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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Same case for the Fleet; Griefers have no allgiance.


If I am attacked by anyone and forced into gameplay which was not my choice, I do not care if they were Guild mates (of which I have none). It is not their choice what I do with my paid time; that is mine.


And I do not care if the deaths that may result leave one bathing in Green Gooey riches; that is not my choice to gather any of them.



there is little wonder why you are not in a guild..




have you even bothered to ask those people sitting around for their vaccines.. i know i for one have given them away to people who have asked for them..what do i need them for? nothing..


and I think your definitiion of griefing is a bit to...personally biased.. exploding on you does not force any gameplay on you at all. except sitting around and eventually exploding.it is no different than playing the game and eventually dying except that you do not suffer any penalty.


I think its time for you to take a step back and see that you are really just alittle to upset about an issue not worth being so upset about.

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All I see is the same person complaining, complaining and complaining.


It's a great event and I hope there is more, it is much needed in this game.


Please go back to your Skyrim mr 1 complainer.


This is an MMO, sometimes **** happens when you stand afk somewhere.


People like mr complainer, ruin MMOs. Hopefully Bioware will ignore you and give the people a lot more events like this one.

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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Same case for the Fleet; Griefers have no allgiance.


If I am attacked by anyone and forced into gameplay which was not my choice, I do not care if they were Guild mates (of which I have none). It is not their choice what I do with my paid time; that is mine.


And I do not care if the deaths that may result leave one bathing in Green Gooey riches; that is not my choice to gather any of them.



when there is a quest to kill a certain mob or interact with an object. and someone beats you to it and forces you to wait


do you report them for griefing too, because they have interupted yoru game play and forced you into a situation you didnt want to be in ( waiting around ) its the same situation here... players have impact on other players regardless if you want it or not..


if you dont want it go try a single player game..bioware makes some killer ones.

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when there is a quest to kill a certain mob or interact with an object. and someone beats you to it and forces you to wait


do you report them for griefing too, because they have interupted yoru game play and forced you into a situation you didnt want to be in ( waiting around ) its the same situation here... players have impact on other players regardless if you want it or not..


if you dont want it go try a single player game..bioware makes some killer ones.


He'll argue that he accepts that as part of playing the MMO, which is counter to his main argument anyway, or so he has done for the past three days.

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there is little wonder why you are not in a guild..




have you even bothered to ask those people sitting around for their vaccines.. i know i for one have given them away to people who have asked for them..what do i need them for? nothing..


and I think your definitiion of griefing is a bit to...personally biased.. exploding on you does not force any gameplay on you at all. except sitting around and eventually exploding.it is no different than playing the game and eventually dying except that you do not suffer any penalty.


I think its time for you to take a step back and see that you are really just alittle to upset about an issue not worth being so upset about.


As I went right to the vendor, I believe the others were either looking at cargo or something else; not meds.


Exploding on me forced me to choose to remain ill - was not there before, so someone gave it to me w/o permission -or take the serum. At the time, and still today; cannot believe Death is an acceptable option.


I am upset that Griefing is being overlooked as there seems to be little reprocussion. Then what of the next time? I am unwilling to wait and see how far the envelope will swell before becoming 'just a part of a MMO''; this game desrves better.

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As I went right to the vendor, I believe the others were either looking at cargo or something else; not meds.


Exploding on me forced me to choose to remain ill - was not there before, so someone gave it to me w/o permission -or take the serum. At the time, and still today; cannot believe Death is an acceptable option.


I am upset that Griefing is being overlooked as there seems to be little reprocussion. Then what of the next time? I am unwilling to wait and see how far the envelope will swell before becoming 'just a part of a MMO''; this game desrves better.


the problem is..only I can not stress this enough ONLY you think this is griefing... which is why I can easily overlook it as not a problem.


you are just upset that someone got you sick. you over reacted before you realized it wasnt a big deal you posted here on the net, freaking out and now it is to late for you to say.. ya know what..it isnt that big of a deal sorry guys.

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As I went right to the vendor, I believe the others were either looking at cargo or something else; not meds.


Exploding on me forced me to choose to remain ill - was not there before, so someone gave it to me w/o permission -or take the serum. At the time, and still today; cannot believe Death is an acceptable option.


I am upset that Griefing is being overlooked as there seems to be little reprocussion. Then what of the next time? I am unwilling to wait and see how far the envelope will swell before becoming 'just a part of a MMO''; this game desrves better.


Death is acceptable because to be perfectly frank, you aren't dead. You're defeated, just not dead, if you want to be specific.

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I think that other players should automatically be reported as "griefers" in every single MMORPG. As soon as you're not alone, they are going to affect you. Just when they stand there, doing nothing, they are actually slowing down your graphic performance slightly, and therefore negatively affecting your game experience. This is "griefing" and should be harshly punished.
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He'll argue that he accepts that as part of playing the MMO, which is counter to his main argument anyway, or so he has done for the past three days.


You really should not be giving others so much false info; very misleading, and creates more false assumptions.


I do not recall having said that I was forced into PvP, as I never retaliated in any form; no 'v'. They chose to infect me and drag me into the whole Plague thing w/o an invitation. They chose to use a mechanic of PvP; not me.


And Griefing is unacceptable in any game, but esp the one I choose to pay to play; MMO or not.


But then, spreading illness to others is considered fun to some; should have expected something sim to appear on the Forums, too.

Edited by Elhanan
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Then you deserve what you get.


Deserve what? To not play as much and when I do avoid going to the Fleet? If the next event is designed this poorly, the one in the end who will suffer is not going to be me. If you can understand what that means. :cool:

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They chose to use a mechanic of PvP; not me.

And Griefing is unacceptable in any game, but esp the one I choose to pay to play; MMO or not.


Bioware chose how it's spread, and the fact that it's temporary (with no-to-very minor consequences). You're issue is with the event as a whole, not how people are participating.

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Deserve what? To not play as much and when I do avoid going to the Fleet? If the next event is designed this poorly, the one in the end who will suffer is not going to be me. If you can understand what that means. :cool:




nope.. your vague threats are just that..vague and really they dont have a very good explanation...


whos going to suffer...how? what are you going to do to them?


make them cry? hurt them? take your ball and go home?


clarification is needed here.....

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nope.. your vague threats are just that..vague and really they dont have a very good explanation...


whos going to suffer...how? what are you going to do to them?


make them cry? hurt them? take your ball and go home?


clarification is needed here.....


Mass exodus of offended and griefed players, apparently. ;)

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so I'll go so far as say 60..close down the game 60 people are gonna leave!!! gasp lol


Well, someone'll come along and (rightfully) point out that not everyone posts on the boards...so there needs to be an adjustment there as well. So, a multiplier of 10 or even 100 still isn't a huge number when contrasted via the lowball sub. estimate.


IOW, yes...it has upset some folks and that's a shame, I'm sure that wasn't BW's intention at all. BUT I don't think aside from considering an opt-out whatever-thingie/quest/etc. much needs to be changed. Oh and the PvP exploit...but that's something that is also an issue outside this contretemps.

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Well, someone'll come along and (rightfully) point out that not everyone posts on the boards...so there needs to be an adjustment there as well. So, a multiplier of 10 or even 100 still isn't a huge number when contrasted via the lowball sub. estimate.


IOW, yes...it has upset some folks and that's a shame, I'm sure that wasn't BW's intention at all. BUT I don't think aside from considering an opt-out whatever-thingie/quest/etc. much needs to be changed. Oh and the PvP exploit...but that's something that is also an issue outside this contretemps.


oh i agree..but really some people are taking it far to....well far

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Calling for the end of the event is too extreme, but I think there were ways to improve it for Bioware to consider next time.


I actually wouldn't have minded working on the quests more (did them once, found the rewards offered 'meh' and haven't bothered since). But I'm on a PvE server, and absolutely want control over whether or not I'm PvP flagged. I'm cool with knowing I have to flag if I want to take on the infected world boss, because then it's my choice - do it, or don't get the entry. But when a flagged infected person can flag me while I'm in the middle of fighting a quest mob for the event (so just moving away isn't really an option), and then his pals gank me... that's not so much fun.


It would also have been better to limit infected people from going to the starter worlds, because those characters don't necessarily have the ready access to 2K creds or the dailies - not every lowbie is an alt.


The other improvement I'd have liked to see is the vaccine persisting through death; while I don't PvP and can avoid dying pretty well in PvE, an active PvPer might go through a fair number of vaccines (and a non-voluntarily-flagged character would go through a few more than they should have had to as well). A lower cost would have been a bonus, but if non-Fleet level toons are safe on starter worlds I think that avoids most of the ones who couldn't get 2K creds together.

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As I went right to the vendor, I believe the others were either looking at cargo or something else; not meds.


Exploding on me forced me to choose to remain ill - was not there before, so someone gave it to me w/o permission -or take the serum. At the time, and still today; cannot believe Death is an acceptable option.


I am upset that Griefing is being overlooked as there seems to be little reprocussion. Then what of the next time? I am unwilling to wait and see how far the envelope will swell before becoming 'just a part of a MMO''; this game desrves better.


So you just chose to ignore everything I mentioned previously?


You have failed to demonstrate that there are any "safe" areas in the game... you've failed to demonstrate that this is a violation of PvE rules, or that PvE rules even exist. You've failed to show how this can be griefing based on the accepted definition of the term, and the given Terms of Conduct as laid out by Bioware. So in other words, you're a troll.... just complaining for the sake of complaining.

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So you just chose to ignore everything I mentioned previously?


You have failed to demonstrate that there are any "safe" areas in the game... you've failed to demonstrate that this is a violation of PvE rules, or that PvE rules even exist. You've failed to show how this can be griefing based on the accepted definition of the term, and the given Terms of Conduct as laid out by Bioware. So in other words, you're a troll.... just complaining for the sake of complaining.


This may be found in the Support Section within the In Game Harassment file:


Zone Disruption


This refers to disrupting locations within the game so that it inhibits the play of or provides a level of disruption to other players. This can include excessive disruption of player sponsored events or gatherings, excessive use of sounds or visuals, blocking areas of the game, pulling creatures over and over so no one else may kill them, and killing specific vendors, key creatures or quest givers for no reason other than to cause disruption or ‘grief’ to others.


And you are correct; I am Ignoring you.

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