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Marauders your days are numbered and u know it :)


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You people really are dull.


Our class has barely changed since 1.0. It is the expertise changes that are making us OP and not the class itself.



Dps Pyros and tank Sins are on the same level as us if played right. There is no denying this.


While that's not true, Maras/Sents have received buffs, not major ones but they were buffs, most other classes have been nerfed. Do you see what's happened?


Nerfing classes is becoming a repetitive and asinine feature of this game. If I have 15K health and I get critted for 5k thats 33% of my health after just 1 ability. This is leading to a constant, zergfest, fast pace PvP environment that is not much fun and dull to play. As I stated in a different post if we keep the damage as is and let Maras/Sents hit so hard and effectively then we should have much larger health pool. Give me 30K health instead of 15K.

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Even in the hands of bad ones. Maras/Sents that I used to burn down with ease are now very difficult to deal with.


Why Annihilation? That's not the specc people complain about here, you know, 10k Ravage and stuff like that.

Not saying Annihilation ain't strong, lord no lol, but it's not the specc people were facing when everyone suddenly went to forum claiming everyone hits 6k+ with ease now.

On topic, i know my days aren't numbered at all, been playing sent since about a week before the official relase, and i will be playing one after we get nerfed (and we all know that will, happen no matter what people say, wrong or right it doesn't matter -> forum cries -> classes get nerfed).

Buddies of mine went from WoW here so i thought imma check it out, saw there is a Jedi/Sith with 2 swords (playing Fury Warrior in WoW), so i was sold.

I don't care about w/e gibberish people claim here all day, i play the class cause i wan't to and thats it.

Edited by Sireene
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please just stop the nerf threads.

enough is enough.

Mara's and Sents are fine.


L2 BRING A TANK to your Wz already.





While Mara's may kill tanks, tanks take a mara's dps and without thier

dps Mara's die.

Edited by VoidJustice
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People seem to forget we had a few nerfs from stance switching to certain abilities benefiting in certain tree specs, not debating that was not needed but to think we have had no changes made to us is just plain wrong.


I'm actually not suggesting they need nerfing. In fact, I think no class should be nerfed. In skilled hands, any class and virtually all archtypes are potent.

I just mentioned assassins because you know they'd be next.

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I'll admit that Marauders are one of the most challenging classes to play well.


But they are undeniably overpowered when played well -- just heads above every other class. And it's largely due to the ridiculously short cds on their insanely powerful cooldowns.



-- 45s cd: unbreakable stealth & -50% dmg taken

-- 60s cd: -20% dmg taken

-- 90s cd: -50% hp traded for -99% dmg taken

-- 180s cd: +50% defense & -25% dmg taken


this kinda ignores the fact Marauders/Sentinels have no real CC. We do have an AOE mez on 60sec cooldown. I'd actually be OK with that CD increasing.


Playing this archtype from any of the other three is a serious adjustment in play style, especially if you're someone who is warzoning a good bit as you go. Marauders are painfully worthless at low to mid levels. I felt like dead weight in huttball. minimal DPS options, getting knocked around by everyone else's CC and lousy defense.

Then they really ramp up at the upper-middle to end.


Also, what the poster below me said. Medium armor is marginally better then light armor from what I've seen so far. The difference between medium and heavy armor is striking, almost double it seems. Not a complaint - an observation.

Edited by islander
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The clamoring on the forums has already begun. Marauders are in need of a HUGE nerf and you guys that play marauders know this already. Enjoy being FOTM while it lasts cause the nerf bat is coming down hard.


I sure hope not. I am so enjoying facerolling on my Marauder. That class is a blast to play. I mean, it is a DPS class, and my Marauder just dishes out massive DPS. When the opposition focus fires him, he pretty much drops like a rock. Seems to be working as intended.

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While that's not true, Maras/Sents have received buffs, not major ones but they were buffs, most other classes have been nerfed. Do you see what's happened?


Nerfing classes is becoming a repetitive and asinine feature of this game. If I have 15K health and I get critted for 5k thats 33% of my health after just 1 ability. This is leading to a constant, zergfest, fast pace PvP environment that is not much fun and dull to play. As I stated in a different post if we keep the damage as is and let Maras/Sents hit so hard and effectively then we should have much larger health pool. Give me 30K health instead of 15K.


I never said we didn't get any buffs. We did indeed get "buffs" but I would consider them closer to fixes and a direct buff to fix a UP class.


We don't need more HP, expertise needs to be toned down.

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this kinda ignores the fact Marauders/Sentinels have no real CC. We do have an AOE mez on 60sec cooldown. I'd actually be OK with that CD increasing.



An instant AoE mez, most classes get a single target but they have cast times or req talents to make them instant. Force choke +bleeds are very strong with the channel. When the strongest dps class has the second strongest survivability and the same cc potential as everyone else, you don't see a problem with it?

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Remove the idiotic invisibility that should have never been granted to a class like marauder


I dont wanna call for others nerfs or anything like that, but serious invisibility for a class like mara does not make sense at all. its ridiculous.

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Would you recommend we get 2 NON-channeled CCs, with one of them being a 4 second stun CC? I'll take that over my defensive CDs anyday. Then I'll show you what OP is all about.


You guys complain about the defensive CDs but EVERY class has em. You've got Troopers and BHs that have them. You've got Sorcs. that have a bubble.


If you take away the defensive CDs you have to bring something else back in, again are you honestly willing to grant REAL CCs, the ones that we have been beeeeegggging for!?!?!? Do you realize how OP that would be?


QQ. QQ. QQ. No real solutions. Just a bunch of QQ.


lol you want the bubble? Sure we'll trade. You can have our sucky bubble and force speed, and we will take all of your defensive cooldowns in return. We'll also swap armors, you can wear this crappy light armor while we take your medium.


You have to really suck as a mara to whine about sorc. What's the matter, they're whittling down your HP over 18 seconds with the dots? You can't get in for 2 seconds to kill with the root ravage? Any sorc beating a mara is considerably more skilled and deserves the win.


There is absolutely nothing a Sorc can do better than a Mara. If you think sorc is so good just roll one.


I have a Mara that I use now and it just dominates everything. Honestly I can't believe how fast this class shaves off HP and how great the defensive cooldowns are in PVP.

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There is absolutely nothing a Sorc can do better than a Mara. If you think sorc is so good just roll one.


Sorcs have far superior cc when traited for damage and utility in addition being able to trait a 2 second root which does not respect resolve available every 9 seconds; a 50% slow attached to a damaging skill that can be done from 30m which also grants buffs to make other skill casts instant- unless the marauder is rage spec, which most aren't, you have to work around one force leap -- this is where that root and run speed are useful. Most sorcs I see traited for damage are terribad at kiting effectively. Healing sorcs are admittedly at a disadvantage but I've said that since I saw the proposed changes.

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How is it that a class that has remained virtually the same since 1.0, suddenly FOTM? Also, every class gets nerfed and buffed throughout the ever changing MMO. It's not new and only complainers complain. Gamers adapt~


Everybody got nerfed in 1.2 (some a bit, some literally into the ground) except for sentinels/marauders that remain the same. Still need an explanation why they are so OP now?

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There already is a Marauder nerf in place. It's called Guardian. If there's an annoying marauder on the other team, just sick your team's guardian on him, he'll have fun frustrating the marauder with taunting, guard and non-death. Meanwhile he's grinding down the marauder's hp and may even get a kill in before the marauder can run off. This just makes your guardian happier and a happy guardian is the way to winning WZs.
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There already is a Marauder nerf in place. It's called Guardian. If there's an annoying marauder on the other team, just sick your team's guardian on him, he'll have fun frustrating the marauder with taunting, guard and non-death. Meanwhile he's grinding down the marauder's hp and may even get a kill in before the marauder can run off. This just makes your guardian happier and a happy guardian is the way to winning WZs.


Yep... this post is correct. Nerfing Maraders is what good Guardians do everyday, taunt, shield target, MASTERSTRIKE MARAUDER...


Befriend a Guardian and watch how unsquishy you become.

Edited by VoidJustice
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Georg just posted that essentially maras aren't OP.


So all the forum baddies can just chew on that, and QQ about their terrible pvp skills some more.


You mean the same guy that said Sorc was fine before he nerfed it into the ground?


Yeah, I wouldn't take what he says about balance seriously. The guy just makes things up as he goes along and never admits to mistakes. He just figures most of the fanbase is too stupid to ever remember anything and call him out on it. And for the most part he is right, people just remember what he most recently says and discard everything else.

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Sorcs have far superior cc when traited for damage and utility in addition being able to trait a 2 second root which does not respect resolve available every 9 seconds; a 50% slow attached to a damaging skill that can be done from 30m which also grants buffs to make other skill casts instant- unless the marauder is rage spec, which most aren't, you have to work around one force leap -- this is where that root and run speed are useful. Most sorcs I see traited for damage are terribad at kiting effectively. Healing sorcs are admittedly at a disadvantage but I've said that since I saw the proposed changes.


That 2 sec root is Creeping Terrors - 31pt skill in madness tree. Care to elaborate on how sorcs get that root and "superior cc" (which comes from the middle of lightning tree) at the same time? Or are you talking about the mythical 31/31/31 build here?


Besides, root + sprint are not all that useful - let's say mara uses force charge (coupled with 2s root last time I checked). After that root wears off, sorc hits creeping terrors (2s root) and activates sprint. Mara uses force scream (4s stun) and walks right back to the sorc. Next creeping terrors is still on cd for 6-7s, and that sorc is not going to live that long.

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There already is a Marauder nerf in place. It's called Guardian. If there's an annoying marauder on the other team, just sick your team's guardian on him, he'll have fun frustrating the marauder with taunting, guard and non-death. Meanwhile he's grinding down the marauder's hp and may even get a kill in before the marauder can run off. This just makes your guardian happier and a happy guardian is the way to winning WZs.


NO! The secret is out! Honestly, I wish more people knew how to play a tank in a team based WZ.... ;)

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That 2 sec root is Creeping Terrors - 31pt skill in madness tree. Care to elaborate on how sorcs get that root and "superior cc" (which comes from the middle of lightning tree) at the same time? Or are you talking about the mythical 31/31/31 build here?


Besides, root + sprint are not all that useful - let's say mara uses force charge (coupled with 2s root last time I checked). After that root wears off, sorc hits creeping terrors (2s root) and activates sprint. Mara uses force scream (4s stun) and walks right back to the sorc. Next creeping terrors is still on cd for 6-7s, and that sorc is not going to live that long.


Not sure what marauders get force scream as a stun, but I don't.

They do hava an cone mez skill though. It's not something you can DPS through though.

Edited by islander
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Not sure what marauders get force scream as a stun, but I don't.

They do hava an cone mez skill though. It's not something you can DPS through though.


Its the mythical juggernaut / marauder 31/31/31 dual ac build!


madness is exceptionally good at kiting marauders. Actually killing one might take a while.


In fact, all sages can survive decently well against marauders, but it takes a lot of work.

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