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Superman vs Palpatine


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Don't be a fool.

Superman can move and react at lightspeed, contain a black hole with his fist and shrug off being hit multiple times by Captain Marvel's magical lightning. Paplatine would be, at most, a mere annoyance to Superman.


You don't be a fool.


Superman is solar powered and Palpatine has access to space travel. Why would a Sith Lord, who has shown that he is leaps and bounds smarter than pretty much everyone else, who has the ability to dictate where in the universe this fight takes place, ever allow Superman to have access to his powers?


That's without even mentioning the resources available to the Empire. They built TWO moon sized stations capable of destroying entire planets, and that was just the movies. In the EU, there were so many doomsday devices, it would make a Bond villain go "Yeah, that's a bit much." That's the thing. Everyone goes into every "Who would win in a fight between Superman and _______?" arguments thinking that Superman's opponent will fight fair. Why would he? Why would Plapatine actually go out and let himself be dragged into a fistfight with Superman? All he would have to do is task the Imperial Fleet with shooting at Superman while waiting for Supes' power to drain as a result of being away from our yellow sun, then gank him when he's weak enough.

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Well, if that's the case, and The Force CAN be considered magic/sorcery, then Palpatine FRIES Superman in record time.


So, here is where it gets iffy.


If the Force is NOT Magic: Supes wins.

If the Force IS Magic: Pally wins.


Again, Superman can take hits from Captain Marvel's magic lightning and keep on fighting. Superman has defeated several magic users.

What part of lightspeed movement and reactions do you not understand. By the time the thought of attacking with the Force even enters Palpatine's mind, Superman will have been able to fly up to Palpatine and lightly slap him (aka break every bone in his body.) Palpatine, even with magical Force powers, is hopelessly outmatched against a ridiculously powerful opponent like Superman.


There's nothing "iffy" about it. Superman wins.

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That's without even mentioning the resources available to the Empire. They built TWO moon sized stations capable of destroying entire planets, and that was just the movies. In the EU, there were so many doomsday devices, it would make a Bond villain go "Yeah, that's a bit much." That's the thing. Everyone goes into every "Who would win in a fight between Superman and _______?" arguments thinking that Superman's opponent will fight fair.


This is not Palpatine and the entire Galactic Empire vs Superman.

It's only Palpatine vs Superman. As in, what happens if Palpatine and Superman met on a battlefield and fought to the death.


Superman destroys Palpatine.

Edited by billyboyjennings
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This is not Palpatine and the entire Galactic Empire vs Superman.

It's only Palpatine vs Superman. As in, what happens if Palpatine and Superman met on a battlefield and fought to the death.


Superman destroys Palpatine.

only if there is a yellow sun other wise super man aint super any more is he:p

also people forgetting light speed aint crap if u can see the future like all jedi and sith can its what makes them able to deflect blaster bolts and move their lightsabers in combat faster then the normal person its called force perception

pal can fight any time any place super man needs a yellow sun

put the 2 universes togeather and pal has kriptanight or how ever you say it and super man is nothing

just more super man lovers trying to make the force look weak

put facts into play and pal would no super man weakness and crush his backside no problems




superman= ge pal can we fight were there is a yellow sun

pal= why would i do that u will have power there

ill kill u here wile holding this rock that makes u even weaker and force crush u slowly to death

Edited by TheLordMagnus
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Does superman think about his actions before they happen? not usually as he is overconfident about being able to survive any situation. someone who can plan, make preparations, and choose the right moment to attack him will catch him off guard (Batman can kick his butt without the Force and we all know it).


Add in the Force, research, time to plot an evil/darkside scheme, and of course time to gather materials/bait and anyone can beat superman assuming that they are meticulous in their attention to detail.


other possibility bring him to the Dark side and he ceases to be "Superman" the heroic upholder of truth, justice and the american way. This would be the tactic more suited to Sidious. Kill his allies and his closest friends- he will give in to his rage and he will be bound to the darkside forever and never again will there be a Superman....

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Don't be a fool.

Superman can move and react at lightspeed, contain a black hole with his fist and shrug off being hit multiple times by Captain Marvel's magical lightning. Paplatine would be, at most, a mere annoyance to Superman.


hes not being a fool thats his opinion i dont like super man i find him boring >.>.....

Edited by ninjashadowdark
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His opinion is foolish.


Why? No matter how fast something is, if you can see it comming, it is easily avoided. Or do you forget that Palpatine can move faster then the eye can see aswell as seeing the future?


Add in Force Illusions, Sith sorcery, Lightning that can fry a planet, Force Wormholes which he can use to transport superman away if he's losing it (he could also just transport superman into the void of space far from any yellow suns, bye bye super powers :rolleyes:) Aswell as Intelligence, cunning and ruthlessness and Superman would be hard pressed to do much at all tbh.

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Does superman think about his actions before they happen? not usually as he is overconfident about being able to survive any situation. someone who can plan, make preparations, and choose the right moment to attack him will catch him off guard (Batman can kick his butt without the Force and we all know it).


Add in the Force, research, time to plot an evil/darkside scheme, and of course time to gather materials/bait and anyone can beat superman assuming that they are meticulous in their attention to detail.


other possibility bring him to the Dark side and he ceases to be "Superman" the heroic upholder of truth, justice and the american way. This would be the tactic more suited to Sidious. Kill his allies and his closest friends- he will give in to his rage and he will be bound to the darkside forever and never again will there be a Superman....


Hey, no fair! Batman can take ANYONE down! Batman IS the guy that if a Jedi used that line "You will lay down your weapons and surrender", he would reply "You will realize what an idiot you are." The main difference between Batman and the Bounty Hunter is, the Jedi Master would tell Batman "You know, you're right. I'm a complete idiot."

Edited by Captain_Zone
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Does superman think about his actions before they happen? not usually as he is overconfident about being able to survive any situation. someone who can plan, make preparations, and choose the right moment to attack him will catch him off guard (Batman can kick his butt without the Force and we all know it).


Add in the Force, research, time to plot an evil/darkside scheme, and of course time to gather materials/bait and anyone can beat superman assuming that they are meticulous in their attention to detail.


other possibility bring him to the Dark side and he ceases to be "Superman" the heroic upholder of truth, justice and the american way. This would be the tactic more suited to Sidious. Kill his allies and his closest friends- he will give in to his rage and he will be bound to the darkside forever and never again will there be a Superman....


Batman is the biggest case of plot armor in the history of fiction.

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let's see, one more thought- what if green sabers were really kryptonite? superman's speed, strength, and invulnerability disappear in the presence of kryptonite. Admittedly it wouldn't be the first time superman has had to face similar weapons....but it would be the first time he faced a Sith with said weapons.
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Why? No matter how fast something is, if you can see it comming, it is easily avoided. Or do you forget that Palpatine can move faster then the eye can see aswell as seeing the future?


Add in Force Illusions, Sith sorcery, Lightning that can fry a planet, Force Wormholes which he can use to transport superman away if he's losing it (he could also just transport superman into the void of space far from any yellow suns, bye bye super powers :rolleyes:) Aswell as Intelligence, cunning and ruthlessness and Superman would be hard pressed to do much at all tbh.


This. Superman is strong, but not terribly bright. He is easily outsmarted by the craftier Palpatine.


Frankly, Superman is probably weak minded enough to be victimized by the jedi mind trick.


Adding in the powerful force abilities that Palpatine has it becomes a one sided affair in Palpatine's favor. Superman ends up as a pawn of the emperor or as a force lightning racked mess of Kryptonian goo on the floor.

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Just thought I would toss this out there.




I tend to agree with the article to an extent. A Sith Lord's force choke ability or Force Lightning would likely be problematic for Superman and Palpatine would likely use treachery to betray Superman and strike him while he was unaware.


My vote is for Palpatine.


Trying to choke a man who can hold his breath for hours wont work.


also crushing his windpipe would be on par with making a starship flattened to a pancake.


Force lightning against a man who blinks off bullets to the eye ball and can take a nuclear explosion to the chest. probably wont be effective

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Superman... not bright? The guy built a fortress in a polar cap, by himself, and his "closet space" is quasi-dimensional matrix that expands infinitely. Superman IS Smart, just 99% of the people he deals with he can put down by just "Hitting them Hard". And btw, Superman, along with every character with absurd super speed, has Super Though Processes as well. Meaning they think many times faster than a Human ever could.


Besides, Sid seeing the future would only result in him knowing how utterly dead he's going to be in the next1/5th of a Picosecond.

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You're out of your mind. Sid is anywhere near Batman's level in terms of intelligence. There's no comparison between the two.


Not sure if your kidding but you should read up on Sid's intelligence.


In fact, watch Ep. 3. And learn how he managed to convince the entire Senate to hate the Jedi and become the Galactic Emperor.

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That's nothing. Distrust of the Jedi has been a part of the Republic for generations. Because half the time some Force User starts tearing up the Republic, it has either been a Fallen Jedi or some other relation, especially given the Sith were originally Dark Jedi. So it wouldn't be all that hard.


Think of the intelligence necessary to devise the means of which to stop Every Superpowered Being on Earth.

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Not sure if your kidding but you should read up on Sid's intelligence.


In fact, watch Ep. 3. And learn how he managed to convince the entire Senate to hate the Jedi and become the Galactic Emperor.


to be fair I could probalby convince our senate to make me Emperor.


Also look at episode 2. Jar Jar Binks convinced the senate to give Palpentine emergency power to create an army.... speaking of wasn't Padme against that? Why didn't she chew JarJar out when she found out it was his fault.'


besides if Sid was so smart why did he build 2 deathstars with paths directly to the reactor.

Edited by jarjarloves
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This. Superman is strong, but not terribly bright. He is easily outsmarted by the craftier Palpatine.


Frankly, Superman is probably weak minded enough to be victimized by the jedi mind trick.


Adding in the powerful force abilities that Palpatine has it becomes a one sided affair in Palpatine's favor. Superman ends up as a pawn of the emperor or as a force lightning racked mess of Kryptonian goo on the floor.


Wow. Superman. Not bright....

Your ignorance is really showing now.


Superman is a genius. Also, the fact that he is able to comprehend his surroundings and react while moving at near lightspeed shows that he has FAR more brain power than Palpatine ever will.


Superman has shown incredible intelligence and computational abilities; his mind works sharply and with extreme speed relative to earth-humans. His analytical powers are impressive — he is able to use his senses to read information directly from machines (and, with careful usage of his heat vision, he can even reprogram machines). Recently after he regained his powers in the "One Year Later" arc, his brain's intelligence has increased and it operates with much greater speed, procession, and analytical prowess, to the point he can recall things in such detail that he knows the ballistics of every shot by Bloodshot and the vector and mass of each and every one of Riot's bodies[347]. He can see into one of the most advanced Kryptonian Sun Stone Battle Ships and watch energy patterns shift and change, trace command signals at light speed down branching, maze-like pathways whilst, at the same time, finding one small knot of circuitry[348]



You guys really should just skim over this. You obviously don't know much about Superman and what he is capable of. If you did, you would know Palpatine is screwed.

Edited by billyboyjennings
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Wow. Superman. Not bright....

Your ignorance is really showing now.


Superman is a genius. Also, the fact that he is able to comprehend his surroundings and react while moving at near lightspeed shows that he has FAR more brain power than Palpatine ever will.





You guys really should just skim over this. You obviously don't know much about Superman and what he is capable of. If you did, you would know Palpatine is screwed.


Well, since all the Superman fanboys and girls started complaining some years back that Batman made him look like a grade schooler, the writers have been increasing his level of intelligence to where Batman no longer finds it painful to talk to him. :p

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Superman would just need Sidious to jump into an immortal, though destructible body & imprison him in some way, perhaps in the centre of a huge rocky dead planet with no geothermal activity, set on an orbit to avoid any black holes.
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Supes from the animated series is not an "Average" superman, that's a Weaker version of Supes. One who could still throw things into space, zip across a city in seconds, and has fought Doomsday inside of an erupting volcano. Even TAS Superman blitzes Palps into paste.


lol super man cant do half the stuff compare to what goku does >.>.

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