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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You want cross server LFG tool?


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The folks here saying NO are probably in healthy sized guilds that constantly run stuff. If you choose to not be in a guild or you have a small guild, you are forced to stand around spamming chat. I don't understand why people say no to this when you don't have to use it if you don't want to.


How can more options be a bad thing???


I have the option to jump of a bridge, that does not make it a good option.


As others have said, it can reduce the community feeling of the game. I'm not saying it's the sole destroyer of server community. but it certainly does not help it. And as you can see, most people do want some kind of LFG tool, just not x-server.

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you say faster grouping. its not faster if the group disbands after 5 mins because some1 dies. and you have to look for a new group


The same thing can happen from a group created from random general chat warm bodies.


At least with a LFG tool, you could be returned to your previous location and could continue whatever it was that you were doing.


... because we all find it fun traveling to an instance, having it break early and being returned to the start. /sarcasm

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Yes. I want to be able to do the flashpoints. My server at the moment is standard pop, but I still have a hard time finding people to do the flashpoints with. I would even take a global server wide LFG messaging tool. I HATE having to go to the fleet, only to find it empty. If we could at least post a LFG over all planets then that would be a great start.


I know a lot of players say the LFG group will ruin the flashpoint experience. At least with it we would get to do them. I dont like out leveling flaspoints simply because nobody does them. I want to see content, and get social points. The gear drops are just a bonus for me.

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Yes to LFG that is cross-server


People keep using the fringe case of the baddie who abuses the system but is still able to get groups thanks to x-server. There is a big assumption being made here that with the current system or a server only tool that this same baddie would be so infamous that everyone using chat/lfg tool knows this person by name and could avoid him.


Could it happen? Sure it could but why do people want a system that is designed to address the uncommon scenarios instead of the very common scenario that it sucks having to stand in fleet and spam for a group. If there was a LFG tool why would you want to limit the pool of players in the queue just so this theoretical bad player doesn't benefit.


What community does the x-server LFG tool destroy? People in general chat calling each other out after someone ninja's an item or fails in a FP? If you are grouping with the same people for FP's over and over that you are actually creating some sort of personal bond with them that is a good sign right there that the pool of players available to group with needs expanding

Edited by Kaltastic
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The same thing can happen from a group created from random general chat warm bodies.


At least with a LFG tool, you could be returned to your previous location and could continue whatever it was that you were doing.


... because we all find it fun traveling to an instance, having it break early and being returned to the start. /sarcasm


not so much. if you do that too many times on your own server in the end you won't be able to get a group. on cross server LFG you can do this to as many groups as you like with no worry's about finding the next group. server transfers will sort out the problem of not fining a group. there is no need for a cross server LFG, it allows bad habbits to become the norm

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I stated before I would be content with an in-server LFG as well. I don't care about my reputation, I won't be the one dropping or kicking/screaming when I don't win a roll. I can always run it again and random rolls are fair so long as their going to use the gear. Not everyone wants a LFG system to be a d**chebage :/
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Yes, definitely. Even if a server is populated, it doesn't mean anyone wants to run the instance you want to run right now. This is especially true for leveling instances. There are problems with it, but people who scream about it "ruining WoW" seem to have forgotten. WoW initially implemented as server only AND IT DID NOT WORK!!! Just not enough people on most servers wanting to do a given instance. You could, sometimes, get groups for end-game level instances, but it was totally useless for the leveling instances.
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Yes but the LFG tool should try to set up groups from the same server when possible. Honestly I think a lot of the concerns about players from other servers being jerks is a bit overblown by a lot of people.


A single-server LFG tool would be useless on my dead server anyway.

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Patience, tolerance, and common courtesy are the first casualties of the x-server group finder. Combine that with the reality that you tend to run the instances until you reach the point that you are absolutely sick of them and you end up in an untenable position as a player: the love/hate relationship with your game.

Edited by Depredator
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You know, it would be nice if you can toggle whether or not you're interested in cross server groups. That way those that only want to play same-server can. Granted, they'll probably wait longer too.


I do kind of see one area where others are coming from. They like things how they are and by adding a LFG tool they will lose out on that many more people they could group with "their way".


I'm still for a LFG tool and providing choice, but you can see how, by adding that feature, they'll have something taken away from them.

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You know, it would be nice if you can toggle whether or not you're interested in cross server groups. That way those that only want to play same-server can. Granted, they'll probably wait longer too.


I do kind of see one area where others are coming from. They like things how they are and by adding a LFG tool they will lose out on that many more people they could group with "their way".


I'm still for a LFG tool and providing choice, but you can see how, by adding that feature, they'll have something taken away from them.

If BW decides to release a x-server tool, the toggle really isn't a bad idea at all. I think I mentioned the same thing in one of my posts a few months ago. Options are good.

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Modern mmos communities like the cake are a lie.


So yes i want cross server lfg. A local lfg will not make anyone anyone more accountable for their actions, people are too busy playing the game to care about some random dispute in general chat about who ninja what in a fp run without having any actual source of factual information regarding the event. I


If you dont like someone kick it from the group , there is no such a thing as a community people dont care about beyond the few nostalgic diehards in the forums.


You dont like cross server lfg? stick to grouping with your guild? why use it ? if you dont need it now you wont need it then. If your guildies and friends jump ship and use it then i guess "community" wasnt nearly as important for them as you thought it was and turns out they were simply doing it cus they had no choice. A force community is not worth preserving.

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not so much. if you do that too many times on your own server in the end you won't be able to get a group. on cross server LFG you can do this to as many groups as you like with no worry's about finding the next group. server transfers will sort out the problem of not fining a group. there is no need for a cross server LFG, it allows bad habbits to become the norm


that would hold true at a pre wow world at this point no one will reach that level on infamy in a server. Unless they actively work at it. No one cares these days about the random dude that ninjed some random item on some random fp. Most people simply move on.

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