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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rakghoul Event Feedback - What was good, What was bad


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Wot i liked:

The voice acting, the animation and supplemental materials, and the stories behind the daily missions help push this away from being simply just an event that uses hacked-in systems to just look like a small treat. Instead, this event seems to be treated like an actual.. event. Alerts on the fleet, the significant changes to civilians on Tatooine as well as the show of force the Containment Troopers are using helps set the mood for it all.



Wot i didunt like:

Supposedly there's a glitch that lets people flag other players with the infection. No big deal to me since I play on a PvP server, but I guess I'd prefer it not to do that. Oh sure, have friendlies infect one another, but to change the flag status is poor form.


I am disappointed that (to my understanding) the title is earned after beating the World Bosses. Being on a PvP server, this is an issue simply because fighting is common and supposedly these respawn timers have gotten to be pretty bad for these targets. There's been more than a few people talking on Tatooine about wanting to go after them, but they're always missing, gone, dead, or interrupted by enemy players. (PvP happens, just sucks that you can't get the title without dealing with these problems.)


Wot id change:

Allow the "World Bosses" to be more reliably available. Protect them from resets on PvE servers, and allow for almost anyone to take a crack at these targets. I'm not asking for this piece to be easy, just doable in PvE and PvP environments.


Allow for some method of tracking the daily quests and their progression. I liked the idea of "learning more" each day of what's going on, but it was pretty frustrating to miss a day because the start of one or two was actually on the other side of Tatooine.

Edited by Freyar
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In general it was a rather good event. A good story with good interaction that got you involved in the story.


But the things I didn't like about the Event was that it was mainly designed for Level 50s, who could do the entire event and reap all the rewards and codex unlocks, but guys like me in the 30 only could do limited ammounts and guys under 30 were out of luck.


Another thing was the way event information was spread and how to participate in the event. The stations had the news information, but wasn't sure at first if I had to access a special shuttle or go to the zone itself (which was the later), and having to find where to go on the planet to initialize the events (which you have to literally stumble on). And for me the only way to get the grasp of the event was through spoiler sites explaning what to do. While the missions 1 though 4 was relatively linked to one another, number 5 really was a "what to do" kind of mission since there was no saying "okay go here after you read the TV screen" or "here is the general location for parts of the ship".


Then there was the PvP factor. While there was a sort of truce going on my PvP server where people left others alone, there were still times people fought over control of the Jawa, which made me wonder why they didn't really put more thought into the PvP aspect where possible griefing would be minimalized. So hopefully these things will be improved in future events.

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Overall, I really, really enjoyed this event.


The Good:

  1. From first discovery on Fleet with the news reports and the warnings, it really felt immersive. Very entertaining.
  2. Having NPC characters wearing the containment gear helped give the feeling that something was going on. Also, things like dead npc surrounded by containment officers, etc were great for mood.
  3. The actual crash site itself was well done. A gouged sand dune, a crater, smashed engines and parts everywhere, scattered Sand Crawlers (which made me laugh). Loved it.
  4. Enjoyed the progressive dailies. It gave a sense of escalation to the disease and had a nice sense of discovery each day. Thumbs up.
  5. The dailies and their missions flowed well. I was able to find them all without resorting to cheat sites.
  6. The disease itself as a mechanic was implemented well. Very little detriments and a nice bonus when one is infected. Also easily remedied for those few who had a problem with it.
  7. Rewards were nice without being too overpowered or too whimpy.
  8. The simple act of it being an Event is awesome. More please.



  1. Need to eliminate involuntary PvP flagging. This is perhaps a continuing overall game issue and not specific to the event itself.
  2. For me, while I liked the progressive dailies, it would have been nice to be able to spend one day getting all the containment gear after I've unlocked all the dailies. Being able to gain only one piece of gear per day felt too restrictive.

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Overall I enjoyed the event. It was entertaining and had me returning daily to see what new thing would pop up next.


The only real issue I have with this event and others that may come in the future is the need to flag pvp in order to complete an aspect of it. By this I am referring to the world boss Urtagh that spawned in Outlaws Den the pvp section of Tatooine. The only way to complete all codex entries and get the title for this event requires that you go into this area for this boss. As someone that dislikes pvp to the extreme and rolled on a pve server to avoid it as much as possible the need to have to do this if I want to get everything I can from the event is not really fair to those of us that wish only to pve.


Honestly I feel there are alternatives that could be considered if there is a desire to include some pvp into an event. Things like pvp specific unlocks that are not required for non-pvpers to have to do in order for them to gain the full benefits from the event while giving bonus items/titles to those that want to pvp.

Edited by Seaker
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Thought the event was OK.


I did not like that the armor was light. Makes it a wast to try and get it on my jug, gurd or bh. It would have been nice if they made it like the regular quest in the game where the gear you get fits your character.

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I loved the event but I hated the fact that you could stand around and collect rewards..I really don't want to see that in the next event. I would also like to see a bit better rewards, I found it odd that the Containment trooper armor wasn't a full set and was light armor. Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Liked: pretty much everything about it. Rewards were good, Vendor was good. Got the Cointainment Officer Title and had to fight off a Reb Ops Group in the Outlaw Den for rights to the Bantha World Boss. (They showed up at the exact same time and it was like 15 on 15 open world PVP.) Effing awesome. Most fun I've had in a while.


Disliked: The progressive armor process is set up wrong. I don't mind it being progressive, making people cme back on another day is fine, but being 6/9 is too short. Why not 6/14 or more? Give people a chance to get at it. Also, when you choose after a while between, say a 4th set of gloves or DNA, you only get 1 extra DNA? Why not 5 or more?


All in all, however, I have loved the event. Much fun.

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TL;DRIt should have been possible to follow the advisory announcements by providing a means to report an infected Player's location an have them quarantined by (level 50, Champion) Containment Officers or to attack/kill them.


I will have my own thought incoming but I saw this and was compelled to comment. I'll start by saying that while I understand the desire behind the comment, I would say that something like this by itself would possibly provide equal fodder for griefing when compared to the mechanics of the event. That said, a more functional type of interaction between those who are infected and those who are not wouldn't have been a terrible idea. It just would be something that needs to be managed well. The suggested preemptive action might sound compelling from an immersion standpoint but it has a large potential for abuse. At a bare minimum, both options (infection or containment) would need to provide equal pathways to rewards.


As for the talks about potential costs to your so called factions, particularly vaccine, I simply don't by it. There's been a lot of complaining about vaccine costs but these fall flat when the cost itself is so low. This talk of "Vaccine tax" is almost laughable. Vaccine is a voluntary expense for which there is literally no appreciable penalty in foregoing. The only potential cost of infection was some minor inconveniencing, after which the player has access to materials which can pay for several inoculations. This is to say nothing of individuals like myself, who distributed vaccine to those who wanted it for no cost.


My full thoughts on the event are pending but I needed to comment on these two points. Because, frankly, I would say they are not fully thought through.

Edited by AlyxDinas
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good story line, other than that I found nothing good about it.


Reward versus time spent to complete 1 daily, Shorten the quest or give more reward

Vendor costs versus the reward givin per quest sucked, It's an event it should be fun not feel like work to get something special

Time the event is live in game to short, 1 week is not in my opinion for the casual/ play when they can players to even think about spending there smples

Dumb asses on the station camping the fleet spawn point and infecting lower lvl players that don't have the credits for the vaccine sucks


Did 2 dailies, done with the event, waste of time in my book but yea the story is a good one they should act\ually maybe put a quest like this in game to stay next time.

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I loved the event and hope to see more world events. I learnt to hate Sandpeople though ^^


As constructive improvements:


Exploding should not trigger PVP. PVP Must remain something that a person decides to do, be that a genuine buff, attacking, healing or rezzing a flagged person, not a random chance that someone tagged for pvp might be near you when you explode.


Gating dailies was fun, especially needing to look for them, however the mechanic of getting the gear is flawed due to insufficient time. Those in Australia have lost many playable peak periods during this event and the last day of it will be another outage during peak period. Maybe consider that the armour should have been a vendor reward if the event can't run for long or is impacted by maintenance.


The vaccines should have persisted through death.


Apart from that: Brilliant, Loved it.

Edited by Bhaers
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The only thing I would change is allow the gated quest to be open on the last day for those people who didn't get a chance. The world boss's were really fun and it gave the lvl 50's something to do other then raid and PvP. It also was a nice start to see some open PvP going on. Since I play on a PvP server clashes from both factions were happening all the time whether it was fighting for the daily quest areas or taking out a ops group in the middle of a world boss fight. The event was fun a great start for more to come.
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I like that we got to see a FP story take place out of a FP, and that we worked together more


I did not like being forced to do the event if some one blows up on you more so seeing how you all most have to be lv 20/30 to do this event!

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Are you sure about that? That would mean that if you missed a few days it would be impossible to get the whole set...I doubt thats true.


It's true... I was there on the first day, but didn't know about the progressive unlocks... I missed a few days, and now can only get 4 pieces. Oh well...

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What I liked

Mission awareness on the station (and quest) - future events could come simply from ones spaceship terminal

both faction shared quest areas

somewhat heightened sense of PvP (from absolute zero anything practically resonates strongly in that regard)


What I didn't


poor infection mechanic

items that don't have good tooltip explanations

where's the vendor to claim the goodness at the end of it all?

Objectves became too blurred with other 'daily' quests which didn't interest me (seemed to blend too much with 'daily')

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Exploding People:


Good: Exploding People is fun.


Exploding on People is fun.


Bad: Standing around for 10 minutes in close proximity to other pvp flagged players waiting and then trying to get one of them to kill you so you can grind out event currency in the quickest possible manner, is not fun.


Event currency didn't need to be tied to blowing up on people, its the slowest and grindest way I can think of to get event currency, and highly frustrating when someone comes in and decides to wreck it for everyone. For instance when a level 50 Bounty Hunter in full Battle Master gear used Death from Above to wipe out an entire ball of people trying to grind event currency just to troll them.


World Bosses: The world bosses were great, the world boss in outlaws den even occasionally lead to same faction vs same faction world pvp on my server and started a few grudges.


Quests: The quests and the rewards were good and kept people coming back once they got started.


Story: The news casts and the warnings in the fleet, and all the new containment officers standing around added a lot to this event. In Most MMOs when an event happens the people running the game just tell you that on this day or during this time period something will happen. In this game everything we the players needed to know about the event was conveyed to us in game and got us hooked. You didn't need an announcement to tell us this was coming. We were simply surprised as soon as we walked logged into the game.


I remember logging into the fleet and almost immediately someone exploded on. My character turned green and starting moving violently and I was thinking, "Wow that was weird." And then I heard the announcement that Tatooine was being quarantined and that the Rakghoul virus was spreading and I knew "I've been infected." :eek:


"I've got to go to Tatooine and get to the bottom of this."


So I tried to leave the station was attacked by containment officers trying to kill me on the fleet on the way to my ship. I got attacked me three more once I got to Tatooine.


Once I got to Tatooine I started asking around to figure out what was going on. It was almost like what you would imagine to happen in a movie when something big just happened. But I was actually doing in game in general chat. Before long I was in part of the Dune Sea I'd never discovered on my map before crawling around crashed space ship with space zombies and members of the opposite faction everywhere!


IMO: This was probably the best in-game event I've ever seen in an MMO before and you guys pulled it off exceedingly well.

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I loved this event for 1 reason, PVP!!!! Had some amazing fights in recent nights just because we were able to piss off some people while they were grinding dailies.


want more events please. ooo some open world pvp might be good too. Possibly, i dunno.....COMBINE THE TWO?!

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The event fits in star wars, doesn't feel out of place and it moves players out of the fleet for the dailies.



If you start late, you can't finish the set. I'm currently in this situation. I was leveling a new character for the first many days, and I didn't see anything on the event anywhere until I got infected on the fleet completely at random. I COULD have gotten the entire set, but i wasn't on tatooine yet, and Now I'm stuck with only being able to complete up to the legs part, which is completely ********, the set is nothing without the chest-piece, that should be the very first thing you get. a partial set without boots, belt and gloves still looks *right*, a partial set missing the chest looks retarded.


I'm holding on to the pieces in the hopes of getting a chance to complete it, but if not I'm going to delete it, a partial set looks stupid.


I really hope they repeat this event, The idea behind it is cool, the implementation and all of the quests(that I have so far received) work well and fit within the game well. But because of the dailies' structure I consider the event as a whole a failure, and I would have even if I, myself, had managed to get my entire set, because I know a number of people other than myself who can't devote that many days in a row to the game and thus would never be able to get it even if they had known about the event ahead of time.

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