, and bracers that can use an augment) should be added.


However, the top-end crafted gear should be hard to get, not impossible, but hard. That would keep the price up, enable people who just want to craft/play the market, and keep those willing to spend the credits in the gear they want. Getting those schems, getting the crafted "crit", getting the mats, etc is still just as much a grind as running the top end content, either PVP or PVE.

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Hm...don't understand the problem. When I want to do a hardmode flashpoint I advertise it in the fleet, and generally after 10-15 minutes at most, I've gathered a group and we go in. If you are not that unlucky as myself - last three flashpoints for example dropping the columi piece for the class we didn't even have in our group - you can gather your columi set pretty quickly.
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Allow us to purchase Tionese. Keep the rest the same.

I actually wouldn't mind seeing this. They now sell entry level (and mid-level) PvP gear so why not sell entry level end-game gear as well? There are plenty of higher level sets to work towards but this would at least give new PvE'ers a chance to get into some end-game groups.

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If you have fully modded orange gear then you can do any HM FP (except Lost Isle) and you can do normal EV, KP. You should be able to earn your Columni set in a few days.


If your server is as bad as you describe, what's the point in getting gear anyway? You want full Rakata to sit around with no one to play with?

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Orange gear is not very good.


Actually, Orange gear has the potential to be BiS gear with the way crafting works. Orange gear slotted with the mods, armorings, and enhancements gleaned from the dailies (or GTN) are actually statwise BETTER than Tionese, but worse than Columi.


So saying that orange gear is not good is incorrect.


Also, it is not Bioware's fault that the people on your server that normally run HM FPs and story ops require ppl to be geared already. The Hardmodes and the Ops are very forgiving on gear requirements, and that is just those people being elitist because it makes them feel better.

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Hm...don't understand the problem. When I want to do a hardmode flashpoint I advertise it in the fleet, and generally after 10-15 minutes at most, I've gathered a group and we go in. If you are not that unlucky as myself - last three flashpoints for example dropping the columi piece for the class we didn't even have in our group - you can gather your columi set pretty quickly.


Consider yourself lucky. Takes me an hour or so just to find ONE person. And then we wait an HOUR for two more. And by that time we give up or end up with no Healer etc.


I would be interested in Bioware coming up with some statistics on how much of the playerbase runs Operations/Hard Mode Flashpoints on a daily basis. I bet the percentage is less then 10%. The vast majority of players I see just run Warzone's or daily quests. Or regular mode Flashpoints (mostly low level players who are still leveling).


My server is in the top 50% as far as population. So we are an "average" server. I have to believe it's worse or the same on most servers.

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If anything PvE sets are too EASY to get




I recently joined the only real active "raiding" guild on my server


All you need is 8 active people to run the Ops. Once you get them down, you'll get to a point where you can clear EV and KP in an hour each.


You do not need any outstanding gear to do the normal modes.

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Very bad advice but I appreciate it anyways.


Running dailies over and over is not FUN. Orange gear is not very good. I have all the MOD's I need. I have the Implants.


Its the rest of the PvE gear that I cannot obtain because of bad design, ignoring server population issues, etc. Sure the stories are great and 1-50 is cool, but I want to do Flashpoints and Operations too.


Your solution is just join the status quo. Which is not going to get things changed.


Let me start this with saying that this is my personal opinion and that I am not trying to force it on you.


Running dailies is not supposed to be "fun", its supposed to be work. Why? Because if every person who hit level 50 was given a complete set of end game gear then what would be the point. Rare items are not supposed to be handed out to the masses like candy, BW is already taking rare items and handing them out to people who did not earn them, eg: SE Crystal. This leads to a dumbed down game where everyone looks the same and no one sticks around very long when they log in because there is no point to play.


Columi is good enough to run hard mode EV or KP, Columi drops from the 4 man Flashpoints, 2 weeks of dailies and your set on at least the implants and earpiece, and if your really dedicated armormech can make 2 rakata piece.


If you don't have the patience to handle that then you are not a long term player anyways and you are probably preparing for Diablo. I for one am damn proud of my toons. Level 50 sniper in full rakata,level 50 assassin in full columi, level 42 sage for crafting weapons, and any time I had to spend more than 5 minutes looking for a party I started an alt and got it over level 30 all to help my main in one way or another. Our server is not heavy during the day but it isn't dead either, we have several end game raiding guilds- last night there were 32 total people in Denova. My point is that if you really want it you can go out there and earn it, but the crying about dailies is getting old and if that is all that BW sees all the time, because only the QQ'ers are posting, then this game is going to be dumbed down to the point that no long term player will stay.


Cowboy the F up and git 'er dun.

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Let me start this with saying that this is my personal opinion and that I am not trying to force it on you.


Running dailies is not supposed to be "fun", its supposed to be work. Why? Because if every person who hit level 50 was given a complete set of end game gear then what would be the point. Rare items are not supposed to be handed out to the masses like candy, BW is already taking rare items and handing them out to people who did not earn them, eg: SE Crystal. This leads to a dumbed down game where everyone looks the same and no one sticks around very long when they log in because there is no point to play.


Columi is good enough to run hard mode EV or KP, Columi drops from the 4 man Flashpoints, 2 weeks of dailies and your set on at least the implants and earpiece, and if your really dedicated armormech can make 2 rakata piece.


If you don't have the patience to handle that then you are not a long term player anyways and you are probably preparing for Diablo. I for one am damn proud of my toons. Level 50 sniper in full rakata,level 50 assassin in full columi, level 42 sage for crafting weapons, and any time I had to spend more than 5 minutes looking for a party I started an alt and got it over level 30 all to help my main in one way or another. Our server is not heavy during the day but it isn't dead either, we have several end game raiding guilds- last night there were 32 total people in Denova. My point is that if you really want it you can go out there and earn it, but the crying about dailies is getting old and if that is all that BW sees all the time, because only the QQ'ers are posting, then this game is going to be dumbed down to the point that no long term player will stay.


Cowboy the F up and git 'er dun.


In before I don't have enough time but I pay the same 15$ as everybody else argument.

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ok...... the other day I got my ALT, sniper, to 50 and in that same day ran KP and EV on story mode with my guild. In a lil over 2 hours I was almost full columi. This is my ALT, who i didnt even finish his class story before being geared up for HM raids in ONE WHOLE DAY.


I dont know how pve gearing can get much easier.

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Bioware themselves said that only a small percentage of guilds even run Hard Mode content. Hard Mode Operations especially are the rarest (something like 1% of players).


Enough said.


A vocal minority can come here and say there is a healthy population available to do this content with. But you are ignoring the big pink elephant in the room.


There is not enough population on my server that is willing to run this content. I can spam fleet for 10 hours looking for a group, but that doesn't get me any commendations does it? I am fully dedicated to doing this content, but with no one to do it with, makes it all futile.


I have to wait a few times a week for my guild to organize enough people. Which is like chinese water torture.

Edited by implementofwar
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In before I don't have enough time but I pay the same 15$ as everybody else argument.


You might want to read the OP before posting smart-aleck responses that make you look dumb. Dude plays at least eight hours a day.

Edited by Teenki
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Joke? Story mode operations take about an hour or two to clear, drop tons of gear, and the weeklies/quests give you tons of commendations. It's like 10 tionese commendations for a piece of gear now if you run hard modes.


Really, people whine about things that make no sense. If anything PvE sets are too EASY to get.


It is not that the actual raids are too difficult....its just almost impossible to get into a HM/Op. If you cant get into one...what are you supposed to do?

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Get into a guild that will help you out. Simple. You are asking for end game progression equipment but you are not an end game player. You need to find a group of people that can assist you, and you assist them.


PVE gear in this game is ridiculously easy to get.

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Bioware themselves said that only a small percentage of guilds even run Hard Mode content. Hard Mode Operations especially are the rarest (something like 1% of players).


Enough said.


A vocal minority can come here and say there is a healthy population available to do this content with. But you are ignoring the big pink elephant in the room.


There is not enough population on my server that is willing to run this content. I can spam fleet for 10 hours looking for a group, but that doesn't get me any commendations does it? I am fully dedicated to doing this content, but with no one to do it with, makes it all futile.


I have to wait a few times a week for my guild to organize enough people. Which is like chinese water torture.

Then getting PVE sets isnt your issue. You shoulda named your thread "people are too hard to get". In which case there is quite a few threads discussing server population.

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