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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Penalty for quitters is still not in game


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Yep it's made up. Warzones don't end early right now. They stated it's a bug. Before they decided to yank rated warzones from 1.2 they implemented that, but it was only supposed to impact rated warzones. It made it live even though rated warzones did not. It still hasn't been fixed. Today I fought a 3v8 void star at like 8am. I just quit out when I realized it wasn't going to end.


I can confirn that warzones STILL end early under certain conditions.


Last night, I played a 3 vs 2 huttball on Darth Sion.

The warzone shutdown after 30 seconds, giving me just enough time to grab the ball and win it for our team.

Each of us three got 6 medals, while the other 2 guys got nothing.


I don't know what the cut-off is (maybe 2 players or less on one side?), but the shutdown is still there.

Edited by Totaltrash
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I can confirn that warzones STILL end early under certain conditions.


Last night, I played a 3 vs 2 huttball on Darth Sion.

The warzone shutdown after 30 seconds, giving me just enough time to grab the ball and win it for our team.

Each of us three got 6 medals, while the other 2 guys got nothing.


I don't know what the cut-off is (maybe 2 players or less on one side?), but the shutdown is still there.


Yes, the shutdown is 2 people. I was on a 4vs7 team were finally 2 people got sick of getting stomped and left and it did not end until it was 2vs7. That really needs to be changed to start the countdown if there is a greater gap than 1 player.

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Yes, the shutdown is 2 people. I was on a 4vs7 team were finally 2 people got sick of getting stomped and left and it did not end until it was 2vs7. That really needs to be changed to start the countdown if there is a greater gap than 1 player.


lol really? It shuts down if a team drops to 2 players but won't if it's 3v8? That's just ridiculous.


Edit: As an aside, my apologies then about the shutdown as apparently it is in game, just completely retarded.

Edited by Niil
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They already plan to do that. It's called Rated Warzones.


My understanding is rated WZs is all there is going to be, no choice. You play the teams or players your most matched with. No choice, that's it. The problem is some servers are so unbalanced right now the high levels would be playing same faction for month's.

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Well, we already have information on our characters, like how many we have killed, how many votes we have got and so on.. wouldnt be hard to add, how many wz we have been in. Like participated / finished wz. Later add some bonus if you can take the beating too. Give us a grand title for not abandoning the team in fire :)


think the problem is that you cant teach the coward how to have a spine. but invent a game mechanics thats keepping these paying customers also interested of the game ;) im sure we loyal to our team-guys dont want to play in a empty servers, yes?


Maybe asking a full pub team of randoms to stand against premade team of chosen classes and practised routine is too much? Somehow now i was thinking this movie where mel gibson asks hes levy soldiers to take two hits from the red coats.. anyhow. its easy to despair when huttball game is over before it started because you got the feeling everybody is just flying over you. :rolleyes:

Personally, i would be happy to skip all hutball games, i cant fly, i cant pull, i can only stand in middle and try to help all those flying guys get the ball or hope some sorceres sees my plight and pulls me to the goal lines :D

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After reading all these i play for fun things, i would really want to see this quitting ratio on players im starting the wz with. Even better i want it to be in a search engine for a wz match. "join with people who dont finish the wz box" -uncheck. i dont mind waiting 2 minutes more for the motivated team to show up.


This way i would get my fun too, you can see surely? im pretty much sure people who dont finish the wz, would eventually end up waiting in q very long time :mad:

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Or, you know, you could just play rated warzones when they come out instead of pretending that you're going to quit if you don't get your way.


To start with I DID end my subscription and If you want to think thats a lie...thats your right so...go ahead

rated WZ's are NOT IN GAME yet.

And even when they get in the game only 1 of my toons are geared so I would do normal WZ's with my other 3 and that means id still be stuck with POS players that quit. I pvp for FUN and I have no problem loosing a match BUT when the game is 8vs4 or something and Im just getting farmed....sorry thats NOT fun....




for all who dont understand what the penalty dose.


it forces people to learn to play with what they get or simply stop queing. those aditudes are not wanted or needed in a MMO. believe me i am not the only one that would love for all the quitters to just stop playing the game all together.



84 days left unless they FIX pvp

Edited by bigsexee
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This has been an issue for months.

Every time one of these threads pops up we hear their nonsense about "how bad their teammates are."


I have a new idea. If someone quits a WZ give them all the commendations they want. Give them free War Hero gear. Just get them out of the game. Listening to their complaining about how unfair it is to start 7v8 or how they hate huttball or how they hate gear differences or how they hate premades, or unfair classes is nauseating. Do they not realize there are a million people who deal with this too and its not that bad. Listening to them say they are entitled to ruin matches for their teammates because they shouldn't be "forced to do something they don't want to" makes no sense. They join a team with us, ditch us and say we cant force them to stay? WE DIDN'T FORCE THEM TO JOIN.


The quitters have thousands of excuses. In the end, they ruin it for others. Yes, often when these people leave their replacements are huge improvements and you can have an incredible comeback but often the time playing shorthanded is too much to overcome. The quitters are clinically delusional, they never lose because they quit every 1-0 game so they think they are good. Meanwhile they are generally the worst players serverwide.


So give them full war hero sets just get rid of them. Maybe if they are full war hero they will play less. This will make everyone happy. The quitters can have WH gear and continue thinking they are good, the real players don't get stuck playing short, aand Bioware gets to keep the subscription. Win, Win, Win.


Deserter debuffs will not be in the game until a system is in place where a PUG will not have to worry about queuing up against a premade that Rickrolls them. Rated warzones will help to filter out some of the higher geared premades.


Don't blame a player for leaving a warzone because they have a 99.9% chance of losing.

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To start with I DID end my subscription and If you want to think thats a lie...thats your right so...go ahead

rated WZ's are NOT IN GAME yet.

And even when they get in the game only 1 of my toons are geared so I would do normal WZ's with my other 3 and that means id still be stuck with POS players that quit. I pvp for FUN and I have no problem loosing a match BUT when the game is 8vs4 or something and Im just getting farmed....sorry thats NOT fun....


And that right there is why many people opt to leave a warzone.

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So you protect your game time by ruining other peopl3s game time? Awesome, sounds like a psychologically stable person to me.


I did queue up because I wanted to play how I wanted to play. Sometimes I can't always get a pre-made as my guildies get home later than me.


You're right, 50% of the matches probably lose, so if I want to do my daily, that's 6 matches by that logic, if I play them ALL it's an hour and a half of straight time, not including queue up time, if I pick and choose I can get it done in probably 50 minutes. I save myself forty minutes to do other stuff, do you understand?


Point is people quitting, doesn't hurt you at all, at worst you lose, well you were going to lose anyway, at best you quit yourself and save time. What's amazing is you're trying to control other peoples play time and play styles.


You do understand that if BW sets up a 2 hour penalty rule, all that's going to do is make queues that much longer because people will still quit, and then just do PVE dailies and queue back up. So there, you're hurting yourself. If you create an insane penalty, all that's going to do is stop people from joining at all. You are effectively cutting off your nose to spite your face, but you don't understand it.


I will never carry you, and you shouldn't expect people too. Worry about your own play time and stop trying to micro manage mine to improve yours.


But you would gladly ruin other peoples game time by leaving a match? Pot Kettle black.


So your way of playing is more important than my way of playing? I want to be able to que up in a random match and Play a full match without others leaving but apparently that's not a valid way to play.


Stop Trying to Justify your rude behaviour and make it seem like the right thing to do by running away from tough matches.


This is supposed to be a war and they have a word for soldiers who leave battle....Deserters if you go desert or go AWOL you should get a "mark" that designates that.

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It's funny how the people that want a penalty always say they will stick it out no matter what. So stick it out and quit whining! I have played at least 400 WZs and have only quit 1 time. It was a Voidstar warzone, us PUGs were up against 2 premades. We were attackers, the game had only gone on for about a minute. But everyone on my team had died at least once, and the other side was camped outside the respawn and farming. I jumped off the mezanine 2 more times just to be ganked by 6 on 1. I hit the exit WZ button and looked up, there was only 2 of us left. I didn't queue up for another hour. Let the quitters leave, it used to make me mad too. But getting farmed is not what I pay for. And QQing isn't what a die hard does. Man up, shut up and play on! Edited by hankart
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i really dont know what to say to a person like you.....

one of the most selfish,ignorant ppl i EVER saw in my life.....your posts makes you look like that ,sorry..

you talk about carrying others?Man you must be a pvp GOD to be able to carry 7 other ppl in a WZ.. rofl i bet that you suck at pvp and have delusions of greatness....

ahahah.... /sigh

you dont want to run with random pugs in pvp,only queue with guildies...if they only go online after you,wait for them....

really a Deserter debuff should had been in game from start....half our team leaving after 1-0in hutball or 2-1 turrets in alderaan is retarded....

Other games have it for a reason......a good reason...to stop ppl like you from ruining the game from others....

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do you really think having a deserter debuff is really going to hurt? ive quit wzs maybe a handfull of times. all legit reasons (gf was on the phone, gf was getting mad i was playing and not spending time with her, someone important calls). sometimes these things are bound to happen. if i have to leave a wz bc i have an important call should i be penailized? i dont think so...


what should be done is if you leave back to back wzs withing a certain amount of time (depending on que if they bring xserver) then u get a debuff.


penalize the ones who are doing it on purpose....not the ones who have things that might not let them finish

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do you really think having a deserter debuff is really going to hurt? ive quit wzs maybe a handfull of times. all legit reasons (gf was on the phone, gf was getting mad i was playing and not spending time with her, someone important calls). sometimes these things are bound to happen. if i have to leave a wz bc i have an important call should i be penailized? i dont think so...


what should be done is if you leave back to back wzs withing a certain amount of time (depending on que if they bring xserver) then u get a debuff.


penalize the ones who are doing it on purpose....not the ones who have things that might not let them finish


mate ,leaving a game for IRL situations is perfectly legit...

leaving a warzone as soon as the other team scores 1-0 in Huttball or caps a turret in Civil war is not....


and there is no way to split the ones that had legit reasons to leave the match from the others that are *****s with God complex that think they are too good to loose a match or too good to try to recover from a disavantage...and they dont care that they are screwing others that ALSO PAY to play....they are just that "good" in a sense that they DONT have the skills to turn a match around...


Most of the quiters are (atleast in my server) the most obnoxious ppl that you can find, and (again in my server) some of the worst pvp players i ever seen,they just think they are good because they got to battlemasters /warhero/conqueror spamming one button in Ilum....

seeing a warhero that just stands there and dont cc,interrupt,cap, or play with the team is just sad....

YAY Ilum heroes..


if you leave a warzone for any of the reasons you stated, a 15m debuff wont hurt you cause you will probably still be doing IRL stuff.....

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if you leave a warzone for any of the reasons you stated, a 15m debuff wont hurt you cause you will probably still be doing IRL stuff.....


Pretty much exactly this. Not sure what the big deal is if you actually need to do stuff outside of the game. Even if you don't take the whole 15 minutes, it won't be happening all that often, so the 5 minutes or so you have to wait whenever there is some kind of actual emergency shouldn't be too hard on you.


If the debuff would effect you negatively, that means you are ALREADY abusing the ability to quit matches more than necessary, and I don't really feel sorry for you.

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