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remove medal system


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the medal system needs to be removed until a system that rewards players for trying to win can be implemented, the new medal system still rewards glory hunters trying to get the kill count up and AFK'ers more than people who actively try to win


Its now so easy to get medals, and they've changed it to one medal for a reward(probably to cater for the glory hunters and AFK'ers) the changes in 1.2 have made no real difference, only difference being you now have more medals for not doing much.


I really can't understand how the most useless player gets top of the board? i've tested it, i got to the top of the board by ignoring all the mission objectives and kill everything I see, people who tried to win who much lower down the board, this is beyond wrong.


the easiest way to fix this broken system is to reward the loosing team with nothing, failure should never be rewarded, this would obviously cause a massive outcry from the vocal minority who simply don't have the skill for PVP but it would give far more incentive to try and win and play the matches properly.

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4 players stand at 1 turret in Alderan Civil war the entire match while their other 2-3 team-mates (due to not fully populated WZ) throw them selves repeatedly at a guarded turret trying for an objective.


Match ends in a lose. The 4 players who stood still and defended a turret have 12000 objective points rackign in basically AFK medals, the players trying to take an objective to actually win the game but are under manned thus have a hard time achieving any medals struggle to get any medals and objective points.


Seen it happen, like last night for instance (but I was on the winning side) We had 6 players, repub had 6 but they instantly assumed they were outnumbered and 4 of their team sat at one turret the entire match while 2 poor saps tried to assault ours....if I could vote MVP for the other side, the guys who actually tried to take an objective from us, no matter how futile the effort was going to be, would have got mine.)


Not saying objective points and medals are the problem but they are not the whole story....

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4 players stand at 1 turret in Alderan Civil war the entire match while their other 2-3 team-mates (due to not fully populated WZ) throw them selves repeatedly at a guarded turret trying for an objective.


Match ends in a lose. The 4 players who stood still and defended a turret have 12000 objective points rackign in basically AFK medals, the players trying to take an objective to actually win the game but are under manned thus have a hard time achieving any medals struggle to get any medals and objective points.


Seen it happen, like last night for instance (but I was on the winning side) We had 6 players, repub had 6 but they instantly assumed they were outnumbered and 4 of their team sat at one turret the entire match while 2 poor saps tried to assault ours....if I could vote MVP for the other side, the guys who actually tried to take an objective from us, no matter how futile the effort was going to be, would have got mine.)


Not saying objective points and medals are the problem but they are not the whole story....


this is one of the serious flaws with the current system, I just finished novare coast, we lost. I was AFK the entire time, I got 3 medals, was fourth out of my team. 0 kills, 4 deaths, 0 protection, 0 healing but 7000 objectives points.


so i was handsomely rewarded for being AFK near an objective point, I should of got nothing, i deserve nothing for that performance. why was I rewarded?

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frankly, the old medal system was a better gauge of skill imo.


Normally, the players at the top of the board had the most medals, and the most damage/heals. I never observed a medal farming problem UNTIL 1.2. now idiots just go for defense medals like REAL farmers.

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Medal system is fine. You know why I get the most medals in all my warzones? Because I'm killing everything in site AND going for objectives (aka "trying to win").


A group of ONLY healers can win a WZ match or Draw, kills mean nothing except bring fully healed players back into the fight and in Hutball, closer to where you need to score

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the medal system needs to be removed until a system that rewards players for trying to win can be implemented, the new medal system still rewards glory hunters trying to get the kill count up and AFK'ers more than people who actively try to win


Its now so easy to get medals, and they've changed it to one medal for a reward(probably to cater for the glory hunters and AFK'ers) the changes in 1.2 have made no real difference, only difference being you now have more medals for not doing much.


I really can't understand how the most useless player gets top of the board? i've tested it, i got to the top of the board by ignoring all the mission objectives and kill everything I see, people who tried to win who much lower down the board, this is beyond wrong.


the easiest way to fix this broken system is to reward the loosing team with nothing, failure should never be rewarded, this would obviously cause a massive outcry from the vocal minority who simply don't have the skill for PVP but it would give far more incentive to try and win and play the matches properly.


the system is perfectly fine now they havebuffed the loseing reards a bit after todays patch

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the system is perfectly fine now they havebuffed the loseing reards a bit after todays patch


I think you're missing the point. the loosing team should get nothing.


just won huttball, the guy who kept himself strategically position on the enemys scoreline and scored the most goals was 2nd from last on the board, he rightly got the most MVP points but he got less medals than a guy who was afk whilst he had the ball and spent more time running around our goal line doing nothing.


there are so many levels of wrong in this current setup, PVP isn't a challenge, its a quick 10 minutes AFK break from PVE now.

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Problem with removing or lowering defense medals is people would not defend at all then. I know I wouldn't. I don't AFK, but when my whole team leaves a tower I'm kind of forced to stay and defend it. I actually would rather go on the offense, but everyone leaves. Or if I see a tower undefended on our side. You have to give people a reason to defend or else they won't do it. Not sure how to fix it.
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