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Definitely one BIG problem with the event


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That's just all part of the fun IMO. Stuff like this is what separates multiplayer games from boring single player game where the outcome is always the same


Grieving is not fun, if you consider that fun then you probably consider me nailing you in the crotch full force fun as well.

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What is the difference between having your game time "interrupted" because you get flagged and possibly killed by other players during the event, and you getting killed by the mobs in the event itself?


Those mobs don't sit on your corps, question your manhood and sexuality and are generally a bunch of rude, childish people. As many(not all) PvPers tend to be. (biased view, only talking from my experience)


I play a game to have fun, not to deal with those kind of people. Aside from that, forcing someone to flag him/herself is already a rude and childish thing to do. How is this concept so difficult to understand? Some people don't want to PvP ever. They like interacting with other people and with the environment, they just don't want to fight other players. That's why they choose a PvE server.

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Alright, so there I am out in the dunes, minding my own business on a PvE server. My flag's off - I'm not a big fan of PvP - and I'm waiting for Trapjaw to appear. A bunch of Imperials come out of nowhere. No biggie, they can have him, I'll just let my guys know so they can get the next one. Along comes a flagged for PvP guy. He's feverish. He runs up to me. I ask him to please back away, I don't want him to flag me or something when he explodes. I move away, he follows. I don't have enough time to use a vaccine before he explodes, flagging me for PvP, and the Imperials all start to attack me.


First, the OP is on a PvE server which means he has chosen not to have to deal with PvP idiots. He should not, under any circumstances have to come back with a bigger group to take out griefers unless he is in a world PvP area, which plainly he was not. If he were on a PvP server or in a PvP area I would agree that he needed to grow a thicker skin and learn to deal. However, since he rolled on a PvE server and very clearly chose a server he would not have to deal with PvP on this is a dumb statement.


Second, as can been seen by the text I highlighted from his post above, he did in fact move away and the other player purposefully followed. That is griefing and there is no excuse for it.


Being infected should not force someone's PvP flag on. There should be no way that someone's PvP flag can be forced on by another player, period. On a PvE server PvP is strictly voluntary and there shouldn't be a way to get around that.


PvP does not make a "true" MMO. While it is certainly something that contributes to an MMO, it does not make it. As a matter of fact, MMOs that focus on nothing but PvP fade quickly. There is a reason that every successful MMO has far more PvE servers than PvP ones - PvP servers are "niche" servers to appeal to the relatively small percentage of players that enjoy the more aggessive, dynamic environment that open world PvP provides.


I do feel that modern MMOs have been far too dumbed down - there just isn't the challenge in them that you found in games like the original Everquest or Dark Age of Camelot. I hate the fact that there is no penalty for death at all (sorry but the repair cost is not a true death penalty, just an inconvenience).


I also hate the hard faction lines in modern MMOs. I truly feel that part of the problem people have in modern MMOs with finding groups is the fact that you can only group with half the server to begin with. It's also an extreme impediment to roleplay when you cannot communicate with the other side through tells/whispers because it makes it difficult to cooridinate with the other side to setup events. I cannot tell you how many stories have been written based off of roleplay done all in tells. I am thankful we can at least speak in says in SWTOR but I really wish we could speak in tells and group with opposite faction.

Edited by Miscai
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: Originally Posted by Phydra


Actually, the "good old days" weren't like that at all.


In fact, once upon a time (I was there, so I know) there was actually a code of honor around PvP and it was founded on the notion that non-consensual PvP was just being a *******.




The thing is nowadays these guys have no honor. They don't know the meaning of the word. The only thing they know is how to grief others and nothing more. In many cases the way they act in a game translates to the way they act and are in real life.


You can see who they are by the things they say to anyone who does not agree with getting flagged in a non-pvp server. Talking about you should of moved away like if the person was a mind reader or something. Not only are they honorless but they're shameful and clueless as well.

Edited by RikHar
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To the OP, I recommend you submit a ticket reporting this idiot for griefing you. Hopefully he'll then receive a ban for long enough to cut him out of the rest of the event, and thus won't collect enough silly little tokens to get whatever ludicrously coloured special sabre he decided it was worth griefing you in order to get the points for.


To those who think it's just 'part of the fun'... accept that your game is not necessarily everybody's game, and we're not NPCs in your game.


Personally, I've not yet been pestered by this silly pvp event, though I'm aware of friends who have. A zombie pandemic may amuse some of you... but to others, it's simply dull, and we're rather more interested in pursuing our storylines- the reason we bought the game. Each to their own, of course... but the best way of facilitating *that* is to not try to drag other people into *your* definition of fun.

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A Lord of the Rings Online Dev once when asked about numbers said the number of people who never PvP'd vastly outnumbered players who even just stepped into PvP once. He wasn't even comparing regular PvPers to stickly PvEer's but even those that only went out in it once and the numbers were heavily in favor of PvE only.



You look at numbers on different games, PvE servers to PvP, Success of PvP games to PvE, the same conclusions can be made. More people are interested in the PvE side.


LOTRO has very limited PvP, you can't compare an almost completely PvE game to SWTOR. So I didn't bother reading the rest of your post because you just make stupid arguments.

Edited by JerokTalram
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The only true part of this event that seems to be PvP-ish regardless of server choice is the WB Bantha on Tatooine which is spawned in Outlaws Den which is a free for all so Imp vs Imp vs Reb vs Reb as anyone of any faction not within your group can kill you. Edited by YunVor
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Well, I'm really happy that there was so much discussion on this and to see I'm not the only one who thought that the PvP flagging was a problem with the "infected burst." I knew when I made the thread that it would be too late for Bioware to fix it for the current event, but still - if they can change it for future versions of this event, then I'm happy enough.


Thanks to everyone who agreed with me, and thanks to everyone who presented arguments against it (as I think an argument's always better when seeing both sides of the coin.) I think the problem with the plague causing flagging on other players is because it's counting as a debuff - it appears on the right side of your buff / debuff area. Don't know if this would help them fix the issue or not, but regardless the event was fun other than that.

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I appreciate you highlighting this incident. Something similar happened to me near the shipwreck on Tatooine while I was just trying to do some weekend PvE questing with a friend. It was 45 minutes into the event for me, and I somehow got flagged by a pair of players and ganked. Any interest I had in this crap event evaporated instantly. Problem is, Bioware's lack of any response to this problem is ruining my overall appreciation of them and their game.


There's no excuse for Bioware inflicting this type of thing on its PvE base without a warning. Even if it's a glitch, they needed to put up some sort of warning or acknowledgement. They've done nothing. Even the worst MMO customer service I've dealt with in the past wouldn't let unintentional PvP flagging on a PvE server go by without at least a warning.


I enjoyed this game a lot, but Bioware's irresponsible behavior is not going to get a pass from me.

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LOTRO has very limited PvP, you can't compare an almost completely PvE game to SWTOR. So I didn't bother reading the rest of your post because you just make stupid arguments.


Translation: I don't have a counter argument for the points you made so I'm just going to make a bunch of personal attacks to distract from that fact.

Edited by Deyjarl
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What is the difference between having your game time "interrupted" because you get flagged and possibly killed by other players during the event, and you getting killed by the mobs in the event itself?.


Because no one gets killed by the mobs in the event itself. (Please don't tell me someone got killed by the mobs in the event)

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What is the difference between having your game time "interrupted" because you get flagged and possibly killed by other players during the event, and you getting killed by the mobs in the event itself?


There is a huge difference for me between the experience of being killed by a level appropriate pve character and getting griefed by some gankster who gets to brighten their day by griefing me... It is a hugely different experience.


If I wanted to be fun fodder for pvpers 15 levels above me, I would have rolled on a pvp server.

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I don't get it. You don't lose anything when you die (maybe a few credits)...Why does it matter. Unlike EVE if someone killed you all your stuff you worked for is gone.


So you died...rez and keep playing and stop ************.


It matters because I am on a pve server so I don't have to worry about bully's many levels higher than me killing me when there is no chance of me effectively defending myself.....if I wanted to be a punching bag for grievers and gankers I would play war hammer, or another game designed for pvp.

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That's just all part of the fun IMO. Stuff like this is what separates multiplayer games from boring single player game where the outcome is always the same


Rubbish! Noone should be forced to do anything they do not want to do. Sorry agree 100% with the OP as this allowed people to harass others. It's not right. And there is a lot to be said about this event that was just annoying, but let's just leave it at that.

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Totally. I would turn it off for good. I hate PVP. Mostly the losers that talked smack. In real life that would be cool, due to that person having to back it up. In a game it sucks since you just keep respawning forever. I joined a PVE server thinking it would be PVE, but got accidently flagged pvp due to going to a republic zone, and got killed while fighting a mob.


DEVS: Please, if possible, enable a perma non-pvp ability. You would make a lot of people happy, and the gankers could continue to gank and act like little children to their hearts desire. Win/Win for both-the adults and the kiddies that like to be "tough guys" online.



That was actually something I liked about an old Xbox game me and some buddies used to play. It was called America Army. It was actually designed for the Army as a training aid on group tactics and things of that nature and actual game designers after the fact realized there may be an actual market out there so they put it out for the PC and Xbox. Anyways the matches were a 4 on 4 based match some with objectives others just kill the opposing team. But if you were killed or killed yourself (go ahead misplace that frag grenade and see what happens) you were out the rest of that match until the start of the next match, you were not even able to talk to your team mates in voice chat anymore. You were brought into a secondary voice chat area. Hardly the consequences rendered in real life but a nice touch for a video game no less. It encouraged communication and teamwork, otherwise you might easily find yourself on the losing end of a 4 on 1 scenario.

Edited by Hyfy
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Just popping in with another, probably "meaningless" example of why a lot of folks just don't bother with PvP these days:




Even though we took the time and etc to get the DNA turned in.... we couldnt because on the PvP server,,,, opposing faction camped it..... for 2 hours b4 patch.....


(puts on the "old geezer" voice)


Back in the day, this kind of behavior would have had your own faction showing up to stomp your butt into the ground and protect the opposing faction while they turned in. Why? Well, because this kind of stuff just isn't what PvP is about; this kind of stuff is what being a ******* is about, pure and simple.


(takes off "old geezer voice")


Of course, that's not possible today because most faction-based PvP doesn't allow you to PvP your own faction. Frankly, I wish they did... maybe this kind of behavior would see the good, old fashioned community stomping it deserves.

Edited by Phydra
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Okay, share a link where BW says that blowing up in front of the opposite faction while flagged for PvP is an exploit before that even existed in the game.


Is it an exploit? probably.

Can you avoid being infected and flagged? yes.

Is this a big deal? No.


If you don't want to participate in PvP just vaccinate during the event.


or the nonexistent customer support could just hand the idiots doing the exploiting a nice 3 day(or more) ban. That would go a long way to cleaning this up.

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Alright, so there I am out in the dunes, minding my own business on a PvE server. My flag's off - I'm not a big fan of PvP - and I'm waiting for Trapjaw to appear. A bunch of Imperials come out of nowhere. No biggie, they can have him, I'll just let my guys know so they can get the next one. Along comes a flagged for PvP guy. He's feverish. He runs up to me. I ask him to please back away, I don't want him to flag me or something when he explodes. I move away, he follows. I don't have enough time to use a vaccine before he explodes, flagging me for PvP, and the Imperials all start to attack me.


I don't retaliate, and just say "Stop."



Please, if you're going to have an event like this again, keep one thing I've said before in mind: If someone explodes from the plague and I get infected, ok - I caught their virus. What I should NOT catch, however, is their lust for PvP. I lost about ten minutes' worth of time waiting for my flag to go off - while dead - that I could have been participating in the event. And the respawn spot it throws you out at? Maybe ten feet away from where Trapjaw spawns, so I'd be killed immediately without any sort of time to get away from there.


I like everything in the event, except this one aspect . Exploding on a non-flagged player should not flag them for PvP - vaccine or not.


Thanks, and sorry for the rant.


if you verbally requested that he stop, and he ignores you and continues, then you can report him for grieving. even on a pvp server

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Who cares, it's not like you actually loose anything when you die (you don't even take item damage) and you can just revive yourself on the spot...


... Except about five to ten minutes' worth of time, during which these people show just how "mature" they are by doing custom emotes involving your anatomical parts and their orifices. And you can't revive at the outpost, since there's no NPC guards there and someone can speeder there in about four seconds. Also, I made my character on a PvE server to avoid open-word, no-holds-barred PvP. If I want PvP, I'll queue up for a warzone, or go to Outlaw's Den, or turn on my PvP flag, or request a duel with someone.


So, who cares? The people who are on a PvE server to play PvE and not PvP, that's who cares.

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if you verbally requested that he stop, and he ignores you and continues, then you can report him for grieving. even on a pvp server




You really can't.


I doubt it's the case on a PVE server and I'm certain it's not the case on a PVP server.

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I came back online a few hours before the event was to end and servers were coming down. I had a ton of dna to hand in so i could barter for more companion boxes and expand my already very impressive collection of Corso Riggs companion customizations (over 10, 1 mako I could use and 2 of some other republic companion).


I thought I was fine with my vaccine, and my fellow empire players seemed to be popping to flag the Republic players. I watched for about 5 minutes and was about to leave when the other side decided to do the same. Explodo! and i'm now flagged.


I never pvp. Never interested me. But i'll be buggered if I let them get away with that sort of thing. So I proceeded to kill and get killed over and over till the server down message came up....and it was quite fun.


I certainly do not condone that behaviour, it is griefing, but the one thing I did get out of it; I quite enjoyed pvp. I even bought a starter suit to try it out.

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